frames- By *-1 analyzing [ARG1 cells] [rel extracted] * from [ARG2-from eye tumors] , they found defects in the second copy of chromosome 13 in the exact area as in the first copy of the chromosome .
- These failures in turn contributed to the fall in the market averages : [ARG0 Uncertainty] [rel extracted] [ARG1 an extra risk premium] and margin-calls triggered additional selling pressures .
- [ARG0 Bond investors] paid close attention to comments by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan , who *T*-1 was testifying before a congressional hearing , but were n't able *-2 to [rel extract] [ARG1 many clues about the future course of the Fed 's monetary policy] .
- `` It 's unlikely 0 [ARG0 *] [rel extracting] [ARG1 the gas] will cause subsidence , '' says *T*-1 a spokeswoman .
- Junk-holders say 0 they have a stick 0 * to beat KKR with *T*-1 : `` The threat of bankruptcy is a legitimate tool '' 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel extract] [ARG1 money] from [ARG2-from KKR] *T*-2 , says 0 *T*-3 one big SCI TV holder .
- One cell was teased *-1 out , and [ARG1 its DNA] [rel extracted] *-2 .
- [ARG0 They] mimic the brain by *-1 `` looking '' at an image , [rel extracting] [ARG1 the fundamentals -- boundaries , corners and lines --] and translating them into computer data .
- But above all , this is the national headquarters for boiler-room operators , [ARG0 those slick-talking snake-oil salesmen] who *T*-1 use the telephone *-2 to [rel extract] [ARG1 money] from [ARG2-from the gullible and the greedy] and then vanish .
- One newer wrinkle , so called single-premium life -LRB- you pay for the whole policy at once -RRB- , has been immensely popular in recent years for tax reasons ; [ARG0 the insured] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel extract] [ARG1 cash value] [ARGM-MNR in the form of policy `` loans] , '' and none of the proceeds were taxable even though they included gains on investment .
- That was the question 0 structural engineers and California transportation officials were asking themselves *T*-2 yesterday as [ARG0 rescue workers] began the gruesome task of *-3 trying *-4 to [rel extract] [ARG1 as many as 250 victims] from beneath [ARG2-beneath the concrete slabs of the double-deck Nimitz Freeway in Oakland that *T*-1 caved in during Tuesday 's temblor] .
- From [ARG2-From the fee] , [ARG0 the local phone company and the long-distance carrier] [rel extract] [ARG1 their costs 0 * to carry the call *T*-2] , [ARGM-ADV *-3 passing the rest of the money to the originator , which *T*-1 must cover advertising and other costs] .