frames- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Knowing a tasty -- and free -- meal when they eat one *T*-1] , [ARG0 the executives] [rel gave] [ARG2 the chefs] [ARG1 a standing ovation] .
- [ARG0 Plans] that *T*-13 [rel give] [ARG2 advertisers] [ARG1 discounts for * maintaining or increasing ad spending] have become permanent fixtures at the news weeklies and underscore the fierce competition between Newsweek , Time Warner Inc. 's Time magazine , and Mortimer B. Zuckerman 's U.S. News & World Report .
- [ARG0 That stake , together with its convertible preferred stock holdings ,] [rel gives] [ARG2 Faulding] [ARG1 the right * to increase its interest to 70 % of Moleculon 's voting stock] .
- [ARG0 The company] is operating under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code , * [rel giving] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 court protection from creditors ' lawsuits] [ARGM-TMP while it attempts *-1 to work out a plan * to pay its debts] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Robert Whiting 's `` You Gotta Have Wa '' -LRB- Macmillan , 339 pages , $ 17.95 *U* -RRB-] , [ARG0 the Beatles] [rel give] [ARG1 way] to [ARG2-to baseball , in the Nipponese version 0 we would be hard put *-2 to call *T*-1 a `` game] . ''
- Then , just as [ARG2 the Tramp] is [rel given] *-72 [ARG1 a blind girl 0 * to cure *T*-2] [ARGM-LOC in `` City Lights] , '' the Artist is put *-73 in charge of *-73 returning a two-year-old waif -LRB- Nicole Alysia -RRB- , whose father *T*-1 has been murdered *-74 by thugs , to her mother .
- [ARG0 She] [rel gives] [ARG2 the Artist] [ARG1 a sense of purpose] , but also alerts him to the serious inadequacy of his vagrant life .
- Then , just as an image of the statue of Thomas Jefferson dissolves from the screen , the announcer continues : `` On the issue of abortion , [ARG0 Marshall Coleman] wants *-1 to take away your right * to choose and *-1 [rel give] [ARG1 it] to [ARG2-to the politicians] . ''
- *-2 Confronted *-1 , Mrs. Yeargin admitted 0 [ARG0 she] had [rel given] [ARG1 the questions and answers] [ARGM-TMP two days before the examination] to [ARG2-to two low-ability geography classes] .
- [ARG0 The show] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 the particulars of Mrs. Yeargin 's offense] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying only that she helped students do better on the test] .
- While [ARG0 *-1] [rel giving] [ARG1 the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills] to [ARG2-to ninth graders] [ARGM-LOC at Greenville High School] [ARGM-TMP last March 16] , she spotted a student looking at crib sheets .
- When test booklets were passed *-1 out 48 hours ahead of time *T*-2 , she says 0 [ARG0 she] copied questions in the social studies section and [rel gave] [ARG1 the answers] to [ARG2-to students] .
- They found students in an advanced class a year earlier who *T*-95 said 0 [ARG0 she] [rel gave] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 similar help] , although because the case was n't tried in court , this evidence was never presented *-1 publicly .
- These days , students can often find the answer in [ARG1 test-coaching workbooks and worksheets] 0 [ARG0 their teachers] [rel give] [ARG2 them] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in the weeks prior to * taking standardized achievement tests] .
- `` It 's as if [ARG0 France] decided *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 only French history questions] to [ARG2-to students in a European history class] , and when everybody aces the test *T*-3 , they say 0 their kids are good in European history , '' says *T*-2 John Cannell , an Albuquerque , N.M. , psychiatrist and founder of an educational research organization , Friends for Education , which *T*-105 has studied standardized testing .
- [ARG1 Standardized achievement tests] are [rel given] *-1 [ARGM-TMP about 10 million times a year] [ARGM-LOC across the country] to [ARG2-to students generally from kindergarten through eighth grade] .
- Ed Macheski , a Wilton , Conn. , money manager who *T*-120 follows bank stocks , said 0 [ARG0 the announcement] [ARGM-ADV effectively] [rel gives] [ARG2 the deal] `` [ARG1 the green light] . ''
- The reason : the refusal *ICH*-1 of [ARG0 Congress] * to [rel give] [ARG2 federal judges] [ARG1 a raise] .
- Meanwhile , stations are fuming because , many of them say 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 the show 's distributor , Viacom Inc. ,] is [rel giving] [ARG1 an ultimatum : * Either sign new long-term commitments * to buy future episodes or risk *-2 losing `` Cosby '' to a competitor] .
- *-2 Founded *-1 by Brooklyn , N.Y. , publishing entrepreneur Patricia Poore , [ARG0 Garbage] made its debut this fall with the promise * to [rel give] [ARG2 consumers] [ARG1 the straight scoop on the U.S. waste crisis] .
- [ARG0 That $ 130 million *U*] , Mr. Sherwood said 0 *T*-1 , `` [rel gives] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 some flexibility] [ARGM-CAU in case Temple raises its bid] .
- Heightened Japanese interest in American small business parallels an acceleration of [ARG0 investments] [rel giving] [ARG2 Japanese companies] [ARG1 control of large , highly visible U.S. corporations , such as Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc] .
- [ARG0 The deal] is chiefly designed *-1 *-3 to [rel give] [ARG2 Mitsubishi] [ARG1 a window on the U.S. glass industry] , says *T*-2 Ichiro Wakui , an executive in Mitsubishi 's general merchandise department in New York .
- [ARG0 The deal] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel gave] [ARG2 Mitsui] [ARG1 access to a high-tech medical product] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-4 A high-balance customer that banks pine for *T*-1] , [ARG0 she] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 much thought] to [ARG2-to the rates 0 she was receiving *T*-2] , nor to the fees 0 she was paying *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-ADV *-4 A high-balance customer that banks pine for *T*-1] , [ARG0 she] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 much thought] to the rates 0 she was receiving *T*-2 , nor to [ARG2-to the fees 0 she was paying *T*-3] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel give] [ARG2 your Foster Savings Institution] [ARG1 the gift of hope and freedom from the federal regulators who *T*-206 want *-1 to close its doors -- for good] .
- [ARG0 A look at a Thursday night practice at St. Mary Abbot church in the Kensington district of London] [rel gives] [ARG1 an idea of the work involved *] .
- `` [ARGM-ADV Invariably] , [ARG0 those strong periods in the economy] [rel give] [ARG1 way] to [ARG2-to recessionary environments] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- [ARG2 Biscayne Securities Corp. , of Lauderhill , Fla. , and a principal of the firm , Alvin Rosenblum of Plantation , Fla. ,] were jointly fined *-1 $ 20,000 *U* and [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 10-day suspensions] [ARGM-CAU for * allegedly selling securities at unfair prices] .
- [ARG2 Triton Securities , of Danville , Calif. , and a principal of the firm , Delwin George Chase , also of Danville ,] were jointly fined *-1 $ 10,000 *U* and [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 30-day suspensions] [ARGM-PNC as part of a settlement] .
- Japan 's Finance Ministry had set up [ARG0 mechanisms] 0 *-1 to limit how far futures prices could fall *T*-2 in a single session and *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 market operators] [ARG1 the authority * to suspend trading in futures at any time] .
- [ARG2 Martin Marietta Corp.] was [rel given] *-166 [ARG1 a $ 29.9 million *U* Air Force contract for low-altitude navigation and targeting equipment] .
- [ARG0 Nekoosa] has [rel given] [ARG2 the offer] [ARG1 a public cold shoulder , a reaction 0 Mr. Hahn has n't faced *T*-2 in his 18 earlier acquisitions , all of which *T*-3 were negotiated *-1 behind the scenes] .
- [ARG2 *-2] [rel Given] *-3 [ARG1 that choice] , associates of Mr. Hahn and industry observers say 0 the former university president -- who *T*-1 has developed a reputation for * not overpaying for anything -- would fold .
- [ARGM-LOC In separate floor action] , [ARG0 the House] waived budget restrictions and [rel gave] [ARG1 quick approval] to [ARG2-to $ 3.18 billion *U* in supplemental appropriations for law enforcement and anti-drug programs in fiscal 1990] .
- [ARG0 A few fast-food outlets] are [rel giving] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a try] .
- Although the legislation would apply to acquisitions involving any major airline , [ARG0 it] is aimed *-25 at * [rel giving] [ARG2 the Transportation Department] [ARG1 the chance * to review in advance transactions financed * by large amounts of debt] .
- [ARG0 The bill] , [ARGM-ADV as it was approved *-26 by the House Public Works and Transportation Committee] , [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Transportation Department] [ARG1 up to 50 days 0 * to review any purchase of 15 % or more of the stock in an airline *T*-1] .
- He predicted that [ARG0 the board] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the current duo] until [ARG1-until early next year] [ARGM-TMP before * naming a new chief executive] .
- Such laws violate [ARG0 the provision] in Article II that *T*-1 requires the president to make recommendations to Congress , but which *T*-41 [rel gives] [ARG2 the president] [ARG1 the discretion 0 * to select the subject matter of those recommendations *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The Constitution] does [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-MNR expressly] [rel give] [ARG2 the president] [ARG1 such power] .
- The prevailing interpretation of the clause on Capitol Hill is that [ARG0 it] [rel gives] [ARG2 Congress] [ARG1 an omnipresent veto over every conceivable action of the president] [ARGM-MNR through the ability * to withhold funding] .
- [ARG0 The companies] are [rel giving] [ARG1 four-day vacations for two] to [ARG2-to Buick buyers who *T*-51 charge all or part of their down payments on the American Express green card] .
- Program trading money managers have gained control over a big chunk of the invested funds in this country , and the pressures *ICH*-2 on such money managers * to produce consistent profits has wedded them to [ARG1 the ability * to move rapidly in and out the market] that [ARG0 program trading] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Corporations and museums] are among the serious buyers , * [rel giving] [ARG1 greater market stability] , says 0 *T*-1 Robert Persky of the Photograph Collector .
- A. Donald Anderson , a 59-year-old Los Angeles investor who *T*-1 says 0 [ARG0 the stock market 's `` fluctuations and gyrations] [rel give] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 the heebie-jeebies] , '' does n't see much point in * outlawing program trading .
- He adds that his shares in a company savings plan are invested *-1 in a mutual fund , and volatility , on a [rel given] [ARG1 day] , may hurt the fund .
- He adds : `` [ARG0 The market] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel giving] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 another message , that a recession is looming] . ''
- Voters generally agree when [ARG2 they] are [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a chance * to decide if they want *-3 to sink their own tax dollars into a new mega-stadium] *T*-2 .
- Some dealers said 0 the Treasury 's intent is * to help government bond dealers gauge investor demand for the securities , [ARG2 *] [rel given] [ARG1 uncertainties about when the auction will occur *T*-1] .
- Stock-index options -- [ARG0 Options] [rel give] [ARG2 holders] [ARG1 the right *RNR*-1 , but not the obligation *RNR*-1 , * to buy -LRB- a call -RRB- or sell -LRB- a put -RRB- a specified amount of an underlying investment by a certin date at a preset price , known * as the strike price] .
- [ARG0 Neither Equus nor Tony Lama] [rel gave] [ARG1 a reason for the changed offer] and Tony Lama could n't be reached *-1 for comment .
- The Bush administration 's nomination of Clarence Thomas to a seat on the federal appeals court here received a blow this week when [ARG0 the American Bar Association] [rel gave] [ARG2 Mr. Thomas] [ARG1 only a `` qualified '' rating , rather than `` well qualified] *T*-1 . ''
- [ARG0 The ABA] [rel gives] [ARG1 a `` qualified '' rating] to [ARG2-to nominees 0 it believes 0 *T*-1 would perform `` satisfactorily '' on the bench] .
- [ARGM-DIS In contrast] , [ARG0 the lawyers ' association] [rel gives] [ARG1 a `` well qualified '' rating] to [ARG2-to those `` regarded * as one of the best available for the vacancy] .
- [ARGM-LOC Right up front in the preface] , [ARG0 co-author William Sternberg] [rel gives] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 an example of his own integrity] .
- Also contributing to the firmness in copper , the analyst noted 0 *T*-4 , was *T*-3 a report by Chicago purchasing agents , which *T*-1 precedes [ARG0 the full purchasing agents ' report] that *T*-2 is due out today and [rel gives] [ARG1 an indication of what the full report might hold *T*-5] .
- Sen. Kennedy said in a separate statement that he supports [ARG0 legislation] 0 * to [rel give] [ARG2 the president] [ARG1 line-item veto power] *T*-2 , but that it *EXP*-1 would be a `` reckless course of action '' for President Bush to claim the authority without congressional approval .
- A White House spokesman said last week that the president is considering *-1 declaring that [ARG0 the Constitution] [ARGM-MNR implicitly] [rel gives] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 the authority for a line-item veto] *-2 to provoke a test case .
- New Brunswick Scientific Co. , a maker of biotechnology instrumentation and equipment , said 0 it adopted [ARG0 an anti-takeover plan] [rel giving] [ARG2 shareholders] [ARG1 the right * to purchase shares at half price under certain conditions] .
- An improvisational section was built *-10 around pieces by Mr. Douglas , beginning with `` Golden Rain , '' a lilting , laid-back lead in to [ARG0 the uptempo `` Sky] , '' which *T*-19 [rel gave] [ARG2 Mr. Stoltzman] [ARG1 the opportunity * to wail in a high register and show off his fleet fingers] .
- One of Ronald Reagan 's attributes as President was that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-TMP rarely] [rel gave] [ARG1 his blessing] to [ARG2-to the claptrap that *T*-25 passes for `` consensus '' in various international institutions] .
- [ARG0 The Orwellian `` New World Information Order ''] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 government officials] [ARG1 rights against the press] ; journalists would be obliged *-1 to kowtow to their government , which *T*-28 would have licensing and censorship powers and , indeed , duties * to block printing of `` wrong '' ideas .
- Coke has tended *-1 to increase its control when results were sluggish in a [rel given] [ARG1 country] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 * combining Fraser & Neave 's own soft drinks with Coca-Cola 's] [rel gives] [ARG2 the Singapore company] [ARG1 more than half the share of the soda market there] , Coke said 0 *T*-1 .
- The company said 0 Maria Sole Agnelli Teodorani , sister of Fiat Chairman Giovanni Agnelli , agreed *-1 to trade her shares in IFI for new ordinary shares in [ARG0 the limited partnership] , which *T*-116 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 her] [ARG1 control of 4.67 % of Giovanni Agnelli & Co] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 much of a clue as to whether a recession is on the horizon] .
- The Control Data deal is a boon for Mips because [ARG0 it] [rel gives] [ARG2 the the five-year-old company] [ARG1 one more ally] [ARGM-TMP as it battles more established electronic concerns such as Sun , Hewlett-Packard Co. , Motorola Inc. and Intel Corp. for the emerging market for RISC machines] .
- [ARG0 Today 's agreement] [rel gives] [ARG2 Control Data] [ARG1 a machine 0 *T*-1 to compete against Digital and other general-purpose computer makers] , said 0 *T*-2 John Logan , a computer-market analyst at Aberdeen Group Inc. of Boston .
- [ARG0 Healthcare] has [rel given] [ARG2 HealthVest] [ARG1 a 12 % note for that overdue amount , 0 *T*-1 to be repaid *-2 over three years] .
- Visitors in his chambers say 0 he could cite precisely the years , months , weeks and days remaining until [ARG0 mandatory retirement] would force aside the presiding president judge , * [rel giving] [ARG2 Judge O'Kicki] [ARG1 the seniority required * to take over as the county 's top court administrator] .
- [ARG0 The rate on the notes] will be reset annually * to [rel give] [ARG2 the issue] [ARG1 a market value of 101] .
- [ARG0 Pennzoil 's poison pill] covers five years in order * to [rel give] [ARG2 current management] [ARG1 enough time 0 * to put these proceeds to work in a prudent manner *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although poison pills come in different colors and shapes] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel give] [ARG2 current shareholders] [ARG1 the right * to buy more stock of their corporation at a large discount if certain events occur -- typically , if a hostile bidder acquires more than a specified percentage of the corporation 's stock] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 Dewar 's] [rel gave] [ARG1 discounts on Scottish merchandise] to [ARG2-to people who *T*-218 sent in bottle labels] .
- [ARG0 *] To [rel give] [ARG2 Leche Fresca] [ARG1 the creamier taste 0 Goya says 0 Hispanics prefer *T*-1] , the new brand has a butterfat content of 3.8 % .
- [ARGM-TMP Throughout the 1970s and early 1980s] [ARG0 spokesmen for both the Unification Church and its opponents in the anticult movement] [rel gave] [ARG1 wildly exaggerated membership figures] .
- [ARG0 Pravda] [rel gave] [ARG1 no estimate for overall unemployment] but said 0 an `` Association of the Unemployed '' *ICH*-1 has cropped up that *T*-2 says 0 the number of jobless is 23 million Soviets , or 17 % of the work force .
- `` This ought *-2 to be subtitled *-3 the ` * Do n't let Frank Lorenzo take over another airline ' amendment , '' said *T*-1 Rep. James Oberstar -LRB- D. , Minn. -RRB- , chairman of the House aviation subcommittee , who *T*-241 argued that the provision was unnecessary because [ARG0 the bill] [ARGM-TMP already] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the department] [ARG1 ample power * to block undesirable deals] .
- One is the Pao , a tiny coupe with a peelback canvas top and [ARG0 tilted headlights] that *T*-249 [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a droopy-eyed look] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel gives] [ARG2 it] an enviable strategic advantage , at least until its rivals catch up , but [ARGM-DIS also] [ARG1 plenty of managerial headaches] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel gives] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 an enviable strategic advantage] [ARGM-TMP , at least until its rivals catch up ,] but also plenty of managerial headaches .
- President Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev will hold an informal meeting in early December , [ARG0 a move] that *T*-257 [ARGM-MOD should] [rel give] [ARG2 both leaders] [ARG1 a political boost] [ARGM-LOC at home] .
- The Soviets hope 0 [ARG0 a trade agreement] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 Most-Favored Nation status , which *T*-260 would lower the tariffs on Soviet exports to the U.S.] .
- Western analysts say that , [rel given] [ARG1 the meeting 's setting at sea] , Gorbachev is unlikely *-1 to pass up the opportunity * to press once again for negotiated cuts in the navies of both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact .
- Even more at fault are *T*-1 [ARG0 those leaders] in *RNR*-3 and out of *RNR*-3 government who *T*-271 urged and supported their defections , *-2 [ARGM-DIS thereby] [rel giving] [ARG1 great help and comfort] to [ARG2-to the enemy propagandists] .
- Under the guise of `` * healing the wounds of the nation , '' [ARG0 President Carter] pardoned thousands of draft evaders , [ARGM-DIS thus] *-1 [rel giving] [ARG1 dignity] to [ARG2-to their allegations of the war 's `` immorality] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [rel Give] [ARG2 television] [ARG1 a chance * to cover live any breaking of the law] , and no second invitation will be required *-237 .
- [ARGM-MNR As a consultant] , [ARG0 he] has [rel given] [ARG1 seminars *ICH*-1] [ARGM-LOC at agencies including Ogilvy & Mather] on how * to win new business *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 Those devices] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 sufficient certainty] to [ARG2-to our bosses in Japan] , '' says *T*-1 Yasuo Nakamura , representative of the Industrial Bank of Japan .
- [ARGM-MNR Together with the 3.6 million shares currently controlled * by management , subsidiaries and directors] , [ARG0 the completed tender offer] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 Sea Containers] [ARG1 a controlling stake] .
- But many analysts believe that , [rel given] [ARG1 the attractiveness of paper companies ' cash flows , as well as the frantic consolidation of the paper industry in Europe] , there will be at least a few more big hostile bids for U.S. companies within the next several months .
- [ARG0 Shearson Lehman Hutton] [rel gave] [ARG2 small investors] [ARG1 some welcome news] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 announcing that it would no longer handle index-arbitrage-related program trades for its accounts] .
- [ARGM-MNR Separately] , [ARG0 the bill] [rel gives] [ARG1 authority *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to the Department of Housing and Urban Development] * to facilitate the refinancing of high-interest loans subsidized * by the government under the so-called Section 235 home-ownership program for lower-income families .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-TMP while *-1 imposing a statutory cap of $ 1.6 billion *U* on future spending] , [ARG0 the bill] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 NASA] [ARG1 $ 30 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC for the start-up of the CRAF-Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [rel given] [ARG1 the few number of users] , the cost to the federal government per passenger is estimated *-1 at $ 193 *U* , according to House and Senate appropriations committees .
- [ARG2 General Dynamics Corp.] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 an $ 843 million *U* Air Force contract for F-16 aircraft and related equipment] .
- [ARG2 International Business Machines Corp.] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a $ 31.2 million *U* Air Force contract for satellite data systems equipment] .
- * Quoting from the report : `` The stock 's narrow discount to asset valuation makes it a relatively unappealing investment at current prices , [ARGM-ADV especially] [rel given] [ARG1 the risk that our projections could be on the aggressive side] . ''
- [ARG0 The acceptances] [rel give] [ARG2 Orkem] [ARG1 a controlling 53.2 % stake in the company] .
- Mr. Wall 's deputies complained that [ARG2 they] had [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 an opportunity * to respond to the criticism brought out during the Banking Committee 's hearings , which Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- has used *T*-2 as a forum * to flay Mr. Wall 's handling of the affair and to demand that he step aside from his job] .
- While that could make it vulnerable to a veto by Mr. Bush , Democrats argue that [ARG0 a presidential rejection] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 their party] [ARG1 a valuable issue in next year 's congressional elections] .
- A spokesman for underwriters Salomon Brothers Inc. said 0 Beatrice cut its high-yield offering to $ 251 million *U* from a planned $ 350 million *U* after it *EXP*-2 became clear 0 [ARG0 the company] would have *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 investors] [ARG1 higher yields] .
- `` However , [rel given] [ARG1 the changes in the market conditions that *T*-153 have occurred since then] , we decided *-1 to sell only the amount needed * to proceed with our contemplated recapitalization , '' he said *T*-2 .
- In [ARG1 a speech] [rel given] * [ARGM-TMP Friday] but released * late Monday , Bundesbank Vice President Helmut Schlesinger suggested that it *EXP*-1 was risky * to claim that the booming German economy has reached the peak of its cycle .
- [ARG0 A governing body of both the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board] voted *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 the FASB] [ARG1 jurisdiction over accounting standards for certain government-owned entities] .
- Mr. Lewis said 0 [ARG0 the company] [rel gave] [ARG2 the Consumer Affairs department] `` [ARG1 volumes of documents] '' *-1 to substantiate its statements , and made `` every effort * to comply '' with all the agency 's policies .
- [ARGM-TMP Over the past two years] , [ARG0 the Fed] has [rel given] [ARG2 a handful of banks ' securities affiliates] [ARG1 permission * to underwrite *RNR*-1 and deal in *RNR*-1 a variety of corporate , asset-backed and municipal securities that *T*-184 had previously been the sole domain of securities firms] .
- [ARG0 The move] [ARGM-MOD will] cut out the cost of a middleman and [rel give] [ARG2 Specialized] [ARG1 more control over marketing and sales] .
- [ARGM-MNR Even without a specific takeover threat] , [ARG0 Courtaulds] is [rel giving] [ARG2 shareholders] `` [ARG1 choice and value] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Julia Blake , an analyst at London stockbrokers Barclays de Zoete Wedd .
- [ARGM-ADV Like Mr. Geffen 's arrangement] , [ARG0 the venture] [rel gives] [ARG2 Mr. Azoff] [ARG1 a link to the world 's largest and most successful record distributor] ; in the U.S. alone , Warner has a 40 % share of the market , about double its nearest competitor , Sony Corp. 's CBS Records .
- [ARGM-ADV For Warner] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , [ARG0 it] [rel gives] [ARG2 the company] [ARG1 a second young partner with a finger on the pulse of the hottest trends in the music business] .
- [ARG0 They] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel give] [ARG1 a nod] to [ARG2-to human sensibilities] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 celebrating Halloween] .
- Two left-wing politicians , Socialist Leonel Brizola , a former governor of Rio de Janeiro state , and Marxist-leaning Luis Inacio da Silva , currently are running neck and neck at about 15 % , and [ARG2 three other candidates] are [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a chance of * reaching the Dec. 17 runoff election between the two biggest vote-getters : Social Democrat Mario Covas and two conservatives , Paulo Salim Maluf , a former governor of the state of Sao Paulo , and Guilherme Afif Domingos] .
- [ARG2 A half-dozen candidates] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 backing policies ranging from Thatcherism to watered-down Marxism] , are [rel given] *-2 [ARG1 a chance of * winning] .
- As part of the transaction , [ARG0 Edisto] agreed *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 Mesa , an Amarillo , Texas , oil and gas partnership managed * by T. Boone Pickens Jr. ,] [ARG1 a seat on its board] .
- Secretary of State Baker , we read 0 *T*-1 , decided *-2 to kill [ARG1 a speech] that [ARG0 Robert Gates , deputy national security adviser and a career Soviet expert ,] was going *-4 to [rel give] *T*-3 to [ARG2-to a student colloquium , the National Collegiate Security Conference] .
- But as Judge Thomas M. Jenkins donned his robes so [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel give] [ARG1 final approval] , the major earthquake struck , its epicenter not far from his courtroom in Redwood City , Calif .
- He said 0 he feared 0 a Revco reorganization might force bondholders to accept a `` cheap deal , '' and that [ARG0 the Bass group 's offer] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 more money] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 sufficient freedom 0 * to provide the economic benefits so desperately needed * *T*-1] .
- The cup had been insured *-1 , and [ARGM-TMP in short order] [ARG1 it] was [rel given] over *-2 to [ARG2-to a Chubb & Son representative] .
- Liberals are the faction that *T*-1 says , * Give peace a chance ; now they are saying 0 [ARG0 Mr. Ortega] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a break] , lest the conservatives ask them *-2 to vote for bullets instead of bandages .
- Liberals are the faction that *T*-1 says , [ARG0 *] [rel Give] [ARG2 peace] [ARG1 a chance] ; now they are saying 0 Mr. Ortega should give them a break , lest the conservatives ask them *-2 to vote for bullets instead of bandages .
- But some holders of the Western Union notes expect the company to propose [ARG0 a more-attractive debt swap] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a substantial equity stake in the company] .
- [ARG0 Many investors] [rel give] [ARG2 Michael Foods] [ARG1 about as much chance of * getting it together as Humpty Dumpty] .
- In yesterday 's accord , [ARG0 Quebecor] agreed *-1 to pay $ 400 million *U* in cash for Maxwell Graphics , and to [rel give] [ARG2 Maxwell Communication] [ARG1 a 20 % stake , valued * at $ 100 million *U* , in Quebecor 's new printing subsidiary] .
- A number of issues still need *-2 to be resolved *-1 before [ARG0 Canadian regulators] [rel give] [ARG2 any project] [ARG1 the final go-ahead] .
- As for Foothills ' pre-emptive bid , Mr. Haskayne said , `` If they think 0 [ARG0 it] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 some kind of priority position] , well , that 's their strategy .
- In a meeting in New York yesterday , the committee put on hold [ARG1 instructions *ICH*-1] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel gave] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP two weeks ago] to [ARG2-to its experts] * to explore other options for Eastern 's future , the sources said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Such a focus] is `` more profitable , more efficient and [rel gives] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 a greater sense of control] , '' said 0 *T*-1 William A. Shane , Mercury 's senior executive vice president .
- But industry officials expressed concern that [ARG0 the initial project] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel give] [ARG2 Fujitsu] [ARG1 an edge in * winning more lucrative contracts later] .
- [ARG0 Karstadt] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 any group sales or profit figures for the first nine months] .
- Doskocil Cos. said 0 its bank-debt payments have been extended *-1 until May 31 , 1990 , [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 more time 0 * to sell its Wilson Foods Corp. retail and fresh meat operations *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 A prominent businessman in Bombay] [rel gives] [ARG1 a similar testimonial : `` I have been taking it daily since 1961] .
- `` [ARG0 It] [ARGM-ADV just] makes healthy businesses subsidize unhealthy ones and [rel gives] [ARG2 each employer] [ARG1 less incentive * to keep his workers healthy] . ''
- A widely held assumption all along has been that , [rel given] [ARG1 its robust economy] , Hong Kong will be able *-1 to attract sufficient foreign money and talent *-2 to comfortably offset the outflows .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 Hong Kong 's record] , Mr. Mushkat 's `` realists '' might have sounded unduly conservative when the interviews took place two years ago *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Doug Alligood , a black advertising executive who *T*-1 tracks black viewing patterns] , [rel gives] [ARG2 the Carews] [ARG1 an `` A '' for marketing moxie] , but is n't alone in his lukewarm reaction .
- `` Homeroom , '' a show about [ARG0 a black ad executive] who *T*-1 [rel gives] up [ARG1 the boardroom] [ARGM-PNC for a fourth-grade classroom] , is flunking the ratings test .
- Fashion industry consultants also question whether the company can make significant strides in its women 's business , [rel given] [ARG1 that its customer base is less established and that conservative business dress for women is on the decline] .
- The Canadian government previously said 0 [ARG0 Merieux 's bid] did [ARGM-NEG n't] offer enough `` net benefit '' to Canada *-2 to be approved *-1 , and [rel gave] [ARG2 Merieux] [ARG1 an until mid-November] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to submit additional information] .
- Both offers are conditional on regulatory approvals and [ARG0 enough shares] being tendered * to [rel give] [ARG2 the bidders] [ARG1 a majority of Connaught 's shares outstanding] .
- The Manufacturers Hanover Corp. unit , which *T*-1 is seeking repayment of a $ 36 million *U* loan , has asked [ARG0 the court] *-3 to [rel give] [ARG2 its claim] [ARG1 priority over that of Minpeco , which *T*-2 won a $ 132 million *U* judgment against Mr. Hunt , his brother Nelson Bunker Hunt and other defendants last year in a case stemming from their alleged attempts * to corner the silver market in]
- Aside from *-1 slashing costs and investing heavily in its plants , [ARG0 Akzo] has spent 3.9 billion guilders -LRB- $ 1.88 billion *U* -RRB- on acquisitions since 1983 *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 better balance] .
- [ARG0 The wage stickiness , which OECD studies confirm 0 *T*-1 is particularly high in Britain ,] [rel gives] [ARG2 its economy] [ARG1 a structural bias toward inflation] .
- Mr. Phillips said 0 the company 's expected margin improvement will be all but inevitable , [rel given] [ARG1 that the company 's profitability was dragged *-1 down this year by an expensive move to luxurious , oversized new New York headquarters] .
- [ARG2 They] 've been [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a mandate *ICH*-2 from Switzerland '' * to expand their U.S. chocolate operations] .
- Equally inconceivable is *T*-1 that [ARG2 the ANC] , [rel given] [ARG1 the chance * to hold a rally] , would extend a hand , albeit warily , to the government .
- [ARG0 Westinghouse] also jointly will bid on projects with Misubishi , * [rel giving] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 an edge in developing Asian markets] .
- `` [ARG0 *] [rel Give] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 four or five more Series with these guys] , and I do n't care if I ever win a Cy Young , '' he said *T*-1 , in reference to baseball 's best-pitcher award .
- *-1 Combined *-2 with their two pre-quake victories , way back on Oct. 14 and 15 -LRB- the scores were 5-0 and 5-1 , remember ? -RRB- , [ARG0 that] [rel gave] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a sweep of the best-of-seven series] .
- He explains that [ARG0 companies with real estate] [rel give] `` [ARG1 security] . ''
- Still , Unisys said 0 its European business was weak during the quarter , a worrisome sign [rel given] [ARG1 that the company has relied on solid results overseas *-1 to overcome weakness in the U.S. over the past several quarters] .
- [ARG0 A unified Germany that *T*-1 remained within the Western alliance] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 Germany] [ARG1 such an overshadowing position that all other members of a unified Europe would become vassals of the German state] .
- [ARG0 The paper] [rel gave] [ARG1 no details of what the restrictions would entail *T*-1] but said 0 the measures were necessary * to protect the domestic market .
- Sony , for its part , could decide that the cost of a Warner settlement or court fight is too high , *-1 choosing instead *-2 to find someone else 0 *T*-3 to run Columbia , although that too would be costly [rel given] [ARG1 the financial arrangement already guaranteed * to Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters] .
- Mr. Peters says in his affidavit that the movie 's staff was told *-1 last week that Warner was `` taking over '' the picture , and 0 [ARG0 another producer] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel giving] [ARG1 all of the orders] .
- He says 0 [ARG0 Mr. Peters and Mr. Guber] , as the contractual producers with consultation rights , have been invited *-1 to screenings and *-2 to [rel give] [ARG1 their input on the film] .
- Mr. Guber says 0 [ARG0 he] had crossed out `` MGM '' with a red pen and written in `` Columbia , '' *-1 [rel giving] [ARG1 the document] to [ARG2-to Mr. Semel] .
- In response to BellSouth 's amended pact , the Kirkland , Wash. , company extended its own offer * to buy 22 million LIN shares for $ 125 *U* apiece , [ARG0 which] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 McCaw] [ARG1 a 50.3 % controlling interest] .
- *-1 To sweeten the pact further -- and to ease concerns of institutional investors -- BellSouth added [ARG0 a provision] designed * *-3 to [rel give] [ARG1 extra protection] to [ARG2-to holders] [ARGM-ADV if the regional Bell company ever decides *-2 to buy the rest of the new cellular company] .
- [ARG0 The proposed BellSouth-LIN cellular company , including the newly acquired Metromedia stake ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the new entity] [ARG1 55 million potential customers , including about 35 million in the nation 's top 10 markets] .
- Other dealers added that the blue-chip stocks in general were hit *-1 by profit-taking over concerns that London shares will continue *-2 posting declines and the uncertainty over sterling [rel given] [ARG1 that Mr. Lawson 's successor , John Major , had only been in the job one day] .
- Pretoria 's approval of the demonstration and the ANC 's conciliatory tone appeared *-1 aimed at * setting up [ARG0 negotiations] 0 *T*-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 blacks] [ARG1 political rights] .
- Sen. Boren happily told reporters that there had been `` a meeting of the minds '' with the White House , and that [ARG0 the committee] had [rel given] [ARG2 Mr. Bush] [ARG1 `` a clean slate , '' free of the impediments imposed * during the Reagan years] .
- For Contel 's part , the company a month ago informed each of its money managers that it would drop them if [ARG0 they] [rel give] [ARG1 business] to [ARG2-to program-trading firms] .
- Brezhnevite holdovers have more 0 * to fear *T*-2 from Mr. Gorbachev than [ARG1 the verbal spanking] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel gave] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to the press] .
- [ARG0 A state trial judge in Illinois] [rel gave] [ARG1 preliminary approval] to [ARG2-to a proposed settlement of a suit against a Bank of New York Co. unit , Irving Trust Co. , over the interest rates on Irving 's former One Wall Street Account money-market deposit accounts] .
- They claimed that [ARG0 the Fed] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-TMP first] [rel give] [ARG1 a green light] to [ARG2-to the economy] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 making credit readily available] and then turn on the red and bring growth to a screeching halt .
- `` I think 0 [ARG0 you] have *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 Greenspan] [ARG1 a good rating] . ''
- [ARG1 The savings] was [rel given] *-1 [ARGM-MNR incorrectly] [ARGM-LOC in Friday 's edition] .
- More provocatively , some conservative legal theorists have begun *-1 arguing that Mr. Bush does n't need *-2 to wait for [ARG0 a law] [rel giving] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 the veto] because the power already is implicit in the Constitution .
- In addition to [ARG0 *-3] [rel giving] [ARG2 a president] [ARG1 powers * to rewrite spending bills meant * to be written *-1 in Congress] , Rep. Edwards argues 0 *T*-2 , a line-item veto would allow the chief executive to blackmail lawmakers .
- President Bush badly wants a line-item veto and has long called for [ARG0 a law] [rel giving] [ARG1 it] to [ARG2-to the president] .
- White House spokesmen last week said 0 Mr. Bush is considering *-2 simply declaring that [ARG0 the Constitution] [rel gives] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 the power] , exercising a line-item veto and inviting a court challenge 0 * to decide whether he has the right *T*-1 .
- Mrs. Marcos 's attorneys asked [ARG0 federal Judge John F. Keenan] *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 access to all U.S. documents about her alleged abduction] .
- The state bar association 's policy making body , the House of Delegate , voted Saturday *-1 to ask [ARG0 Chief Judge Sol Wachtler] *-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 the bar 's voluntary program] [ARG1 three years 0 * to prove its effectiveness before *-4 considering mandatory pro bono *T*-3] .
- * Compare the Bush request to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the Senators] [rel gave] [ARG2-REC themselves] *T*-1 :
- For construction in West Virginia , Mr. Bush requested $ 4.5 million *U* ; [ARG0 Congress] [rel gave] [ARG2 Senator Byrd 's state] [ARG1 $ 21.5 million *U*] .
- [ARG2 SA Brewing , an Australian brewer ,] [ARGM-TMP last Thursday] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 approval 0 * to acquire an option for up to 20 % of Bell Resources Ltd. , a unit of Bond Corp *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 It] takes one person 's account and [rel gives] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 authenticity] . ''
- Sen. Mitchell said that congressional Democrats intend *-1 to honor the March agreement [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG1 non-lethal support] to [ARG2-to the Contras] [ARGM-TMP through the February elections] , although he added that the agreement requires that the Contras not initiate any military action .
- Last April , the new defense secretary , Richard Cheney , acknowledged that , `` [rel given] [ARG1 an ideal world] , we 'd have a nice , neat , orderly process .
- [ARG0 The offer] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the transaction] [ARG1 an indicated value of $ 189 million *U* , based on the 18.9 million shares 0 the group does n't already own *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the case of stock-index and interest-rate futures] , [ARG2 the instruments] are [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 an underlying cash value] and are settled *-1 in cash . -RCB-
- [ARG0 The Securities and Futures Commission , a government watchdog set * up after the 1987 crash * to try *-1 to restore confidence and order to Hong Kong 's markets ,] had been expected *-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 the contract] [ARG1 conditional approval] [ARGM-TMP last week] .
- [ARGM-ADV Based on the current number of La Jolla shares] , [ARG0 that] [rel gives] [ARG2 the transaction] [ARG1 a value of $ 104 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 A key provision in the current version of the charter] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the commission] [ARG1 a mandate 0 *T*-1 to produce an `` action program '' detailing on what points EC member states would be required *-2 to comply with the goals set * out in the charter *T*-3] .
- Oil ministers now hope *-3 to solve the issue for good through [ARG0 an Iranian proposal] that *T*-1 [rel gives] [ARG1 a larger share of output] to [ARG2-to countries with surplus capacity] and reduces the shares of those that *T*-2 ca n't produce more anyway .
- The current vaccine for whooping cough , or pertussis , is part of [ARG1 the `` DPT '' -LRB- for diphtheria , pertussis , tetanus -RRB- shot] [rel given] [ARG2 most infants and young children] * .
- `` [ARG0 That] [rel gives] [ARG2 futures traders] [ARG1 a lot more power] . ''
- -- `` [ARG0 * Playing intercollegiate sports] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 a lot of time 0 * to spend *T*-1 with others] .
- So Mr. Kahn says 0 [ARG1 high priority] is being [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to * creating a computerized matchmaking service `` where instead of * being matched *-2 for eye color , you could be matched *-3 for similar intellectual interests] . ''
- When his wife , Betsy , came down the aisle on their wedding day in 1966 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Mr. Engelken -- no slouch on the romantic front --] [rel gave] [ARG2 her] [ARG1 the ultimate compliment : `` You look prettier than Bobby Thomson 's home run] . ''
- I take advantage of [ARG1 this opportunity] [rel given] * to [ARG2-to me] by [ARG0-by The Wall Street Journal] *-1 to make a plea *ICH*-2 to the millions of readers of this newspaper , * to become soldiers dedicated to the fight against the use of drugs .
- Despite many doubts about his candidacy , [ARG0 white New Yorkers] -- who *T*-1 [rel gave] [ARG2 Mr. Dinkins] [ARG1 30 % of their votes] [ARGM-TMP in the primary] -- are n't expected *-2 to desert in sufficient numbers * to turn the election to Mr. Giuliani .
- `` He taught me how * to drink herbal tea instead of coffee at 3 a.m. *T*-2 , [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel give] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 that] , '' says *T*-1 Deputy Mayor Robert Esnard .
- But she asks [ARG0 a workman toting the bricks from the lawn] *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 her] [ARG1 a boost through an open first-floor window] .
- But the agency specifically did n't rule whether [ARG0 AT&T] had the right * to match offers by competitors if that means * [rel giving] [ARG1 discounts not generally available to other phone users] .
- [ARG0 AT&T] [rel gave] [ARG1 a 5 % to 10 % discount] to [ARG2-to the Memphis , Tenn. , company that *T*-1 oversees Holiday Inns] , [ARGM-CAU in response to a similar discount offered * to Holiday Corp. by MCI Communications Corp] .
- In those cases , the high court ruled that [ARG0 federal law] [rel gives] [ARG2 prosecutors] [ARG1 broad authority 0 *T*-1 to seize assets of people accused * of racketeering and drug-related crimes , including fees paid * to lawyers before an indictment] .
- On Friday , Intel began *-2 notifying customers about the bugs which *T*-1 cause [ARG0 the chip] * to [rel give] [ARG1 wrong answers for some mathematical calculations] .
- New York authorities , informed * yesterday about the move , reacted with concern and even some anger to the idea of [ARG0 the nation 's third-largest corporation] leaving without * [rel giving] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 an opportunity * to accommodate it] .
- [ARG0 The bill] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the SEC] [ARG1 the power * to close the markets , a discretion that former SEC Chairman David Ruder wanted *T*-1 but Mr. Breeden does n't *?* *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 `` Wedding Song ''] [rel gives] [ARG1 glimpses of a Cairo that *T*-1 has become so much harsher since his youth , when , as he once said *T*-2 , `` the poorest person was able *-3 to find his daily bread and without great difficulty *T*-4] . ''
- Typically , [ARG0 Hart-Scott] is used *-1 now * to [rel give] [ARG2 managers of target firms] [ARG1 early news of a bid and a chance * to use regulatory review as a delaying tactic] .
- A statement from the council of cardinals said 0 Catholics had responded generously to an appeal *ICH*-1 last year [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG1 more money] after 1987 's record $ 63 million *U* deficit .
- Mr. Nixon 's office said 0 [ARG0 the former president] `` expects *-1 to have one-on-one discussions with the major Chinese leaders '' and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG1 his assessment of those leaders] to [ARG2-to President Bush] [ARGM-TMP upon his return] .
- Not only is [ARG0 Mr. Boyd] [rel giving] [ARG2 the theater] [ARG1 a new sense of adventure and excitement on stage] , the balance sheet is the best 0 the theater has had *T*-1 in 10 years .
- But it is clear 0 [ARG0 he] is going *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a shot] .
- [ARG2 Ingalls Shipbuilding Inc. , a division of Litton Industries Inc. ,] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a $ 15.5 million *U* extension on a contract for shipyard services] .
- Diversified , the holding company for Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Association , said 0 [ARG0 the agreement] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel gives] [ARG2 Star States] [ARG1 the option * to acquire 588,300 of Diversified 's 1,774,326 shares outstanding `` under certain circumstances] . ''
- [ARG0 The acquisition] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 Wilmington , Del.-based Star States] [ARG1 access to the Pennsylvania market] .
- [ARG2 *] [rel Given] [ARG1 their own penchant for book writing] , it *EXP*-1 is surprising that none of the masters of scandal survival have yet published a guide to the art .
- [ARG2 *] [rel Given] [ARG1 China 's far-from-conciliatory statements to its own people] , Mr. Bush may be unable *-1 to prevent new sanctions .
- A new experiment , reported * in this week 's New England Journal of Medicine , involved [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG1 injections of Amgen 's EPO] to [ARG2-to 23 patients who *T*-1 wanted *-2 to store units of their own blood] .
- [ARGM-ADV At the new rate] , [ARG0 that] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 about $ 30 *U* 0 * to travel on *T*-1] .
- In earlier years it *EXP*-1 may have seemed reasonable [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG2 Richmond , Va. ,] [ARG1 a bank] and allow Los Angeles only a branch of the San Francisco bank , but times have changed .
- For [ARG0 journalists , however , who *T*-1 write what they fondly view *T*-2 as history 's first draft] , this has also been a week 0 * to [rel give] [ARG1 a lot of space and time] to [ARG2-to Ron and Nancy 's sales appearance in Japan on behalf of a communications giant and its controversial founder] *T*-3 .
- The latter may seem *-1 oddly irrelevant , if not downright trivial , [rel given] [ARG1 the big picture] and the way 0 we have handled it in the nation 's capital *T*-2 has done nothing * to dispel that impression .
- [ARGM-DIS For that matter] , [ARG2 those long ago identified * as liars] are [ARGM-TMP still] [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 respectful hearings] [ARGM-LOC in the press] .
- No , we ought *-2 to be mad because he has demeaned [ARG1 the office] 0 [ARG0 we] [rel gave] [ARG2 him] *T*-1 , *-3 enlisting it in the service of private gain , just as we ought *-4 to be mad that public officials lie through their teeth , play disingenuous games about their activities or , * to steal a phrase , make public service a private trough .
- [ARG0 Michael Gifford , Rank 's chief executive ,] said 0 the British theater chain 's total involvement `` would n't exceed $ 100 million *U* '' but declined *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 a breakdown between the loan financing and the proposed Film House purchase] .
- [ARG0 Some of America 's biggest trading partners] [rel gave] [ARG1 a quick thumbs-down] to [ARG2-to a U.S. proposal * to liberalize world trade and reduce farm-product subsidies] .
- Thomas Vassiliades , president of Bell Atlantic 's customer services division , said 0 [ARG0 the acquisition] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the company 's Sorbus computer-maintenance unit] [ARG1 added expertise in `` the increasingly sophisticated workstation and high-end mainframe technologies] .
- Should [ARG1 the green light] 0 [ARG0 Judges Alarcon and Hall] have [rel given] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to the fabrication of quotations] become standard practice , it will notably reduce the value of journalism for historians -- and for citizens .
- They speak volumes about the state of our society at a [rel given] [ARG1 moment] .
- [ARGM-DIS Finally] , [ARG0 the case of Dr. Morgan] [rel gave] [ARG2 Congress] [ARG1 an opportunity * to act with unaccustomed decisiveness and to engage in one of its favorite pastimes -- * bashing the District of Columbia government] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a separate development] , [ARG0 PS of New Hampshire] [rel gave] [ARG2 60 managers] [ARG1 severance agreements that *T*-3 would pay one to three years ' salary if their jobs were changed *-1 or they were dismissed *-2 in the wake of a takeover] .
- In an interview and in congressional testimony , he repeatedly points to the recent 190-point plunge in the Dow Jones Industrial Average -- the second-largest ever -- as evidence of the need for [ARG0 Congress] to [rel give] [ARG2 the SEC] [ARG1 the ability * to better monitor leveraged buy-out loan activity by brokerage firms and to track big trades in the market] .
- [ARGM-DIS Even so] , [ARG2 his bill] is [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 little chance of passage] .
- -- [rel Give] [ARG2 the EPA] [ARG1 more flexibility 0 * to declare a pesticide an imminent hazard and pull it from the marketplace *T*-8] .
- -- [rel Give] [ARG2 the EPA] [ARG1 added discretion 0 * to set `` negligible risk '' levels for pesticide residues in processed food *T*-10] .
- But they are already objecting to , among other things , a plan [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG1 more weight] to [ARG2-to cost-benefit considerations] [ARGM-LOC in *-1 evaluating pesticides] .
- [ARG0 The principles] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Environmental Protection Agency] [ARG1 increased authority and flexibility in * regulating pesticides] , [ARGM-PNC with the aim of * enabling the agency to move more quickly] .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 current headlines about the University of Florida] , it may not be the last .
- V.H. Van Horn , National Convenience president and chief executive officer , said 0 the move reflects the company 's realization that [ARG0 the industry 's] poor performance stems from its failure * to [rel give] [ARG2 customers] [ARG1 what they want *T*-1] -- rather than from increasing competition from gasoline stations and 24-hour grocery stores .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG0 Brooks] [rel gave] [ARG1 the dirty work] to [ARG2-to Coin Wrap Inc. , which *T*-1 came up with an unusual solution] .
- But before Athena was able *-1 to get an exclusive license to the technology , [ARG0 the Federal Register] published most of the details , `` * [rel giving] [ARG2 all of the company 's potential competitors] [ARG1 a chance * to exploit it] , '' Mr. Bock says 0 *T*-2 .
- Along with `` Show Boat , '' `` Great Performances '' kicks off its new season with this Lincoln Center production of Thornton Wilder 's best known play , in which [ARG2 the role of the small-town Stage Manager] is [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a hip twist] by [ARG0-by performance artist Spalding Gray] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARGM-TMP When the market turns around *T*-1] , '' she says 0 *T*-2 , `` [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG1 a nice picture '' of how leverage can help performance *T*-3] .
- Mr. Angell is incorrect when he states that [ARG0 the Soviet Union 's large gold reserves] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 it] `` [ARG1 great power * to establish credibility] *T*-1 . ''
- But the new chairman vehemently opposed [ARG0 a provision] in the bill that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the agency] [ARG1 the right * to close the markets at times of stress] .
- [ARG0 Circuit breakers] , designed * to [rel give] [ARG2 the markets] [ARG1 a breather] [ARGM-TMP in cases of sharp price movements] , curb trading of futures or stocks at various trigger points .
- The Chivas ad illustrates -- via a series of pullouts -- the wild reactions from [ARG2 the pool man , gardener and others] if * [ARGM-NEG not] [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 Chivas] [ARGM-PNC for Christmas] .
- General Motors earlier this year said 0 it would n't deliver bulk mail or free magazines in its Flint , Mich. , office , while Air Products & Chemicals , Allentown , Pa. , says 0 it screens junk mail and often throws out most of a [rel given] [ARG1 mass] mailing .
- `` A number of us are not going *-2 to touch capital gains , IRAs or anything else unless it contributes to deficit-reduction , '' said *T*-3 Sen. Charles Robb -LRB- D. , Va. -RRB- , who *T*-1 is one of [ARG0 the 10 to 20 Democrats] who the Bush administration believes 0 *T*-4 might favor *-5 [rel giving] [ARG1 preferential treatment] to [ARG2-to capital gains] .
- The leveraged buy-out firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. , which *T*-1 owns 46 % of the common equity of SCI TV , indicated in the debt plan that [ARG0 it] would reduce its equity stake to 15 % , * [rel giving] [ARG1 the rest of its stake] to [ARG2-to bondholders in the restructuring] .
- I 've got limited production , and [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 it] to [ARG2-to underperformers] . ''
- `` Mr. Lortie felt less pertinent , '' Mr. Nadeau said 0 *T*-1 , [rel given] [ARG1 the decision * to dump Provigo 's non-food operations] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 both the threat of a strike and the ability * to resist any wage concessions that *T*-1 may be necessary *-2 to make a transaction work] .
- In that way , the pilots may be able *-2 to force the board to approve [ARG0 a recapitalization] that *T*-1 [rel gives] [ARG2 employees] [ARG1 a majority stake] , or to consider the labor-management group 's latest proposal .
- [ARG0 Orkem] declined *-2 to [rel give] [ARG1 details of its offer] , *-2 saying only that the bid will be submitted *-1 for approval by the board of the British company .
- But [rel given] [ARG1 the political importance of California] , the administration was content *-1 to use its influence *-2 to prevent any Senate amendments adding further new appropriations .
- The current ceiling on home loans insured * by the Federal Housing Administration would be increased *-1 to $ 124,875 *U* , and [ARG0 the bill] [rel gives] [ARG2 the Department of Housing and Urban Development] [ARG1 new authority * to facilitate the refinancing of subsidized loans for low-income homeowners] .
- [ARG0 The Securities and Exchange Commission] [rel gave] [ARG1 provisional six-month approval] to [ARG2-to the Big Board basket] [ARGM-LOC at a meeting] [ARGM-TMP late yesterday] .
- And lawmakers are putting the finishing touches on [ARG0 a compromise] that *T*-3 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Air Force] [ARG1 nearly all of the $ 2.4 billion *U* 0 it wants *T*-5 for production of Northrop Corp. 's radar-eluding B-2 bombers , which *T*-4 cost $ 530 million *U* apiece] .
- [ARG0 Buying interest in Du Pont , which *T*-1 declared a stock split and a dividend boost , and certain other blue-chip issues] [rel gave] [ARG2 the industrial average] [ARG1 a better performance than broader indexes] .
- [ARG2 The drug] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 treatment investigational new drug status , a label accorded * to drugs believed * effective but lacking formal approval] .
- Farmington , N.M.-based Mesa has consistently rejected StatesWest 's offers , and early this week said 0 [ARG0 its board] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG2 the proposal] [ARG1 further consideration] , *-2 calling it `` vague and ill-defined '' because it did n't describe the source of funds or the specific terms of StatesWest securities which *T*-1 were part of the offer .
- Five months later , Mr. Tisch took over as CBS 's chief executive , and soon he was wielding sole approval [ARGM-TMP each time] 0 [ARG0 Mr. Pilson] scribbled a frighteningly large figure on a slip of paper , sealed it in an envelope and [rel gave] [ARG1 it] to [ARG2-to sports negotiators] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Pilson] [rel gave] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 one] : He bid $ 243 million *U* for rights to the 1992 Winter Games in Albertville , France ; ABC and NBC would n't bid even $ 200 million *U* .
- Still , Steve Cohen , an analyst at SoundView Financial Group Inc. , said , `` I do n't see that [ARG0 this] will be sufficient *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 IBM] [ARG1 a significant kick] [ARGM-TMP in the fourth quarter] . ''
- The award exercises a Navy option * to extend [ARG1 a contract] [rel given] * [ARGM-TMP in 1984] .
- According to some who *T*-1 attended , the senators argued that [ARG0 the president] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel give] [ARG2 the Democratic leaders in Congress] [ARG1 a victory of their own] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to compensate them for * allowing the president to win on the controversial capital-gains issue] .
- According to the transcript , Mr. Lorin said 0 Mr. Laff should be killed *-1 after Mr. Aslanian told him that [ARG1 information] [rel given] * to [ARG2-to Mr. Laff] by [ARG0-by another conspirator] could jeopardize the stock scheme .
- On the plus side , Genentech is benefiting from [ARG0 a lower tax rate due to its research outlays] , [rel giving] [ARG1 a boost] to [ARG2-to earnings] , she said 0 *T*-1 .
- The suit , filed * in Minneapolis federal court , claims that Apple violated a Quickview patent that *T*-1 allows computer users to display `` only portions of multiple fields on a computer screen with the ability * to see the entire contents of any [rel given] [ARG1 field] . ''
- [rel Given] [ARG1 the weakness of the junk-bond market] , can he finance a buy-out ?
- Mr. Icahn may not want *-3 to sell out unless he can get a special dividend similar to one 0 he received *T*-2 before *-4 selling his stake in Texaco Inc. in June -- [ARG0 a coup] that *T*-1 [rel gave] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 enough cash 0 * to make his USX move *T*-5] .
- The stock closed yesterday at $ 33.625 *U* , [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG2 Mr. Icahn 's 33.6 million shares] [ARG1 a value of $ 1.13 billion *U*] .
- Some dealers say that [ARG0 Bank of Japan Governor Satoshi Sumita 's reassurance that Japanese monetary policy wo n't be changed *-1 for the time being] has [rel given] [ARG2 investors] [ARG1 an added excuse 0 * to push the yen down even further against the mark *T*-2] .
- In a modern system , [ARG0 the government 's] role is * to [rel give] [ARG2 the people] [ARG1 as much choice as possible] and * to keep them well informed *-1 so they are capable of * making a choice .
- They were frustrated *-1 by the longer queues at the cashier and [ARG1 the small coins] [rel given] * [ARGM-PNC as change] .
- It gave the Japanese people a value system , based on the rationalization that [rel given] [ARG1 the country 's lack of natural resources] , they must work hard *-1 to create value through exports and buy food with the surplus .
- [ARG0 It] [rel gave] [ARG2 the Japanese people] [ARG1 a value system , based on the rationalization that given the country 's lack of natural resources , they must work hard *-1 to create value through exports and buy food with the surplus] .
- In the current mood of the Japanese people , journalists and even some industrialists , [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG1 power] to [ARG2-to the Socialists] might be good for the LDP , * cleansing it of past sins .
- [ARG0 The people] have [rel given] [ARG2 their leading and only credible political party , the Liberal Democratic Party ,] [ARG1 clear and uninterrupted power] [ARGM-TMP for those 40 years] .
- If the IRS admits its error and the charges have been paid *-1 , it will reimburse [ARG0 a taxpayer] who *T*-2 has n't refused *-3 to [rel give] [ARG1 timely answers] to [ARG2-to IRS inquiries] or *T*-2 has n't contributed to * continuing or compounding the error .
- Still , Hugo 's impact may revive unsuccessful [ARG0 proposals] * to [rel give] [ARG2 local governments] [ARG1 authority * to levy sales taxes] .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 the structure of most credit programs] , it *EXP*-1 is surprising that default rates are not even higher .
- [ARG0 Guarantee rates] are typically 100 % , * [rel giving] [ARG2 lenders] [ARG1 little reason 0 * to screen customers carefully *T*-1] .
- Mr. Bush has long campaigned for passage of [ARG0 a bill or a constitutional amendment] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-MNR explicitly] [rel give] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 a line-item veto , which *T*-1 would enable him to kill individual items in a big spending bill without *-3 having *-4 to kill the entire bill] .
- But some analysts , particularly conservative legal scholars , have urged Mr. Bush *-1 not to wait for explicit authorization but * simply to assert that [ARG0 the Constitution] [ARGM-TMP already] [ARGM-MNR implicitly] [rel gives] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 the power * to exercise a line-item veto] .
- The Soviets should be willing *-2 to set in motion [ARG0 a process] that *T*-3 would allow them to acknowledge that Sverdlovsk violated the 1972 agreement or , alternatively , that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 U.S. specialists] [ARG1 reasonable confidence that this was a wholly civilian accident] .
- -- [ARG0 The U.S.S.R.] has taken unprecedented unilateral measures of openness , by * [rel giving] [ARG2 American representatives] [ARG1 a possibility * to inspect the building site of the Krasnoyarsk radar as well as radar vans in the areas of Gomel and Moscow] , [ARGM-ADV so as *-1 to see for themselves that there are no violations of the ABM treaty of 1972 on the part of the Soviet Union] .
- Wilbur Ross , financial adviser to the equity holders said , `` [rel Given] [ARG1 the state 's strong bargaining position] ... we believe 0 the NU plan provides the best recovery available '' to PS of New Hampshire 's equity holders .
- [ARG0 That plan] [ARGM-MOD would] leave existing preferred shareholders with at least a 41 % stake and [rel give] [ARG2 common shareholders] [ARG1 as little as 13 %] .
- The $ 2.25 billion *U* value claimed * by Northeast , based in Hartford , Conn. , is [ARG1 the highest] [ARGM-TMP yet] [rel given] * to [ARG2-to a bid] .
- The biggest change in Northeast 's offer was in improvements made * for [ARG2 equity holders] who *T*-2 had been [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 short shrift] [ARGM-TMP previously] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 it] [rel gave] [ARG1 ground] to [ARG2-to Mr. Inouye] on a number of projects , ranging from a $ 11 million *U* parking garage here , to a land transfer in Hawaii , to a provision * to assist the Makwah Indian Tribe in Washington state .
- [ARG0 Last week 's discerning audience] [rel gave] [ARG1 a bigger hand *ICH*-2] to [ARG2-to a greenhouse] than to the tenor Neil Shicoff , who *T*-1 sang an aria inside it .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 the prelude 's thematic connections with the music preceding the last act] , the idea is more worn than bad , though as luck would have it , for a change there actually was a conductor in the pit whom we wanted *-1 to hear *T*-2 , Carlos Kleiber , trying * to make memorable music while we all waited for the bed lump to stir into song .
- [ARGM-DIS By comparison] , [ARG0 Cannes] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel gives] [ARG1 $ 39,000 *U*] to [ARG2-to the winner of its young director 's award] .
- [ARG0 Japan] is considering *-1 [rel giving] [ARG1 aid] to [ARG2-to Hungary and Poland] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to support their recent political reforms] , a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said 0 *T*-3 .
- But even if no conscious life had evolved here at all , the universe is a big place , and [rel given] [ARG1 the right conditions] , sympathetic to *-1 creating some form of life .
- If [ARG0 mutation and natural selection] [ARGM-MNR slowly but surely] [rel give] [ARG1 rise] to [ARG2-to more and more advanced forms of life] , then it was only a matter of eons before splendid beings endowed * with reason , self-awareness and taste shimmered onto the scene .
- ESB said 0 [ARG2 it] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 only a three-hour advance warning on a `` * take it or leave it '' basis] from [ARG0-from Inco , as the Toronto company is called *-2 *?*] .
- [ARG0 Thrift regulators] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 any figures on their enforcement actions] .
- In its suit against Time , Viacom says 0 [ARG0 the ownership of both cable systems and cable-programming networks] [rel gives] [ARG2 the company] [ARG1 too much market power] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 enormous leverage , including the threat of a strike 0 *T*-2 to block any buy-out or recapitalization attempt 0 they oppose *T*-1] .
- The machinists are reviewing proposals 0 they made *T*-2 in the past for [ARG0 recapitalizations] that *T*-1 would pay a special shareholder dividend and [rel give] [ARG2 employees] [ARG1 a minority stake] .
- A machinist official said 0 that would depend on [ARG1 how much in concessions] [ARG0 machinists] would have *-1 to [rel give] *T*-2 [ARGM-PNC in return for the majority stake] .
- Most market participants said 0 they were looking to [ARG0 this week 's inventory statistics from the American Petroleum Institute] *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 the market] [ARG1 some direction] .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV both] [rel give] [ARG1 part of their combined $ 50 million *U* in common equity in SCI TV] to [ARG2-to holders of SCI TV 's $ 488 million *U* of junk bonds] , [ARGM-PNC as a carrot 0 *T*-2 to persuade them *-3 to accept new bonds that *T*-1 might reduce the value of their claims on the company] .
- `` It *EXP*-2 's not too surprising that the auction was sloppy , * [rel given] [ARG1 the volatility in the bond market because of stocks] , '' said *T*-1 Robert T. McGee , a senior vice president at Tokai Bank Ltd .
- [ARG0 The rapidly flashing return signals from excited hydrogen atoms in the blood] [rel give] [ARG1 a `` stop-motion '' movie of the blood-filled vessel , -LRB- like the `` stop-motion '' seen * in disco dancers when a strobe light is flashing *T*-1 -RRB-] .
- Analysts have been expecting [ARG0 a GM-Jaguar pact] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the U.S. car maker] [ARG1 an eventual 30 % stake in the British company] and create joint ventures that *T*-2 would produce an executive-model range of cars .
- [ARG0 Jaguar] seems *-2 to be losing interest in * [rel giving] [ARG2 GM] [ARG1 a minority stake] , said 0 *T*-3 one individual close to the talks , *-4 adding , `` It would n't surprise me if -LCB- Jaguar executives -RCB- want *-5 to wait and see what the color of that -LCB- Ford bid -RCB- is *T*-1 '' first .
- The American Iron and Steel Institute reported : 0 The capability utilization rate is a calculation designed * * to indicate at what percent of its production capability the industry is operating in a [rel given] [ARG1 week] *T*-1 .
- Added *ICH*-1 another U.K. analyst : `` [ARG0 It] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 some cash in the back pocket for when they want *-2 to do something] . ''
- JAPANESE COMPANIES fare best in U.S. [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 they] [rel give] [ARG2 Americans] [ARG1 more say] *T*-1 .
- The strikers voted *-2 to accept a series of [ARG0 management proposals] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a higher basic wage , better profit-sharing benefits and bigger annual bonuses] .
- Besides money , criminals have also used computers *-2 to steal secrets and intelligence , the newspaper said 0 *T*-1 , but [ARG0 it] [rel gave] [ARG1 no more details] .
- [ARG0 Your Sept. 26 `` Politics & Policy '' article about William Bennett 's Emergency Drug Plan for Washington] [rel gives] [ARG1 the impression that the FBI has not been *RNR*-2 nor is *RNR*-2 actively involved] .
- [ARG0 His humility] [rel gives] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 a much better chance of success] .
- `` What you look for *T*-2 in a shadow jury is very much what you do *T*-1 when [ARG0 you] [rel give] [ARG1 an opening argument] to [ARG2-to your wife or a friend] and get some response to it *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC In the battle 0 *T*-3 to supply desktop computers for researchers and design engineers] , [ARG1 most of the attention] is [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to the biggest competitors : Sun Microsystems Inc. , Hewlett-Packard Co. and Digital Equipment Corp. , which *T*-2 make computers mainly aimed * at a wide range of engineering and scientific needs] .
- Maybe we should ask why it was *T*-1 that Du Pont so quickly capitulated and issued [ARG0 a statement *ICH*-3] , [rel giving] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 wide] publicity , that it was withdrawing CFCs *T*-2 .
- Triggering the re-examination is *T*-1 a recent city [ARG0 council] decision * to [rel give] [ARG1 preference in * letting city contracts to suppliers with a stated policy on child care for their employees] .
- He won D.T. 's queen for two minor pieces and two pawns -- [ARG0 not enough compensation] , [ARGM-LOC in this position] , 0 *T*-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 the computer] [ARG1 much hope] .
- [ARGM-ADV Though almost everybody at the playing site had been looking for the 26-year-old Soviet to beat the Pennsylvania-based computer] , [ARG0 he] [rel gave] [ARG2 the machine] [ARG1 a far worse drubbing than many expected *?*] .
- [ARGM-TMP In May 1986] , [ARG0 Dr. Blumenfeld] [rel gave] [ARG2 Merrill Lynch & Co.] [ARG1 about $ 40,000 *U* for a federally insured certificate of deposit offering an effective yield of more than 9 %] .
- Some analysts say 0 [ARG0 this] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 the right 0 * to seize the ship if the situation warrants it *T*-1] .
- But [ARG0 it] could also accelerate `` marketization '' by *-1 reinforcing industrial accountability , breaking up state monopolies , [rel giving] [ARG2 managers] [ARG1 a stake in solutions] , and ensuring that modernization is not reversible for failure * to address environmental effects .
- Harken also said that its financing from Bankers Trust Co. has been extended *-1 until Dec. 15 [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG2 Tesoro 's board] [ARG1 time 0 * to consider the offer at a Tesoro board meeting scheduled * for mid-November *T*-2] .
- But they disagree about [ARG1 the message] 0 [ARG0 these settlements] [rel give] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to the public] .
- `` We believe that there are numerous other candidates more qualified for this important position and we encourage [ARG0 you] to [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 your thorough consideration] [ARGM-TMP before * making this key RTC appointment] , '' the letter said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Such trappings] suggest a glorious past but [rel give] [ARG1 no hint of a troubled present] .
- But what kind of initiative can you expect *T*-1 [rel given] [ARG1 the climate set * by Congress] ?
- [ARG2 He] was [ARGM-TMP finally] [rel given] [ARG1 leave] [ARGM-TMP when he was arrested *-1 for *-3 allegedly buying crack *T*-2] .
- He also told reporters 0 [ARG0 the acquisition] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 Paribas] [ARG1 fresh diversity] , [ARGM-ADV * bringing it properties in food and transport where it has been weak *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG2 pension funds] are [ARGM-TMP rarely] [rel given] [ARG1 seats on company boards] and most often try *-1 to avoid them because of legal concerns .
- Robins has been in proceedings under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code since August 1985 ; [ARG0 such proceedings] [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 protection from creditor lawsuits] [ARGM-TMP while it works out a plan for * paying its debts] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a lot of credit] [ARGM-CAU for *-2 taking this case] , '' says *T*-1 WLF 's Alan Slobodin .
- Mr. Pedroli notes that the GNP deflator , a measure of inflation , is expected *-1 to slow , [ARG0 which] *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Federal Reserve] [ARG1 more room 0 * to ease key U.S. rates *T*-3] .
- They noted , however , that [ARG0 a 26-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average] [rel gave] [ARG2 the dollar] [ARG1 a sharp nudge downward] [ARGM-TMP late in the day] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Brooks] declined *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 his age] , but he said 0 his leaving is a normal retirement .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 California 's size and political importance] , the White House is eager *-1 to appear generous .
- With obvious satisfaction , she says 0 she told him : `` No darling , [ARG0 I] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a Chanel look] . ''
- `` [ARGM-ADV If you are born *-1 to give parties] , [ARG0 you] [rel give] [ARG1 parties] .
- `` If [ARG0 you] are born *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 parties] , you give parties .
- Even in Russia [ARG0 we] managed *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 parties] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Los Angeles] , [ARGM-TMP in our lean years] , [ARG0 we] [rel gave] [ARG1 parties] . ''
- [ARG2 General Electric Co.] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 an $ 89.6 million *U* Navy contract for nuclear propulsion parts] .
- [ARG0 The linkup with Credit Agricole] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 Nuovo Banco] [ARG1 its first foreign presence since it was formed *-1 from the wreck of the old Banco Ambrosiano , which *T*-2 collapsed amid scandal after the death of Chairman Roberto Calvi in 1982] .
- [ARG0 The move] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 Nuovo Banco] [ARG1 a badly needed foreign presence] , and make Credit Agricole the bank 's largest shareholder .
- [ARG1 No reason for the request] was [rel given] *-1 .
- [ARG0 He] [rel gave] [ARG1 no further details] .
- [ARG0 Witnesses] often must travel long distances *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 face-to-face depositions] [ARGM-TMP before lawyers and court reporters] .
- `` But it does get him to return my calls , and it makes me feel better for [ARGM-TMP the times] 0 [ARG0 he] 's [rel given] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 the brushoff] *T*-1 , '' Mr. Kessler says *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Some 46 %] [rel give] [ARG2 foreign cars] [ARG1 higher quality ratings] , [ARGM-ADV down from 50 % two years ago] .
- [ARG0 The Sago] has become a popular accent in tony new housing tracts , * [ARGM-ADV apparently] [rel giving] [ARG2 the rustlers] [ARG1 a ready market for their filched fronds] .
- The second incident took place after [ARG0 Mr. McDuffie] [rel gave] [ARG1 an ambitious student recital] and was feeling rather pleased with himself .
- `` [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP once Perlman started *-1 playing] , [ARG0 I] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 a damn] about basketball ... .
- [ARGM-TMP Later this season] [ARG0 he] [rel gives] [ARG1 a recital] [ARGM-LOC at Washington 's Kennedy Center] , and appears as soloist with several major orchestras .
- Her father , William Rosenthal , designed [ARG0 the then-dress making company 's first bra *ICH*-1] in the 1920s , which he said 0 *T*-2 [rel gave] [ARG2 women] [ARG1 a `` maiden form '' compared * with the `` boyish form '' 0 they got *T*-3 from the `` flat bandages '' used * for support at the time] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel gives] [ARG1 pep talks] [ARGM-LOC in periodic `` family briefings '' beamed * internationally on `` FXTV , '' the company 's own television network] .
- [ARG0 Such attitudes] have [rel given] [ARG2 Federal] [ARG1 flexibility , 0 * not only to rapidly implement new technology but to keep its work force extraordinarily lean *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The operational freedom] has [ARGM-DIS also] [rel given] [ARG2 Federal] [ARG1 a leg up on archrival United Parcel Service Inc. , the nation 's largest employer of United Brotherhood of Teamsters members] .
- [ARG0 It] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG2 any particular group] [ARG1 the ability * to veto change] . ''
- A `` syndicate '' of shareholders holds just under 50 % of AG , Mr. Lippens said 0 *T*-1 , and [ARG0 members] have agreed *-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 one another] [ARG1 the right of first refusal] should they sell any AG shares .
- Since the beginning of the year , [ARG0 the stock] has nearly doubled , * [rel giving] [ARG2 AG] [ARG1 a market value of about 105 billion Belgian francs -LRB- $ 2.7 billion *U* -RRB-] .
- Mr. Tomlin , among other things , illegally provided Mr. Lavelle with [ARG0 inside information and documents] intended * to [rel give] [ARG2 Sperry] [ARG1 an unfair advantage in the competition] , the documents said 0 *T*-1 .
- But Ford clearly views Jaguar as a prize worth * fighting for *?* , since [ARG0 the company 's gilded brand image] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 Ford] [ARG1 a badly needed leg up in the high end of the luxury markets in both Europe and the U.S.] .
- But the general trend , [rel given] [ARG1 rising costs in the league] , has been * to raise prices , and Mr. Jones is expected *-1 to eventually follow suit .
- [ARG1 One example] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel gives] *T*-1 : `` She did n't ask '' -LRB- why the Palestinian children are soldiers throwing stones *T*-2 -RRB- .
- It 's like * doing a documentary on apartheid and insisting that [ARG1 equal time] be [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to how terrific white South Africans are *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 That] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Pentagon] [ARG1 flexibility that no other federal agency has *T*-1] .
- A Pentagon official said 0 [ARG0 the request] was made *-1 * to [rel give] [ARG2 the department] [ARG1 `` maximum flexibility '' 0 *T*-2 to deal with the cuts] .
- [ARG0 That] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 agencies] `` [ARG1 less ability ... * to fudge over things] , '' he told 0 *T*-1 reporters .
- Richard Breeden , the new chairman of the SEC , has n't taken [ARG0 a formal position] on the bill , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS also] require investors to disclose large trades and [rel give] [ARG2 the SEC] [ARG1 additional authority] [ARGM-TMP during market emergencies] .
- From my own point of view , [rel given] [ARG1 the qualities of humanity , creativity and warm spirit in which the Cuban people excel *T*-2] , we deny ourselves access to things 0 we hold *T*-3 dear , and which *T*-1 seem *-4 to run in such short supply these days .
- Mark Page , New York 's deputy director of finance , said that investors ' concerns about the city 's financial health are `` unwarranted [rel given] [ARG1 our proven ability * to manage ourselves] . ''
- [ARG0 What] *T*-1 [rel gives] [ARG2 these events] [ARG1 particular significance] , however , is the fact that they are part of a wider drama affecting the strategic positions of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union on the horn of Africa .
- And [ARG0 the United Arab Emirates , a chronic quota cheater ,] refused *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 any guarantee 0 it would change its ways] .
- Some scenes : -- [ARGM-TMP Saturday morning] , [ARG2 a resident] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 15 minutes] [ARGM-PNC * to scurry into a sagging building and reclaim what she could *T*-2 of her life 's possessions] .
- [ARG0 Shrubs and flowers] [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a pleasing and non-fortress-like appearance] .
- [ARG0 * Combatting crime and the fear of it in inner-city commercial areas] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel give] [ARG2 Enterprise Zones] [ARG1 more success than most have enjoyed to date] .
- [ARG0 Options] [rel give] [ARG2 a holder] [ARG1 the right *RNR*-1 , but not the obligation *RNR*-1 , * to buy or sell a security at a set price within a set period of time] .
- The coupon will be reset in one year at [ARG0 a rate] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 the issue] [ARG1 a market value of 101] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel gave] [ARG2 1,124 businesses] [ARG1 a questionnaire] and analyzed 353 responses .
- Another solution 0 [ARG0 cities] might consider *T*-1 is * [rel giving] [ARG1 special priority] to [ARG2-to police patrols of small-business areas] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 the added benefits of international diversification] -- including a foreign-exchange boost during periods , like the past week , when the dollar declines against other major currencies *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Many of the funds that *T*-2 did best in the last week] are heavily invested *-1 overseas , * [rel giving] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 the benefit of foreign currency translations] [ARGM-TMP when the dollar is weak *T*-3] .
- `` [rel Given] [ARG1 our forecast for lower rates] , purchases made * now should prove quite rewarding before year end , '' he said *T*-1 .
- The coupon on the issue will be reset in one year at [ARG0 a rate] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 the issue] [ARG1 a market value of 101] .
- The official Xinhua News Agency said 0 the municipal government was discussing [ARG0 a draft bill] 0 *T*-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 the capital] [ARG1 its first anti-prostitution statutes] .
- At that level , and [rel given] [ARG1 the uncertainty] , he believes 0 UAL stock should trade closer to
- [ARG0 The pilots] could borrow against the value of their concessions , * using the proceeds *-2 to buy back stock from the public and [rel give] [ARG2 themselves] [ARG1 the majority control 0 they have been seeking *T*-1] .
- Among other things , the memo contends that [ARG0 Young & Rubicam] [rel gave] [ARG1 false assurances that the investigation would n't uncover any information that *T*-1 would `` embarrass the government of Jamaica or the Jamaica Tourist Board] . ''
- At the same time , he remains fairly pessimistic about the outlook for imports , [rel given] [ARG1 continued high consumer and capital goods inflows] .
- The only extra people were a couple of personnel specialists , one of whom *T*-1 knew Mr. Stone 's case intimately and would help *-2 fill in [ARG0 any facts] needed * to [rel give] [ARG2 the court] [ARG1 the full picture] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 special bidding rules] [rel give] [ARG2 the bank 's former owner , Leonardo Ty ,] [ARG1 the right * to match the highest bid] .
- In 1983 , the loans were converted *-1 into equity , [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG2 Manila] [ARG1 98 % of the bank] , [ARGM-ADV but with the understanding that Mr. Ty had repurchase rights] .
- -LRB- True , the Mexican government has granted `` control '' over the airline to a new private consortium , but its propensity * to take back [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel gives] *T*-1 is too well known *-2 * to permit one to be sanguine . -RRB-
- [ARG0 The failed takeover] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel given] [ARG2 UAL employees] [ARG1 75 % voting control of the nation 's second-largest airline] , [ARGM-ADV with management getting 10 % control and British Air 15 %] .
- People familiar with the company say 0 [ARG0 the board] is n't likely *-2 to [rel give] [ARG1 quick approval] to [ARG2-to any offer substantially below the $ 300-a-share *U* , $ 6.79 billion *U* buy-out bid] that *T*-1 collapsed last week after banks would n't raise needed loans and after a key partner , British Airways PLC , dropped out .
- But [ARG0 UAL 's board] is n't expected *-2 to [rel give] [ARG1 quick approval] to [ARG2-to any offer substantially below the $ 300-a-share *U* bid that *T*-1 collapsed recently] .
- Commonwealth leaders issued [ARG0 a declaration] [rel giving] [ARG2 South Africa] [ARG1 six months 0 * to deliver on pledges * to ease apartheid *T*-1 or face new reprisals] .
- [ARG1 One of the seven reports *ICH*-2 presented * here of excess heat production] was [rel given] *-1 by [ARG0-by Richard A. Oriani , professor of chemical engineering at the University of Minnesota] .
- There are all sorts of ways 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG1 buy and sell instructions] to [ARG2-to a broker] *T*-1 -- and just as many ways 0 * to get burned *-2 if you do n't know what you 're doing *T*-4 *T*-3 .
- For any [rel given] [ARG1 move] in the overall market , it suggests how steeply that particular issue might rise or fall *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 my share in a wide variety of entertainment pursuits] has [rel given] [ARG1 perhaps the most dramatic demonstration of the benefits of creative personal financial planning] .
- Over the course of the decade , for instance , my return on investment in the area of poker alone -LRB- Figures 7A and 7B -RRB- has been most impressive , *-2 showing bodacious annual expansion with -- [rel given] [ARG1 the way 0 my associates play *T*-1] -- no sign of abatement into the 1990s and beyond .
- [ARGM-TMP WHEN JAMES SCHWARTZ was just a lad *T*-1] [ARG0 his father] [rel gave] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 a piece of career advice] .
- She says 0 [ARG0 her group] used *-2 to [rel give] [ARG1 tips on * selecting planners -- * check educational and experience credentials , consult regulators and Better Business Bureaus --] but found that even some people who *T*-1 took these steps `` were still getting ripped *-3 off . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Gargan , the Tampa planner who *T*-1 heads one trade group ,] favors * [ARGM-ADV simply] assessing the industry and [rel giving] [ARG1 the money] to [ARG2-to the SEC] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to hire more staff] .
- It *EXP*-4 should be noted *-1 that Mr. Schwartz , who *T*-2 operates out of Englewood , Colo. , is [ARG0 a puckish sort] who *T*-3 likes *-5 to [rel give] [ARG2 his colleagues] [ARG1 the needle] .
- One plaintiff , a doctor , testified in an affidavit that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel gave] [ARG2 Mr. Peterson] [ARG1 $ 50,000 *U* 0 * to join a sort of investment club which *T*-1 essentially gave the physician `` the privilege of *-3 making additional investments '' with Mr. Peterson *T*-2] .
- Certificates of deposit do n't pay 23 % a year , for example , but [ARG0 that] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 pause] to [ARG2-to clients of one Alabama planner] .
- But , says 0 *T*-1 Mr. Katz , the U.S. attorney , `` the interesting thing about Newport Beach operations is that [ARG0 they] [ARG2-REC give] themselves [ARG1 the indulgence of beautiful offices , with plush furnishings] .
- Law-enforcement authorities say that at any [rel given] [ARG1 time] , a host of fraudulent telemarketing operations mingle with the many legitimate businesses here .
- By 2007 , when this year 's newborns hit campus *T*-1 , a four-year Ivy League sheepskin will cost $ 300,000 *U* , [rel give] or take [ARG1 a few pizzas-with-everything at exam time] .
- [ARG0 Passport applicants] [ARGM-TMP now] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel give] [ARG1 Social Security numbers] , [ARGM-ADV * enabling the IRS to see whether Americans living abroad are filing required U.S. returns] .
- [ARG0 The plan] creates a new category of students from `` socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds , '' a concept not yet defined * , and [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 about 10 % of the class] .
- Such schemes , says 0 *T*-1 Tony Adamski , chief of the financial-crimes unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington , D.C. , appeal to investors ' `` desire * to believe 0 this is really true and that they are part of [ARG2 a chosen group] being [rel given] * [ARG1 this opportunity] . ''
- `` [ARG0 You] [rel gave] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 some excitement that they did n't have *T*-1 in their lives] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV If all 0 you want *T*-1 is death-benefit coverage] , [ARG0 pure insurance -- a term policy --] [rel gives] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 maximum bang for your buck] , [ARGM-ADV within limits] .
- Second , the $ 5,760 *U* 0 I 'd get *T*-3 back would be much diminished *-1 in purchasing power by 10 years of inflation ; Amex , not I , would get the benefit of the investment income on my money , [ARG0 income] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] have exceeded the inflation rate and [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel given] [ARG2 the company] [ARG1 a real profit] .
- I can adjust the amount of insurance 0 I want *T*-1 against the amount going into investment ; I can pay more or less than the so-called target premium in a [rel given] [ARG1 year] ; and I can even skip payments if my cash reserves are enough * to cover the insurance portion of the policy .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-TMP commonly] [rel give] [ARG1 two scenarios : One is based *-1 on interest rates that the company guarantees *T*-2 -LRB- usually 4 % to 4.5 % *U* -RRB- and the other on the rate 0 it is currently getting *T*-3 on investment , often 8.5 % or more] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 he] monitors the money-supply figures , but does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 paramount importance] , [ARGM-ADV as some private and government economists have suggested 0 *?*] .
- [ARG1 Terms of the agreement] were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel given] *-1 .
- As a result , [ARG0 indexers] have been looking for ways 0 * to [rel give] [ARG2 investors] [ARG1 something more than the average] [ARGM-PNC for their money] *T*-1 .
- [ARG2 His family] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 three hours 0 * to leave *T*-3] [ARGM-TMP before the house and contents were confiscated *-2] .
- *-2 White , 24 years old , a singer in her church choir , she symbolizes [ARG0 a generation] that *T*-1 [rel gave] [ARG1 its heart and its vote] to [ARG2-to Ronald Reagan] .
- After *-1 watching interest in the sport plummet for years , [ARG0 the ski industry] is trying *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2-REC itself] [ARG1 a lift] .
- For more than a decade , [ARG0 banks] have been pressing Congress and banking regulators for expanded powers * to act like securities firms in *-2 playing Wall Street 's lucrative takeover game , from * [rel giving] [ARG1 mergers advice] all the way to * selling and trading high-yield junk bonds .
- In fact it can be argued that * increasing capital commitments by market makers -LRB- a result of some post-1987 crash studies -RRB- also increases market volatility , since the more securities are held *-1 by market makers at any [rel given] [ARG1 time] , the more selling pressure is overhanging the market .
- It may be straightforward -- he wants money for food -- or incredibly convoluted ; his sister is at this very moment near death in Hoboken , he has lost his wallet and has only $ 1.22 *U* in change 0 * to put *T*-1 toward a bus ticket costing $ 3.83 *U* , and wo [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARG0 you] [rel give] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 the difference] ?
- Enforcers pay special attention to operators using sweepstakes prizes as an additional inducement [ARG0 *] to [rel give] .
- Mr. Webster cites a four-page mailing from the United Cancer Council that *T*-1 offers a chance * to win $ 5,000 *U* in gold bullion to [ARG0 those] [rel giving] [ARG1 as little as $ 5 *U*] to [ARG2-to cancer education] .
- In fact , [ARG0 the donors] sometimes might be better off *-1 [rel giving] [ARG1 the money] to [ARG2-to the panhandler] : at least he has no overhead , and he might even be telling the truth .
- [ARG0 * Having a proposal sponsored *-1 by Democrats] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel given] [ARG2 the president] [ARG1 an advantage] .
- `` [ARG0 I] do n't want *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 the impression that everybody can relax now] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- When a certain class of investment performs so poorly that its reputation is tarnished *-1 *T*-2 , * look for [ARG0 Wall Street] to [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a new moniker] .
- Not only that , [ARG0 Sony] also agreed *-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a stake in Columbia 's future profits] and buy their company , Guber Peters Entertainment Co. , for $ 200 million *U* , almost 40 % more than the market value of the company .
- It *EXP*-1 's hardly astonishing -LRB- [rel given] [ARG1 the men 's track record] -RRB- that Sony wants Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters .
- In addition , they fear that [ARG0 banks] have been overeager *-2 to issue cards to the public -- *-2 [rel giving] [ARG1 cards] to [ARG2-to too many big spenders who *T*-1 will default during a recession] .
- `` There is n't any doubt that [ARG2 the thread of the '86 code] has been [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a mighty tug] , '' says *T*-2 Rep. Thomas Downey -LRB- D. , N.Y . -RRB- .
- They have sent a letter to congressional tax-writers *-2 asking that [ARG2 gains from the sale of collectibles] [ARGM-DIS also] be [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 preferential treatment] .
- In exchange for dramatically lower tax rates , the framers of that legislation sought *-2 to eliminate most of [ARG0 the exemptions , deductions and credits] that *T*-1 [rel gave] [ARG2 some taxpayers] [ARG1 an advantage over others] .
- The Spanish author Camilo Jose Cela won the Nobel Prize for literature yesterday , a surprising choice , but [rel given] [ARG1 the Swedish Academy 's past perversities] , hardly the most undeserved and ridiculous accolade handed out by the awarding committee .
- [ARGM-ADV In *-1 passing the window] , [ARG0 Senorita Elvira] [rel gives] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a smile] -- [ARGM-ADV simply] out of habit .
- [ARGM-TMP In the meantime] , [ARG0 Russia] [rel gave] [ARG2 Nicaragua] [ARG1 another powerful radio transmitter , which *T*-2 has been installed *-1 in the city of Esteli] .
- [ARG0 She] said 0 Wheeler Group was profitable but [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG1 figures] .
- Darla St. Martin , of the National Right to Life Committee , says 0 exit polls from the 1988 election had [ARG0 single-issue , pro-life voters] [rel giving] [ARG2 Mr. Bush] [ARG1 about five more percentage points of support than pro-choice voters gave Michael Dukakis] .
- Darla St. Martin , of the National Right to Life Committee , says 0 exit polls from the 1988 election had single-issue , pro-life voters giving Mr. Bush about five more percentage points of support than [ARG0 pro-choice voters] [rel gave] [ARG2 Michael Dukakis] .
- Caldwell Butler , a conservative former congressman , was barred *-1 from a Legal Services post , after [ARG0 he] [rel gave] [ARG1 wrong answers on abortion] .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 the computers] [rel give] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 more information than we can ever read *?*] .
- Now they plan *-2 to sell us [ARG0 products] that *T*-1 sift through all the information *-3 to [rel give] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 what we really want *-5 to know *T*-4] .
- It may also expedite the SEC 's modest pending changes in junk-bond disclosure rules and intensify the Treasury 's look at [ARG0 plans] for * [rel giving] [ARG1 new tax breaks on dividends] and raising taxes on short-term trades by pension funds .
- But [ARG0 the economy] `` is slowing enough 0 *T*-1 to [rel give] [ARG2 the Federal Reserve] [ARG1 leeway 0 * to reduce interest rates *T*-2] . ''
- Instead it 's a form of `` [ARG0 enhanced rescission] , '' [rel giving] [ARG2 a President] [ARG1 a chance * to rescind , or strike , specific spending items that *T*-1 just go too far] .
- Amdura Corp. said 0 [ARG0 its bank group , led * by Chicago-based Continental Bank ,] agreed *-1 to extend its $ 40 million *U* bridge loan until March 31 , 1990 , and [rel gave] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a new $ 30 million *U* credit line] .
- [ARG0 This] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 Paribas and Lonrho] [ARG1 joint control of Societe Commerciale] .
- HealthVest said 0 [ARG0 two of its lenders] have [rel given] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 notices of default on bank loans] and said 0 they may take actions 0 * to recover their loans *T*-1 .
- IBM will face an uphill climb against Digital , [rel given] [ARG1 Digital 's reputation for * being better than IBM at *-1 hooking together different manufacturers ' computers] .
- The package helps carriers solve pricing problems , such as how * to react to discounts offered * by competitors *T*-2 or what *T*-1 would be the optimum number of seats 0 * to offer *T*-3 at a [rel given] [ARG1 price] .
- The House Public Works and Transportation Committee approved [ARG0 a bill] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Transportation Department] [ARG1 power * to block airline leveraged buy-outs] , despite a clear veto threat from the Bush administration .
- The secretary would be required *-1 to block an acquisition if he concluded that it would so weaken an airline financially that it would hurt safety or reduce the carrier 's ability * to compete , or if [ARG0 it] [rel gave] [ARG1 control] to [ARG2-to a foreign interest] .
- It also voted down [ARG0 proposals] * to [rel give] [ARG2 the secretary] [ARG1 much more discretion on whether * to block a buy-out] and to require the department to consider the impact of a buy-out on workers .
- [ARG0 The insurers ' relative resilience] [rel gave] [ARG2 the market] [ARG1 time 0 * to reappraise the impact of the California disaster on U.K. equities *T*-1] , dealers said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP when the Pemex plant shut down for an annual overhaul *T*-1] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG never] [rel give] [ARG1 notice] to [ARG2-to its customers] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-ADV with the quiet pragmatism of Mr. Guzman Cabrera replacing the prickly populism of La Quina] , [ARG2 government technocrats] have been [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a free hand 0 * to open the petrochemical sector to wider private and foreign investment *T*-2] .
- Moreover , he is a political agent of [ARG0 a political president] , who *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR naturally] [rel gives] [ARG1 extraordinary weight] to [ARG2-to the way 0 the economy will perform before the next election *T*-2] , and less to its longer-run health .
- Moreover , he is a political agent of [ARG0 a political president] , who *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR naturally] [rel gives] extraordinary weight to the way 0 the economy will perform before the next election *T*-2 , and [ARG1 less] to [ARG2-to its longer-run health] .
- Could he plausibly interpret it as encouragement for [ARG0 the Fed] to [rel give] [ARG1 primary emphasis] to [ARG2-to * stabilizing the price level] ?
- Or would [ARG0 he] interpret it as instruction * to [rel give] [ARG1 more weight] to [ARG2-to these other objectives that the secretary represents *T*-1 -- low interest rates , short-run economic expansion , and stabilization of exchange rates at internationally managed levels] ?
- -LRB- [ARGM-ADV True] , [ARG0 a succession of Fed chairmen] has [rel given] [ARG1 color] to [ARG2-to the notion that the Secretary of the Treasury belongs on the Fed] .
- The Fed exercises [ARG1 a power] [rel given] * to [ARG2-to it] by [ARG0-by Congress and the president] .
- But Congress and the president accept no responsibility for the exercise of [ARG1 the power] 0 [ARG0 they] have [rel given] [ARG2 the Fed] *T*-1 .
- What *T*-2 is undemocratic is the unwillingness *ICH*-5 of the more political parts of the government * to take the responsibility for * deciding the basic question of monetary policy , which *T*-3 is [ARG1 what priority] *T*-4 [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to * stabilizing the price level] .
- [ARGM-DIS As a result] , [ARG2 GOP state Rep. Stephen Freind of Delaware County , the legislature 's leading foe of abortion ,] has been [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 all but free rein 0 * to press a strict seven-point plan * to restrict abortion *T*-3 and , he hopes 0 *T*-4 , * to force the Supreme Court directly to reassess its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that *T*-2 established the right of abortion in the first place *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 Costs] are [rel giving] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a little bit of trouble] , and the whole industry is having a pricing problem . ''
- [ARG0 The space shuttle Atlantis] boosted the Galileo spacecraft on its way to Jupiter , *-1 [rel giving] [ARG1 a big lift] [ARGM-DIS as well] to [ARG2-to an ambitious U.S. program of space exploration] .
- [ARG0 That rule] [rel gives] [ARG2 boards of directors] [ARG1 wide latitude] [ARGM-LOC in *-3 deciding how *-2 to deal with dissident shareholders *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The transaction] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 Tandy] [ARG1 a well-known European computer brand that *T*-1 includes 2,700 dealers and distributors marketing to medium-sized business and educational institutions] .
- One possible solution for [ARG0 Wall Street] is * to increase the equity part of the transaction -- that is , [rel give] [ARG2 lenders] [ARG1 a bigger stake in the surviving company rather than just interest payments] .
- `` [ARG0 The pigs in the trough] may have *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 a little bit of the slop] back and then the deal can go through , '' said *T*-2 Peter C. Canellos , tax partner at Wachtell , Lipton , Rosen & Katz .
- [ARG0 PACS] [rel GIVE] and receive [ARGM-MNR in a debatable duet with employees ' favored charities] .
- Scott E. Thomas says 0 [ARG0 the plans] [rel give] [ARG2 employees] `` [ARG1 a bonus in the form of charitable donations made * from an employer 's treasury] '' [ARGM-PNC in exchange for the political donation] .
- But , [rel given] [ARG1 what *T*-1 might have happened to the fragile parts that *T*-2 are at the heart of the microelectronics business] , the bulk of Valley companies seemed *-3 to be just about shouting hosannas .
- They closed Tuesday in composite trading at $ 13.625 *U* , down 37.5 cents , [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG2 the stock portion of the transaction] [ARG1 an indicated value of $ 38.8 million *U*] .
- [ARGM-ADV For Eurocom] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , [ARG0 the move] [rel gives] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a strong U.S. foothold in Della Femina] , and more than quadruples the size of its ad agency business world-wide .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel gives] [ARG2 the outspoken Mr. Della Femina -- who *T*-1 often generates as much publicity for himself as for his clients --] [ARG1 an international platform that he most certainly wo n't be loath *-3 to use *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel give] [ARG2 those in Congress] [ARG1 political credit] [ARGM-CAU for *-1 bringing home the pork] , and so they are popular with such Members as Mary Rose Oakar .
- Our view is that [rel given] [ARG1 Congress 's attitude toward HUD] , the place probably is beyond reform .
- -LRB- Put options give holders the right *RNR*-1 , but not the obligation *RNR*-1 , * to sell a financial instrument at a specified price , while [ARG0 call options] [rel give] [ARG2 holders] [ARG1 the right *RNR*-2 , but not the obligation *RNR*-2 , * to buy a financial instrument at a specified price] -RRB- .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Put options] [rel give] [ARG2 holders] [ARG1 the right *RNR*-1 , but not the obligation *RNR*-1 , * to sell a financial instrument at a specified price] , [ARGM-ADV while call options give holders the right *RNR*-2 , but not the obligation *RNR*-2 , * to buy a financial instrument at a specified price] -RRB- .
- [ARGM-DIS Clearly] , [ARG0 people like Mrs. Lombardi] are [rel giving] [ARG2 marketers] [ARG1 fits] .
- [ARGM-DIS What *T*-1 's more] , [ARG0 a flood of new products] has [rel given] [ARG2 consumers] [ARG1 a dizzying choice of brands , many of which *T*-2 are virtually carbon copies of one other] .
- But [rel given] [ARG1 such strong brand disloyalty] , some marketers are putting renewed emphasis on image advertising .
- Besides *-2 creating joint manufacturing ventures , [ARG0 the accord] is expected *-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 GM] [ARG1 about a 15 % stake that *T*-1 eventually would rise to about 30 %] .
- Meanwhile , PaineWebber remains among the leaders in efforts * to simply persuade [ARG0 investors] *-1 to keep *-2 [rel giving] [ARG2 Wall Street] [ARG1 their money] .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 enough of these] , this will drive everyone *ICH*-1 out except the most hardy , '' he adds *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 An extra exclusion] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to long-held stock in small and medium-size corporations just starting up] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel gave] [ARG1 10-to-1 odds that a capital-gains tax cut of some sort would be approved *-2 this year , though it probably wo n't be included *-3 in the pending deficit-reduction bill] .
- The battery packs have enough power for only three hours , but [ARG0 that] [rel gave] [ARG2 emergency crews] [ARG1 time 0 * to turn on an emergency system that *T*-1 runs primarily on diesel fuel *T*-2] .
- `` [ARG0 It] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-TMP in the near-term] [rel give] [ARG1 a boost] to [ARG2-to the San Francisco economy] [ARGM-CAU because there will be an influx of people 0 *T*-1 to help] , '' says *T*-2 Beth Burnham Mace , a regional economist at DRI\/McGraw Hill , a Lexington , Mass. , forecasting firm .
- G.D. Searle & Co. , a Monsanto Co. unit , is launching [ARG0 a program] 0 *T*-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 consumers] [ARG1 more information about its drugs] [ARGM-TMP when doctors prescribe them *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 They] are designed *-3 to be [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to patients] by [ARG0-by their doctors] [ARGM-TMP when the medicines are prescribed *-2 *T*-4] and include space 0 for the doctor to *-5 write special instructions *T*-6 .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 Searle] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel give] [ARG2 pharmacists] [ARG1 brochures on the use of prescription drugs for distribution in their stores] .
- But their potential quake exposure is seen *-1 as small [rel given] [ARG1 that they require a financial cushion on all the loans 0 they purchase *T*-2] .
- Several key economic figures are due out and [ARG0 Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson] is scheduled *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 the annual `` Mansion House '' address] to [ARG2-to the financial community] .
- Economists do n't expect any such changes in this year 's address , [rel given] [ARG1 Mr. Lawson 's apparent reluctance * to adjust policy currently] .
- [ARG0 The East German media] soon began *-1 presenting Mr. Gorbachev 's speeches only as sketchy summaries , and [rel giving] [ARG1 space] to [ARG2-to his opponents] .
- Equitec Financial Group said 0 it will ask [ARG0 as many as 100,000 investors in 12 of its public real-estate limited partnerships] *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 approval] to [ARG2-to *-2 rolling them up into a new master limited partnership] .
- The would-be raider even hired [ARG0 an investment banker] * to [rel give] [ARG1 teeth] to [ARG2-to his takeover threat , which *T*-2 was widely interpreted *-1 as an effort * to flush out an acquirer for USAir , or for his own stake] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a Dutch auction] , the buyer sets a price range and [ARG0 holders] [rel give] [ARG1 a price in that range at which they 're willing *-1 to sell their shares *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 San Francisco area officials] [rel gave] [ARG2 the media] [ARG1 high marks] [ARGM-CAU for *-1 helping people find shelter and obtain emergency information after Tuesday 's catastrophic earthquake] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Roh] said 0 a U.S. demand for the removal of South Korean import quotas on beef will be resolved *-1 `` satisfactorily '' but [rel gave] [ARG1 no hint when that will happen *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Taylor 's overwhelming victory against Republican Tom Anderson] reclaims a seat 0 the Republicans had held *T*-1 for 17 years and [rel gives] [ARG2 the Democrats] [ARG1 their fifth victory in the seven special House elections held * this year] .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 the seismic history of the Bay Area] , `` it seems to me that a 6.9 earthquake is a foreseeable event . ''
- [ARGM-ADV Coupled with his current 1.2 million shares and 4 % held * by an associate] , [ARG0 the stake] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel given] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 control of 55 % of the concern] .
- Christian legislators are insisting on a Syrian troop pullout from Lebanon before *-1 agreeing to [ARG0 political changes] [rel giving] [ARG2 the nation 's Moslems] [ARG1 a greater role in Beirut 's government] .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 Democratic frustration with the Reagan victories and Court appointments , the contingency plans in place , and Mr. Bork 's paper trail of vulnerable writings] , it *EXP*-2 was pretty clear that Judge Bork never stood much chance of * being confirmed *-1 .
- [ARG0 The competition] [rel gives] [ARG2 the seller] [ARG1 the ability * to cut a better deal] , '' he says 0 *T*-1 .
- Politically , this currently is wisdom -- [ARGM-ADV particularly] [rel given] [ARG1 a nervous neighboring France] .
- [ARG0 A bill] [rel giving] [ARG2 the Transportation Department] [ARG1 the power * to block airline leveraged buy-outs] cleared a House panel .
- They say that [ARG0 the earthquake] , [ARGM-MNR by *-1 preventing many banks from *-2 operating at full capacity] , has [rel given] [ARG2 the Fed] [ARG1 an additional reason 0 * to keep liquidity at a high level *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 A slight recovery in the stock market] [rel gave] [ARG2 currency traders] [ARG1 confidence 0 * to push the dollar higher before the unit dropped back by day 's end *T*-1] .
- `` It *EXP*-2 's hard * to imagine how the markets were speculating *T*-3 , [rel given] [ARG1 that nobody could get through to San Francisco] , '' said *T*-1 one amazed oil company executive .
- `` It *EXP*-1 's known *-2 0 they need the sugar , and [ARG0 the expectation that they will come in] is [ARGM-ADV apparently] [rel giving] [ARG2 the market] [ARG1 its principal support] , '' the dealer said *T*-3 .
- Dr. Starzl said 0 the research has been largely financed *-1 by the National Institute of Health and by university funds , and that [ARG0 Fujisawa] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG2 the hospital] [ARG1 any grants] .
- The Pittsburgh patients are [ARG2 the first humans] 0 *T*-4 to be [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 the drug , which *T*-3 is made *-2 by Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Give] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 an F] [ARGM-CAU for his failure * to understand the ethics of economic equity] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Laband] [rel gives] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 an idea why economists ' predictions are usually wrong *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Such spillover effects] [rel give] [ARG2 the state] [ARG1 a right * to intervene in the marketplace and temporarily coordinate allocation of resources] .
- A call option is similar to a put , except that [ARG0 it] [rel gives] [ARG2 its owner] [ARG1 the right * to buy shares at a stated price until expiration] .
- [ARG0 * Selling a call option] [rel gives] [ARG2 an investor] [ARG1 a small buffer against a stock-market decline] .
- Because [ARG0 a put option] [rel gives] [ARG2 its owner] [ARG1 the right *RNR*-1 , but not the obligation *RNR*-1 , * to sell a fixed number of shares of the stock at a stated price on or before the option 's expiration date] , the investor is protected *-2 against a sudden drop in the stock 's price .
- `` [ARG0 You] 've got *-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 these chairmen] [ARG1 the opportunity * to see if they can work things out] , '' said *T*-1 House Budget Committee Chairman Leon Panetta -LRB- D. , Calif . -RRB- .
- The developer and manager of futures-investment limited partnerships said 0 preliminary results indicate that about 1,749,000 shares had been tendered *-1 , [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG1 a preliminary proration factor of 0.6287] .
- Another factor was that customers were asking , `` [ARGM-CAU Why] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARG0 you] [rel give] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 a cheaper system] *T*-1 ? '' Mr. Jobs said 0 *T*-2 at a conference on university computing here .
- The penthouse elevator started up from the Gutfreund landing , and [ARG0 Susan Gutfreund] used *-1 to turn off its light , *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 the impression that there was no higher floor] .
- [ARG0 The Postels] did [ARGM-NEG not] [rel give] [ARG1 permission] .
- He left his last two jobs at Republic Airlines and Flying Tiger with combined stock-option gains of about $ 22 million *U* , and [ARG0 UAL] [rel gave] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 a $ 15 million *U* bonus] [ARGM-TMP when it hired him *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-ADV Including Monday 's plunge] , [ARG0 that] has [rel given] [ARG2 the two executives] [ARG1 paper losses of $ 49.5 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV based * on what they would have realized *T*-1 had the pilots and management-led buy-out of UAL gone through at $ 300 *U* a share] .
- Mr. Noriega might have fallen of his own weight in 1988 because of Panama 's dire economic situation , says 0 *T*-1 Mr. Moss , but [ARG0 increasing external pressure] has [ARGM-ADV only] [rel given] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 additional excuses for repression , and a scapegoat for his own mismanagement] .
- [ARG0 His commanding officer at the Chiriqui Province garrison , Major Omar Torrijos ,] [rel gave] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 an intriguing assignment : Mr. Noriega would organize the province 's first intelligence service] .
- [ARG0 The new reports of sluggishness , which *T*-2 were foreshadowed *-1 by an earlier Labor Department report that manufacturing payrolls dropped by 105,000 in September] , [rel give] [ARG2 the Fed] [ARG1 another reason * to further ease its grip on credit and lower interest rates] .
- [ARG0 The combination of solid loan growth with tight expense control] [rel gave] [ARG2 Wells Fargo] [ARG1 a 1.25 % return on average assets for the quarter , about 40 % higher than Security Pacific 's and a profit ratio matched * by only two or three other major banks in the U.S.] .
- `` [ARG0 The Congress government] is taking the farmers ' bread and [ARGM-NEG not] [rel giving] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 any support] .
- [ARGM-DIS Separately] , [ARG0 the bill] [rel gives] [ARG1 authority *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to the Bush administration] * to facilitate the refinancing of federally subsidized loans for low-income and moderate-income homeowners .
- In * lobbying on other health-coverage topics , the National Federation of Independent Business will press for [ARG0 legislation] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 self-employed people] [ARG1 a 100 % tax deduction for their own health plans , up from 25 % currently] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 the administration 's deal with Congress] [rel gives] [ARG2 several congressional committees] [ARG1 the right * to cut off even humanitarian aid next month] , [ARGM-ADV though the committees are likely * to let aid continue until February] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-TMP just last week] , [ARG0 Defense Secretary Dick Cheney] [rel gave] [ARG1 a strong speech listing `` compelling reasons '' 0 * to push ahead with SDI *T*-1 and saying 0 he 'd urge President Bush *-2 to veto a defense bill with `` inadequate '' funding for the program] .
- Predictably , when *-3 confronted with morally dubious behavior *T*-2 , prosecutors will exploit [ARG1 the latitude] 0 [ARG0 such openended statutes] [rel give] [ARG2 them] *T*-1 .
- They question whether the IMF has any role in developing countries , [rel given] [ARG1 its original mandate * to assist industrial countries in balance-of-payments emergencies] .
- Liberals may support the stabilizing , quasi-governmental role of the IMF on two conditions : that [ARG0 the administration] [rel give] [ARG1 assurances that liberal Democrats ' support will not be used *-1 against them in congressional re-election campaigns] ; and that the legislation address -- with dollars -- social and environmental concerns .
- [ARG2 Conservative Republicans] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 the choice of * supporting or fighting their party 's popular president in an election year] .
- [ARGM-DIS Furthermore] , [ARG0 a U.S. rejection of the capital increase -LRB- and transfer of shares to Japan -RRB-] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 Japan] [ARG1 an argument against future calls for economic burden-sharing] .
- [ARG0 The acquisition] `` [rel gives] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 additional production capacity for the food service coffee business and a stronger distribution network] , '' a P&G spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The vaccine , VaxSyn HIV-1 ,] has been [ARGM-MNR safely] [rel given] *-2 to [ARG2-to 14 people , some of whom *T*-3 are experiencing substantial increases in certain antibodies] .
- [ARG0 U.S. takeover-stock speculators , who *T*-4 may own between 20 % and 30 % *U* of Jaguar ,] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel give] [ARG2 Ford] [ARG1 enough votes * to block the GM deal] .
- The subject will be written *-1 into the plots of prime-time shows , and [ARG2 viewers] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel given] *-2 [ARG1 a 900 number 0 * to call *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 Several reports] [ARGM-TMP as the day progressed] [rel gave] [ARG1 vague or conflicting indications about whether banks would sign up] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 he] [rel gave] [ARG1 few details on the progress toward a new bid] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying only , `` We are working toward a revised proposal for majority employee ownership] . ''
- [ARG0 Dual trading] [rel gives] [ARG2 an exchange trader] [ARG1 the right 0 *T*-1 to trade both for his own account and for customers] .
- `` It [ARG0 *EXP*-3] [rel gave] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 great pride] * to see the inventor of the microcassette in Japan look at the pico and shake his head and say ` unbelievable , ' '' says *T*-1 Mr. Jachmann .
- But we still hear him moaning at night because the Navy has a few ships left , and [ARGM-PNC * to satisfy him] [ARG1 the Navy 's sea lift forces] were [rel given] *-1 to [ARG2-to a new Air Force bureaucracy in Illinois] , its space operations to another command in Colorado , the frogmen to a new Army bureaucracy in Fort Bragg , and the Navy 's Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf forces to an Army bureaucracy in Florida .
- But we still hear him moaning at night because the Navy has a few ships left , and [ARGM-PNC * to satisfy him] the Navy 's sea lift forces were [rel given] *-1 to a new Air Force bureaucracy in Illinois , [ARG1 its space operations] to [ARG2-to another command in Colorado] , the frogmen to a new Army bureaucracy in Fort Bragg , and the Navy 's Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf forces to an Army bureaucracy in Florida .
- But we still hear him moaning at night because the Navy has a few ships left , and [ARGM-PNC * to satisfy him] the Navy 's sea lift forces were [rel given] *-1 to a new Air Force bureaucracy in Illinois , its space operations to another command in Colorado , [ARG1 the frogmen] to [ARG2-to a new Army bureaucracy in Fort Bragg] , and the Navy 's Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf forces to an Army bureaucracy in Florida .
- But we still hear him moaning at night because the Navy has a few ships left , and [ARGM-PNC * to satisfy him] the Navy 's sea lift forces were [rel given] *-1 to a new Air Force bureaucracy in Illinois , its space operations to another command in Colorado , the frogmen to a new Army bureaucracy in Fort Bragg , and [ARG1 the Navy 's Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf forces] to [ARG2-to an Army bureaucracy in Florida] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG0 Mr. Carter] formed three new Army divisions and [rel gave] [ARG1 them] to [ARG2-to a new bureaucracy in Tampa called * the Rapid Deployment Force] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel gave] [ARG2 those bureaucrats] [ARG1 charge of all naval operations in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Gives] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 the willies] [ARGM-ADV * just thinking about it] .
- Last spring , [ARG0 the comptroller 's office] called a halt to Mr. Paul 's fling , *-1 [rel giving] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 six months 0 * to sell the paintings *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The state] [rel gave] [ARG2 CenTrust] [ARG1 30 days 0 * to sell the Rubens *T*-2] .
- The $ 12 million *U* lavished * on the Rubens , for example , was a record price for the artist and maybe twice its value , [rel given] [ARG1 a dispute among scholars about its provenance] .
- [ARG2 Grumman Corp.] was [rel given] *-1 [ARG1 a $ 15 million *U* Navy contract for aircraft-electronics improvements] .
- [ARGM-ADV According to industry lawyers] , [ARG0 the ruling] [rel gives] [ARG2 pipeline companies] [ARG1 an important second chance * to resolve remaining disputes and take advantage of the cost-sharing mechanism] .
- The capability utilization rate is a calculation designed * *-1 to indicate at what percent of its production capability the industry is operating *T*-2 in a [rel given] [ARG1 week] .
- [ARG0 Pay raises of 60 % over the past three years] have [rel given] [ARG2 many South Koreans] [ARG1 the money 0 * to enjoy the things 0 they were supplying the rest of the world *T*-3 *T*-1] .
- And Eugene Glazer , an analyst at Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. , said : `` If you hired [ARG0 an attorney] 0 *T*-1 to be there all the time and [rel give] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 a -LRB- prediction -RRB- of the eventual award] , I would be willing *-2 to bet that he would be off '' by a lot .
- At one point , an options industry official had *-1 to talk [ARG0 the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 's night watchman] into * [rel giving] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 the home phone number of Silas Keene , Chicago Fed president] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Stevens] declined *-1 to [rel give] [ARG1 the specific contributions to the $ 50 million *U* guarantee from each participant] .
- Jeffrey Miller of Miller Tabak Hirsch & Co. said that [rel given] [ARG1 the high degree of leverage in the options market] , it *EXP*-2 is `` very easy for these guys to get wiped out *-1 .
- [ARG0 An options contract] [rel gives] [ARG2 the holder] [ARG1 the right * to buy -LRB- call -RRB- or sell -LRB- put -RRB- a specific amount of stock , or in this case the value of a stock index , based * on a predetermined price within a given time period] .
- An options contract gives the holder the right * to buy -LRB- call -RRB- or sell -LRB- put -RRB- a specific amount of stock , or in this case the value of a stock index , based * on a predetermined price within a [rel given] [ARG1 time] period .
- Mr. Soule says 0 his only beef was that [ARG1 the massages] were being [rel given] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in a company conference room] ; the department 's supervised health facility would have been fine .
- [rel Given] [ARG1 such attitudes] , some corporate masseurs prefer *-1 to go about their business quietly .
- Lenders had doubts about the project even before June 4 , but [ARG0 the harsh crackdown , which *T*-1 caused many businesses to reassess their China transactions ,] `` [rel gave] [ARG2 the banks] [ARG1 the out 0 they wanted *T*-2] , '' says 0 *T*-3 an official close to the Shanghai venture .
- When Ms. Parks and her mother heard about what *T*-1 had happened *T*-2 , Mr. Friend says 0 *T*-3 , they volunteered that [ARG0 they] would like *-4 to [rel give] [ARG2 Mr. Alexander] [ARG1 a good walloping] .
- Still , he adds 0 *T*-2 , `` I could see * owning both , [rel given] [ARG1 that individuals often have an advantage over big investors in * spotting special situations * based on their own insights] , '' he adds *T*-1 .
- Some said 0 [ARG0 Friday 's market debacle] had [rel given] [ARG2 Mr. Trump] [ARG1 an excuse * to bail out of an offer that *T*-1 showed signs of stalling even before problems *ICH*-2 emerged with the UAL deal] .
- [ARGM-DIS Anyway] , [ARG0 the A 's] [rel gave] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 a lot of heroes 0 * to root for *T*-1] .
- It 's [ARG0 that last set of numbers , as much as anything else ,] that *T*-1 [rel gives] [ARG2 the Giants] [ARG1 hope in the Series games 0 *T*-2 to come] .
- The House Aviation Subcommittee approved [ARG0 a bill] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the transportation secretary] [ARG1 authority * to review and approve leveraged buy-outs of major U.S. airlines] .
- [ARGM-DIS In general] , [ARG0 the bill] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 the Transportation Department] [ARG1 a 30-day review period] [ARGM-TMP before 15 % or more of the voting stock of a major U.S. air carrier could be acquired *-1] .
- The bill would allow the secretary to reject a buy-out if sufficient information has n't been provided *-1 , or if [ARG0 the buy-out] is likely *-2 to weaken the carrier financially , result in a substantial reduction in size of the airline through disposal of assets , or [rel give] [ARG1 control] to [ARG2-to a foreign interest] .
- [ARG0 Late buying] [rel gave] [ARG2 the Paris Bourse] [ARG1 a parachute] [ARGM-TMP after its free fall early in the day] .
- [ARG0 Some] [rel give] [ARG1 lump-sum incentives] .
- [ARGM-TMP Since 1984] , [ARG0 more companies] [rel give] [ARG1 sales-loss aid] , [ARGM-TMP as many real-estate values depreciated] , the council says 0 *T*-1 .
- Goodrich wo n't ensure loss coverage , but will prevent a `` catastrophic loss '' ; [ARG0 it] has [rel given] [ARG2 some employees] [ARG1 the full purchase price when values fell from concern over dangers posed * by a disposal site *T*-1] .
- THE CHECKOFF : [ARG0 The National Academy of Engineering] [rel gives] [ARG2 two inventors of the semiconductor microchip] [ARG1 a $ 350,000 *U* achievement award] ... .
- In an attempt [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG1 new momentum] to [ARG2-to European Community plans for a single currency] , EC government leaders are likely *-1 to agree *-2 to set a date for * starting formal talks on * amending the EC 's founding Treaty of Rome .
- These are all market excesses -LRB- * putting aside [ARG1 the artificial boosts] that [ARG0 the tax code] [rel gives] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to debt] [ARGM-MNR over equity] -RRB- , and what we 've seen *T*-2 is the market reining them in .
- [ARG0 The rally] [rel gave] [ARG1 credence] , [ARGM-TMP at least for now] , to [ARG2-to the pre-trading declaration *ICH*-1 of Big Board Chairman John J. Phelan Jr. that Friday 's market debacle was `` an abnormal condition , and not a disaster] . ''
- The French group has [ARG0 an agreement] [rel giving] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 the right * to buy all the shares outstanding] , and this could be completed *-1 within a few months , a BSN spokeswoman said 0 *T*-2 .
- Budget director Darman said 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel give] [ARG2 federal agencies] [ARG1 much leeway in * coping with Gramm-Rudman spending cuts , which *T*-1 took effect yesterday] .
- [ARG0 The name change and good will write-off] could help *-1 solidify Blue Arrow 's dominance of the U.S. temporary-help market and [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a more American image] [ARGM-ADV as U.S. investors turn jittery about foreign stocks after Friday 's market plunge] .
- But others came away *-1 thinking 0 [ARG0 he] had [rel given] [ARG1 something less than his usual straight-from-the-shoulder performance] .
- [ARG0 The U.S.] had [ARG1 about an extra 2 %] of the domestic steel market 0 * to [rel give] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to foreign suppliers] [ARGM-LOC in its quota talks] .
- [ARG0 These optional 1%-a-year increases to the steel quota program] are built *-1 into the Bush administration 's steel-quota program * to [rel give] [ARG2 its negotiators] [ARG1 leverage with foreign steel suppliers 0 * to try *-2 to get them to withdraw subsidies and protectionism from their own steel industries *T*-3] .
- Under the latest offer , HK$ 62.5 million *U* -LRB- US$ 8 million *U* -RRB- of three-year warrants will be issued *-1 in London , [ARG0 each] [rel giving] [ARG2 buyers] [ARG1 the right * to buy one Hong Kong Telecommunications share at a price 0 *T*-3 to be determined *-2 Friday] .
- Bankers said 0 warrants for Hong Kong stocks are attractive because [ARG0 they] [rel give] [ARG2 foreign investors , wary of volatility in the colony 's stock market ,] [ARG1 an opportunity * to buy shares without *-1 taking too great a risk] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 HOFI 's first offer] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel given] [ARG2 Ideal 's other shareholders] [ARG1 about 10 % of the combined company] .
- [ARG0 The Soviet Union] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel given] [ARG1 any clear indication of its wheat purchase plans] , but many analysts expect Moscow to place sizable orders for U.S. wheat in the next few months , * further supporting prices .
- The French company said 0 [ARG0 the government] [rel gave] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 30 days in which * to submit information 0 *T*-2 to further support its takeover plan *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 Gulf] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel give] [ARG2 the government] [ARG1 20 days ' advance written notice of any loans exceeding $ 50 million *U* that *T*-2 are made *-1 to the Bermuda-based holding company] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the agreement] , [ARG0 Gulf] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel give] [ARG2 the U.S. government] [ARG1 45 days ' advance written notice] [ARGM-TMP before *-1 issuing any dividends on common stock] .
- `` [ARG0 The fact that this happened two years ago and there was a recovery] [rel gives] [ARG2 people] [ARG1 some comfort that this wo n't be a problem] . ''
- The trend toward lower rents may seem surprising [rel given] [ARG1 that some communities in New York are bemoaning the loss of favorite local businesses to high rents] .
- `` [ARG0 Giveaways] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel give] [ARG2 people] [ARG1 the wrong image] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Mr. Heinemann .
- [ARG1 The brief attention] 0 [ARG0 viewers] [rel give] [ARG2 CNN] *T*-1 could put it at a disadvantage as ratings data , and advertising , become more important to cable-TV channels .
- [ARG0 CNN] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel gave] [ARG2 most employees] [ARG1 raises of as much as 15 %] , but they 're still drastically underpaid *-1 compared with the networks .
- [ARG0 Thousands of supporters] , [ARGM-ADV many brandishing flags of the outlawed African National Congress] , [rel gave] [ARG2 the anti-apartheid activists] [ARG1 a tumultuous reception] [ARGM-TMP upon their return to black townships across the country] .
- The administration 's policy was stated *-1 in a friend-of-the-court brief urging [ARG0 the Supreme Court] *-2 to [rel give] [ARG2 states] [ARG1 more leeway 0 * to restrict abortions *T*-3] .
- The Justice Department announced that [ARG2 the FBI] has been [rel given] *-2 [ARG1 the authority * to seize U.S. fugitives overseas without the permission of foreign governments] .
- [ARG0 A plan currently under study] [rel gives] [ARG2 Damascus] [ARG1 two years 0 * to pull back to eastern Lebanon *T*-1 , starting from the time 0 Beirut 's legislature increases political power for Moslems *T*-2] .
- It said 0 [ARG0 the sale] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 positive tangible capital of $ 82 million *U* , or about 1.2 % of assets ,] from a negative $ 33 million *U* [ARGM-TMP as of Sept. 30] , [ARGM-ADV thus *-1 bringing CenTrust close to regulatory standards] .
- `` [rel Given] [ARG1 a choice] , everybody will watch a home-produced show . ''
- [ARGM-ADV While twothirds feel some guilt about *-1 being affluent] , [ARG0 only 25 %] [rel give] [ARG1 $ 2,500 *U* or more] to [ARG2-to charity] [ARGM-TMP each year] .
- After its previous mayor committed suicide last year , an investigation disclosed that [ARG0 town officials] [ARGM-TMP regularly] voted on their own projects , [rel gave] [ARG1 special favors] to [ARG2-to developer friends] and dipped into the town 's coffers for trips and retreats .
- Also missing from the Senate bill is *T*-2 the House 's repeal of a law , called * Section 89 , that *T*-1 compels [ARG0 companies] to [rel give] [ARG2 rank-and-file workers] [ARG1 comparable health benefits to top paid executives] .
- The measure repeals [ARG1 a 50 % exclusion] [rel given] * to [ARG2-to banks] [ARGM-MNR on the interest from loans used * * to acquire securities for an ESOP] , if the ESOP owns less than 30 % of the employer 's stock .
- She says 0 that ratio could climb to 14.5 , [rel given] [ARG1 current interest rates] , and still be within the range of `` fair value . ''
- [ARG0 Dealers] `` [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 a quote] , but then refuse *-1 to make the trade . ''
- `` [ARGM-DIS Obviously] [ARG0 IBM] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel give] [ARG1 bigger discounts] to [ARG2-to users] [ARGM-TMP immediately] , '' said *T*-1 Mr. Weiss .
- If the sixty-day plant-closing law 's fair , Why should we not then amend the writ * To require that [ARG0 all employees] [rel give] [ARG1 Similar notice] [ARGM-TMP before they quit] ?
- [ARG0 Axa-Midi Assurances of France] [rel gave] [ARG1 details of its financing plans for its proposed $ 4.5 billion *U* acquisition of Farmers Group Inc.] , [ARGM-LOC in amended filings with insurance regulators in the nine U.S. states where Farmers operates *T*-1] .
- As it happened , political resistance developed among educational and minority interests that *T*-1 count on the present education grant system , so the national-service devotees decided *-2 to abandon the supposedly crucial principle of `` [ARG0 *] [rel give] [ARGM-PNC in order * to get] . ''
- There is a rationale for such bills : Federal subsidies to college students amount to `` a GI Bill without the GI '' ; arguably [ARG1 those benefits] [ARGM-MOD should] be earned *-1 , [ARGM-NEG not] [rel given] *-1 .
- In addition , officials at the Fed and in the Bush administration decided that [ARG0 * avoiding overt actions and statements over the weekend] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel give] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 more strength and flexibility] [ARGM-ADV should Friday 's market drop turn into this morning 's rout] .
- [ARG0 A put option] [rel gives] [ARG2 its holder] [ARG1 the right -LRB- but not the obligation -RRB- * to sell a stock -LRB- or stock index -RRB- for a specified price -LRB- the strike price -RRB- until the option expires] .
- Coldwell Banker Commercial Group said 0 it sold $ 47 million *U* of common stock to its employees at $ 10 *U* a share , [ARG0 *] [rel giving] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 a total stake of more than 40 % in the commercial real estate brokerage firm] .
- Over the next year that grand agenda was whittled *-1 down to a series of steps 0 * to soften big stock drops by * interrupting trading [ARG0 *] to [rel give] [ARG2 market players] [ARG1 time 0 * to pause and reconsider positions *T*-3] *T*-2 .
- -- [ARG0 *] [rel Give] [ARG2 SEC] [ARG1 authority * to monitor risk-taking by affiliates of brokerage firms] .
- -- [ARG0 *] [rel Give] [ARG2 SEC] [ARG1 authority * to halt securities trading] , [ARGM-ADV -LRB- * also opposed *-1 by new SEC chairman -RRB-] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 it] [rel gave] [ARG2 the shareholders] [ARG1 the right * to pursue a small portion of their claim that *T*-1 pertains to Lisa 's disk drive , known * as Twiggy] .