frames- Because of deteriorating hearing , she told colleagues 0 [ARG0 she] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 she might not be able *-1 to teach much longer] .
- [ARG1 The speed of his transaction] is n't *-1 to be [rel feared] *-79 [ARGM-DIS either] , because faster and cleaner execution is desirable , not loathsome .
- Some Democrats , led * by Rep. Jack Brooks -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- , unsuccessfully opposed the measure because [ARG0 they] [rel fear] [ARG1 that the fees may not fully make up for the budget cuts] .
- That proposal had been hailed *-1 by environmentalists but despised *-1 by utilities because [ARG0 they] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 it would limit their growth] .
- Free markets , free minds and free elections have an appeal that *T*-32 seems *-1 to get muddled *-3 only when * delivered *-4 through U.N. organizations -- which of course *T*-33 are made *-5 up largely of [ARG0 governments] that *T*-34 [rel fear] [ARG1 these principles] [ARGM-LOC at home] *T*-2 .
- But he did n't complain to the state 's Judicial Inquiry and Review Board , either , *-1 saying later that [ARG0 he] [rel feared] [ARG1 retribution] .
- But when they arrived at the door *T*-1 , [ARG0 all] were afraid *-2 to go in , *-2 [rel fearing] [ARG1 that they would be out of place] .
- *-3 Skipping personal pleasantries , Mr. Lee picked up exactly where he left off *T*-2 several months earlier -- before the government crackdown in China -- when he had warned that [ARG0 the orthodox leadership in Beijing] [rel feared] [ARG1 a plurality of views] *T*-1 .
- Any major attempt * to revamp the health-care system is likely *-1 to trigger opposition from politically powerful interest groups , particularly the American Medical Association , and perhaps from the public as well , if Congress takes steps that [ARG0 patients] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 *T*-2 will limit the availability of care] .
- `` It is becoming more of a horse race *ICH*-2 every day between the U.S. and Japan , '' he said *T*-1 , *-3 adding that [ARG0 some] [rel fear] [ARG1 that as with the semiconductor , electronics , and automobile industries , Japanese companies will use U.S.-developed technology *-4 to gain trade advantages] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 a Revco reorganization might force bondholders to accept a `` cheap deal , '' and that the Bass group 's offer would give them more money] .
- If Mr. Gorbachev 's goal is the creation of a free market , [ARG0 he and these Western observers] have good reason 0 * to [rel fear] for [ARG1-for his future] *T*-1 , as economic liberalization within communist societies leads inexorably to demands for fundamental political reform accompanied * by civil unrest .
- [ARG0 No doctor] who *T*-1 [rel fears] [ARG1 malpractice liability] would likely expose a non-pregnant patient to the risk of hemorrhaging .
- She said 0 her employer ca n't afford the rate increases , and [ARG0 she] [rel fears] [ARG1 0 she wo n't find another job with a benefit plan covering her ailment] .
- Thus , while Akzo profited less than many rivals from the boom of recent years in petrochemicals and plastics , [ARG0 it] has [ARG1 less] 0 * to [rel fear] *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR from the current slump] .
- The newspaper quoted KGB chairman Vladimir A. Kryuchkov as *-1 saying 0 the definition of anti-Soviet crimes had narrowed , the laws had changed and [ARG0 people] no longer have *-2 to [rel fear] [ARG1 a simple slip of the tongue] .
- [ARG0 Brezhnevite holdovers] have [ARG1 more] 0 * to [rel fear] *T*-2 [ARGM-MNR from Mr. Gorbachev] than the verbal spanking 0 he gave *T*-1 to the press .
- In fact , [ARG0 the administration and the Fed] have been going out of their way in the past two weeks *-1 to dispel any impression that they are at odds , *-1 [rel fearing] [ARG1 0 stories about an administration-Fed split added to the stock market 's jitters] .
- [ARG1 But] if the Fed eases too soon , [ARG0 Mr. Greenspan] [rel fears] 0 *T*-1 , prices may begin *-2 to accelerate again next year .
- `` We believe 0 our suggested plan is more likely *-2 to improve the availability of quality legal service to the poor than is the proposed mandatory pro bono plan *?* and will achieve that objective without the divisiveness , distraction , administrative burdens and possible failure that [ARG0 we] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 *T*-3 would accompany an attempt * to impose a mandatory plan] , '' said *T*-4 Justin L. Vigdor of Rochester , who *T*-1 headed the bar 's pro bono study committee .
- Mr. Gandhi has called general elections for November , and [ARG0 many businessmen] [rel fear] [ARG1 that he and his Congress -LRB- I -RRB- Party will lose] .
- Because of the large amounts of money being raised * , the loose disclosure requirements and the casual monitoring of how the money is used *-1 *T*-4 , [ARG0 some analysts] [rel fear] [ARG1 that there could be a few mega-crashes , which *T*-2 could hurt market confidence far more than the small bankruptcies that *T*-3 followed the boom of 1986] .
- [ARG0 European Community employers] [rel fear] [ARG1 that the EC Commission 's plans for a `` charter of fundamental social rights '' is a danger to industrial competitiveness] .
- [ARG0 Unice -- an acronym for the Union of Industrial and Employers ' Confederations of Europe --] [rel fears] [ARG1 that the charter will force EC countries to adopt a single pattern in labor relations] .
- If [ARG0 managers] [rel fear] [ARG1 that the overall stock market will fall] , but want *-1 to continue *-2 owning stocks , they can hold on to specific stocks and sell a corresponding amount of futures contracts .
- If [ARG0 managers] [rel fear] [ARG1 that the overall stock market will fall] , but want *-1 to continue *-2 owning stocks , they can hold on to specific stocks and sell a corresponding amount of futures contracts .
- [ARG0 Mr. Windsor] , [ARGM-LOC among other analysts connected * to the conservative Heritage Foundation] , [rel fears] [ARG1 0 the gathering of 18 leaders , mostly from Central American nations , will force Mr. Bush `` to explain and redeem himself '' in the wake of charges that the U.S. failed *-1 to do enough *-2 to aid the removal of Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega] .
- Critics have said 0 the payment looked like an attempt *ICH*-3 by the Dinkins camp * to get Mr. Carson to stop *-1 leading confrontational demonstrations protesting the Bensonhurst murder -- protests 0 [ARG0 the campaign] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel feared] [ARG1 0 *T*-2 could cause some white voters to turn from a black candidate] .
- But if , as [ARG0 many] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel fear] , Waertsilae Marine joins the ranks of failed shipyards it might turn out *-2 to be remembered *-1 most as a blemish on Finland 's international reputation .
- Meanwhile , the Duke , who *T*-1 set the original scheme in motion , appears on the scene *-2 disguised *-3 as a friar and becomes involved in a series of intrigues that *T*-4 has [ARG0 everyone] [rel fearing] [ARG1 the worst possible outcome] [ARGM-TMP until the Duke arranges a last minute reprieve for all concerned] .
- -LRB- In other words , after some highly visible dithering and public airing of differences , the administration has come down on the side of those who *T*-2 believe that what we are witnessing *T*-3 from Berlin to Siberia is a good thing 0 *T*-4 to be welcomed *-1 , rather than [ARG1 a new thing] 0 *T*-5 to be [rel feared] *-6 or viewed *-6 with suspicion . -RRB-
- They are also indirectly subject to approval by the state of New Hampshire , where [ARG0 residents] [rel fear] [ARG1 soaring rates 0 * to pay for the cost of reorganization *T*-2] *T*-1 .
- Though *-1 obscure to most investors , the question of whether * to list options on more than one exchange has aroused much interest in Congress , mainly because [ARG0 regional exchanges] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 the change could bankrupt them] .
- Traders said 0 major securities firms are reluctant *-1 to become market makers because [ARG0 they] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 the baskets may attract only limited trading] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel fear] [ARG1 that the boom may be too big for Japan 's or anyone else 's good] .
- From the parts of the transcript read * by Mr. Lang , it *EXP*-2 was unclear what exactly [ARG0 Mr. Lorin] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 *T*-1 might happen] .
- [ARG0 Those] who *T*-1 [rel fear] [ARG1 a plethora of suits paralyzing our legal system] need *-2 only look at the record on the Rehabilitation Act .
- But [ARG0 some] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 * imposing a temporary gasoline tax increase in the meantime could undercut support among voters for the measure] .
- [ARG0 Officials] [rel fear] [ARG1 that any loosening this year could rekindle inflation or further weaken the pound against other major currencies] .
- Though Silicon Graphics is much smaller than Digital , Hewlett and Sun , it has emerged in recent years as a [rel feared] [ARG1 adversary] in this graphics portion of the workstation market .
- But in Washington state , [ARG0 small business] generally opposes an initiative 0 *T*-2 to boost spending on children 's programs by $ 360 million *U* , *-3 [rel fearing] [ARG1 0 the state 's 7.8 % sales tax will be raised *-1 * to finance the outlays] .
- [ARG0 City officials] [rel feared] [ARG1 widespread gridlock on the first day that normal business operations were resumed *-1 following last Tuesday 's earthquake *T*-2] .
- But for the most part , [ARG0 officials] have avoided *-1 expressing those views in public , *-1 [rel fearing] [ARG1 0 they would unnecessarily antagonize the Fed] .
- [ARG1 What] [ARG0 managers] [ARGM-ADV really] [rel fear] *T*-1 is that the pro-union movement could spread beyond the pilots .
- If Mr. McDonough has his way , the Poles will compensate for the trade center 's emissions of carbon dioxide , a prime suspect in [ARG1 the global atmospheric warming] 0 [ARG0 many scientists] [rel fear] *T*-1 .
- But [ARG0 even those who *T*-1 have found a way 0 * to cope with the imports and the slump *T*-2] , [rel fear] [ARG1 that furs are losing part of their allure] .
- For [ARG0 those investors] who *T*-3 believe -- or [rel fear] -- [ARG1 that 1990 will be a recession year] , many economists and money managers agree on steps that *T*-4 can be taken *-1 * to lower the risks in a portfolio .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 they] [rel fear] [ARG1 that banks have been overeager *-2 to issue cards to the public -- *-2 giving cards to too many big spenders who *T*-1 will default during a recession] .
- [ARG0 Many retailers] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 a price war will erupt if cash-strapped companies such as Campeau Corp. slash tags *-1 to spur sales] .
- The failure in Oakland of the freeway segment known * as the Cypress structure was the deadliest aspect of the quake , although officials were hopeful *ICH*-1 yesterday that the death toll there might be significantly lower than [ARG1 the 250] [ARGM-TMP initially] [rel feared] * .
- Defense experts say 0 joint projects are increasingly squeezed *-1 by budget pressures and the desire * to save domestic jobs ; [ARG0 some] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel fear] [ARG1 rising protectionism] [ARGM-TMP as European unity nears] .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARG0 some U.S. officials] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 PLO chief Arafat is getting cold feet and may back off from his recent moderation and renunciation of terrorism] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the inflation news] , [ARG0 several Fed officials] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 consumer-price pressures will intensify because they insist 0 the economy is stronger than * generally believed] .
- But this quake was n't the big one , [ARG1 the replay] of 1906 that *T*-2 has been [rel feared] *-1 [ARGM-TMP for so many years] .
- [ARG0 East German Protestantism in particular] [rel fears] [ARG1 Mr. Krenz] , [ARGM-CAU in part because of an incident in January 1988 when he was believed *-2 to have ordered the arrest of hundreds of dissidents who *T*-1 had sought refuge in the Church *T*-3] .
- [ARG1 Which] *T*-1 is what [ARG0 the Old Guard] [rel fears] *T*-2 .
- This proved particularly valuable to the Panamanian government in 1967 , when union leaders were planning a May Day march that [ARG0 the government] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 *T*-1 could turn violent] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Nikko 's Mr. Conlon] [rel fears] [ARG1 0 a huge wave of Treasury borrowing early next month will drive down Treasury bond prices] .
- Mrs. Gandhi had been assassinated *-1 by separatist Sikhs , and [ARG0 many Indians] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 their country might split apart] .
- [ARG0 Many Indians] [rel fear] [ARG1 a repeat of that experience] .
- At the last minute , however , Pakistani officials sent in Gulbuddin Hekhmatyar , perhaps the most hated and [rel feared] of [ARG1 the extremists] , with a demand that the surrender be made *-1 to his forces .
- It will be hard *ICH*-1 down the road * to persuade Congress *-2 to approve money for SDI plans if [ARG0 lawmakers] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 those plans could scuttle a completed treaty] .
- [ARG0 Activists] [rel fear] [ARG1 that if the shuttle carrying Galileo into orbit should explode , or if Galileo itself crashes into the Earth during the two times 0 it flies close to the planet , fatal levels of plutonium would be released *-1 into the atmosphere] .
- Mr. Redmond said 0 the intruder had n't yet done any harm but [ARG0 the agency] [rel feared] [ARG1 0 `` garbage data could be substituted *-1 for real data] . ''
- But even if they behaved recklessly , reasons *ICH*-6 still exist [ARG0 *] to [rel fear] and resist [ARG1 this steady process of case-by-case judicial extension of the law of insider trading] .
- But pipeline companies estimate 0 they still face $ 2.4 billion *U* in liabilities from unresolved disputes , including $ 1 billion *U* 0 [ARG0 they] [rel fear] [ARG1 0 they wo n't be able *-1 to pass on to customers] .
- But [ARG0 opponents] [rel fear] [ARG1 overcrowding] .
- If you side with the arbitragers and raiders , [ARG0 you] clearly have more *-2 to [rel fear] from [ARG1-from private investors] than from regulators , although the Delaware courts should never be underestimated *-1 .
- While the advance cheered [ARG0 investors] who *T*-1 [rel feared] [ARG1 0 a 1987-style crash would occur yesterday] , it was strictly a big-stock rally fed * by huge buying by bargain-hunting institutions and program traders .
- [ARGM-ADV With economic tension between the U.S. and Japan worsening] , [ARG0 many Japanese] had [rel feared] [ARG1 last week 's visit from U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills] .
- The exchange said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel feared] [ARG1 that some members would n't be able *-2 to find enough soybeans * to deliver and would have *-2 to default on their contractual obligation to the Italian conglomerate , which *T*-1 had refused requests * to reduce its holdings] .
- In any case , [ARG0 cable-TV-system operators] have reason 0 * to [rel fear] [ARG1 any tinkering with CNN 's format] *T*-1 .
- -LCB- The effects -RCB- were much less severe and less prolonged than [ARG0 some] had [rel feared] or expected [ARG1 0 *?*] .
- Elements of the left are also reflexively opposed *-1 ; [ARG0 they] see service as a cover for the draft , or [rel fear] [ARG1 the regimentation of youth] , or want *-2 to see rights enlarged *-3 , not obligations *?* *-4 .
- But [ARG0 the officials] [rel feared] [ARG1 that any public announcements would only increase market jitters] .
- [ARGM-ADV Given the weakness in both the junk bond market and the stock market] , [ARG0 traders] [rel fear] [ARG1 that these transactions may be revised *-1 yet again] .