frames- But MCI , of Washington , was displeased with the FCC decision concerning Tariff 12 , *-1 arguing that `` [ARG0 AT&T] can not be allowed *-2 to [rel flaunt] [ARG1 FCC rules] . ''
- * Created *-2 by [ARG0 an artist] who *T*-1 [rel flaunts] [ARG1 her ignorance of plants and gardens] , South Gardens , as *-4 now planned *-3 , will die from congestive garden design .
- [ARG0 These droppers] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel flaunt] [ARGM-ADV only] [ARG1 their friendships with the Trumps , Brooke Astor or Georgette Mosbacher] .