frames- [ARGM-LOC At the State University of New York at Brooklyn] , [ARG0 researchers] [rel flash] [ARG1 two groups of different letters] on [ARG2-on a computer screen in front of human guinea pigs] .
- [ARG1 The Nissan logo] [rel flashed] on [ARG2-on the screen] [ARGM-TMP for a moment] , and then came a taped plea for donations from former President Reagan -- *-2 followed *-3 by the silent print telling viewers where * to call *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Five minutes before the Big Board opened] , [ARG1 a preliminary price *ICH*-1 *ICH*-2] was [rel flashed] *-3 [ARGM-PNC for UAL] -- [ARGM-LOC somewhere between 135 and 155 ,] [ARGM-ADV a loss of as much as $ 43 *U* a share from Monday 's close] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the Bell Labs experiments] , [ARG0 an MRI-type of machine , synchronized * with the heartbeat via an electrocardiogram ,] [ARGM-TMP rapidly] [rel flashes] [ARG1 a magnetic field] [ARGM-MNR on and off] [ARGM-ADV as blood passes a certain point in a vessel] .
- The [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [rel flashing] return [ARG1 signals] from excited hydrogen atoms in the blood give a `` stop-motion '' movie of the blood-filled vessel , -LRB- like the `` stop-motion '' seen * in disco dancers when a strobe light is flashing *T*-1 -RRB- .
- The rapidly flashing return signals from excited hydrogen atoms in the blood give a `` stop-motion '' movie of the blood-filled vessel , -LRB- like the `` stop-motion '' seen * in disco dancers [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 a strobe light] is [rel flashing] *T*-1 -RRB- .
- One protest did get past NASA 's guard , though ; a computer virus caused [ARG1 anti-Galileo messages] to [rel flash] onto [ARG2-onto some computer screens] [ARGM-LOC at NASA centers] .
- Several traders could be seen *-1 shaking their heads [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 the news] [rel flashed] *T*-2 .