frames- He notes that program traders have a commission cost advantage because of the quantity of their trades , that they have a smaller margin requirement than individual investors do and that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-TMP often] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel figure] out [ARGM-TMP earlier] [ARG1 where the market is heading *T*-1] .
- `` The collar was penetrated *-1 on a number of occasions , '' * meaning 0 [ARG0 securities firms] [rel figured] out [ARG1 ways 0 * to conduct program trades * to circumvent the collar and use the Big Board 's electronic trading system *T*-2] , Mr. Phelan said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` I believe that [ARG0 any good lawyer] should be able *-4 to [rel figure] out [ARG1 *RNR*-5] and understand *RNR*-5 patent law , '' Judge Mayer says *T*-6 , *-2 adding that `` it *EXP*-3 's the responsibility of highly paid lawyers -LRB- who *T*-1 argue before the court -RRB- * to make us understand -LRB- complex patent litigation -RRB- . ''
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Using a calculator and a unit-price guide for such jobs as painting , plumbing and roofing in each major region of the country] , [ARG0 adjusters] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel figure] out [ARG1 the value of a home in today 's market and what it would cost *T*-1 *-3 to rebuild it] .
- As Mr. Roderick once said : `` We 're a two-product company and , boy , if [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel figure] out [ARG1 the value of those two parts] , you are so damn dumb that you do n't belong on Wall Street . ''
- James Cleveland , [ARG0 a courier] who *T*-1 earned a Bravo Zulu for *-2 [rel figuring] out [ARG1 how * to get a major customer 's 1,100-parcel-a-week load to its doorstep by 8 a.m.] , considers himself far more than a courier .
- [ARG0 They] try *-2 to [rel figure] out [ARG1 the long-term results 0 the person needs *T*-1 *-3 to meet major goals] .
- `` It does n't take [ARG0 a rocket scientist] *-2 to [rel figure] out [ARG1 our problem] , '' says *T*-1 Kathryn McGrath , director of the SEC 's division of investment management .
- Late yesterday afternoon , [ARG0 DDB Needham executives] were scrambling *-5 to [rel figure] out [ARG1 what * to do *T*-3 about a new business presentation that *T*-2 had been scheduled *-1 for today] , a spokesman said 0 *T*-4 .
- Insurance-related stocks were mixed as [ARG0 investors] tried *-1 to [rel figure] out [ARG1 how * to assess the impact of the property damage and deaths on those concerns] .
- `` We said : ` We 've got a product : if you want it , you can buy it , ' '' he says *T*-2 , *-3 adding : `` [ARGM-TMP Now] [ARG0 we] 're [rel figuring] out [ARG1 what people need *T*-1] , and are going back *-4 to make it . ''
- Holly Stark , a vice president who *T*-1 heads the trading desk at Dillon Read Capital Corp. , said that once [ARG0 she] [rel figured] out [ARG1 0 the Quotron numbers were wrong] , she called brokers *-2 to tell them .
- But it does n't take too many lines [ARG0 *] to [rel figure] [ARG1 Harry] out .