frames- Two years ago , [ARG1 the Rev. Jeremy Hummerstone , vicar of Great Torrington , Devon ,] got [ARGM-ADV so] [rel fed] up with [ARG2-with ringers who *T*-228 did n't attend service] 0 he sacked the entire band ; the ringers promptly set up a picket line in protest .
- `` [ARG1 The party] is [rel fed] up with [ARG2-with sackings of good people] . ''
- [ARG1 Businesses across the country] are getting [rel fed] up with [ARG2-with junk mail] , and some are saying 0 they just are n't going *-1 to take it anymore -- literally .
- Both men fit the mood of the times -- the mood being one of [ARG1 a public] [rel fed] up with [ARG2-with officials ' rationalizations for why their schools do n't work *T*-1] .
- `` But [ARG1 one] gets [rel fed] up with [ARG2-with *-1 importing information and news] . ''
- We suspect 0 [ARG1 voters] are [rel fed] up with [ARG2-with the finagling] .