frames- [ARG1 One trial balloon] 0 [ARG0 Mr. Spiegel] is said *-4 to have [rel floated] *T*-3 to [ARG2-to investors] : Columbia might be broken up *-1 , as Mellon Bank was split *-2 into a good bank and a bad bank .
- [ARG1 The second part , consisting of $ 100 million *U* of senior subordinated floating-rate notes ,] was priced *-149 at 99 3\/4 *-1 to [rel float] [ARGM-LOC 4.25 % above the three-month London interbank offered rate] .
- Nonetheless , [ARG1 the $ 36 million *U* issue] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel floated] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1980] opened at $ 35 *U* and leaped to $ 89 *U* within 20 minutes .
- In the two-part offering , $ 151 million *U* of senior subordinated reset notes were priced *-1 at 99.75 and carried a rate of 13 3\/4 % , while [ARG1 the $ 100 million *U* of senior subordinated floating rate notes] were priced *-2 to [rel float] [ARGM-LOC at 4.25 percentage points above the London Interbank Offered Rate , or LIBOR] .
- [ARG1 The $ 150 million *U* in senior subordinated floating-rate notes] were targeted *-1 to be offered *-2 at a price *-2 to [rel float] [ARGM-LOC four percentage points above the three-month LIBOR] .
- The two-part issue consists of $ 200 million *U* of senior subordinated reset notes maturing in 1997 and $ 150 million *U* of subordinated [rel floating] [ARG1 rate] notes also maturing in 1997 .
- [ARG1 The offering , with an expected average life of 3.2 years ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel float] [ARGM-TMP monthly] [ARGM-LOC at 20 basis points above the rate on an index of 30-day double-A-rated commercial paper , which *T*-1 now yields about 8.50 %] .
- While *-1 no doubt agreeing with Mr. Lawson on everything else , Sir Alan is a dyed-in-the-wool monetarist , inclined * to defend [rel floating] [ARG1 rates] to the death .
- Perhaps the fiscal shock of tax cuts is after all best absorbed *-1 by [rel floating] [ARG1 rates] , though of course in the event Mr. Lawson resigned over whether * to support a weak pound , not restrain a strong one .
- There are the strict monetarists , who *T*-1 believe that [rel floating] [ARG1 exchange] rates free an economy to stabilize its price level by *-2 stabilizing the monetary aggregates .
- He had been summoned *-1 to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party , after he finished his lunch at the Savoy Hotel , an unlikely prelude to a bureaucratic brow-beating : [ARG1 Eight-foot-tall Rubenesquely naked ladies] [rel float] [ARGM-LOC on their canvases] [ARGM-DIR toward a ceiling teeming with cherubs , all surrounded * by gilt laid * on with a pastry chef 's trowel and supported * by marble corinthian columns whose capitals *T*-2 are fluting fountains of gold] .
- First Capital Holdings Corp. , proposed offering of $ 275 million *U* of [rel floating] [ARG1 rate] senior notes , via Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Reliance] [rel floated] [ARG1 a $ 357 million *U* petrochemical company *ICH*-3] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] that *T*-2 was , at the time , the largest public issue in Indian history . -RRB-
- With average maturities of a month or so , money funds offer fixed share prices and [rel floating] [ARG1 returns] that *T*-1 track market interest rates , with a slight lag .
- [ARG1 The securities] were priced *-1 *-1 to [rel float] [ARGM-TMP monthly] [ARGM-LOC at 20 basis points above the 30-day commercial paper rate] .
- [ARGM-LOC Above the blossoms of lantana and scarlet pea] [ARG1 the inky-brown and golden palamedes butterfly] [rel floats] [ARGM-LOC on its lazy wingbeat] .
- When [ARG1 his secretary] is found *-1 [rel floating] [ARGM-PRD *-3 dead] [ARGM-LOC in the pol 's pool] *T*-2 , Mancuso is called in *-4 to investigate .
- [ARG0 B.A.T] aims *-1 to sell such U.S. retailing units as Marshall Field and Saks Fifth Avenue and [rel float] [ARG1 its big paper and British retailing businesses] [ARGM-MNR via share issues to existing holders] .
- `` [ARG1 Empty tank cars] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel float] [ARGM-DIR away] [ARGM-MNR on you] [ARGM-ADV if you get a big tidal surge] . ''
- *-1 To fight off predators , [ARG0 B.A.T] plans *-1 to spin off about $ 6 billion *U* in assets , largely by *-2 selling such U.S. retailing units as Marshall Field and Saks and by *-2 [rel floating] [ARG1 its big paper and U.K. retailing business] [ARGM-MNR via share issues to existing holders] .
- Investors have reacted by *-1 ignoring recent efforts [ARG0 *] to [rel float] [ARG1 junk bonds] by Ohio Mattress and by *-1 forcing Ramada to postpone indefinitely its planned junk-bond sale and restructuring .