frames- [ARG1 The screen] [rel fills] with [ARG2-with a small , tight facial shot of David Dinkins , Democratic candidate for mayor of New York City] .
- [ARGM-LOC In this one] , [ARG1 the screen] [rel fills] with [ARG2-with photographs of both candidates] .
- The dispute has hampered the administration 's efforts * to recruit [ARG2 prominent doctors] 0 *T*-1 to [rel fill] [ARG1 prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control] .
- [ARG1 Ringers] , she added 0 *T*-2 , are `` [rel filled] *-1 with [ARG2-with the solemn intoxication that *T*-226 comes of intricate ritual faultlessly performed *] . ''
- It also empowers the president to make recess appointments , without Senate approval : `` [ARG0 The President] shall have Power * to [rel fill] up [ARG1 all Vacancies that *T*-1 may happen during the Recess of the Senate] , [ARGM-MNR by *-2 granting Commissions which *T*-40 shall expire at the End of their next Session] . ''
- Outside , [ARG0 a young pressman] [rel filling] [ARG1 a news box] with [ARG2-with an extra edition headlined * `` Herald Examiner Closes ''] refused *-1 to take a reader 's quarter .
- [ARG2 Thomas A. Donovan , 37 years old , formerly vice president , West Coast operations , at this hazardous-waste-site remediation concern ,] was named *-59 executive vice president and chief operating officer , both newly created posts , and a director , * [rel filling] [ARG1 a vacancy] .
- [ARG1 Nissan 's decades-old corporate song] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with references to Mount Fuji] has been scrapped *-217 in favor of a snappy tune sung * by a popular Japanese vocalist .
- I suppose 0 sooner or later , [ARG0 the Japanese] would have *-1 to [rel fill] up [ARG1 a large part of the gap on the naval side] .
- [ARG0 Hungary 's Parliament] voted *-1 to hold a national referendum on [ARGM-ADV an election] 0 * to [rel fill] [ARG1 the new post of president] *T*-2 .
- The balloting 0 * to decide [ARGM-MNR when and how] [ARG0 *] to [rel fill] [ARG1 the position , which *T*-128 replaces a collective presidency under a pact signed * by the ruling Socialists and opposition groups ,] *T*-1 *T*-4 is *-2 to be held *-3 Nov .
- [ARG2 Ms. Franklin , 49 years old ,] [rel fills] [ARG1 the position vacated * by Naomi G. Albanese , who *T*-211 retired earlier this year at age 72] .
- Ironically , `` up until the quake , [ARG0 we] desperately tried *-1 to [rel fill] [ARG1 jobs , '' especially for crane and bulldozer operators] .
- Futures prices rose slightly in [ARG1 a market] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with rumors that a new international coffee agreement might still be achieved *-1] .
- Contrary to widespread belief , Mussolini failed *-3 to live up to his promise * to make the trains run on time ; it *EXP*-1 is doubtful whether [ARG0 Soviet-style corporatism] [ARGM-MOD will] make Soviet trains run on time , or [rel fill] [ARG1 the shops] with [ARG2-with goods that the consumers so desperately crave *T*-2] .
- The latter comes from the perception *ICH*-1 , on the part of [ARG0 many people in network TV] , that their only hope of * keeping viewers from *-2 defecting to cable is * to [rel fill] [ARG1 the airwaves] with [ARG2-with an increasingly raw sensationalism] .
- While *-2 admitting 0 such a move would be `` devastating '' to most creditors , Judge Abramson told [ARG1 a courtroom] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with nearly two dozen attorneys] that he was concerned *-1 about the toll 0 mounting legal bills will take *T*-3 on Mr. Hunt 's shrinking estate and about the fact that , following voting by creditors , none of the reorganization plans appeared *-4 to be viable in their present form .
- [ARG2 Douglas H. Miller , self-employed in the oil and gas securities business ,] was named *-1 chairman of this oil and gas exploration company , * [rel filling] [ARG1 a vacancy] .
- [ARG1 The sky] [rel filled] with [ARG2-with 12.8-pound shells , several of which *T*-1 fell back to Earth , *-2 destroying homes and buildings] .
- It is expected that [ARG1 the current surge in demand for new power] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel filled] *-2 [ARGM-DIS primarily] by [ARG2-by independent producers which , unlike utilities , *T*-3 are n't regulated *-1 and therefore do n't need government approval *-1 to construct new plants] .
- [ARG2 More than 70,000 people] [rel filled] [ARG1 a soccer stadium on the outskirts of the black township of Soweto] and welcomed freed leaders of the outlawed African National Congress .
- [ARG0 The packaged-goods marketers] may try *-1 [rel filling] [ARG1 that gap] with [ARG2-with a spate of new products] .
- Three seats currently are vacant and [ARG1 three others] are likely *-3 to be [rel filled] *-1 [ARGM-TMP within a few years] , so patent lawyers and research-based industries are making a new push for specialists 0 *T*-4 to be added *-2 to the court .
- Some patent lawyers had hoped that [ARG1 such a specialty court] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel filled] *-1 with [ARG2-with experts in the field] .
- [ARGM-TMP Since 1984] , [ARG0 the president] has [rel filled] [ARG1 four vacancies in the Federal Circuit court] with [ARG2-with non-patent lawyers] .
- Owners of the building in New York say 0 [ARG0 they] will be asking $ 50 *U* per square foot for rent *-2 to [rel fill] [ARG1 the space that Exxon is vacating *T*-1] .
- We see , smell and hear [ARG1 slums] [rel filled] * with `` [ARG2-with the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed * with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street] . ''
- But it is his portrait of Cairo low-life -- of charlatans and opium addicts , of [ARG1 streets] [rel filled] * with `` [ARG2-with dust , vegetable litter , and animal dung] '' -- that *T*-1 made his reputation , and won him the Nobel Prize in 1988 .
- `` We 're an investor , '' Mr. Morishita says *T*-2 , *-1 sitting back in [ARG1 his purple gallery] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with some 20 Monets and Renoirs] .
- [ARG2 Eugene A. Miller , 52 years old ,] was elected *-1 a director of this electric utility company , * [rel filling] [ARG1 a vacancy] .
- On average , Mr. Lynford says 0 *T*-1 , it *EXP*-2 now takes three to 3 1\/2 years [ARG0 *] to [rel fill] [ARG1 new office space] , compared with 2 1\/2 years in 1988 .
- CBS hopes *-1 to save money by *-2 ordering fewer episodes of regular series because [ARG2 sports] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel fill] up [ARG1 a few weeks of prime time] .
- [ARG2 Philip L. Hall , president of J. Lawrence Hall Co. , Nashua ,] was named *-1 a director of this thrift holding company , *-1 [rel filling] [ARG1 a vacancy] .
- [ARG2 Tons of delectably rotting potatoes , barley and wheat] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel fill] [ARG1 damp barns across the land] [ARGM-ADV as thousands of farmers turn the state 's buyers away] .
- In addition , on Jan. 1 , [ARG2 Thomas A. Bennett , 52 ,] will become vice chairman and chief operating officer of Wachovia and Wachovia Bank & Trust , *-1 [rel filling] [ARG1 a vacancy left * by the retired Hans W. Wanders in April] .
- [ARG2 Messrs. Baker and Bennett] have been elected *-1 directors of Wachovia and Wachovia Bank & Trust *-1 [rel filling] [ARG1 vacant seats on both boards] .
- Harken , which *T*-1 owns about 800 retail gas stations , has said 0 it is particularly interested in Tesoro 's refinery because [ARG2 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel fill] [ARG1 a gap in its business] .
- `` Norm Berry was a creative inspiration at the company , and [ARG2 nobody] has [rel filled] [ARG1 that void] , '' said *T*-1 Ms. Hill .
- As [ARG1 many of these jobs] are [rel filled] *-1 by [ARG2-by local residents , who *T*-2 move from the welfare rolls to the tax rolls ,] the $ 2,500-per-job *U* public investment should repay itself in a few years .
- The company also named [ARG2 Michael E. Gellert , a director and a major shareholder ,] to [rel fill] [ARG1 the vacant seat of chairman] .
- Carriers could use their equipment more efficiently , * leading to [ARG1 overcapacity] 0 [ARG0 they] were eager *-2 to [rel fill] *T*-1 .
- Gordon Trimmer will succeed Mr. Haines as manager of Canadian operations , and [ARG1 Mr. Kushkin 's former position] is [ARGM-NEG n't] being [rel filled] *-1 [ARGM-TMP at this time] , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- A cell filled * with heavy water is producing 1.0 to 1.5 watts more heat than [ARG1 an identical electrolytic cell] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with ordinary water] [ARGM-LOC next to it] , reported 0 *T*-1 Turgut M. Gur , an associate of materials scientist Robert A. Huggins , head of the Stanford experimental team .
- [ARG1 A cell] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with heavy water] is producing 1.0 to 1.5 watts more heat than an identical electrolytic cell filled * with ordinary water next to it , reported 0 *T*-1 Turgut M. Gur , an associate of materials scientist Robert A. Huggins , head of the Stanford experimental team .
- Rearding the suit over the bank bid , Mr. Peterson says 0 [ARG1 it] is [rel filled] *-1 with `` [ARG2-with inflammatory language and half truths] . ''
- The median price of homes is $ 547,000 *U* ; [ARG2 more than 9,000 vessels] [rel fill] [ARG1 what the chamber of commerce calls *T*-1 the nation 's largest pleasure-boat harbor] .
- Depending on the type of software and peripherals used * , the machines can serve either as the main computer in a network of many terminals -LRB- [ARG1 a role] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel filled] * by [ARG0-by a minicomputer] -RRB- , as a technical workstation or as a very fast personal computer .
- The primitive operations also burst out the back door into a small courtyard , where an ancient press squeezes rubber solution into a flat strip and newly made tires are cooled *-1 in [ARG1 a bathtub] [rel filled] * with [ARG2-with water] *T*-2 .
- Load factor , or percentage of [ARG1 seats] [rel filled] * , climbed to 67.1 % from 66.6 % , even though the number of flights rose 6.9 % to 215,845 in the first-three quarters .
- [ARG0 Bush] has [ARG1 three vacancies] 0 * to [rel fill] *T*-3 on the prestigious D.C. Circuit Court , which *T*-2 handles many important regulatory issues and is often considered *-1 a warm-up for future Supreme Court nominees .
- The San Francisco Examiner issued [ARG1 a special edition *ICH*-1] around noon yesterday that *T*-3 was [rel filled] *-2 [ARGM-MNR entirely] with [ARG2-with earthquake news and information] .
- [ARG2 Democrat Gene Taylor] won a special election 0 *T*-1 to [rel fill] [ARG1 the congressional seat vacated * by the death of Republican Larkin Smith] , *-2 taking back the GOP 's lone redoubt in Mississippi 's House delegation .
- [ARG1 The play] is [rel filled] *-1 with [ARG2-with intrigue , dishonesty and injustice] .
- George Bush 's continued support of the tax dam sustains this strategy of * pressuring Congress to make choices among competing priorities , rather than *-2 just saying yes to [ARG2 all the grateful special-interest constituencies] that *T*-1 [rel fill] [ARG1 the PAC trough] .
- [ARG1 Most of the evening] , [ARGM-DIS though] , is [rel filled] *-1 with [ARG2-with rare and welcome wit] .
- [ARG2 Frank Carlucci III] was named *-1 to this telecommunications company 's board , * [rel filling] [ARG1 the vacancy created * by the death of William Sobey last May] .
- [ARG0 The IRS] hopes *-1 to [rel fill] [ARG1 the new positions] [ARGM-TMP soon] .
- In addition , the tax-collecting agency says that [ARG0 it] will take the unusual step of * looking to the private sector *-2 to [rel fill] [ARG1 two new high-level positions 0 * to guide the 120,000-employee agency *T*-3 : a comptroller 0 *T*-4 to oversee daily finances and a chief information officer 0 *T*-5 to update the information system , which *T*-1 includes probably the largest computer data base in the world] .
- *-1 Flanked by flight attendants , pilots and gate agents dressed * in spiffy new blue uniforms , they said 0 [ARG0 Eastern] has exceeded its operational goals and is [rel filling] [ARG1 its seats] .
- It *EXP*-1 is well-known that [ARG1 the regular Afghan infantry] is [rel filled] *-2 with [ARG2-with reluctant conscripts] .
- He bought $ 4 billion *U* in prepositioning ships and [ARG2 $ 7 billion *U*] in ammo and equipment 0 *T*-1 to [rel fill] [ARG1 them] , and parked them at a new $ 6 billion *U* base at Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian Ocean .
- [ARG0 PCS] also named Rex R. Malson , 57 , executive vice president at McKesson , as a director , *-1 [rel filling] [ARG1 the seat vacated * by Mr. Field] .
- In Manhattan , once-desirable store sites sit *-2 vacant and [ARG1 newly constructed space] has been slow *-1 to [rel fill] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel filled] [ARG1 its daily schedule] with [ARG2-with newscasts called * `` Daybreak , '' `` Daywatch , '' `` Newsday , '' and `` Newsnight] , '' but the shows varied little in content , personality or look .
- But perhaps to the consternation of those calling for quotas , [ARG1 most of this void] is likely *-2 to be [rel filled] *-1 with [ARG2-with the cheapest and most plentiful programming now available -- reruns -- usually of shows made * in the U.S.] .