frames- It struck [ARG1 me] as a way 0 * to [rel get] [ARG2 back to what I really want *-3 to do *T*-2] *T*-1 . ''
- `` It provided an excuse 0 for [ARG1 people] to [rel get] [ARGM-ADV back] to [ARG2-to reality] and to look at the economic data , especially the third-quarter economic numbers , and to realize that we ca n't continue *-1 to gloss over what *T*-2 is going on in the junk bond market *T*-3 . ''
- Although Eastern is back to about 80 % of its pre-strike schedule now , [ARG1 the Texas Air Corp. subsidiary] was only beginning *-1 to [rel get] [ARG2 back on its feet] [ARGM-TMP during the quarter] .
- Both Jacobson traders , who *T*-1 had been hoping 0 [ARG1 UAL trading] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel get] back to [ARG2-to normal] , read the news about the unraveling of UAL takeover plans on the train into work yesterday morning .
- Still , investors will take some convincing before [ARG1 they] [rel get] [ARGM-DIR back] into [ARG2-into IBM 's stock] [ARGM-MNR in a big way] .