frames- But on reflection , Mr. Oka says 0 *T*-1 , he concluded that [ARG0 Nissan] is being prudent in *-2 [rel following] [ARG1 its slow-startup strategy] instead of simply copying Lexus .
- `` But in the end , [ARG0 top management] decided *-1 to [rel follow] [ARG1 the voice of the younger generation] . ''
- [ARG0 Several other European central banks , notably in Britain ,] [rel followed] [ARG1 the West German Bundesbank 's lead] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 raising their own key rates] .
- `` [ARGM-ADV If they think well of the company through our support of the Bill of Rights] , it [ARG1 *EXP*-1] [rel follows] 0 they 'll think well of our products . ''
- RJR Nabisco Inc. and American Brands Inc. say 0 [ARG0 they] have no plans * to [rel follow] [ARG1 Philip Morris 's lead] .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- [rel Following] [ARG1 the feminist and population-control lead] has been *T*-1 [ARG0 a generally bovine press] .
- `` [ARG0 We] were [rel following] [ARG1 the trend of our competitors who *T*-1 were under pressure from institutions] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- Paul Rheingold , a New York lawyer who *T*-1 represents DES victims , said that [ARGM-TMP before the New York ruling] , [ARG0 only the states of Washington and Wisconsin] had [rel followed] [ARG1 the California decision] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now that the New York decision has been left *-1 intact] , [ARG1 other states] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel follow] suit .
- If [ARG0 he] [rel follows] [ARG1 the correct path] , he may be able *-1 to look back on this election as the high-water mark of far-left opposition .
- The proposal now enters [ARG2 a 60-day comment period] , after which the Treasury will propose final regulations *T*-1 , [rel followed] * by [ARG1-by another comment period] .
- It was [ARG1 the first day] of trading [rel following] [ARG2 the suspension of Navigation Mixte shares last Monday , when Paribas announced its plan * to pay 1,850 francs for each Navigation Mixte share *T*-1] .
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 6.76 points in [ARG1 a spate] of bargain-hunting [rel following] [ARG2 last week 's declines] .
- In [ARG1 her first televised interview] [rel following] [ARG2 Mr. Lawson 's resignation] , Mrs. Thatcher reiterated her desire * to keep sterling strong and warned again that full entry into the European Monetary System 's exchange rate mechanism would provide no easy solution to Britain 's economic troubles .
- The USS Lexington returned to dock in Pensacola , Fla. , [rel following] [ARG2 an accident Sunday in which the pilot of a training jet crashed into the ship , *-2 killing five sailors *T*-1] .
- As rescue teams continued *-1 searching for victims , hundreds of suvivors accused the government of [ARG1 a feeble response] [rel following] [ARG2 the temblors] .
- Britain 's Thatcher summoned senior advisers for strategy talks as opinion polls showed 0 the prime minister 's popularity had hit a record low [rel following] [ARG2 the resignation last Thursday of Chancellor of the Exchequer Lawson] .
- Soviet police clashed with demonstrators in Moscow [rel following] [ARG2 a candlelight vigil around the KGB 's Lubyanka headquarters in memory of those persecuted * under Stalin] .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- [ARG2 The reasonable first-year rates] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG1-by increases of 60 % or more] [ARGM-ADV if a covered employee files a major claim] , they complain *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 The Wall Street firms ' pullback] [rel followed] [ARG2 their recent blacklisting by several institutional investors] .
- While *-2 admitting 0 such a move would be `` devastating '' to most creditors , Judge Abramson told a courtroom filled * with nearly two dozen attorneys that he was concerned *-1 about the toll 0 mounting legal bills will take *T*-3 on Mr. Hunt 's shrinking estate and about the fact that , [rel following] [ARG2 voting by creditors] , none of the reorganization plans appeared *-4 to be viable in their present form .
- [ARGM-DIS In the end] , [ARG1 neither policy] was [rel followed] *-1 , and instead of *-2 learning anything we are left *-2 with a mystery .
- Ogilvy under the fastidious Mr. Roman gained a reputation as *-3 occasionally being high-handed in its treatment of clients , of *-3 preaching [ARG1 what strategy] [ARG0 a client] [ARGM-MOD should] *RNR*-2 -- indeed , [ARGM-MOD must] *RNR*-2 -- [rel follow] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 *-2] [rel Following] [ARG1 a problem-solving formula used * by teams throughout Federal Express] , members of the Natick team monitored their morning routine , *-2 carefully noting where and when the work group 's resources were used *-1 effectively *T*-3 and where they were idle , *-4 waiting for others upstream in the process to send packages their way *T*-5 .
- [ARG0 A cross-functional team at Union Carbide 's Tonawanda , N.Y. , facility , which *T*-1 produces air-separation plants ,] [rel followed] [ARG1 a similar path] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to reduce manufacturing cycle time] .
- While lawmakers have n't raised the possibility of * renewing military aid to the Contras [rel following] [ARG2 Ortega 's weekend threat * to end a truce] , Senate Majority Leader Mitchell said on NBC-TV that Ortega had made `` a very unwise move .
- [ARG1 Further consolidations in the industry] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel follow] .
- The [rel following] [ARG1 issues] were recently filed *-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission :
- The Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges are bracing for a turbulent separation , [rel following] [ARG2 Malaysian Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin 's long-awaited announcement that the exchanges will sever ties] .
- Because of the large amounts of money being raised * , the loose disclosure requirements and the casual monitoring of how the money is used *-1 *T*-4 , some analysts fear that there could be a few mega-crashes , which *T*-2 could hurt market confidence far more than [ARG1 the small bankruptcies] that *T*-3 [rel followed] [ARG2 the boom of 1986] .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 the consolidation] , [ARG1 the entertainment company , which *T*-1 has film and television operations in Beverly Hills , Calif. ,] will have about 4.1 million shares outstanding .
- He says that even if the natural gas contract boosts volume at the exchange strongly , the 1990 business plan calls for * having adequate compliance people 0 *T*-2 to ensure that [ARG1 exchange rules] are being [rel followed] *-1 .
- Mr. Thompson is believed *-2 to have a mandate *ICH*-3 from the board of directors * to help *-4 improve the Merc 's tarnished reputation as an exchange [ARG0 whose floor traders] *T*-1 do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel follow] [ARG1 the rules] [ARGM-MNR very well] .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 World War II] , [ARGM-TMP when one family with mechanized equipment could farm crops formerly requiring 20 families *T*-2] , the surplus people were dumped *-1 into the mainstream of society with no Social Security , no skills in the workplace , no hope for their future except welfare .
- `` There 's very little upside to sterling , '' Mr. Roberts says *T*-2 , but he adds that near-term losses may be small because [ARG1 the selling wave] that *T*-1 [rel followed] [ARG2 Mr. Major 's appointment] apparently has run its course .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- But in [ARG1 the week] [rel following] [ARG2 the 1987 stock crash] , the exchange verged on collapse , and the stock and futures markets in Hong Kong were closed *-1 for four days .
- That was also the case in [ARG1 the days] [rel following] [ARG2 the June 4 massacre in Beijing , which *T*-1 caused a sharp drop in Hong Kong stock prices] .
- [ARG1 The increase] [rel follows] [ARG2 a monthly rise of 0.2 % in September from August] .
- [ARG1 September 's growth] [rel followed] [ARG2 a 8.7 % rise in July and an 8 % increase in August] , [ARGM-ADV * showing continued expansion at high year-on-year levels] .
- [ARGM-TMP When Chicago futures prices jump up or down *T*-1] , [ARG1 the New York Stock Exchange] [rel follows] .
- [ARG0 The two] shared results from this route swap , and [rel followed] [ARG1 rules on ticket pricing] .
- [ARG1 More-detailed reports] [rel followed] , and attracted even less notice .
- He made a special trip *-1 to examine U.S. environmental trends because [ARG1 they] are [ARGM-TMP often] [rel followed] *-2 [ARGM-LOC in Europe] .
- [ARG2 That] was [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG1-by three months at the Aetna Institute in Hartford , where she was immersed *-2 in * learning how *-3 to read and interpret policies *T*-4] .
- But the transaction faltered in September , when Qintex Australia was forced *-1 to increase its offer to US$ 1.5 billion *U* [rel following] [ARG2 a counterbid from Rupert Murdoch] *T*-2 ; the deal fell apart altogether earlier this month .
- Wall Street analysts have criticized [ARG0 Bethlehem] for * [ARGM-NEG not] [rel following] [ARG1 its major competitors] [ARGM-MNR in * linking with a foreign company *-1 to share costs and provide technology 0 *T*-2 to modernize old facilities or build new ones] .
- The [rel following] [ARG1 month] , the company put itself up for sale .
- [ARGM-ADV *-3 Published *-2 in 1949] , [ARG0 it] [rel follows] [ARG1 the decline of a Cairo family] [ARGM-MNR with the saga-like sweep and rich detail that critics often compare *T*-1 to Dickens , Balzac and Galsworthy] .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 a tripling of earnings , to $ 3.9 million *U* , on a doubling of revenue , to $ 116 million *U* , over four years] , earnings in the company 's fiscal first quarter , which *T*-1 ended June 30 , plunged 90 % to $ 45,000 *U* .
- [ARG1 Radio programs and books] have [rel followed] [ARG2 the daily television show] .
- `` When you look at the economics *T*-1 , Traub needs a Japanese *RNR*-2 and a European *RNR*-2 partner *-3 to make it work , '' says *T*-5 [ARG0 one investment banker] who *T*-4 [rel follows] [ARG1 the retail industry] .
- [ARGM-TMP Up until now] , [ARG0 most stores] have [rel followed] [ARG1 the same basic overseas strategy] :
- [ARG2 Canada] was the second most pro-NATO country with 78 % supporting the alliance , *-1 [rel followed] by [ARG1-by the U.S. with 75 % , Britain with 71 % , Belgium with 69 % and West Germany with 63 %] .
- A customs official said 0 [ARG1 the arrests] [rel followed] [ARG2 a `` Snake Day '' at Utrecht University in the Netherlands , an event used * by some collectors as an opportunity * to obtain rare snakes] .
- Larry Birns , director of the Washington-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs , a liberal research group , said that Latin American countries would be `` profoundly disappointed '' if [ARG0 Canada] were *-1 to [rel follow] [ARG1 the U.S. lead in the OAS] .
- Manufacturers ' shipments rose 0.3 % in August [rel following] [ARG2 two months of declines] .
- These days , Mr. Breeden is winning praise in Washington and on Wall Street for his behind-the-scenes role in * monitoring the Friday-the-13th market plunge and the [rel following] [ARG1 Monday] 's harrowing morning session .
- This British banking and financial-services group 's investment-banking arm , Barclays de Zoete Wedd Group , announced the [rel following] [ARG1 appointments] at its merchant-banking subsidiary Barclays de Zoete Wedd Ltd .
- Still , Southland said that its franchisees have been targeting their merchandise to their customers for years , and that [ARG1 the company] has begun *-1 to [rel follow] suit .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 that announcement Tuesday] , [ARGM-DIS however] , company officials were unavailable *-1 to elaborate .
- On Sept. 14 , Harvard began *-2 circulating [ARG0 a conflict-of-interest policy statement] that , [ARGM-ADV in effect] , *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel follow] [ARG1 the NIH guidelines] [ARGM-MNR faithfully] .
- [ARG0 The filing , made * yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court here ,] [rel follows] [ARG1 an agreement *ICH*-1 by L.J. Hooker Corp. , Merksamer 's owner , * to sell the chain to management for an undisclosed price] .
- Almost all have involved at least half and often the firm 's entire portfolio , as [ARG0 the computer] searches for the most undervalued investment category , *-1 [rel following] [ARG1 a money-management style called * tactical asset allocation] .
- The average maturity of [ARG1 the taxable funds] that [ARG0 Donoghue 's] [rel follows] *T*-1 increased by two days in the latest week to 40 days , its longest since August .
- Mr. Breeden , in his first testimony to Congress since * taking the SEC post , said 0 the agency is studying the Friday the 13th market plunge , including how current circuit breakers affected the market that day and the [rel following] [ARG1 Monday] *T*-1 .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 its failure *ICH*-1 last month * to win a license for one of Spain 's first three private television stations] , Zeta is seeking investment opportunities in communications and publishing .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the widening gap between the two sides] , [ARG0 conferees] [ARGM-TMP eventually] [rel followed] [ARG1 the pattern set * in previous years] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 opting *-2 to roughly split the difference] .
- `` The crucial thing is that we learn our lesson well , and * to make sure 0 [ARG0 other experimental drugs , like Bristol-Myers Co. 's DDI ,] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel follow] [ARG1 the same frustrating course as AZT] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [rel Follow] [ARGM-MNR With Care]
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- `` [ARG0 We] like *-2 to [rel follow] up and make sure 0 operators are achieving our standards of company service , '' says *T*-3 Ms. Dale , who *T*-1 supervises 350 operators .
- [ARG0 The electronics industry] is [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel following] [ARG1 the Dellums bill] .
- But Mr. Bush and his advisers miscalculated the politics of the abortion issue , *-2 failing *-3 to grasp how dramatically the abortion-rights movement would be aroused *-1 *T*-4 [rel following] [ARG2 last summer 's Supreme Court decision * to restrict those rights in the Webster case] .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 the dive in U.S. stocks] , the mark has strengthened more than its major counterparts .
- Last month , Mr. Curcio was succeeded *-1 by Ralph E. Reins as chief executive officer [rel following] [ARG2 several quarters of lackluster or declining performance] .
- Despite fears 0 the mine may be partially nationalized *-2 by the new Namibian government [rel following] [ARG2 next month 's elections freeing the country from South African control] , De Beers engineers are working *-1 to extend the mine 's productive life for another 25 years , from the current estimate of 10 .
- [ARG0 This] [rel follows] [ARG1 earlier new guidelines from the Tax Division prohibiting Princeton\/Newport-like tax cases from * masquerading as RICO cases] .
- [ARG1 `` Teddy Z , '' which *T*-2 centers on a mailroom clerk-turned agent at a Hollywood talent agency ,] was scheduled *-1 in the coveted 9:30 p.m. slot *-3 to [rel follow] [ARG2 `` Murphy Brown , '' a situation comedy about a television news magazine , starring Candice Bergen] .
- Worse , every week it suffers audience drop-off from `` Murphy Brown '' and viewership on CBS picks up again once `` [ARG2 Teddy Z] '' is over and is [rel followed] *T*-1 by `` [ARG1-by Designing Women] . ''
- [ARG1 The talk of a sales tax rise] [rel follows] [ARG2 a rebuff from Congress on the question of how much the federal government is willing *-1 to spend *T*-3 *-2 to aid in California 's earthquake relief efforts] .
- [ARG0 So-called jumbo CDs , typically in denominations of $ 90,000 *U* and up ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel follow] [ARG1 T-bills and interest rate trends] [ARGM-ADV in general] [ARGM-MNR more than those aimed * at small investors] .
- The expected amount is said *-1 to be 700 billion yen -LRB- $ 4.93 billion *U* -RRB- to 1.05 trillion yen -- the second largest amount this year in a given period , [rel following] [ARG2 the record high set * at the end of July] , according to market observers .
- Market participants say 0 investors are not only licking their wounds [rel following] [ARG2 the turbulence last week] , but they have also been made *-1 nervous by two events in West Germany .
- [ARG0 Sen. Dixon] held the hearing *-2 to [rel follow] up on [ARG1-on a provision in the savings and loan bailout bill that *T*-1 required regulators to report on evidence of discimination in mortgage lending] .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- [ARG1 The August increase] [rel followed] [ARG2 a 0.3 % decline in July] .
- The [rel following] [ARG1 issues] were recently filed *-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission :
- The spokesman said 0 [ARG2 the vote at Sochaux] is expected *-3 to be [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG1-by a similar move at the company 's assembly plant at Mulhouse , where the number of strikers has been whittled *-2 down to 80 *T*-4] .
- The association issued an advisory to its 1,685 member agencies [rel following] [ARG2 a report *ICH*-1 from the Foreign Ministry that picture-taking by Japanese tourists in earthquake-stricken areas was causing ill feeling among local residents] ... .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 the Bank] [rel follows] [ARG1 a prudent provisioning policy] and has set aside $ 800 million *U* against possible loan losses .
- [ARG1 Mr. LaBonte 's departure] [rel follows] [ARGM-TMP by two months] [ARG2 the resignation of Mark Goldston as senior vice president and chief marketing officer after only 11 months at Reebok] .
- [ARG1 Massive withdrawals] [rel followed] and there was a brief rescue attempt , with political undertones , including $ 1.77 billion *U* in Federal Reserve loans .
- City officials feared widespread gridlock on the first day that normal business operations were resumed *-1 [rel following] [ARG2 last Tuesday 's earthquake] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV With the advantage of * playing white -LRB- which *T*-1 moves first -RRB-] , [ARG0 Mr. Kasparov] [rel followed] up [ARGM-MNR cleverly] [ARGM-MNR against the computer 's defense , a Queen 's Gambit Accepted] .
- [ARGM-DIS For] [ARGM-TMP once information flows] , [ARG1 public participation] [rel follows] and repression becomes difficult * to reimpose .
- [ARG1 The statistics] [rel follow] [ARG2 a year-on-year rebound in consolidated and unconsolidated results in the full fiscal year ended in March 1989] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 recovering from dismal results in the prior fiscal year as a result of the October 1987 stock market crash] .
- [ARG1 A two-hour lunch break] [rel follows] .
- [ARG1 That] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel follow] [ARG2 a 3.9 % advance in August] .
- [ARG1 The anticipated drop] [rel follows] [ARG2 a 3.9 % rise in August] .
- Traders said 0 the thin trading volume points to [ARG1 continued uncertainty] by most investors [rel following] [ARG2 last Monday 's record 13 % loss] .
- On Monday , traders noted that some investors took profits against the backdrop of the Nikkei 's fast-paced recovery [rel following] [ARG2 its plunge last Monday in reaction to the Oct. 13 drop in New York stock prices] .
- Exxon claims that use of dispersants , which *T*-1 break an oil slick into microscopic droplets , was a crucial part of its immediate-response plan and that state officials banned their use during [ARG1 the two days] of fair weather [rel following] [ARG2 the spill] .
- Alaskan and Coast Guard officials say 0 Exxon 's charges are n't relevant because tests conducted * during [ARG1 the first two days] [rel following] [ARG2 the spill] showed that the dispersant was n't working anyway .
- I knew 0 it was someone important , so [ARG1 I] [rel followed] [ARG2 her] [ARGM-DIR into the ladies room] and sure enough , it was Liza .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 the impeachment conviction] , Dr. Benjamin Hooks , executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People , issued a restrained statement , *-1 warning that the Hastings case could set a `` dangerous precedent , '' but adding , `` We must respect the considered judgment of the Senate .
- [ARG1 The report] [rel follows] [ARG2 five-consecutive declines in full monthly figures] .
- So , [ARG0 *-3] [rel following] [ARG1 both the style 0 he pursued *T*-2 as President Ford 's national security adviser and the recommendations of the Tower Commission] , Gen. Scowcroft has pruned the NSC staff and tried *-3 to ensure that it sticks to its assigned tasks -- namely , * gathering the views of the State Department , Pentagon and intelligence community ; serving as an honest broker in * distilling that information for the president and then making sure 0 presidential decisions are carried *-1 out .
- [ARG0 We] badly need *-1 to [rel follow] [ARG1 fact] rather than the rhetoric of conventional wisdom .
- [ARG1 The weakness in New York City bonds] [rel follows] [ARG2 a warning from New York state Comptroller Edward Regan that the 1987 crash seriously weakened the city 's economy] .
- [ARGM-ADV While that represents a small percentage of the city 's public debt outstanding] , [ARG1 Friday 's selling] [rel followed] [ARG2 a weeklong effort * to unload the bonds by a broad spectrum of institutional and individual investors] .
- [ARG1 The rise] [rel followed] [ARG2 boosts of 0.1 % in August , 0.7 % in July and 0.6 % in June] .
- That reflects the huge drop a week ago Friday , last Monday 's rebound and [ARG1 the dips and blips] that *T*-1 [rel followed] .
- Of the funds that *T*-2 fared the worst in the post-Oct . 13 week , two are heavily invested *-1 in airlines stocks , which *T*-3 led the market slide [rel following] [ARG2 problems with financing for the UAL Corp . buy-out plan] .
- [ARG1 The investigation , which *T*-2 will be coordinated *-1 with one already under way in the U.S. ,] [rel follows] [ARG2 the discovery of what Ferranti has called *T*-3 a `` serious '' fraud involving its U.S. subsidiary] .
- Although the rate briefly drifted even lower [rel following] [ARG2 the stock market sell-off that *T*-1 occurred Oct. 13] , it ended Friday at about 8 11\/16 % .
- In the corporate bond market , traders said 0 the new-issue market for junk bonds is likely *-1 to pick up [rel following] [ARG2 Chicago & North Western Acquisition Corp. 's $ 475 million *U* junk bond offering Friday] .
- In addition , [ARG1 the suspension] of loans and export credits from foreign governments and institutions [rel following] [ARG2 the June killings] have been a big setback .
- IT *EXP*-2 PAYS [ARG0 *-1] to [rel follow] [ARG1 a management career path] -- [ARGM-LOC even at law firms] .
- The [rel following] [ARG1 U.S.] Treasury , corporate and municipal offerings are tentatively scheduled *-1 for sale this week , according to Dow Jones Capital Markets Report : $ 15.6 billion *U* three-month and six-month bills .
- Housings , constructions and pharmaceuticals continued *-2 to be bought *-1 [rel following] [ARG2 Thursday 's gains] because of strong earnings outlooks .
- [ARG1 The latest purchase] [rel follows] [ARG2 small increases in his holdings made * over the past five months] .
- Quantum stopped shipping the drugs last month , [rel following] [ARG2 a federal investigation regarding information 0 the company supplied *T*-1 *-2 to obtain three drug approvals] .
- Although prices rallied briefly [rel following] [ARG2 the tumble on world stock markets earlier this month and the related decline of the dollar] , precious metals are out of favor for the moment because of high interest rates and a determination *ICH*-1 by industrial nations * to curb inflation , dealers say 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- [ARG1 The move by the nation 's largest steelmaker] [rel follows] [ARG2 a string of earlier announcements by other major steel companies] .
- For most investors `` the benefits just are n't worth the risks , '' says 0 *T*-2 [ARG0 Barbara Roper] , who *T*-1 [rel follows] [ARG1 financial-planning issues] for [ARG2-for the Consumer Federation of America , a consumer-advocacy organization based * in Washington] .
- -LRB- Airlines are n't lowering fares to Northern California [rel following] [ARG2 this week 's earthquake] , but reservation agents can waive advance-purchase restrictions on discount fares for emergency trips . -RRB-
- He also noticed that foreign makers were introducing many variations on the traditional fur , and [ARG0 he] decided *-1 to [rel follow] suit .
- [rel Following] [ARG2 Mr. Linh 's appointment as secretary-general of the party at the sixth congress] , Mrs. Thi has become the darling of `` doi moi '' , the Vietnamese version of perestroika .
- The shares were suspended *-1 from trading [rel following] [ARG2 disclosure of the Atlanta scandal] ; Consob , the stock exchange regulatory body , reportedly will decide soon whether *-2 to end the trading suspension .
- Banc One Corp. said 0 it agreed in principle *-1 to buy five branch offices from Trustcorp Inc. , Toledo , Ohio , [rel following] [ARG2 the planned merger of Trustcorp into Society Corp. , Cleveland] .
- `` Insitutional investors , on the other hand , reacted to the steep decline in yields on direct money-market instruments [rel following] [ARG2 the stock-market decline last Friday] , '' Mr. Dreyer said *T*-1 .
- Separately , the Labor Department reported that average weekly earnings rose 0.3 % in September , after * adjusting for inflation , [rel following] [ARG2 a 0.7 % decline in August] .
- Now Republican leaders are concentrating on *-2 attaching a capital-gains amendment to some other bill , perhaps a measure raising the federal borrowing limit or [ARG1 a second tax bill] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel follow] on [ARG2-on the heels of the deficit-reduction legislation] .
- On Oct. 3 , [rel following] [ARG2 conversations with Secretary of State James Baker] , Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze arrived in Managua *-1 to acclaim `` Nicaragua 's great peace efforts . ''
- Since [ARG1 Mr. Shevardnadze 's proposals] [rel followed] [ARG2 discussions with Mr. Baker] , speculations *ICH*-1 arose that the Bush administration was seeking an accommodation with the Soviets in Central America .
- Bonn and Washington have taken a leading role in aid for the reformist countries , *-1 pledging billions of dollars in fresh credit and forgiving old debt while *-2 urging [ARG0 other industrial nations] *-3 to [rel follow] suit .
- A maxim of Frankfurt banking holds that [ARGM-LOC wherever Deutsche Bank goes *T*-1] , [ARG1 other West German banks] [rel follow] *T*-2 .
- Most energy futures opened lower , [rel following] [ARG2 Wednesday 's market downturn] .
- [ARG0 The ad campaigns] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel follow] [ARG1 one of three tracks -- * stressing the company 's ` Texasness , ' pointing out the competition 's lack thereof , or trying *-2 to be more Texan than Texans] .
- [ARG1 Aussedat Rey 's move] [rel follows] [ARG2 similar technology-licensing agreements between Japanese producers of thermal paper and European paper groups] .
- [ARG1 The federal government initiative] [rel follows] [ARG2 a recent Canadian Supreme Court decision that *T*-1 held that the major telephone companies in Alberta , Saskatchewan and Manitoba and in the Atlantic coast provinces were interprovincial undertakings and subject to federal legislative authority] .
- [ARG1 The announcement , in which they said 0 hostilities had ceased *T*-1 ,] [rel followed] [ARG2 a two-day meeting in Madrid] .
- That 's some of what *T*-1 emerges from the [rel following] [ARG1 charts] , which *T*-2 show how Americans have changed their investment patterns over the past 90 years *T*-3 .
- Mr. Markese cautions that [ARG0 investors] [ARGM-MOD should] [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-MNR slavishly] [rel follow] [ARG1 any specific price\/earnings sell trigger] .
- Mr. Bailey said 0 he expects *-1 to name a new group president 0 *T*-2 to head that operation [rel following] [ARG2 the Nov. 8 board meeting] .
- [ARG1 That] [rel followed] [ARG2 a 3.3 % decline in August] .
- Construction of apartments and other multi-family dwellings slipped 2.2 % to an annual rate of 1,022,000 [rel following] [ARG2 a 3.5 % decline in August] .
- [ARG1 The September decline] [rel followed] [ARG2 an even steeper drop of 6.2 % in August] and left housing starts at their weakest since October 1982 , when the country was nearing the end of a recession *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The action in Pennsylvania] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel follow] [ARG2 last week 's collapse of a special session of the Florida legislature 0 *T*-2 to enact restrictions on abortions in that state , and the vote *ICH*-3 here in Washington by the House * to permit federally paid abortions for poor women who *T*-1 are victims of rape or incest] .
- The authors , from Boston 's Beth Israel Hospital , say that 84 % of [ARG1 the 50 births] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel followed] *T*-1 occurred after only two in vitro cycles .
- With nearly 4,000 machines in use , there have been no salmonella problems as long as [ARG1 instructions] were [rel followed] *-1 , Mr. Maynard boasts 0 *T*-2 .
- `` [ARGM-ADV Human nature being what it is *T*-1] , [ARG0 people] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP always] [rel follow] [ARG1 instructions] , '' says *T*-2 Jack Guzewich , chief of food protection for the New York state Health Department .
- But the FDA in a 1985 letter to the United Egg Producers said that there was `` little likelihood '' of a health problem as long as [ARG1 instructions] were [rel followed] *-1 .
- `` We were expecting it , [rel following] [ARG2 the fall of the Dow Friday] , '' said *T*-1 Brenda Malizia Negus , editor of Money Fund Report .
- [ARG0 WCRS Group] , for its part , will now be able *-2 to [rel follow] [ARG1 its longstanding plan of *-3 becoming `` a holding company for a series of media-related businesses] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Peter Scott , the firm 's chief executive .
- That same calculation saw profit rates fall to 4.6 % in the recession year 1982 and [ARG1 the supposed miracle] that *T*-1 [rel followed] has seen the profit rate rise only to 8.1 % in 1986 and 8 % in 1987 .
- [ARG1 The action] [rel follows] [ARG2 Federal Express Corp. 's acquisition of Flying Tiger Line Inc. in August] .
- He is estimating 0 this week 's disaster will generate insured losses of $ 2 billion *U* to $ 4 billion *U* , [rel following] [ARG2 about $ 4 billion *U* in costs to insurers from Hurricane Hugo] .
- Program traders were publicly castigated *-1 [rel following] [ARG2 the 508-point crash Oct. 19 , 1987] , and a number of brokerage firms pulled back from *-2 using this strategy for a while .
- Although [ARG1 other resignations] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel follow] , it *EXP*-1 's still not clear to what extent the change in party personnel will alter the government 's resistance to fundamental change *T*-2 .
- Up to now , that recipe has consisted of [ARG2 a dogged effort *ICH*-1 by former leader Walter Ulbricht * to establish the country 's international legitimacy] , [rel followed] * by [ARG1-by Mr. Honecker 's campaign * to build the East bloc 's only successful Stalinist economy into a consumer paradise] .
- PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. , Cincinnati-based company 's Folgers Coffee plant in South San Francisco was closed [rel following] [ARG2 the earthquake] , no injuries or major damage , other plants around country can make up for any lost production .
- Caltrans abandoned double-decking in the early 1970s , [rel following] [ARG2 the 1971 Sylmar earthquake that *T*-1 destroyed freeway sections just north of Los Angeles] , Mr. O'Connell explained 0 *T*-2 .
- In the second year , workers would receive [ARG2 a 3 % wage boost and a 3 % bonus] , [rel followed] by [ARG1-by a 3 % increase without a bonus in the third year] .
- The urgency is heightened *-1 because [ARG2 this week 's earthquake] -- while * major and [rel followed] * by [ARG1-by hundreds of aftershocks] -- did n't release enough pent-up energy tension *ICH*-2 along the faultlines * to preclude more and bigger quakes soon .
- [ARG1 Other , as yet unnamed , cities] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel follow] .
- [ARG1 The voting for new laws] [rel followed] [ARG2 dissolution of Hungary 's Communist Party this month and its replacement by a Western-style Socialist Party] .
- He also said 0 [ARG1 tragic results] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel follow] [ARG2 any `` hint of weakening '' of the U.S. defense commitment to Seoul] .
- Colombia 's judges launched a 72-hour strike 0 *T*-1 to press security demands [rel following] [ARG2 Tuesday 's murder of a High Court justice in Medellin] .
- Honecker , who *T*-2 was reported *-1 ill [rel following] [ARG2 gall-bladder surgery in August] , said 0 he was resigning for health reasons .
- Harvard 's Laurence Tribe was the constitutional heavy , *-2 laying out [ARG1 legal strategies] 0 for [ARG0 the senators and witnesses] to [rel follow] *T*-1 .
- But it was Ted Kennedy who *T*-1 scored most effectively with his searing portrayal of `` Robert Bork 's America '' -- the parade of [ARG1 imaginary horribles] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel follow] [ARGM-MNR logically] , he claimed 0 *T*-4 , from [ARG2-from the positions 0 Mr. Bork had taken *T*-3 over the space of two decades] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] has [rel followed] [ARG1 much the same career path as Mr. Honecker] : Both spent years *-2 overseeing the Freie Deutsche Jugend , the youth group that *T*-1 is the communist regime 's principal tool for * stamping young Germans into socialist citizens .
- Some dealers noted that nervousness over the recent sharp dive in stock prices could intensify [rel following] [ARG2 suggestions by Bank of Japan Governor Satoshi Sumita that *T*-1 appeared *-2 to advise Japanese investors *-3 to be very careful in *-4 investing in U.S. leveraged buy-outs] .
- Frank Gilmartin , [ARG0 a trader] who *T*-1 [rel follows] [ARG1 insurance stocks] for [ARG2-for Fox-Pitt Kelton] , said 0 his strategy was *-2 to sell early .
- While the industrial average rallied on Monday [rel following] [ARG2 last Friday 's collapse] , the OTC market , which *T*-1 did n't suffer too badly during the correction , tumbled .
- [ARG1 The market rebound] [ARGM-TMP Monday] [rel followed] [ARG2 weekend assurances *ICH*-2 from Mr. Darman that the administration has other plans 0 * to win the cut , which *T*-1 is alive and well *T*-3] .
- It could throw in the towel and hope *-2 to win on capital gains late this month , or [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel follow] [ARG1 the White House strategy , * to veto reconciliation unless capital gains was appended *-1] .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- The TVA , in fact , decided *-2 to proceed with the bond offering [rel following] [ARG2 an agreement last week with the Financing Bank , which *T*-1 allows TVA to keep borrowing short term from the bank for two years after it goes to the public market] .
- [ARG0 House leaders] had hoped *-2 to [rel follow] [ARG1 the Senate 's lead] [ARGM-MNR by *-3 getting an agreement from House committee chairmen under which they would drop items that *T*-1 would n't reduce the fiscal 1990 budget deficit from the House-passed bill before the negotiations with the Senate began *T*-4] .
- [ARG1 America 's war on the dictator over the past two years] , [rel following] [ARG2 his indictment on drug charges in February 1988] , is the legacy of that relationship .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG2 cast-iron sewer pipe and the flush toilet] were [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG1-by sewage - and water-treatment plants] [ARGM-TMP toward the end of the 19th century] .
- In recent weeks Mr. Merksamer has approached a number of his suppliers and asked them *-1 to provide letters of intent saying 0 they will continue *-2 shipping merchandise to the chain [rel following] [ARG2 the buy-out] , say 0 *T*-3 those familiar with the situation .
- [ARG1 My statement] , read verbatim from a printed text available to all reporters attending the National Cancer Institute news conference , was the [rel following] : `` New clinical trials are already in operation *-1 seeking * to improve these results .
- [ARG0 The state of California] , *-2 [rel following] [ARG1 the lead of some regional parks] , recently adopted regulations that *T*-1 closed nearly all hiking paths in state parks to mountain bicycles .
- The [rel following] [ARG1 issues] were recently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission :
- When the Congress -LRB- I -RRB- lost the 1977 election , [rel following] [ARG2 Mrs. Gandhi 's hated emergency rule] *T*-1 , a similar coalition took power and then disintegrated .
- Moody 's said 0 it is assessing [ARG1 the strategies] 0 [ARG0 Ryder 's management] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel follow] *T*-1 [ARGM-PNC in * addressing significant challenges in some major markets] .
- CDs sold by [ARG0 major brokerage houses] , which *-1 like jumbo CDs tend *-2 to [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel follow] [ARG1 interest rate trends] , also posted larger drops in yields .
- Merc officials said 0 Gary N. Roberts was disciplined *-1 [rel following] [ARG2 the exchange 's investigation of his trading in several commodities pits from July to November 1988] .
- [ARG2 NBC] was second with a 13.9 rating and 24 share [rel followed] by [ARG1-by CBS Inc. 's television network with a 12.5 rating and 21 share] .
- [ARGM-MNR In * joining MIPS] , [ARG1 Control Data] [rel follows] [ARG2 several competitors] [ARGM-MNR in * embracing RISC as a new design approach] .
- The B\/T gene rearrangement test is more accurate than existing tests for * diagnosing the type of cancer , whether it has spread or whether there is [ARG1 a recurrence] [rel following] [ARG2 treatment] , said 0 *T*-1 Oncor President Stephen Turner .
- [ARG1 The companies] are [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by at least three analysts] , and had a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share .
- CREATIVE ACCOUNTING , mostly by conglomerates , forced CPAs to change their way of * setting [ARG1 standards] 0 *T*-3 to be [rel followed] *-1 by [ARG0-by corporations reporting financial results] , standards that *T*-2 had become all too flexible .
- On Oct. 16 , 1987 -- the Friday before the Black Monday crash -- the New York market dropped 4.6 % , and [ARG1 Tokyo] [rel followed] [ARGM-TMP on Monday] [ARGM-MNR with a 2.4 % drop] .
- From the outset , [ARG0 the tobacco industry] has been uncertain as to [ARG1 what strategy] * to [rel follow] *T*-1 .
- If the new Cheer sells well , the trend toward smaller packaging is likely *-1 to accelerate as [ARG1 competitors] [rel follow] [ARGM-MNR with their own superconcentrates] .
- `` They said , ` [ARG0 *] [rel follow] [ARG1 CNN] , ' '' he told reporters *T*-1 .
- Senate Republicans expressed the hope that [ARG0 the House] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel follow] [ARG1 the lead of the Senate , which *T*-1 on Friday agreed *-2 to drop a variety of spending measures and tax breaks that *T*-4 would have increased the fiscal 1990 deficit] .
- [ARGM-TMP When it went down *T*-1] , [ARGM-DIS by all tradition] , [ARG1 the economy] [rel followed] .
- It [rel follows] [ARG1 that proposals like Nunn-McCurdy , whose benefits to enrollees *T*-1 are worth some $ 17,500 *U* a year , do not qualify] .
- The allegation had been raised *-1 in Parliament by the governing Liberal Democratic Party [rel following] [ARG2 magazine reports suggesting that money from Japanese-style pinball , called * pachinko , had infiltrated politics] .
- [ARG1 The `` flight to quality ''] began late in the day and [rel followed] [ARG2 a precipitous fall in the stock market] .