frames- Pro-forma balance sheets clearly show [ARGM-CAU why] [ARG0 Cray Research] [rel favored] [ARG1 the spinoff] *T*-1 .
- There is something inherently suspect about Congress 's prohibiting the executive from *-1 even studying whether public funds are being wasted *-57 in some [rel favored] [ARG1 program] or other .
- `` [ARG0 Public policy] [rel favors] [ARG1 the development and marketing of beneficial new drugs] , [ARGM-ADV even though some risks , perhaps serious ones , might accompany their introduction] [ARGM-CAU because drugs can save lives and reduce pain and suffering] , '' the unanimous court said *T*-1 .
- At the same time , [ARG0 the government] did n't want *-1 to appear *-2 to [rel favor] [ARG1 GM] by *-2 allowing a minority stake that *T*-71 might preclude a full bid by Ford .
- [ARG0 He] [rel favors] [ARG1 FPL Group Inc. , Florida Progress Corp. , TECO Energy Inc. , Wisconsin Energy Corp. , and Dominion Resources Inc] .
- [ARGM-LOC Among utilities] , [ARG0 Drexel] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel favors] [ARG1 Entergy Corp. and General Public Utilities Corp] .
- [ARG0 The operative definition of newsworthiness] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel favor] [ARG1 virtually unrestrained use of personal , sensitive and intimate facts] .
- Japan-U.S. trade relations are bumpy these days , and [ARG0 some Japanese] [rel favor] [ARG1 *-3 decreasing their reliance on U.S. technology] [ARGM-ADV in light of the FSX fighter-plane flap , when U.S. officials reversed an earlier decision and refused *-2 to share certain crucial fighter-plane technology *T*-1] .
- And 81 % preferred a group practice or health maintenance organization , while [ARG0 just 11 %] [rel favored] [ARG1 solo practice] .
- Even some Democrats concede that there is probably [ARG0 a majority] in the Senate that *T*-1 [rel favors] [ARG1 some kind of broad capital-punishment measure] .
- In its appeal to the high court , the agency said [ARG0 the federal appeals court ruling] , which *T*-1 [rel favored] [ARG1 LTV] , threatened *-2 to transform the agency from an insurer of troubled pension plans into an `` open-ended source of industry bailouts . ''
- If [ARG1 that option] is [rel favored] *-1 by [ARG0-by gas buyers and regulators] , Foothills said 0 it would build another smaller pipeline connecting Mackenzie Delta reserves to the Alaska mainline .
- Ever since the days of Alfred Thayer Mahan -LRB- U.S. naval officer and naval historian -RRB- and Teddy Roosevelt the Navy has been [ARG1 the service] [ARGM-EXT most] [rel favored] * by [ARG0-by Washington officialdom] .
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARG0 66 % of the 18 to 24 year olds in the four latest surveys] [rel favored] [ARG1 an `` open housing '' law prohibiting homeowners from *-2 refusing on racial grounds *-1 to sell to prospective buyers] .
- Indeed , although [ARG0 a majority of Republican lawmakers] [rel favor] [ARG1 a line-item veto] , some , *-1 ranging from liberal Oregon Sen. Mark Hatfield to conservative Rep. Edwards are opposed .
- [ARG0 He] [rel favors] [ARG1 a form of commercial rent control , which the financial community believes 0 *T*-1 would make it *EXP*-2 more difficult * to attract investment in the city] .
- And [ARG0 he] [rel favors] [ARG1 a more cooperative approach toward the neighboring states of New Jersey and Connecticut in the battle over companies thinking of * moving employees out of New York City] .
- [ARG0 Western European leaders] who *T*-3 [rel favor] [ARG1 speedy economic and monetary union] are adding a new argument *ICH*-2 to their arsenal : the dizzying political changes under way in Eastern Europe .
- It *EXP*-1 is ironic that [ARGM-TMP at a time when America 's partial airline deregulation is being emulated *-2 by governments from New Zealand to Ethiopia *T*-4] , [ARG0 so many in Congress] [rel favor] [ARG1 an incumbent-protection program for airlines that *T*-3 would be more appropriate for the Soviet airline , Aeroflot] .
- Mr. Greenspan also said that although [ARG0 he] [rel favors] [ARG1 * cutting capital-gains taxes [ARGM-ADV as sound economic policy] ] , he would oppose such a move if it would undo the political compromise embodied * in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and result in higher marginal income tax rates .
- [ARG0 Senate Democrats] who *T*-1 [rel favor] [ARG1 *-3 cutting the capital-gains tax] are n't ready *-2 to line up behind the leading Senate proposal .
- `` A number of us are not going *-2 to touch capital gains , IRAs or anything else unless it contributes to deficit-reduction , '' said *T*-3 Sen. Charles Robb -LRB- D. , Va. -RRB- , who *T*-1 is one of [ARG0 the 10 to 20 Democrats] who the Bush administration believes 0 *T*-4 [ARGM-MOD might] [rel favor] [ARG1 *-5 giving preferential treatment to capital gains] .
- [ARG0 Other Democrats] who *T*-1 [rel favor] [ARG1 a capital-gains cut] are even more pessimistic .
- The main capital-gains tax plan in the Senate is n't winning support from [ARG0 Democrats] who *T*-1 [rel favor] [ARG1 a reduction] .
- *-1 To correct this inequality , [ARG0 most people] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel favored] [ARG1 an indirect tax , like the consumption tax] .
- [ARG0 The state of New Hampshire] has [rel favored] [ARG1 that plan] .
- [ARG0 Both Mr. Brown , the state 's most influential legislator , and Gov. Deukmejian] [rel favor] [ARG1 a temporary sales tax increase] -- [ARGM-ADV should more money *ICH*-2 be needed *-1 than the state can raise *?* from existing sources and the federal government] .
- In Pennsylvania , small businesses are pushing for a voluntary alternative ; [ARG0 they] [rel favor] [ARG1 a commission that *T*-1 would develop sample leave policies that employers could adopt *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-MNR By 52%-36 %] , [ARG0 Tennessee NFIB members] [rel favor] [ARG1 laws 0 *T*-1 to limit foreign ownership of land and facilities in the state] .
- They conceded that [ARG0 the odds] [rel favored] [ARG1 Mr. Kasparov] , but they put their hope in D.T. 's recently enhanced capacity for * examining positions -- up to a million per second , from 720,000 .
- They say 0 [ARG0 investors] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel favor] [ARG1 companies that *T*-1 historically have posted annual earnings growth of 15 % to 20 %] .
- [ARG1 Which cars] do [ARG0 Americans] [rel favor] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV most] [ARGM-TMP these days] ?
- But the scandal itself is so convoluted that ruling-party members are divided *-1 between those who *T*-2 want *-4 to pursue the matter in hope of * undermining the opposition and [ARG0 those] who *T*-3 [rel favor] [ARG1 *-5 leaving well enough alone] .
- The board could eventually come under some pressure * to sell the company because its members can be ousted *-1 by a majority shareholder vote , particularly since one-third of UAL stock is held *-2 by [ARG0 takeover stock speculators] who *T*-3 [rel favor] [ARG1 a sale] .
- But [ARG0 the machinists union , whose opposition *T*-1 helped scuttle the first buy-out bid ,] is likely *-2 to [rel favor] [ARG1 a recapitalization with a friendly third-party investor] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Gargan , the Tampa planner who *T*-1 heads one trade group ,] [rel favors] [ARG1 * simply assessing the industry and giving the money to the SEC *-2 to hire more staff] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel favors] [ARG1 either an all-stock fund or a balanced fund that *T*-1 mixes both stocks and bonds] .
- [ARGM-TMP A year ago this fall] , [ARG0 New Jersey voters under 30] [rel favored] [ARG1 George Bush] [ARGM-MNR by 56 % to 39 % *U*] [ARGM-MNR over Michael Dukakis] , according to a survey then by Rutgers University 's Eagleton Institute .
- In a nutshell , pros advise [ARG0 investors who *T*-1 expect a slowdown] *-2 to hold fewer stocks than usual and to [rel favor] [ARG1 shares of big companies in `` defensive '' industries] .
- [ARG0 Senate Democrats] [rel favoring] [ARG1 a cut in the capital-gains tax] have decided , under pressure from their leaders , *-1 not to offer their own proposal , *-1 placing another obstacle in the path of President Bush 's legislative priority .
- *-2 To help *-3 lay the groundwork for that fight , President Bush plans *-2 early next week to meet at the White House with [ARG0 some 20 Democratic senators] who *T*-1 [rel favor] [ARG1 * cutting the capital-gains tax] or are undecided on the issue .
- Does [ARG0 the candidate] [rel favor] [ARG1 parental consent for teen-age abortions] ?
- As we know , [ARG0 voters] tend *-1 to [rel favor] [ARG1 Republicans] [ARGM-ADV more *ICH*-2] [ARGM-LOC in races for president] [ARGM-ADV than in those for Congress] .
- It was considered *-1 a victory for [ARG0 Democratic leaders] , who *T*-2 [rel favor] [ARG1 a law barring flag burning] .
- In a statement , Craig O. McCaw , chairman and chief executive officer of McCaw , said : `` We trust 0 LIN will take [ARG0 no further actions] that *T*-1 [rel favor] [ARG1 BellSouth] . ''
- The stepped-up administration warnings annoyed some lawmakers , especially senior Republicans who *T*-1 supported the bill because they thought 0 [ARG0 the Transportation Department] [rel favored] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARG0 U.S. companies] tend *-2 to [rel favor] [ARG1 suggestions `` that *T*-1 go for the home runs] , '' says 0 *T*-3 Gary Floss , vice president of corporate quality at Control Data Corp .
- Control Data , for one , plays down its employee suggestion program because [ARG0 it] [rel favors] [ARG1 the team-management focus] .
- And [ARG0 security authority Robert L. Duston] [rel favors] [ARG1 * disciplining all employees who *T*-1 cheat] .
- Abortion-rights advocates won last week 's battles , but the war over the nation 's most-contentious social question is about *-2 to pick up again on [ARG0 turf] that *T*-1 [rel favors] [ARG1 those seeking * to restrict abortions] .
- [ARG1 Two reform-minded party leaders] [rel favored] * by [ARG0-by Moscow] [ARGM-MNR as possible successors to Mr. Honecker] , Dresden party secretary Hans Modrow and Politburo member Guenter Schabowski , were passed *-1 over .
- [ARG0 Yesterday 's buyers] [rel favored] [ARG1 real estate , construction and other large-capitalization issues] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting the fact that many Tokyo investors now feel safer with domestically oriented stocks] , analysts said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Over time] , [ARG0 the odds] [ARGM-ADV increasingly] [rel favor] [ARG1 the investor with a diversified portfolio] .
- [ARG0 People eager * to have youth `` pay their dues to society ''] [rel favor] [ARG1 service proposals] -- preferably mandatory ones .
- [ARG0 His firm] [rel favors] [ARG1 selected computer , drug and pollution-control stocks] .
- Tsuruo Yamaguchi , secretary general of the Socialist Party , acknowledged that nine party lawmakers had received donations from the pachinko association totaling 8 million yen -LRB- about $ 55,000 *U* -RRB- but said 0 the donations were legal and [ARG0 none of its members] acted *-1 to [rel favor] [ARG1 the industry] .