frames- [ARG1 Documents] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] [ARGM-MNR on the pending spinoff] disclosed that Cray Research Inc. will withdraw the almost $ 100 million *U* in financing 0 it is providing the new firm *T*-1 if Mr. Cray leaves or if the product-design project 0 he heads *T*-2 is scrapped *-18 .
- The action came in response to [ARG1 a petition] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by Timex Inc.] for [ARG4-for changes in the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences for imports from developing nations] .
- LTV Corp. said 0 a federal bankruptcy court judge agreed *-1 to extend until March 8 , 1990 , the period in which [ARG0 the steel , aerospace and energy products company] has the exclusive right * to [rel file] [ARG1 a reorganization plan] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 David Dinkins] failed *-2 to [rel file] [ARG1 his income taxes] for four straight years , '' says *T*-1 a disembodied male voice .
- [ARG0 Mr. Dinkins] did fail *-1 to [rel file] [ARG1 his income taxes] for four years , but he insists 0 he voluntarily admitted the `` oversight '' when he was being considered *-2 for a city job *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-TMP In May] , [ARG0 University Patents] [rel filed] [ARG1 a suit *ICH*-1] [ARGM-LOC in federal court] [ARGM-LOC in Philadelphia] against [ARG3-against Albert M. Kligman , a researcher and professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine who *T*-182 developed Retin-A in the 1960s *-2 to combat acne] .
- SHAREDATA Inc. said 0 it will amend [ARG1 a registration statement] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] *-1 to delete a plan * to sell 500,000 newly issued common shares .
- This being Britain , [ARG0 no woman] has [rel filed] [ARG1 an equal-opportunity suit] , but the extent of the problem surfaced this summer in a series of letters to `` The Ringing World , '' a weekly newspaper for ringers .
- Moreover , police and soldiers continue *-1 to harass [ARG0 Americans] , who *T*-246 have [rel filed] [ARG1 several protests] with [ARG2-with the Foreign Ministry] [ARGM-TMP in the past week] .
- [ARG0 The banks] have [ARGM-TMP 28 days] 0 * to [rel file] [ARG1 an appeal against the ruling] *T*-2 and are expected *-1 to do so shortly .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- [ARG1 Criminal charges *ICH*-2] were [rel filed] *-1 against [ARG2-against Diceon Electronics Inc. and two company officials] [ARG4-PNC alleging waste disposal violations in its Chatsworth , Calif. , facility] .
- [ARG0 The Los Angeles County district attorney 's office] [rel filed] [ARG1 seven felony and five misdemeanor counts charging that late last year and early this year the Irvine , Calif.-based circuit-board manufacturer illegally disposed of acid , caustic and heavy metals into the sewer system , and stored hazardous materials in leaky , unlabeled or open-top containers] .
- Market sources said 0 [ARG0 Reliance] has already sold its entire UAL stake , and thus would n't have any reason * to [rel file] [ARG1 the application] [ARGM-PNC simply * to boost the value of its stock] .
- [ARG0 Coleco Industries Inc. , a once high-flying toy maker whose stock *T*-2 peaked at $ 65 *U* a share in the early 1980s ,] [rel filed] [ARG1 a Chapter 11 reorganization plan that *T*-1 provides just 1.125 cents a share for common stockholders] .
- [ARG1 The plan] was [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR jointly] with [ARG2-with unsecured creditors] [ARGM-LOC in federal bankruptcy court in New York] and must be approved *-1 by the court .
- [ARG1 Plans * to do this] are due * to be [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in a week or so] .
- The company added that [ARG0 it] has [rel filed] [ARG1 patent applications] `` on a large number of different BMP proteins '' and the patent on BMP-1 is the first 0 it has received *T*-1 .
- In another action , the ITC dismissed [ARG1 anti-dumping act complaints] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by Du Pont Co. of Wilmington , Del. ,] against [ARG3-against imports of neoprene , a type of synthetic rubber , from France and West Germany] .
- The proposed rules also would be tougher on [ARG0 the insiders] still required * to [rel file] [ARG1 reports] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- Companies would be compelled *-1 to publish in annual proxy statements the names of [ARG0 insiders] who *T*-5 fail *-3 to [rel file] [ARG1 reports] [ARGM-TMP on time] .
- But Robert Gabele , president of Invest\/Net , a North Miami , Fla. , company that *T*-6 packages and sells the insider-trading data , said 0 the proposal is worded *-4 so vaguely that [ARG0 key officials] may fail *-1 to [rel file] [ARG1 the reports] .
- But Mr. Lane said that while the SEC regulates [ARG0 who] *T*-7 [rel files] , the law tells them when * to do so *T*-1 .
- The SEC would likely be amenable to legislation that *T*-9 required [ARG0 insiders] to [rel file] [ARG1 transactions] [ARGM-MNR on a more timely basis] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- But [ARG0 about 25 % of the insiders] , according to SEC figures , [rel file] [ARG1 their reports] [ARGM-TMP late] .
- As a result , says 0 *T*-2 Mr. Geiger , [ARG0 lawyers] think twice before *-3 appealing a judge 's ruling , are reluctant *-3 to mount *RNR*-1 , or even support *RNR*-1 , challenges against him for re-election and are usually loath *-3 to [rel file] [ARG1 complaints that *T*-163 might impugn a judge 's integrity] .
- `` The arrogance of a judge , his demeanor , the way 0 he handles people *T*-1 are not a basis for [ARG0 *] [rel filing] [ARG1 a complaint] , '' says *T*-2 Mr. Bognato .
- Already , he notes 0 *T*-1 , [ARG1 the 76 charges] [ARGM-TMP originally] [rel filed] against [ARG3-against him] have been trimmed *-141 to 27 .
- Mr. Blair said after the meeting that [ARG0 he] had [rel filed] [ARG1 separate lawsuits *ICH*-1 *ICH*-2] [ARGM-LOC in the Ontario Supreme Court] for [ARG4-for unjust dismissal] against [ARG3-against Enfield] and for libel against its largest shareholder , Canadian Express Ltd. , and two executives of Hees International Bancorp Inc. , which *T*-191 controls Canadian Express .
- Mr. Blair said after the meeting that [ARG0 he] had [rel filed] [ARG1 separate lawsuits *ICH*-1 *ICH*-2] [ARGM-LOC in the Ontario Supreme Court] for unjust dismissal against Enfield and for [ARG4-for libel] against [ARG3-against its largest shareholder , Canadian Express Ltd. , and two executives of Hees International Bancorp Inc. , which *T*-191 controls Canadian Express] .
- Still , it *EXP*-2 may be tough for the two to have a smooth partnership in anything , in the wake of [ARG1 sworn affidavits] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP over the last week] .
- [ARG0 Warner Communications Inc. , which *T*-1 is being acquired *-182 by Time Warner ,] has [rel filed] [ARG1 a $ 1 billion *U* breach-of-contract suit] against [ARG3-against Sony and the two producers] .
- Northwest Airlines settled [ARG1 the remaining lawsuits] [rel filed] * [ARGM-MNR on behalf of 156 people killed * in a 1987 crash] , but claims against the jetliner 's maker are being pursued *-188 , a federal judge said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 A total of 157 lawsuits] were [rel filed] *-189 [ARGM-MNR on behalf of crash victims] .
- As a result , Judge John F. Keenan of New York ordered Mrs. Marcos *-2 to turn over to the court [ARG1 all pleadings and documents] 0 [ARG0 she] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel filed] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC in foreign countries] [ARGM-PNC in opposition to U.S. requests for evidence] .
- But Judge Keenan said 0 that privilege is meant *-1 to protect private utterances -- not [ARG1 litigation papers] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with foreign governments] , as Mrs. Marcos 's attorneys maintained .
- Mrs. Marcos has n't admitted that [ARG0 she] [rel filed] [ARG1 any documents such as those sought * by the government] .
- [ARG0 State-owned BNL , Italy 's largest bank ,] has [rel filed] [ARG1 charges] against [ARG3-against the branch 's former manager , Christopher Drogoul , and a former branch vice president ,] [ARGM-PNC alleging fraud and breach of their fiduciary duties] .
- The IRS already is doing intensive TCMP audits of 19,000 returns for [ARG1 1987 and fiscal 1988] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by corporations with under $ 10 million *U* in assets] ... .
- [ARG0 The company] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] [ARGM-LOC in state court in Los Angeles] against [ARG3-against American Brands] , [ARGM-PNC *-2 seeking at least $ 40 million *U* in damages from the Old Greenwich , Conn.-based company] .
- [ARG0 Georgia-Pacific] has [rel filed] [ARG1 a lawsuit] in [ARG2-in federal court in Maine] [ARGM-ADV *-1 challenging the poison pill and the Maine merger law] .
- The company has [ARG1 $ 1 billion *U* in debt] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] .
- [ARG0 MiniScribe] [rel filed] [ARG1 a status report *ICH*-1] with [ARG2-with the NASD] [ARGM-TMP on Monday] , [ARGM-ADV detailing its efforts * to comply with listing requirements and requesting an extension of the exception] , but has n't received a response .
- He added that he expects *-2 to make a recommendation *ICH*-1 within a few weeks on whether [ARG0 MiniScribe] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel file] [ARG1 its own lawsuits] against [ARG3-against former company officers and directors] .
- [ARG0 MiniScribe] [ARGM-DIS also] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel filed] [ARG1 any financial statements for 1989] .
- NRM Energy Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 materials] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] [ARGM-ADV * calling for it to restructure into a corporation from a limited partnership] .
- [ARG1 The lawsuit] was [rel filed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Lone Star Steel 's unsecured creditors ' committee] [ARGM-MNR on behalf of Lone Star Steel , which *T*-2 has been operating under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code since June 30] .
- [ARGM-TMP In many cases] , [ARG1 the lawsuit] was [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP long after the drug was used *-2] -- the cancer in the daughters was typically not detected *-4 for years -- and there is no way 0 * to prove which of several companies *T*-3 manufactured the doses consumed * by certain women *T*-5 .
- The effect is that lawsuits that *T*-2 might have been barred *-3 because [ARG1 they] were [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP too late] could proceed because of the one-year extension .
- Yesterday the company said 0 [ARG0 it] had [rel filed] [ARG1 a request *ICH*-1] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] * to withdraw the registration statement regarding the proposed swap .
- [ARG1 The suit] , [rel filed] * [ARGM-LOC in federal court in Manhattan] , charges that New York 's mandatory retirement age of 76 violates federal law .
- [ARG1 The New York suit] was [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR on behalf of Justice Isaac Rubin , whose appointment to the state appellate division *T*-2 expires at year end , and all other judges hurt * by the alleged age discrimination] .
- [ARG0 Warner] has [rel filed] [ARG1 a $ 1 billion *U* breach of contract suit] [ARGM-LOC in Los Angeles Superior Court] against [ARG3-against Sony and the Guber-Peters duo , who *T*-1 in turn are countersuing Warner for *-3 trying *-2 to interfere in Sony 's acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Guber Peters Entertainment Co. in two transactions valued * at over $ 5 billion *U*] .
- Yesterday , in [ARG1 documents] [rel filed] * [ARGM-ADV in connection with that case] , Warner accused Sony officials of *-2 falsely claiming that they never read the five-year contract requiring the two producers to make movies exclusively for Columbia , *-3 citing Securities and Exchange Commission filings made * by Sony that *T*-1 described the contracts .
- Warner was referring to [ARG1 documents] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP last week] in which Sony Corp. of America Vice Chairman Michael Schulof and Walter Yetnikoff , president of its CBS Records unit , said 0 they had taken Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters at their word when the producers told them that * getting out of the contract would be no problem because of a previous oral agreement *T*-2 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Warner executives] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel filed] [ARG1 new sworn affidavits denying claims *ICH*-2 by Messrs. Guber and Peters that the two sides had an oral agreement that *T*-1 enabled the producers to terminate their contract with Warner should the opportunity * to run a major studio come up] .
- Dataproducts Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 a lawsuit] in [ARG2-in Delaware Chancery Court] [ARG4 *-1 to block a tender offer by DPC Acquisition Partners] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 alleging that the hostile offer violates a standstill agreement between the two concerns] .
- [ARG0 DPC , an investor group led * by New York-based Crescott Investment Associates ,] had [ARGM-REC itself] [rel filed] [ARG1 a suit] in [ARG2-in state court in Los Angeles] [ARGM-ADV *-1 seeking *-2 to nullify the agreement] .
- [ARG0 Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd.] [rel filed] [ARG1 an application *ICH*-1] with [ARG2-with Canadian regulators] * to build a 4.4 billion Canadian dollar -LRB- US$ 3.74 billion *U* -RRB- pipeline * to transport natural gas from Canada 's Arctic to U.S. markets * beginning in
- The Toronto-based company , together with Tenneco Inc. of Houston , has had [ARG1 an incomplete proposal] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with Canadian regulators] *ICH*-2 [ARGM-TMP since 1984] that it is now updating *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP During the summer] , [ARG0 Legal Services Corp. , a Florida legal aid group ,] [rel filed] [ARG1 a petition] with [ARG2-with the Fed] [ARGM-MNR on behalf of residents in four Florida counties] .
- The settlement stemmed from [ARG1 a lawsuit] 0 [ARG0 the dealers] [rel filed] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1982] [ARGM-TMP when the Times began its own competing direct delivery service *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-DIS Separately] , [ARG0 the U.S. Embassy] has [rel filed] [ARG1 three protests] [ARGM-TMP in as many days] with [ARG2-with China 's government] , [ARGM-ADV * alleging harassment of diplomats and their families] , an embassy source said 0 *T*-1 .
- The reasonable first-year rates can be followed *-1 by increases of 60 % or more if [ARG0 a covered employee] [rel files] [ARG1 a major claim] , they complain *T*-2 .
- The House Energy and Commerce Committee 's health subcommittee , headed * by Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman of California , is looking into complaints that small businesses not only ca n't keep reasonably priced employee-health insurance if [ARG1 claims] are [rel filed] *-1 , but often ca n't get coverage at all if a worker is termed *-2 medically uninsurable .
- Nashua , whose major business *T*-1 is * selling copiers , facsimile machines and related supplies , said 0 [ARG0 Reiss & Co . B.V. of the Netherlands] [rel filed] [ARG1 a request *ICH*-2] with [ARG2-with the Federal Trade Commission] [ARGM-LOC under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act] for [ARG4-for permission * to buy more than $ 15 million *U* of Nashua 's stock but less than 25 %] .
- The supplement contains [ARG1 various information] that *T*-2 has been [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] [ARGM-TMP since Dow Jones launched the offer on Sept. 26] , but it does n't change the terms and conditions of the offer except *-3 to extend its expiration date .
- Concord New Horizons Corp. , creators of a 1988 movie called * Nam Angels , used the gang 's name and trademarks without authorization , the not-for-profit corporation says 0 *T*-1 in [ARG1 a complaint] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court] .
- [ARGM-TMP Tomorrow] , [ARG0 Warner] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel file] [ARG1 another batch of documents contending that `` the essence of everything 0 these guys are saying *T*-1 is basically lies] , '' says 0 *T*-2 Warner 's chief outside counsel , Stuart Rabinowitz .
- The battery of [ARG1 legal documents] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP in the past week] [ARGM-ADV in connection with the suit] provide a peek into the inner workings of this Hollywood dogfight .
- In [ARG1 affidavits] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in Los Angeles Superior Court] [ARGM-ADV in connection with the $ 1 billion *U* breach-of-contract suit 0 Warner brought *T*-1 against Sony for *-2 hiring the two producers] , Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters tell one story .
- Mr. Leon of Bear Stearns speculated that [ARG0 McCaw] , in an attempt * to buy time , might consider *-3 [rel filing] [ARG1 an antitrust suit] against [ARG3-against BellSouth] with [ARG2-with the Justice Department and U.S. District Judge Harold Greene , who *T*-1 oversees enforcement of the consent decree that *T*-2 broke up the Bell system in 1984] .
- Judge Albert Green , in Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago , also recognized [ARG1 the suit] , [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP last May] by [ARG0-by Robert and Cynthia Langendorf] , as a class action covering thousands of Irving customers .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- [ARGM-TMP In 1980] , the study says 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 prosecutors surveyed *] [rel filed] [ARG1 charges] against [ARG3-against 25 defendants] for [ARG4-for each 100,000 people aged 18 years and older] .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1987] , [ARG0 prosecutors] [rel filed] against [ARG3-against 35 defendants] for [ARG4-for every 100,000 adults] .
- [ARGM-LOC On the civil side] , [ARG0 the Manhattan prosecutor] [rel filed] [ARG1 an average of only 11 cases] [ARGM-ADV for every 100,000 adults] [ARGM-TMP during the same period] ; the San Francisco U.S. attorney averaged 79 .
- The U.S. attorney 's office , in [ARG1 documents] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] *T*-2 [ARGM-ADV in response] , said 0 Mrs. Marcos was making the `` fanciful -- and factually unsupported -- claim that she was kidnapped *-1 into this country '' in order *-3 to obtain classified material in the case .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Piggybacking on government assertions that General Electric Co. may have covered up fraudulent billings to the Pentagon] , [ARG0 two shareholders] have [rel filed] [ARG1 a civil racketeering suit] against [ARG3-against the company] .
- [ARG1 The suit] was [rel filed] *-1 by [ARG0-by plaintiffs ' securities lawyer Richard D. Greenfield] in [ARG2-in U.S. District Court] [ARGM-LOC in Philadelphia] .
- `` It is [ARG1 a cheap-shot suit] -- procedurally defective and thoroughly fallacious -- which *T*-1 was [ARGM-MNR hurriedly] [rel filed] *-3 by [ARG0-by a contingency-fee lawyer] [ARGM-CAU as a result of newspaper reports] , '' said *T*-2 a GE spokeswoman .
- The federation was among the plaintiffs in [ARG1 a lawsuit] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP in August] against [ARG3-against Exxon] seeking full payment of environmental recovery costs from the spill .
- Rally 's Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] in [ARG2-in U.S. District Court] [ARGM-LOC in Delaware] against [ARG3-against a group led * by Burt Sugarman] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 seeking *-2 to block the investors from *-3 buying more shares] .
- A group of investors led * by Giant Group Ltd. and its chairman , Burt Sugarman , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] with [ARG2-with federal antitrust regulators] for [ARG4-for clearance * to buy more than 50 % of the stock of Rally 's Inc. , a fast-food company based * in Louisville , Ky] .
- [ARG0 DPC Acquisition Partners , a hostile suitor for Dataproducts Corp. ,] [rel filed] [ARG1 a petition] in [ARG2-in federal district court in Los Angeles] [ARGM-ADV *-1 seeking *-3 to have its standstill agreement with the computer printer maker declared *-2 void] , and it proceeded with a $ 10-a-share *U* tender offer for the company .
- [ARG0 The U.S. Attorney 's office] [rel filed] [ARG1 a criminal complaint] against [ARG3-against six bank employees] [ARGM-ADV *-2 charging them with conspiracy in the scheme , which *T*-1 apparently was capable of * handling millions of dollars a week by *-3 funneling cash through fictitious bank accounts] .
- In [ARG1 papers] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the federal district court in Pittsburgh] , the Justice Department alleged that the ordinance , by * limiting the number of group homes that *T*-2 can be established *-1 in the township , makes housing unavailable on account of handicap .
- But his chance * to become deputy mayor under Mayor Abraham Beame , a plan boosted * by Mr. Sutton , was squandered *-1 because of [ARG0 Mr. Dinkins 's] failure -- still largely unexplained -- * to [rel file] [ARG1 income tax returns] [ARGM-TMP for four years running] .
- [ARGM-MNR Separately] , [ARG0 AT&T] [rel filed] [ARG1 a countersuit] against [ARG3-against MCI] [ARG4-PNC *-1 accusing it of * misleading consumers through allegedly `` false and deceptive '' advertising] .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- Mr. Antar was charged *-1 last month in [ARG1 a civil suit] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court in Newark] by [ARG0-by the Securities and Exchange Commission] .
- Through his lawyers , Mr. Antar has denied allegations in the SEC suit and in [ARG1 civil suits] [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by shareholders] against [ARG3-against Mr. Antar and others] .
- [ARG0 Congress] has decided *-1 to raise $ 40 million *U* by *-2 charging companies $ 20,000 *U* for the honor of * [rel filing] [ARG1 the required papers] [ARGM-LOC under the Hart-Scott-Rodino law] .
- [ARG0 The Israeli Manufacturers ' Association] [rel filed] [ARG1 a police complaint] against [ARG3-against an Arab pasta maker] for [ARG4-for * using the four colors of the outlawed Palestinian flag on spaghetti packages] .
- Castle Harlan and Quantum said 0 [ARG1 the plan] is expected *-2 to be [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP within 60 days] with [ARG2-with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Pittsburgh] .
- Had [ARG1 the suit] been [rel filed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP in time] , they said 0 *T*-1 , `` Bare-Faced Messiah '' would have been suppressed *-3 .
- [ARGM-DIS As * previously reported] , [ARG0 Northeast Utilities , Hartford , Conn. ,] [ARGM-TMP Monday] [rel filed] [ARG1 a bid 0 it valued *T*-1 at $ 2.25 billion *U*] .
- In a statement , Mr. Merksamer described the filing as a `` legal technicality , '' but also said that `` our inability * to obtain trade credit , *-1 combined *-2 with a need * to ensure that our stores were properly stocked for the Christmas season , necessitated [ARG0 our] [rel filing] [ARG1 Chapter 11] . ''
- At that time , Sam Merksamer , president of the chain , angrily denied that [ARG0 his company] was about *-1 to [rel file] .
- [ARGM-ADV Separately] , [ARG0 a Qintex Entertainment shareholder] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] [ARGM-LOC in federal court in Los Angeles] [ARGM-PNC *-1 charging Qintex Australia with *-2 misleading shareholders about Qintex Entertainment 's financial position] .
- The company has stated in [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] [ARG1 financial] documents that it anticipates *-1 refinancing its March 1990 payments .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 its quarterly results] are [ARGM-TMP now] being [ARGM-MNR publicly] [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-CAU as the result of the formation earlier this year of employee stock investment plans] .
- After *-3 coming close to a partial settlement a year ago , [ARG0 shareholders] who *T*-1 [rel filed] [ARG1 civil suits] against [ARG3-against Ivan F. Boesky and the partnerships 0 he once controlled *T*-2] again are approaching an accord , people familiar with the case said 0 *T*-4 .
- He declined *-2 to name the shareholder , the plaintiff 's lawyer or [ARG2-LOC the court] where [ARG1 the lawsuit] was [rel filed] *-1 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-ADV Separately] , [ARG0 a Campeau shareholder] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] , [ARG4 *-1 charging Campeau , Chairman Robert Campeau and other officers with *-2 violating securities law] .
- [ARG1 The suit] , [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in U.S. District Court in Manhattan] , seeks class-action status .
- [ARG0 Mr. Laff 's attorney , John Lang ,] [rel filed] [ARG1 a memorandum asking that the trial record include a secretly taped conversation in which the witness , Henry Lorin , told a Haas stockbroker that Mr. Laff should be killed *-1 *T*-2] .
- Quickview Systems Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 a lawsuit] against [ARG3-against Apple Computer Inc.] , *-1 claiming patent infringement in an element of Apple 's popular HyperCard software program .
- [ARG1 The suit] , [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in Minneapolis federal court] , claims that Apple violated a Quickview patent that *T*-1 allows computer users to display `` only portions of multiple fields on a computer screen with the ability * to see the entire contents of any given field . ''
- It said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 an action of its own] in [ARG2-in federal court in San Jose , Calif. ,] [ARG4 *-1 seeking a declaration that Quickview 's claims are invalid] .
- [ARG1 Reimbursement claims] [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the IRS district or service-center director] [ARGM-TMP within a year after the expense accrues] .
- Notice 89-107 offers added relief for [ARG0 hurricane-hit concerns] that *T*-108 [ARGM-MOD must] [rel file] [ARG1 pension and benefit-plan returns] .
- [ARG1 REPORTS OF PAYMENTS to independent contractors for services] [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel filed] *-1 by [ARG0-by businesses] , but * do n't bet that contractors ' unreported income will be detected *-2 that way .
- The General Accounting Office estimates that 50 % of IRS audits do n't spot [ARG0 companies] that *T*-1 fail *-2 to [rel file] [ARG1 the reports] .
- [ARG0 The state attorney general 's office] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] against [ARG3-against five New York brokerage firms] , [ARG4 *-1 charging them with responsibility for much of a $ 200 million *U* loss incurred * by the state treasurer 's office in 1987] .
- [ARGM-TMP On Friday] , [ARG0 the firms] [rel filed] [ARG1 a suit *ICH*-1] against [ARG3-against West Virginia] in [ARG2-in New York state court] [ARG4 asking for a declaratory judgment absolving them of liability] .
- [ARG1 Another U.S. proposal] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP Monday] urges more `` fair play '' in services trade , including predictable and clear rules and equality in the treatment of foreign and domestic service companies .
- As of June 30 , it had settled [ARG1 about 15,000 of 81,000 claims] [rel filed] * and its unpaid claims totaled $ 136 million *U* , a large portion of its $ 268 million *U* in cash and marketable securities .
- [ARG0 The company] has [rel filed] [ARG1 an internal reorganization plan 0 it valued *T*-2 at $ 2.2 billion *U* that *T*-1 would require 5.5 % rate increases] .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-4 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- [ARG1 The claims] , which *T*-1 were [rel filed] *-2 with [ARG2-with the State Board of Control] but will probably end up in court , are the first arising out of the collapse of the so-called Cypress structure viaduct .
- ALBERTA ENERGY Co. , Calgary , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 a preliminary prospectus for an offering of common shares] .
- [ARG1 The government 's startling allegations] , [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP only days before the scheduled start of a criminal overcharge trial against GE in Philadelphia federal district court] , challenge the motives and veracity of the nation 's third-largest defense contractor .
- Time is expected *-1 to mount a legal challenge in U.S. District Court in New York , where [ARG0 Viacom] [ARGM-TMP in May] [rel filed] [ARG1 a $ 2.5 billion *U* antitrust suit charging Time and HBO with * monopolizing the pay-TV business and trying *-3 to crush competition from Showtime] *T*-2 .
- Meanwhile , [ARG0 International Business Machines Corp.] paved the way for a visit to the credit markets by *-1 [rel filing] [ARG1 a shelf registration *ICH*-2] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] for [ARG4-for $ 800 million *U* in new debt] .
- The Justice Department said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 a lawsuit seeking more than $ 7.7 million *U* from a Meredith Corp. unit on charges that the company defrauded the government on a contract * to provide relocation services for federal employees] .
- [ARG1 The suit] , [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal trial court] [ARGM-LOC in Des Moines , Iowa , where Meredith is based *-1] , alleges that the diversified media company 's relocation unit cheated the government by *-2 misrepresenting the value of government employees ' homes .
- [ARG0 Consumers Power Co.] [rel filed] with [ARG2-with the Michigan Public Service Commission] [ARG1 a contract * to buy power from the Palisades nuclear plant under a proposed new ownership arrangement for the plant] .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- In [ARG1 its bankruptcy-law petition] , [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan] , Eagle said 0 its problems began in 1987 and early 1988 when its then-senior lender , Bankers Trust Co. , reduced its credit line .
- The plan would extend the period under which [ARG0 Eagle] has the exclusive right 0 *T*-1 to [rel file] [ARG1 a reorganization plan] *T*-2 .
- In [ARG1 the suit] , [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP in June 1988] , the government accused the union 's leadership of *-1 depriving its 1.6 million members of their rights through a pattern of racketeering .
- In [ARG1 a brief] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the Supreme Court] [ARGM-TMP last week] , Mr. Pretl criticizes the appeal for *-1 raising `` abstract '' and `` theoretical '' legal issues , while *-2 jeopardizing the proposed reorganization and the settlement payments to claimants .
- [ARG0 The law firm] has [rel filed] [ARG1 a friend-of-the-court brief] [ARGM-MNR jointly] with [ARG2-with the Washington Legal Foundation , a conservative legal group] .
- Wilmer Cutler 's brief argues that there is no mandatory appellate review of capital sentences and that [ARG0 the inmate] who *T*-1 [rel filed] [ARG1 the appeal] lacks proper standing .
- [ARG0 Exxon Corp.] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] against [ARG3-against the state of Alaska] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 charging 0 state officials interfered with the oil company 's initial efforts * to treat last spring 's giant oil spill] .
- The action is a counterclaim to [ARG1 a suit] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by Alaska] [ARGM-TMP in August] against [ARG3-against Exxon and six other oil companies] .
- [ARG1 That suit and Exxon 's countersuit] were [rel filed] *-1 in [ARG2-in a state court in Anchorage] .
- Hitachi made the reverse-engineering charges in an amendment to [ARG1 a counterclaim] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in a federal district court in Texas] [ARGM-TMP after Motorola sued Hitachi for patent violation] .
- [ARG0 A group of shareholders] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] against [ARG3-against Imperial Corp. of America , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. , First Executive Corp. and others ,] [ARGM-ADV *-1 charging them with *-2 artificially inflating Imperial 's stock price *-3 to protect certain major investors] .
- [ARG1 The complaint] , [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal district court] , accuses Imperial and other defendants of *-1 issuing false and misleading financial data .
- The derivative suit is similar to [ARG1 a class-action complaint] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] .
- Imperial said in a statement 0 it expects [ARG1 other complaints] to be [rel filed] *-3 [ARGM-PNC in the wake of the original suit and a recent article in Barron 's magazine that *T*-2 focused on the company 's problems] .
- In [ARG1 a separate complaint] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court here] , shareholder Max Grill of New York charged Imperial , its top executives and directors with breach of fiduciary duty and *-1 squandering the company 's assets .
- The bribery scheme took place between 1982 and 1985 , according to [ARG1 documents] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by prosecutors] in [ARG4-in connection with Mr. Lavelle 's guilty plea] in [ARG2-in federal district court in Alexandria , Va] .
- [ARG1 Court documents] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by prosecutors] indicate 0 Mr. Tomlin tried *-1 to steer to Sperry a multimillion dollar contract 0 *T*-2 to computerize maintenance of certain Navy electronics equiment .
- [ARG1 Documents] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by prosecutors] also indicate that Mr. Lavelle and his fellow conspirators requested and obtained `` approval of the scheme '' from more-senior Sperry officials `` because the payment which -LCB- Mr . -RCB- Tomlin requested *T*-1 was so large . ''
- And in [ARG1 a case] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARGM-TMP in August] , a lawyer is arguing that Missouri authorities are wrongfully imprisoning the fetus of a pregnant woman who *T*-1 is in jail for theft and forgery .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- While investigations into lawyer misconduct will remain secret , the public will be notified *-1 once [ARG1 a formal complaint] is [rel filed] *-2 against [ARG3-against an attorney] .
- In addition , Illinois attorneys will lose the right * to sue [ARG0 clients] who *T*-1 [rel file] [ARG1 malicious complaints] against [ARG3-against them] .
- Royal Business Group Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] in [ARG2-in federal court here] [ARGM-ADV *-1 charging Realist Inc. and its directors with *-2 violating federal securities laws `` by *-3 engaging in a scheme * to prevent '' Royal from *-4 acquiring Realist] .
- Earlier , Japan had said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel file] [ARG1 a reservation] against [ARG3-against the ivory ban decided * by ballot at the 103-nation United Nations Conference on International Trade in Endangered Species in Switzerland last week] .
- [ARG0 Commercial fishermen and fish processors] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARGM-LOC in a claim that *T*-1 has ballooned to more than $ 104.8 million *U*] .
- MCI COMMUNICATIONS Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 a shelf registration] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] for [ARG4-for issuance of as much as $ 750 million *U* of debt securities] .
- [ARG0 A shareholder] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 seeking *-3 to block Unitel Video Inc. 's proposed plan * to be acquired *-1 by a new affiliate of closely held Kenmare Capital Corp. for $ 15 *U* a share , or $ 33.6 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 The suit , which *T*-2 seeks class-action status ,] was [rel filed] *-1 in [ARG2-in Delaware Chancery Court] .
- John Dingell demagogues a David Baltimore , animal-rights activists do $ 3.5 million *U* of damage to labs at the U.Cal-Davis , Meryl Streep decries the horrors of chemistry on talk shows , [ARG0 Jeremy Rifkin] [rel files] [ARG1 lawsuits] in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARG4 *-1 to thwart biotech experiments] , and Dutch-elm-disease researcher Gary Strobel 's own colleagues at Montana State denounce him for `` * violating '' EPA rules .
- MGM Grand Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 a registration statement *ICH*-1] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] for [ARG4-for a public offering of six million common shares] .
- Most managements hesitate *-1 to go all out in *-2 advertising their due-process systems for fear of * encouraging [ARG0 cranks and chronic soreheads] to [rel file] [ARG1 complaints] .
- [ARG0 An early fund] had [rel filed] [ARG1 a registration *ICH*-1] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] that *T*-2 included a fixed $ 1 *U* price .
- Two such actions , [ARG1 both] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] in [ARG2-in Georgia state court in Atlanta] , could be particularly embarrassing to the industry : both name J. Chandler Peterson , an Atlanta financial planner who *T*-1 is a founder and past chairman of the IAFP , as defendant .
- [ARG1 One suit] , [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by more than three dozen investors] , charges that Mr. Peterson misused much of the $ 9.7 million *U* put * into a limited partnership that he operated and promoted *T*-1 , *-2 spending some of it *-3 to pay his own legal bills and to invest in other companies in which he had an interest *T*-4 .
- [ARG1 The other suit] was [rel filed] *-3 by [ARG0-by two men] [ARGM-ADV in a dispute over $ 100,000 *U* investments 0 each says 0 he made *T*-1 with Mr. Peterson as part of an effort * to purchase the Bank of Scottsdale in Scottsdale , Ariz] .
- Passport applicants now must give Social Security numbers , * enabling the IRS to see whether [ARG0 Americans living abroad] are [rel filing] [ARG1 required U.S. returns] .
- Auditors involved * in noncriminal projects ca n't send anyone to jail , but [ARG0 they] can make life miserable in other ways -- for one , by *-1 imposing some of the 150 different civil penalties for negligence , failure * to [rel file] [ARG1 a return] , and the like .
- Thus *-3 armed *-2 for massive matching of documents by computer , they single out high-income groups , *-3 looking primarily for [ARG0 people] who *T*-1 have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel filed] [ARG1 New York income-tax returns] .
- In the early stage of * checking [ARG0 people] with incomes exceeding $ 500,000 *U* who *T*-1 were [rel filing] [ARG1 nonresident returns] , it squeezed $ 7.5 million *U* out of a man who *T*-2 was posing as a Florida resident .
- The owner of the company , Stephen Smith , who *T*-1 has since pleaded guilty to state and federal fraud charges , confided to investors that he had a secret agreement with Amoco Oil Co. and said 0 the location of his wells was confidential , according to [ARG1 a civil suit] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in a Florida state court] by [ARG0-by the Florida comptroller 's office] .
- [ARG0 The Lyneses , of Powder Springs , Ga. ,] have [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] in [ARG2-in Georgia state court] against [ARG3-against Stuart James] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 alleging fraud] .
- The figure also may reflect [ARG1 initial claims] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by striking Nynex Corp. workers who *T*-1 have become eligible for unemployment benefits] , the official said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV With support from the IRS] , [ARG0 Manufacturers Hanover] has [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] [ARG4 *-1 asking Judge Abramson *-2 to subordinate Minpeco 's claim to those of Manufacturer Hanover and the IRS] .
- But the plan only threatens *-3 to heighten the tension and confusion already surrounding [ARG1 the cases] that *T*-2 were [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in September 1988] .
- [ARG0 Harley-Davidson Inc.] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARGM-LOC here] , [ARG4 *-2 alleging that a group that *T*-1 holds 6.2 % of its stock made `` false , deceptive and misleading '' statements in recent regulatory filings and public announcements] .
- But in [ARG1 affidavits] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] in [ARG2-in the Los Angeles court] , Mr. Ross , Warner Bros. Chairman Robert Daly and President Semel deny that such an oral agreement was ever made *-1 .
- In [ARG1 his affidavit] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , Warner 's Mr. Ross indicated 0 he is n't buying any such argument : `` If Sony succeeds here , no written contract in Hollywood will be worth the paper 0 it 's written on *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] , [ARGM-TMP following fruitless settlement talks] , [ARG0 Warner] , *-1 now merging with Time Inc. , [rel filed] [ARG1 a $ 1 billion *U* breach of contract suit] in [ARG2-in Los Angeles Superior Court] against [ARG3-against both Sony and Guber Peters] .
- [ARGM-MNR How] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARG0 I] [rel file] *T*-1 ?
- Partners at other accounting firms say that [ARG0 the Deloitte firm in the U.K.] is [rel filing] [ARG1 the suit] [ARG4 *-1 to get even with the merged Deloitte-Touche firm for *-2 keeping major auditing work in England] .
- In [ARG1 a suit] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in state court in Manhattan] , the American Civil Liberties Union is representing the former maitre 'd of the chic Odeon restaurant .
- [ARG1 The suit] , [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARGM-LOC in Manhattan] , also asks that the Comex 's nine-month suspension of Mr. Semel be lifted *-1 , pending the broker 's appeal of the disciplinary measures .
- [ARG0 Mr. Gintel] has [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] in [ARG2-in Delaware Chancery Court] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 seeking *-2 to block Xtra 's anti-takeover tactic] .
- Eugene Sit , president of Sit Investment Associates in Minneapolis , says , `` When we bought it *T*-2 , we thought 0 the growth rate was going *-3 to accelerate '' because of computerized [ARG1 tax] [rel filing] and instant refunds -LRB- the customer gets a refund immediately but pays extra to the tax preparer , which *T*-1 waits for Uncle Sam 's check -RRB- .
- In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission , Sony also said 0 [ARG1 two more suits *ICH*-2] have been [rel filed] *-1 [ARGM-ADV opposing the company 's agreement * to buy Columbia] .
- [ARG0 A pilot representing a group of 220 pilots hired * during United 's 1985 strike] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] [ARGM-TMP Friday] in [ARG2-in Chicago federal court] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to block the takeover] .
- According to lawyers familiar with the settlement talks , the verbal agreement * to end [ARG1 a lawsuit] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP more than two years ago] was reached *-1 last week and will soon be submitted *-1 to a federal judge in Camden , N.J .
- But lawyers said 0 Mr. Steinberg probably faced much more potential liability because , [ARGM-TMP when he sued Disney during his takeover battle *T*-1] , [ARG0 he] [rel filed] [ARGM-MNR on behalf of all shareholders] .
- [ARG1 An antitrust suit] that [ARG0 Mr. Maynard 's company] [rel filed] *T*-1 in [ARG2-in Los Angeles federal court] against [ARG3-against the United Egg Producers and others] only added to the entrepreneur 's woes .
- [ARGM-DIS Surely] , [ARG1 the past suffering of any people at any time] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] be [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel filed] [ARGM-DIR away] *-1 and forgotten *-1 .
- In [ARG1 charges] [rel filed] * [ARGM-TMP last week] in [ARG2-in federal district court in Charlotte , N.C. ,] the SEC alleged that Venture Capitalists Inc. , Venture Finance Corp. and New Ventures Fund Inc. , all of Charlotte , failed repeatedly *-1 to file proper documents .
- In charges filed * last week in federal district court in Charlotte , N.C. , the SEC alleged that [ARG0 Venture Capitalists Inc. , Venture Finance Corp. and New Ventures Fund Inc. , all of Charlotte ,] failed repeatedly *-1 to [rel file] [ARG1 proper documents] .
- [ARG0 Norton and General Electric Co.] [ARGM-TMP last month] [rel filed] [ARG1 a lawsuit] against [ARG3-against the former research manager , Chien-Min Sung ,] [ARGM-ADV *-1 charging him with *-2 stealing trade secrets] .
- *-2 Acting more than a year after [ARG0 Ms. Bertussi] [rel filed] [ARG1 a complaint] , the panel issued a `` letter of reproval '' saying 0 Rep. Bates had admitted conduct that *T*-1 violated a House rule forbidding discrimination against employees on account of their sex .
- But Ms. Bertussi asked , `` [ARG0 Who in their right mind] *T*-1 is going *-2 to [rel file] [ARG1 another complaint] with [ARG2-with the Ethics Committee] ? ''
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-2 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- A senior vice president and a vice president at James River Corp. sold the majority of their shares in the Richmond , Va. , paper-products concern in late August and early September , [ARG1 reports] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the SEC] show 0 *T*-1 .
- Catherine Adams , the Beebes ' lawyer , said 0 the verdict would not discourage [ARG0 other plaintiffs] from *-1 [rel filing] [ARG1 such suits] .
- Scientists are only beginning *-2 to understand what *T*-1 causes sick-building syndrome and much of that research was unavailable [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 the Beebes] [rel filed] [ARG1 the case] *T*-3 , she said 0 *T*-4 .
- All but two of [ARG1 the 40 or so lawsuits] that *T*-3 have been [rel filed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP since the project 's 1984 approval] have been dismissed *-1 before the trial stage .
- The increase is noted *-1 in [ARG1 the brokerage firm 's latest proxy statement] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] .
- A Par spokesman said 0 he understood 0 the criminal investigation in Maryland relates to matters 0 Par disclosed *T*-1 in July , when Par said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 false drug information] with [ARG2-with the FDA] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 U.S. intelligence] , [ARGM-ADV rather than * rein in *RNR*-3 or cut loose *RNR*-3 its new spy] , [ARGM-ADV merely] [rel filed] [ARG1 the report] away .
- [ARG0 Mr. Keating] , [ARGM-ADV for his part] , has [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] [ARG4 *-1 alleging that regulators unlawfully seized the thrift] .
- After [ARG1 the government lawsuit] was [rel filed] *-1 against [ARG3-against Lincoln] , Sen. DeConcini returned the campaign contributions .
- [ARG0 Some of those debtholders] have [rel filed] [ARG1 a suit] , [ARGM-ADV * saying 0 they believed 0 they were buying government-insured certificates of deposit] .
- `` [ARG0 We] 're in the process of * discussing an amended plan with the creditors and anticipate * [rel filing] [ARG1 that amended plan] [ARGM-TMP shortly] , '' Mr. Lorenzo told reporters *T*-1 .
- In [ARG0 *] [rel filing] [ARG1 an original -LRB- not amended -RRB- return] , a couple should consider whether damaged property is owned *-1 jointly or separately and whether one spouse has larger income ; that may determine whether they should file jointly or separately .
- In * filing an original -LRB- not amended -RRB- return , a couple should consider whether damaged property is owned *-1 jointly or separately and whether one spouse has larger income ; that may determine whether [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel file] [ARGM-MNR jointly or separately] .
- Among the provisions : Fiscal-year taxpayers with returns due last Monday wo n't be penalized *-1 if [ARG0 they] [rel file] -- or request an extension -- and pay tax due by Nov. 15 .
- Extensions ca n't be granted *-1 for [ARG0 *] [rel filing] [ARG1 employment-tax returns due Oct. 31] or for * depositing withheld taxes , but late penalties will be abated *-2 for deposits made * by Nov. 15 .
- WHEN AN IRA OWNER dies *T*-1 , [ARG0 the trustee of the individual retirement account] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel file] [ARG1 forms 5498 reporting market values relating to the decedent and each beneficiary] , [ARGM-MNR with copies to the executor and beneficiaries] .
- [ARG0 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- [ARG0 Showtime] is a distant No. 2 to Home Box Office , and [ARGM-TMP in May] [rel filed] [ARG1 a $ 2.5 billion *U* antitrust suit] against [ARG3-against Time Warner] , [ARGM-ADV * charging the company and its HBO and American Television cable units with * conspiring *-1 to monopolize the pay TV business] .
- [ARG0 MLX] has [rel filed] [ARG1 a registration statement *ICH*-2] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] [ARGM-ADV covering a proposed offering of $ 120 million *U* in long-term senior subordinated notes and warrants] .
- [ARG1 The following issues *ICH*-3] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-2 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] : Gehl Co. , initial public offering of two million shares of common stock , of which 1,450,635 shares *T*-4 are being offered *-1 by the company and 549,365 shares *T*-4 by holders , via Blunt , Ellis & Loewi Inc. and Robert W. Baird & Co .
- DPC , a group led * by the New York investment firm Crescott Inc. , also said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-2 to [rel file] [ARG1 preliminary materials *ICH*-1] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] regarding a shareholder solicitation * to oust Dataproducts ' board .
- In [ARG1 a letter] [rel filed] * with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] , the group , which *T*-1 holds about 4.5 million Telerate shares , or about 4.7 % of the shares outstanding , said `` ... at present none of us believes 0 an offer for less than $ 25 *U* per share would be fair and some believe that $ 25 *U* is too low . ''
- Separately , the company said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel file] [ARG1 a delayed fiscal-year report] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] `` [ARGM-TMP within approximately 45 days] . ''
- Under [ARG1 an agreement *ICH*-1] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARGM-TMP in August] [ARGM-PNC * to settle FTC objections to some Traditional sales practices] , Traditional said 0 it would establish a $ 250,000 *U* trust fund 0 *T*-2 to provide refunds to certain customers .
- Information International said 0 it believes that [ARG1 the complaints] , *-1 [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court in Georgia] , are without merit .
- [ARG0 The units] that *T*-1 [rel filed] [ARG1 the suit] are Southeastern Newspapers Corp. and Florida Publishing Co .
- [ARG0 Financial Corp. of Santa Barbara] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] against [ARG3-against former stock speculator Ivan F. Boesky and Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 charging 0 they defrauded the thrift by *-2 concealing their relationship when * persuading it *-4 to buy $ 284 million *U* in high-yield , high-risk junk bonds *T*-3] .
- In [ARG1 a suit] [rel filed] * in [ARG2-in federal court] [ARGM-TMP Thursday] , the S&L alleged that a `` disproportionate number '' of the bonds 0 it purchased *T*-1 in 1984 declined in value .
- Southmark Corp. said that [ARG0 it] [rel filed] [ARG1 part of its 10-K report] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] , but that the filing does n't include its audited financial statements and related information .
- Additionally , the company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel filed] with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] for [ARG4-for the proposed offering of 10 million shares of common stock , expected * to be offered *-1 in November] .
- [ARG1 The following issues] were [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel filed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Securities and Exchange Commission] :
- Charles Haworth , a lawyer for Sunbelt , says 0 [ARG0 he] plans *-2 to [rel file] [ARG1 a brief *ICH*-3] [ARGM-TMP this week] urging the district judge *-1 to dismiss the suits , because Sunbelt 's liabilities exceeded its assets by about $ 2 billion *U* when federal regulators closed it in August 1988 *T*-4 .
- Lawyers for dozens of insolvent savings and loan associations are trying a new tack in their efforts * to defuse [ARG1 suits] [rel filed] * by [ARG0-by borrowers , developers and creditors] .
- The remainder , he said 0 *T*-1 , are [ARG1 commercial loan participations , or private placements ,] that *T*-3 are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel filed] *-4 with [ARG2-with the SEC] and do n't have a ready market .
- The eventual court decision could become a landmark in Dutch corporate law because [ARG1 the lawsuit] 0 [ARG0 ASKO] plans *-1 to [rel file] *T*-2 would be the first 0 *T*-3 to challenge the entire principle and practice of companies issuing voting preferred shares to management-controlled trusts *-4 to dilute voting power of common stockholders .
- It 's a far cry from the previous treatment of the network , which *T*-1 had *-3 to overcome jamming of its frequencies and intimidation of [ARG0 local correspondents] -LRB- who *T*-2 [rel filed] [ARG1 reports to the network] [ARGM-MNR by phone , secret messengers or letters] -RRB- .
- *-2 Seeking *-1 to keep Justin 's `` My Own '' product line off the U.S. market , [ARG0 Sony] [ARGM-TMP last May] [rel filed] [ARG1 a suit *ICH*-3] in [ARG2-in Manhattan federal court] [ARG4 accusing the upstart of trademark infringement , unfair competition and other violations of business law] .
- [ARG0 The newly formed Resolution Trust Corp. , successor to the Bank Board ,] [rel filed] [ARG1 suit] against [ARG3-against Mr. Keating and several others] [ARGM-TMP on Sept. 15] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Keating] has [rel filed] [ARG1 his own suit] , [ARGM-ADV * alleging that his property was taken *-1 illegally] .
- The administration 's position was outlined *-1 in [ARG1 a friend-of-the-court brief] [rel filed] * [ARGM-LOC in one of three abortion cases 0 the Supreme Court will hear *T*-2 argued and will decide *T*-2 this term] .
- [ARG0 The administration] [rel filed] [ARG1 the brief] [ARGM-LOC in an appeal involving a Minnesota law that *T*-2 requires that both parents of a minor be notified *-1 before she may have an abortion] .
- Recognition Equipment Inc. said 0 it settled [ARG1 a civil action] [rel filed] * against [ARG3-against it] by [ARG0-by the federal government] [ARGM-ADV on behalf of the U.S. Postal Service] .