frames- Equitable of Iowa Cos. , Des Moines , had been seeking a buyer for the 36-store Younkers chain since June , when [ARG0 it] announced its intention * to [rel free] up [ARG1 capital] [ARG3 * to expand its insurance business] *T*-1 .
- But [ARG0 the Oct. 17 temblor] put a halt to much nonessential building , and heavy rains last week slowed the rest , * [rel freeing] [ARG1 construction workers] for [ARG3-for earthquake repairs] .
- The New York Times Co. said 0 it reached [ARG0 a settlement] with independent home delivery dealers in the metropolitan New York area that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel free] [ARG1 the newspaper] [ARG3 to expand home delivery circulation] .
- There are the strict monetarists , who *T*-1 believe that [ARG0 floating exchange rates] [rel free] [ARG1 an economy] [ARG3 to stabilize its price level] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 stabilizing the monetary aggregates] .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Phillips] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel freed] [ARG1 himself] up [ARG3 *-1 to spend more time with clients] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 delegating much of his administrative work to a deputy] .
- The ANC leaders speak in tones of moderation , *-1 emphasizing discipline , *-1 hoping 0 [ARG0 the government] will be encouraged *-2 to take further steps , such as *-3 [rel freeing] [ARG1 Nelson Mandela , the most prominent ANC figure] , and unbanning the organization .
- Still , Westinghouse acknowledges that demand from independent producers could evaporate if prices for fuel such as natural gas or oil rise sharply or if [ARG1 utilities , which *T*-2 have been pressured by regulators *-1 to keep down rates ,] are [ARGM-TMP suddenly] [rel freed] [ARG3 *-3 to add significant generating capacity] .
- More than 70,000 people filled a soccer stadium on the outskirts of the black township of Soweto and welcomed [rel freed] [ARG1 leaders] of the outlawed African National Congress .
- [ARG0 The reduction] eases the burden on portfolio changes and [rel frees] [ARG1 capital] [ARG3 *-1 to seek more productive or more appropriate uses] .
- The administration says 0 [ARG0 the measures] [ARGM-MOD would] stem rampant property speculation , [rel free] [ARG1 more land] for [ARG3-for the government 's ambitious housing-construction program , designed * to build two million apartments by 1992] -- and , perhaps , boost the popular standing of President Roh .
- As members of the Black Caucus in Congress asked during the debate on [ARG0 the legislation] that *T*-1 [rel freed] [ARG1 Dr. Morgan] , does anyone seriously believe that if she were an uneducated , black , working-class woman , Congress would have rushed *-2 to pass a private relief bill freeing her ?
- As members of the Black Caucus in Congress asked during the debate on the legislation that *T*-1 freed Dr. Morgan , does anyone seriously believe that if she were an uneducated , black , working-class woman , Congress would have rushed *-2 to pass [ARG0 a private relief bill] [rel freeing] [ARG1 her] ?
- Despite fears 0 the mine may be partially nationalized *-2 by the new Namibian government following [ARG0 next month 's elections] [rel freeing] [ARG1 the country] from [ARG2-from South African control] , De Beers engineers are working *-1 to extend the mine 's productive life for another 25 years , from the current estimate of 10 .
- [ARG0 A new Maryland law] [rel frees] [ARG1 store owners] of [ARG2-of liability] [ARGM-ADV if a customer trips *RNR*-2 or otherwise gets hurt *RNR*-2 on the way to the restroom] ... .
- In most cases , the IRS says 0 *T*-1 , these projects are local or regional , rather than national , and arise because auditors in an area detect some pattern of abuse among , say , factory workers claiming that [ARG0 * having a multitude of dependents] [rel frees] [ARG1 them] from [ARG2-from tax withholding] or yacht owners deducting losses from sideline charter businesses .
- Some HUD money actually does trickle down to the poor , and [ARG0 * zeroing out housing middlemen] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel free] up [ARG1 more money] [ARG3 for public housing tenants to manage *RNR*-1 and even own *RNR*-1 their units] .
- Mr. Roh also said 0 South Korea is taking [ARG0 steps] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel free] [ARG1 the won] [ARG3 *-2 to respond to market forces] .
- The 77-year-old Sisulu was among [ARG1 eight black political activists] [rel freed] * [ARGM-TMP Sunday] from [ARG2-from prison] .
- An Association of Academic Health Centers report urges [ARG0 *] [rel freeing] [ARG1 nurses] from [ARG2-from duties that *T*-1 do n't require special skills] .
- [ARG0 Sony Corp. , which *T*-1 has offered *-2 to acquire the movie-production company ,] is seeking *-3 to [rel free] [ARG1 its top executives , Peter Guber and Jon Peters ,] from [ARG2-from an exclusive agreement with Time Warner Inc. 's Warner Communications Inc.] so they can run Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc .
- [rel Freed] [ARG1 black] nationalists resumed political activity in South Africa and vowed *-1 to fight against apartheid , * raising fears of a possible white backlash .
- It also said 0 [ARG0 it] would use that two-and-a-half year period *-2 to work toward an international consensus on * [rel freeing] up [ARG1 the international steel trade , which *T*-1 has been notoriously managed , subsidized and protected *-3 by governments] .
- [ARG0 SOUTH AFRICA] [rel FREED] [ARG1 the ANC 's Sisulu and seven other political prisoners] .
- Most of [ARG1 those] [rel freed] * had spent at least 25 years in prison .
- In addition , the government is figuring that the releases could create a split between the internal and external wings of the ANC and between the [ARGM-TMP newly] [rel freed] [ARG1 leaders] and those activists who *T*-1 have emerged as leaders inside the country during their imprisonment .