frames- But [ARG0 the promise of at least $ 15 million *U* in new savings] helped *-1 to [rel forge] [ARG1 a partnership between HUD Secretary Jack Kemp and lawmakers wanting * to protect their projects elsewhere] .
- It 's also likely that [ARG0 regulators] will try *-1 to [rel forge] [ARG1 some kind of consensus between the would-be pipeline builders] before *-1 undertaking any hearings into rival projects .
- With the golden share as protection , [ARG0 Jaguar officials] have rebuffed Ford 's overtures , and moved instead *-1 to [rel forge] [ARG1 an alliance with GM] .
- He 's now estimating that [ARGM-TMP after a period of consolidation] , [ARG0 the Dow Jones Industrial Average] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP once again] [rel forge] [ARG1 new highs] .
- As it is *?* , [ARG0 we] identify national goals and the threats to these goals , we shape a strategy 0 * to counter these threats *T*-1 , we determine the forces needed * *-3 to execute the strategy , before [ARGM-TMP finally] *-2 [rel forging] [ARG1 the budgets needed * * to build and maintain the forces] .
- He 's the senator most like [ARG0 Arthur Vandenberg] , the GOP senator from Michigan who *T*-1 worked *-2 to [rel forge] [ARG1 a bipartisan foreign policy] in the 1940s .
- Ideally , investment bankers say 0 *T*-3 , [ARG0 he] wants *-1 to get backing from a Japanese department store and a European department store 0 * to [rel forge] [ARG1 a global retailing network] *T*-2 .
- `` Too often , [ARG0 advertising imagery] has n't done a good job of *-1 [rel forging] [ARG1 a special emotional bond between a brand and the consumer] . ''