frames- But he has not said before that the country wants [ARG2 half the debt] [rel forgiven] *-2 .
- Instead , Mr. Nixon reminded his host , Chinese President Yang Shangkun , that [ARG0 Americans] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel forgiven] [ARG1 China 's leaders] for [ARG2-for the military assault of June 3-4 that *T*-241 killed hundreds , and perhaps thousands , of demonstrators] .
- If [ARG0 the political establishment] is reluctant *-1 to [rel forgive] [ARG2 sexual misadventures] , the private sector sometimes will *?* .
- [ARG0 Holders of SCI TV 's $ 507 million *U* of high-yield junk bonds] are being asked *-1 to [rel forgive] [ARG2 a lot of debt] [ARGM-ADV in exchange for * taking a 39 % equity stake in SCI TV] .
- 2 -RRB- * Encourage long-term occupancy by *-1 forgiving one month 's payment -LRB- off the tail end of the mortgage -RRB- for every six months paid * ; or perhaps * have [ARG2 the down payment] deferred *-2 to the end of the mortgage -LRB- balloon -RRB- , but `` [rel forgiven] '' *-2 [ARGM-MNR on a monthly pro-rata basis] [ARGM-TMP as long as the owner remains the occupant] .
- 2 -RRB- [ARG0 *] Encourage long-term occupancy by *-1 [rel forgiving] [ARG2 one month 's payment -LRB- off the tail end of the mortgage -RRB-] [ARGM-ADV for every six months paid *] ; or perhaps * have the down payment deferred *-2 to the end of the mortgage -LRB- balloon -RRB- , but `` forgiven '' *-2 on a monthly pro-rata basis as long as the owner remains the occupant .
- Mr. Barnicle reminded readers that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-TMP still] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel forgiven] [ARG1 Globe management] for [ARG2-for *-4 questioning a $ 20 *U* expense chit 0 he submitted *T*-1 for *-2 parking his car while *-3 chasing a story] .