frames- [ARG0 A rule] [rel forbidding] [ARG2 staffers] [ARG1 *-1 to own competitors ' cars] has been lifted *-216 , and now many designers drive foreign cars *-2 to get useful ideas .
- [ARG0 The Health and Human Services Department] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel forbids] [ARG2 the National Institutes of Health] from [ARG1-from *-1 funding abortion research as part of its $ 8 million *U* contraceptive program] .
- Some supporters were stunned this summer when Mr. Dinkins suggested * weakening [ARG0 the law] [rel forbidding] [ARG2 public employees] [ARG1 *-1 to go on strike] *T*-2 .
- If there is [ARG0 no moral prohibition] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR expressly] [rel forbids] [ARG1 it] , full speed ahead .
- But Judge Leval felt constrained by [ARG0 an earlier decision] of the Second Circuit Court [rel forbidding] [ARG2 a biographer of J.D. Salinger] [ARG1 to quote from Mr. Salinger 's personal letters] .
- [ARG0 The British government] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel forbids] [ARG2 any outside investor] from [ARG1-from *-1 holding more than 15 % of the company 's shares without permission] [ARGM-TMP until Dec. 31] ,
- Mr. Etzioni also suggests [ARG0 *] [rel forbidding] [ARG2 anyone] from [ARG1-from *-1 gathering background information about the jurors] .
- But [ARG2 the trust] , [ARGM-LOC in most cases] , is [rel forbidden] *-1 from [ARG1-from *-2 seeking a buyer for only its shares before November 1993] .
- Governments have become sophisticated in *-3 handling moments of panic -LRB- a word 0 [ARG0 the London Times] [rel forbade] [ARG2 my father] [ARG1 to use *T*-1] when he was reporting the Wall Street crash in 1929 *T*-2 -RRB- .
- *-2 Acting more than a year after Ms. Bertussi filed a complaint , the panel issued a `` letter of reproval '' saying 0 Rep. Bates had admitted conduct that *T*-1 violated [ARG0 a House rule] [rel forbidding] [ARG1 discrimination against employees on account of their sex] .
- `` North , '' the document went on *T*-2 , *-1 referring to Oliver North , `` has told Noriega 's representative that [ARG0 U.S. law] [rel forbade] [ARG1 such actions] .