frames- [ARG1 Most revisions 0 it will propose *T*-1] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel geared] *-2 toward [ARG2-toward * slowing down program trading during stressful periods] , said 0 *T*-3 officials working with the exchange .
- The Montvale , N.J. , unit said 0 the new operating structure `` creates [ARG1 a more focused and responsive organization] [rel geared] * to [ARG2-to * effectively managing the size and scope of the unit 's current business] . ''
- [ARG1 He] 's [ARGM-EXT totally] [rel geared] to [ARG2-to a punitive position] . ''
- While it has predicted that overall growth in unit sales of personal computers is slowing to about a 10 % yearly rate , its own products are selling at a much faster rate because [ARG1 many] are [rel geared] *-1 to [ARG2-to the high-performance end of the market] .
- `` [ARG1 Markets in this region] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-DIS so] [rel geared] *-1 to [ARG2-to leveraged buy-outs] , and their economies generally are in good shape , but there 's no doubt that Asia is still following America 's lead . ''
- Agfa recently signed Olympic gold medalist Florence Griffith-Joyner to endorse [ARG1 a new line] of black-and-white paper that *T*-1 's [rel geared] *-2 to [ARG2-to consumers] and will compete directly with Kodak 's papers .