frames- [ARG0 Arbitrage] simply transfers his selling pressure from Chicago to New York , while *-1 [rel functioning] as [ARG1-as a buyer in Chicago] .
- [ARG0 These] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel function] [ARGM-MNR independently] , but would act together *-2 to form `` combines , unions and associations '' 0 *T*-1 to tackle problems and coordinate their activities .
- When [ARG0 *-3] [rel functioning] [ARGM-MNR normally] *T*-2 , they make proteins that *T*-1 hold a cell 's growth in check .
- A Frankfurt exchange official , *-1 acknowledging the brokers ' anxieties , says 0 the market still feels 0 [ARG0 it] `` [rel functioned] [ARGM-MNR OK] [ARGM-TMP during this crash] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS In general] , [ARG0 markets] [rel function] [ARGM-MNR well] and adjust smoothly to changing economic and financial circumstances .
- This would force out of business many of [ARG0 the individuals and small firms] that *T*-1 [rel function] as [ARG1-as floor brokers] .
- The markets are complex , as is *?* [ARGM-LOC the environment] in which [ARG0 they] [rel function] *T*-1 .
- Even more remarkably , it focused on emissions trading and similar market approaches 0 *T*-1 to address pollution , notwithstanding Poland 's lack of [rel functioning] [ARG0 markets] .
- The Asset Privatization Trust , the agency chiefly responsible for * selling government-held properties , has recorded sales of more than $ 500 million *U* since [ARG0 it] began *-1 [rel functioning] in December 1986 .