frames- Unlike traditional open-end mutual funds , most of these one-country portfolios are the `` closed-end '' type , *-1 issuing a [rel fixed] [ARG1 number] of shares that *T*-38 trade publicly .
- A spokesman for the Toronto cable television and telecommunications concern said 0 [ARG1 the coupon rate] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP yet] been [rel fixed] *-1 , but will probably be set *-1 at around 8 % .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant , exercisable from Nov. 30 , 1989 , through Nov. 2 , 1993 , 0 * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Tuesday] *T*-2 *T*-3 .
- 50 million Swiss francs of privately placed convertible notes due March 31 , 1994 , with a [rel fixed] [ARG1 0.25 %] coupon at [ARG2-at par] via Yamaichi Bank -LRB- Switzerland -RRB- .
- Put option March 31 , 1992 , at a [rel fixed] [ARG1 107] 7\/8 * to yield 3.43 % .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Nov. 30 , 1989 , to March 16 , 1994 at a 5 % premium over the closing share price Monday , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-3 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- 60 million Swiss francs of privately placed convertible notes due Dec. 31 , 1993 , with a [rel fixed] [ARG1 0.25] % coupon at [ARG2-at par] via Union Bank of Switzerland .
- Put option on Dec. 31 , 1991 , at a [rel fixed] [ARG1 106] 7\/8 * to yield 3.42 % .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Dec. 5 , 1989 , to Dec. 31 , 1993 , at a 5 % premium over the closing share price Tuesday , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-3 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 30 through Nov. 2 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-162 [ARGM-TMP Tuesday] *T*-1 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 30 through Nov. 2 , 1994 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-163 [ARGM-TMP Monday] *T*-1 .
- MAY 1 , 1975 , SIGNALED A DISTRESSFUL May Day for securities houses , which *T*-1 were forced *-2 to end 183 years of * charging [rel fixed] [ARG1 commissions] .
- Foreign stock markets , with which the U.S. is entwined *-2 , also have ended [rel fixed] [ARG1 commissions] in recent years .
- Paris is currently phasing out [rel fixed] [ARG1 commissions] under its `` Le Petit Bang '' plan .
- Within three weeks of the 1975 end to [rel fixed] [ARG1 rates] there were all-out price wars among brokers fighting for institutional business , with rate slashes of 35 % to 60 % *U* below pre-May 1 levels .
- Western Union had offered *-1 to swap each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of the notes for six shares of common stock and two new debt issues : a $ 500 *U* note paying an interest rate starting at 16.75 % annually and rising in later years , due in 1992 , and a $ 500 *U* note , due in 1997 , paying a [rel fixed] [ARG1 rate] of 17 % and including rights protecting a holder against a decline in the trading price of the bond .
- Warner , which *T*-2 is in the process of * being acquired *-1 by New York-based Time Warner Inc. , also said 0 it paid the two producers a [rel fixed] [ARG1 annual] salary of $ 3 million *U* .
- `` [ARG1 Attention] is [rel fixed] on [ARG2-on the stock market] [ARGM-PNC for lack of anything else 0 * to sink our teeth into *T*-1] , '' said *T*-2 Robert White , a vice president at First Interstate of California .
- In [ARG0 *] [rel fixing] [ARG1 rates] the choice of initial parities is crucial , for example , and perhaps he picked the wrong pound-DM rate .
- [ARGM-DIS For that matter] , [ARGM-MOD perhaps] [ARG0 he] [rel fixed] to [ARG1-to the wrong currency] .
- Perhaps the shock would have been less if [ARG0 they] 'd [rel fixed] to [ARG1-to another low-tax , deregulated , supply-side economy] .
- There are the supply-side globalists , who *T*-1 seek *-2 to spread the advantages of a common currency through [rel fixed] [ARG1 exchange] rates .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries a warrant *ICH*-3 exercisable Dec. 1 , 1989 , through Nov. 9 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Nov. 2] *T*-2 .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note convertible Dec. 4 , 1989 , through March 17 , 1994 , at a 5 % premium over closing share price Nov. 1 , [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Nippon Air Brake Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- 140 million Swiss francs of privately placed convertible notes due March 31 , 1994 , with [rel fixed] [ARG1 0.25] % coupon at [ARG2-at par] , via Yamaichi Bank -LRB- Switzerland -RRB- .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note convertible Nov. 27 , 1989 , through March 17 , 1994 , at a 5 % premium over closing share price Nov. 1 , [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Wholesale prices would be divided *-1 into three categories : raw materials sold * at [rel fixed] [ARG1 prices] [ARG2 close to world levels] ; government-set procurement prices for a small number of key products ; and free prices for everything else * to be determined *-2 by contracts between suppliers and purchasers .
- Computer Sciences will perform data processing work for the Postal Service under the three-year contract , which *T*-2 also includes [ARG2 two additional option years] for which [ARG1 compensation] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP yet] been [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-3 .
- People on [rel fixed] [ARG1 incomes] get a break at Espre ; over 55 wins a 45 % discount at Anaheim Imperial Health Spa .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries a warrant *ICH*-2 exercisable Nov. 24 , 1989 , through Oct. 29 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 31] *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 Other terms] to be [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Nov. 1] .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 28 , 1989 , through Oct. 26 , 1994 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 26] *T*-3 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 27 , 1989 , through Oct. 26 , 1993 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Nov. 1] *T*-3 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 21 , 1989 , through Oct. 19 , 1993 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 31] *T*-3 .
- Each 5,000 mark bond carries one warrant *ICH*-3 and one certificate for four warrants , exercisable from Dec. 18 , 1989 , to Oct. 26 , 1994 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % above the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 prices] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 30] *T*-2 .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc bond convertible from Nov. 28 , 1989 , to Dec. 20 , 1993 , at a 5 % premium over closing share price [ARGM-TMP Oct. 30] , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-2 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-3 .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note convertible from Dec. 1 , 1989 , to Dec. 16 , 1994 , at 5 % premium over the closing share price [ARGM-TMP Oct. 26] , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-2 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-3 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-3 , exercisable from Nov. 28 , 1989 , through Oct. 28 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 27] *T*-2 .
- An early fund had filed a registration *ICH*-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission that *T*-2 included a [rel fixed] [ARG2 $ 1 *U*] [ARG1 price] .
- And they 're leaning more toward [rel fixed] [ARG1 income] , whose returns after tax *T*-1 have trailed tuition increases .
- The Federal Trade Commission ruled that [ARG0 five major title-insurance companies] [ARGM-MNR illegally] [rel fixed] [ARG1 prices for title search-and-examination services] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 participating in joint `` rating bureaus '' in six states] .
- The FTC ruled that [ARG0 the companies] violated federal antitrust law by *-1 [rel fixing] [ARG1 rates] [ARGM-LOC in the following states : New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Connecticut , Wisconsin , Arizona and Montana] .
- Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- 200 million Swiss francs of privately placed convertible notes due March 31 , 1994 , with a [rel fixed] [ARG1 0.75] % coupon at [ARG2-at par] , via Union Bank of Switzerland .
- Put option on March 31 , 1992 , at a [rel fixed] [ARG1 107 3\/4] 0 *T*-1 to yield 3.5 % .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Nov , 27 , 1989 , to March 21 , 1994 , at a premium over the closing share price Oct. 25 , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-3 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Each 1,000 mark and 10,000 mark bond is convertible from Nov. 27 , 1989 , to March 21 , 1995 , at a price 0 *T*-3 to be determined *-1 [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 25] *T*-4 .
- The government , *-1 campaigning against [rel fixed] [ARG1 brokerage] commissions , promptly sued the CBOE over its minimum-fee system .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Dec. 1 , 1989 , through Nov. 2 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 24] *T*-3 .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Nov. 20 , 1989 , to March 17 , 1994 , at an indicated 5 % premium over the closing share price [ARGM-TMP Oct. 25] , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-3 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Nov. 20 , 1989 , to March 17 , 1994 , at a 5 % premium over the closing share price [ARGM-TMP Oct. 21] , when [ARG1 terms] are scheduled *-3 to be [rel fixed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant , exercisable from Nov. 16 , 1989 , through Oct. 19 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 24] *T*-2 .
- Each $ 5000 *U* bond carries one warrant , exercisable from Nov. 15 , 1989 , to Oct. 18 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 23] *T*-2 .
- Each $ 5,000 *U* bond carries one warrant , exercisable from May 8 , 1991 , through Oct. 8 , 1994 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 75 % to 85 % *U* to the closing share price [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 terms] are [rel fixed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Oct. 18] *T*-2 .
- Gold tried *-3 to rally on Monday but ran into the same situation that *T*-1 has subdued gold prices for more than a year : * selling by [ARG0 gold producers] , who *T*-2 want *-4 to [rel fix] [ARG1 the highest possible price for their gold] .
- CAE said 0 the [rel fixed] [ARG1 price] for the first of the AH-64 Apache combat mission simulators is C$ 19 million *U* .