frames- [ARGM-LOC Under the stars and moons of the renovated Indiana Roof ballroom] , [ARG0 nine of the hottest chefs in town] [rel fed] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 Indiana duckling mousseline , lobster consomme , veal mignon and chocolate terrine with a raspberry sauce] .
- Bailiffs claimed 0 [ARG0 they] were required *-1 to chauffeur him to and from work , mow his lawn , chop his wood , fix his car and even drop by his house *-2 to [rel feed] [ARG2 his two grown mutts , Dixie and Husky] .
- The transluscent husk of the seed is removed , sifted and crushed *-1 ; [ARG1 the seed itself] is [rel fed] *-2 to [ARG2-to animals] .
- `` But it 's like * biting [ARG0 the hand] that *T*-1 [rel feeds] [ARG2 them] , because every one of these companies uses direct marketing . ''
- In the early 1970s , when the `` world food crisis '' was a major worry *T*-1 , Phillips Petroleum Co. , like several other big companies , began *-2 developing `` single-cell protein , '' edible protein made * by [ARG2 microbes] [rel feeding] on [ARG1-on non-edible materials] .
- [ARG0 Lotus Development Corp.] [rel feeds] [ARG1 its evaluations] into [ARG2-into a computer] , [ARGM-PNC but only for storage] ; the decisions are made *-1 by supervisors .
- Today 's most widely used data-storing chips have `` volatile '' memories -- their data disappear if [ARG2 they] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel fed] [ARG1 a steady diet of electricity] , so they need external power supplies .
- But hardly the only ones : [ARG0 The scams] promise -- among other things -- *-1 to help *-2 save the environment , [rel feed] [ARG2 starving families] and prevent the disappearance of children .
- Walt Disney Co. 's Disneyland in Anaheim , Calif. , stocks rescue equipment , medical supplies , and [ARG1 enough food and water] 0 *T*-1 to [rel feed] [ARG2 at least 10,000 visitors] [ARGM-TMP for as long as five days] [ARGM-LOC in the event that a calamity isolates the theme park] .
- Some businesses -- like Disneyland -- claim that even if they became isolated in a crisis , [ARG0 they] would be able *-1 to [rel feed] [ARG2 *RNR*-2] and care for *RNR*-2 their people [ARGM-TMP for as long as five days] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Fischer] plows his own fields , sows his own corn and sunflowers , and [rel feeds] [ARG2 his own sheep] .
- [ARG2 Discouragement] [rel feeds] on [ARG1-on itself] .
- `` I do n't think 0 we created him as much as [ARG0 we] [rel fed] [ARG2 him] , nurtured him and let him grow up * to be big and strong .
- In addition , Mr. Alexander said 0 *T*-1 , the worm sends strange messages *ICH*-2 to other machines at the center -- such as , `` George Orwell was an optimist , '' or `` [ARG0 *] Do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel feed] [ARG2 the bats] [ARGM-TMP tonight] . ''
- The ghosts of the past are everywhere : They are kept *-1 at bay only by [ARG0 *] [rel feeding] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 vast quantities of our defense budget] .
- A temporary cessation of trading may indeed discourage [ARG2 a selling panic] from *-1 [rel feeding] on [ARG1-on itself] .
- While the advance cheered investors who *T*-1 feared 0 a 1987-style crash would occur yesterday , it was strictly [ARG2 a big-stock rally] [rel fed] * by [ARG0-by huge buying by bargain-hunting institutions and program traders] .
- Last summer was notable for a heat wave and drought that *T*-1 caused [ARG0 utilities] to burn more natural gas *-2 to [rel feed] [ARG2 increased electrical demand from air conditioning use] .