frames- The idea , of course : * to prove to 125 corporate decision makers that the buckle on the Rust Belt is n't so rusty after all , that it 's a good place 0 for [ARG1 a company] to [rel expand] *T*-1 .
- James L. Pate , 54-year-old executive vice president , was named *-44 a director of this oil concern , [ARG0 *] [rel expanding] [ARG1 the board] to [ARG4-to 14 members] .
- But other than the fact that besuboru is played *-1 with a ball and a bat , it 's unrecognizable : Fans politely return foul balls to stadium ushers ; [ARG1 the strike zone] [rel expands] [ARGM-ADV depending on the size of the hitter] ; ties are permitted *-2 -- even welcomed *-2 -- since they honorably sidestep the shame of defeat ; players must abide by strict rules of conduct even in their personal lives -- players for the Tokyo Giants , for example , must always wear ties when on the road .
- `` There 's an understanding *ICH*-1 on the part of the U.S. that [ARG0 Japan] has *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its functions '' in Asia] , says 0 *T*-3 J. Michael Farren , undersecretary of commerce for trade .
- Some dealers said 0 the dollar was pressured *-1 slightly because a number of market participants had boosted their expectations in the past day and were looking for an index above 50 , which *T*-148 indicates an [rel expanding] [ARG1 manufacturing] economy .
- Interpublic Group said 0 [ARG1 its television programming operations] -- which [ARG0 it] [rel expanded] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] -- agreed *-2 to supply more than 4,000 hours of original programming across Europe in 1990 .
- That explains why [ARG1 the number of these wines] is [rel expanding] [ARGM-MNR so rapidly] .
- As a result , he said 0 [ARG0 NBI] will focus on * servicing its installed base of systems , trying *-4 to provide maintenance for other manufacturers and [rel expanding] [ARG1 its software business] , [ARGM-ADV *-4 using some of the applications 0 it developed *T*-3 for its hardware] .
- For the Agency for International Development , appropriators approved $ 200 million *U* in secondary loan guarantees under an [rel expanded] [ARG1 trade] credit insurance program , and total loan guarantees for the Overseas Private Investment Corp. are increased *-3 by $ 40 million *U* over fiscal 1989 as part of the same Poland package .
- *-1 Currently a $ 300 million-a-year business , 900 telephone service is expected *-1 to hit $ 500 million *U* next year and near $ 2 billion *U* by 1992 as [ARG1 uses for the service] continue *-3 to [rel expand] , says 0 *T*-2 Joel Gross of Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Inc .
- The ultimate result came in Hymowitz v. Lilly , where [ARG0 the highest New York court] [rel expanded] [ARG1 the market-share approach] [ARGM-TMP for the first time] [ARGM-MNR * to say that drug makers that *T*-1 could prove 0 Mindy Hymowitz 's mother did n't use their pill must still pay their share of any damages] *T*-2 .
- The Philadelphia and Cleveland districts , for example , reported declines in manufacturing activity while the Boston , Dallas and San Francisco banks noted that [ARG1 business] [rel expanded] .
- A reading below 50 % indicates that the manufacturing sector is slowing while a reading above 50 % suggests that [ARG1 the industry] is [rel expanding] .
- The average estimate of 22 economists polled * by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report was that [ARG1 non-farm payrolls] [rel expanded] by [ARG2-by 152,000] [ARGM-TMP in October] .
- Equitable of Iowa Cos. , Des Moines , had been seeking a buyer for the 36-store Younkers chain since June , when it announced its intention * to free up [ARG0 capital] * to [rel expand] [ARG1 its insurance business] *T*-1 .
- Metallgesellschaft , a diversified Frankfurt , West Germany-based metals group , said 0 [ARG0 it] is buying the stake in the specialized engineering company *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its production of environmental supplies for power plants] .
- A figure above 50 indicates 0 [ARG1 the economy] is likely *-1 to [rel expand] ; one below 50 indicates 0 a contraction may be ahead .
- Moon 's Tong'Il industry conglomerate is now investing heavily in China , where [ARG1 church accountants] have high hopes of * [rel expanding] and attracting converts [ARGM-TMP even in the wake of the bloody massacre in Tiananmen Square] *T*-1 .
- Norris McLaughlin is [ARG1 a general-practice firm] that *T*-236 has [rel expanded] [ARGM-TMP recently] into [ARG4-into such specialties as banking , labor and environmental work] .
- Proponents of [ARG0 *] [rel expanding] [ARG1 FHA programs] say 0 they merely want *-1 to help home buyers who *T*-32 are frozen *-2 out of high-priced markets .
- [ARG0 The Senate Banking Committee] will begin hearings *ICH*-1 next week on their proposal * to [rel expand] [ARG1 existing federal housing programs] .
- People familiar with the exchange said 0 another idea likely * to be approved *-1 is [ARG0 *] [rel expanding] [ARG1 the monthly reports on program trading] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to cover specific days or even hours of heavy program trading and who *T*-137 was doing it] .
- A reading below 50 % indicates that the manufacturing industry is slowing while a reading above 50 % suggests that [ARG1 the industry] is [rel expanding] .
- He and Mr. Bologna emphasized that both companies would gain technological knowledge through the sale of [ARG1 Gen-Probe] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel expand] `` [ARGM-MNR significantly] '' [ARGM-ADV as a result of the acquisition] .
- The biotechnology concern said 0 the agreement between its longtime West German distributor , Boehringer-Ingleheim 's Dr. Karl Thomae G.m.b.H. subsidiary , and Hoechst 's Behringwerke subsidiary was an attempt [ARG0 *] to [rel expand] [ARG1 the market for blood-clot drugs in general] .
- Quebecor still lags in the Quebec circulars market , while [ARG1 Mr. Peladeau 's former employees] are [rel expanding] [ARGM-DIR across Canada] .
- [ARG1 Deutsche Bank , Dresdner Bank and Commerzbank all] also have expressed eagerness *-1 to [rel expand] [ARGM-LOC in France] [ARGM-TMP before 1992] .
- The New York Times Co. said 0 it reached a settlement with independent home delivery dealers in the metropolitan New York area that *T*-1 will free [ARG0 the newspaper] to [rel expand] [ARG1 home delivery circulation] .
- [ARG0 American Airlines] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel expand] [ARG1 its trans-Atlantic service] [ARG2-EXT 30 %] [ARGM-TMP beginning next year] with [ARG4-with six new daily flights between the U.S. and Europe] , officials announced 0 *T*-2 yesterday .
- Those who *T*-1 can shake Keynesian ghosts out of their heads might recognize that the retirement of gilts for cash is equivalent to an expansionary open-market operation , indeed , it *EXP*-2 is the definition of an open market operation [ARG0 *] to [rel expand] [ARG1 the money supply] .
- [ARG0 They] 've been given *-1 a mandate *ICH*-2 from Switzerland '' * to [rel expand] [ARG1 their U.S. chocolate operations] .
- [ARG0 They] renamed it Swiss Cantobank and are using it *-1 to [rel expand] [ARGM-LOC abroad] .
- Boeing has said repeatedly 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel expand] [ARG1 its offer] and the machinists have responded that the offer is n't good enough .
- *-4 Asked *-3 how [ARG0 the company] hopes *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its computer hardware business] *T*-2 , Mr. Ousley said 0 it sees good opportunities in systems integration .
- He said 0 [ARG0 Polly Peck] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-MNR greatly] [rel expand] [ARG1 Sansui 's product line] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 using Sansui 's engineers *-1 to design the new products] , and will move Sansui 's production of most products other than sophisticated audio gear offshore into Polly Peck 's own factories .
- UNDER A PROPOSAL *ICH*-1 by Democrats [ARG0 *] to [rel expand] [ARG1 Individual Retirement Accounts] , a $ 2,000 *U* contribution by a taxpayer in the 33 % bracket would save $ 330 *U* on his taxes .
- First Tennessee National Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] would take a $ 4 million *U* charge in the fourth quarter , as a result of plans * to [rel expand] [ARG1 its systems operation] .
- A reading of less than 50 % indicates an economy that *T*-1 is generally contracting while a reading above 50 % indicates [ARG1 an economy] that *T*-2 's [rel expanding] .
- Machine tool executives are hopeful , however , that [ARG0 recent developments in Eastern Europe] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel expand] [ARG1 markets for U.S.-made machine tools in that region] .
- But [ARG1 Japanese agencies] are cautious about *-1 [rel expanding] [ARGM-LOC abroad] because client relationships are different .
- Although * acquiring a foreign company would expand Japanese advertising agencies ' business to foreign clients , many clients would also be [ARG1 Japanese companies] [rel expanding] [ARGM-LOC overseas] , says 0 *T*-1 the Dentsu spokesman .
- Although [ARG0 * acquiring a foreign company] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel expand] [ARG1 Japanese advertising agencies ' business] to foreign clients , many clients would also be Japanese companies expanding overseas , says 0 *T*-1 the Dentsu spokesman .
- Big banks such as [ARG0 Chemical Bank and Chase Manhattan] , which *T*-1 have been taking heavy charges *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 their Third World loan-loss reserves] , are n't looking for tax-exempt income .
- Bruno DeGol , chairman of DeGol Brothers Lumber , Gallitzin , Pa. , was named *-1 a director of this bank-holding company , [ARG0 *] [rel expanding] [ARG1 the board] to [ARG4-to 11 members] .
- [ARG0 His appointment] [rel expands] [ARG1 the board] to [ARG4-to 13 members] .
- Funds might be forced *-1 to accept lower prices if [ARG0 they] [rel expand] [ARG1 their selling] to [ARG4-to the securities of less-creditworthy borrowers] .
- This morning as I drove the 13 miles to my law office and endured the routine heavy traffic during that twice-daily journey , I thought of how fortunate it *EXP*-2 was *T*-4 that we made the decision * to be residents of an [rel expanding] [ARG1 community] with so many opportunities and where so much is happening *T*-3 .
- Mr. Morishita says 0 [ARG0 he] intends *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 his business] to [ARG4-to many other areas at home and abroad] .
- [ARG0 The move] [ARGM-ADV significantly] [rel expanded] [ARG1 Black & Decker 's product line] , but also significantly increased its debt load .
- Together with two existing plants in the U.S. , Furukawa said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel expand] [ARG1 its current local monthly production of memory disks] to [ARG4-to 1.4 million sheets] from [ARG3-from 800,000] .
- This recommendation might have encouraged [ARG0 a turf-hungry bureaucrat] to try *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 his power] , but so far Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has n't made a pitch for the job .
- [ARG0 William C. Ballard Jr. , 48 years old ,] was elected *-1 a director of this distilled beverages concern , * [rel expanding] [ARG1 the board] to [ARG4-to 11 members] .
- [ARG0 *] Regarding your Sept. 28 Politics & Policy column on the party differences over * cutting capital gains or [rel expanding] [ARG1 IRAs] : Why not compromise now and save the public from the coming infantile congressional political rhetoric that *T*-1 seems *-2 to go hand in hand with the process ?
- The Republicans maintain that a 30 % capital-gains exclusion will raise revenue in the short term and spur economic investment , while the Democrats maintain that an increase in the top income-tax rate and [rel expanded] [ARG1 IRAs] will raise revenue and spur savings .
- [ARGM-DIS For instance] , [ARG0 Southland] has [rel expanded] [ARG1 its bottled water selection] [ARGM-LOC in some stores] and added fresh sandwiches in some outlets .
- Analysts and competitors said 0 the move reflects a growing need *ICH*-2 by the stores [ARG0 *] to [rel expand] [ARG1 their customer base] beyond [ARG4-beyond the traditional blue-collar worker who *T*-1 pops into a convenience store for a sandwich , cigarettes , soda or beer] .
- The retailer reportedly will lease its stores back from [ARG0 the developer] , who *T*-1 plans *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 the small centers] .
- In the Senate , Majority Whip Alan Cranston used his position *-1 to win not only the [rel expanded] [ARG1 credit] but also more generous treatment than the House had permitted *?* in the distribution of highway funds in the next six months .
- The gross national product report , due * to be released *-1 before today 's opening , is expected *-2 to show that [ARG1 the economy] continued *-3 to [rel expand] [ARGM-TMP in the third quarter] [ARGM-MNR at a moderate pace] .
- Its capital spending is growing at double-digit rates for the second year in a row , and [ARG0 its superefficient producers of everything from cars to computer chips] are rushing *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 capacity] , modernize factories and develop new products .
- According to a survey of some 2,400 large companies by the Japan Development Bank , [rel expanded] [ARG1 capacity] is the goal of just 51.8 % of the outlays ; for manufacturers alone , the figure is 32 % .
- [ARG0 The expansion] is aimed *-1 not just at * meeting demand but also at * [rel expanding] [ARG1 the company 's market share] to [ARG4-to 30 %] from [ARG3-from 27 %] currently .
- [ARG0 Nissan] aims *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its 25 % share of the market] to [ARG4-to 30 %] [ARGM-MNR by *-3 spending $ 141 million *U* on a plant in southern Japan that *T*-1 could make as many as 240,000 cars a year] .
- In 1974 , as the U.S. representative to the United Nations , he wrote an introduction to a book on world population in which [ARG0 he] boasted of his leadership during his term in Congress in * [rel expanding] [ARG1 family-planning services for the poor] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The board] [rel expanded] to [ARG4-to 17 seats] .
- Instead , [ARG0 it] seems *-1 to be using foreign pressure and even the trade conflict *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its sphere of influence vis a vis other ministries] .
- [ARG0 They] plan *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 the home site] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 buying five adjoining acres for $ 200,000 *U* , borrowed * against a first mortgage on the five acres and also collateralized * by the 15 acres] .
- But freshness counts more than it once did *?* , and [ARG0 stores] are [rel expanding] [ARG1 shelf space] [ARGM-PNC for unconventional , but tastier , and often pricier , apples] .
- He figures 0 [ARG0 P&G] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel expand] [ARG1 its personal-care product line in Japan] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to `` continue that momentum] . ''
- Racial gerrymandering has been a familiar policy in New York City since 1970 , when [ARG0 Congress] first amended the Voting Rights Act *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its reach] beyond [ARG4-beyond the Southern states] *T*-1 .
- This year , [ARG0 a commission appointed * by the mayor *-2 to revise New York 's system of government] completed a new charter , *-1 [rel expanding] [ARG1 the City Council] to [ARG4-to 51] from [ARG3-from 35 members] .
- The results surprised many analysts , because [ARG0 USAir] has almost no competition in its Pittsburgh hub and has [rel expanded] [ARG1 operations] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 completing its acquisition of Piedmont Airlines] .
- Paxus said in a statement 0 [ARG0 it] has several `` well developed product and services relationships '' with the U.S. computer company , and plans *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 these links] .
- Mercedes officials said 0 they expect flat sales next year even though they see [ARG1 the U.S. luxury-car market] [rel expanding] [ARGM-EXT slightly] .
- Woolworth said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 usage of the MCI services] [ARGM-ADV as it adds about 6,000 business locations over the next few years] .
- Most recently , [ARG1 the Bank Group] has been [rel expanded] [ARG4 *-2 to include the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency] [ARGM-PNC * to stimulate direct foreign investment in developing countries by * offering guarantees against noncommercial risk and advice *ICH*-1 to member countries on how * to improve their business climate *T*-3] .
- What scientists have known *T*-2 since the late 1970s is that there is [ARG1 a hole] in the layer over Antarctica that *T*-1 [rel expands] or contracts [ARGM-TMP from year to year] .
- [ARG1 California wineries , benefiting from lowered trade barriers and federal marketing subsidies ,] are [rel expanding] [ARGM-MNR aggressively] into [ARG4-into Japan , as well as Canada and Great Britain] .
- [ARG0 That ship , which *T*-1 would carry about 2,050 passengers ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel expand] [ARG1 the capacity of Carnival 's existing 14-ship fleet] by [ARG2-by 24 %] .
- But in recent years , [ARG0 Mr. Ingersoll] began *-1 focusing more on *-2 [rel expanding] [ARG1 his own newspaper empire] [ARGM-MNR in partnership with investment banking firm Warburg , Pincus & Co] .
- The market 's attention is especially focused *-1 on a preliminary report on the U.S. third-quarter gross national product , due out Thursday , which *T*-2 could show 0 [ARG1 the economy] is continuing *-3 to [rel expand] [ARGM-MNR at a relatively brisk pace] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 Tandy] `` has done a decent job '' *-2 increasing sales by *-3 manufacturing computers for others and [rel expanding] [ARG1 sales of its Grid Systems Corp. subsidiary , which *T*-1 sells computers to bigger businesses] , but `` it 's not enough 0 *T*-4 to offset the problems at Radio Shack . ''
- [ARG0 It] more than doubled Federal 's long-term debt to $ 1.9 billion *U* , thrust the company into unknown territory -- heavy cargo -- and [ARGM-MNR suddenly] [rel expanded] [ARG1 its landing rights] to [ARG4-to 21 countries] from [ARG3-from four] .
- [ARG0 Ford] originally had seen a Saab alliance as a way * to [rel expand] [ARG1 its presence in the European and U.S. luxury car markets] .
- An NFL spokesman also says 0 [ARG0 the league] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel expand] [ARG1 its offerings] to [ARG4-to cable TV companies like ESPN] .
- Meanwhile , tax revenues are falling while [ARG1 the city 's spending needs] are [rel expanding] .
- *-2 Flush with cash at home , but with fewer customers to lend to *-1 , [ARG1 leading banks] are eager * to [rel expand] [ARGM-LOC overseas] .
- [ARG0 The expansion , which *T*-1 could cost as much as US$ 5.7 billion *U* over the next eight years ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel expand] [ARG1 the fleet] to [ARG4-to about 43 planes] [ARGM-TMP by 1991] , up from [ARG3-from 30] at the end of last year , according to Sun Hung Kai Securities Ltd .
- [ARG1 These programs] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel expanded] *-1 [ARGM-PNC to focus on funds for project planning *ICH*-4 , * identifying sources of funds , and for * acquiring a site and preparing it] .
- [ARG1 Rowland] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , has [rel expanded] [ARGM-MNR aggressively] , and now ranks as the fifth-largest U.S. public relations firm , according to O'Dwyer's Directory of Public Relations Firms .
- [ARG1 The board] [rel expands] to [ARG4-to seven members] .
- [ARGM-DIS Separately] , [ARG1 the board] [rel expanded] to [ARG4-to six members] [ARGM-ADV with the election of David L. Holewinski , a consultant] .
- Purchase of the businesses serving Miami , Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach , Fla. , is part of a plan *ICH*-1 by [ARG1 Chambers] * to [rel expand] [ARGM-LOC in the growing security industry] .
- The Journal also will offer [rel expanded] [ARG1 volume] and frequency discounts .
- `` [ARG0 We] have invested in improved editorial quality and [rel expanded] [ARG1 our quality audience] [ARGM-MNR without *-1 substantially increasing our costs] .
- But [ARGM-LOC just down Seventh Avenue , where about 75 % of U.S. fur garments are made *-1 *T*-2] , [ARG0 Larry Rosen] has acquired two retail outlets , broadened his fur-making line and [rel expanded] into [ARG4-into leather] .
- [ARGM-TMP Since then] [ARG0 he] has [rel expanded] [ARG1 his fleet] and can now bring his furs to the front door of retailers as far away as the Midwest .
- [ARG0 Mr. Chan] talks optimistically of * [rel expanding] , maybe even moving into the import-export field .
- [ARGM-CAU Since 40 % of skiers are parents] , [ARG0 many slopes] are building nurseries , [rel expanding] [ARG1 ski schools] and adding entertainment for kids .
- For more than a decade , banks have been pressing Congress and banking regulators for [rel expanded] [ARG1 powers] [ARGM-PNC * to act like securities firms in *-2 playing Wall Street 's lucrative takeover game , from * giving mergers advice all the way to * selling and trading high-yield junk bonds] .
- Those [rel expanded] [ARG1 powers] reached their zenith in July when Bankers Trust New York Corp. provided mergers advice , an equity investment and bank loans for the $ 3.65 billion *U* leveraged buy-out of Northwest Airlines parent NWA Inc *T*-1 .
- Charles Nathan , co-head of mergers and acquisitions at Salomon Brothers Inc. , says 0 it *EXP*-1 is natural for [ARG1 banks] to try *-2 to [rel expand] beyond [ARG4-beyond their bread-and-butter business of * providing senior debt for buy-outs] .
- [ARG0 Westmoreland 's strategy] is * to retain and [rel expand] [ARG1 its core business of * mining and selling low-sulphur coal in the Appalachia region] .
- [ARG0 The Senate Finance Committee] voted *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 the deduction for individual retirement accounts] , and also to bring back income averaging for farmers , a tax preference that *T*-1 allows income to be spread out over several years .
- Currently , Fox supplies programs on Saturdays , Sundays and Mondays , although [ARG1 the company] plans *-1 to [rel expand] to [ARG4-to other weeknights] .
- The state is calling in [ARG0 a flotilla] of navy landing vessels and other boats 0 *T*-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 ferry service across the bay] and hopes *-2 to add numerous new bus routes and train departures *-2 to help alleviate the traffic problem .
- Tuesday 's earthquake will depress local real-estate values in the short term and force [ARG1 companies] to reconsider *-1 [rel expanding] [ARGM-LOC in *RNR*-2] or relocating to *RNR*-2 the Bay Area and California , real-estate and relocation specialists said 0 *T*-3 .
- But they said 0 the quake will force [ARG0 some companies] to relocate or [rel expand] [ARG1 part or all of their operations] outside [ARG4-outside the state] .
- [ARG0 It] said that * [rel expanding] [ARG1 nuclear-power capability] is the quickest way 0 * to lessen that dependence *T*-1 .
- Trading *ICH*-2 was suspended *-1 in WCRS Group , a U.K. advertising concern , pending an announcement that [ARG0 it] is buying the remaining 50 % of France 's Carat Holding for 2.02 billion French francs -LRB- $ 318.7 million *U* -RRB- and [rel expanding] [ARG1 commercial and equity ties] with advertising group Eurocom .
- The move , subject to a definitive agreement , is part of a trend by [ARG0 big-city banks] that *T*-1 have been buying up credit-card portfolios *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 their business] .
- First City said that because of increased competition in the credit-card business , it had decided 0 [ARG0 it] either had *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its own holdings] [ARGM-MNR substantially] or sell them .
- Beef prices , *-1 hovering near records since the drought , could drop in earnest this winter if [ARG0 ranchers] [rel expand] [ARG1 herds] .
- But now , other agencies are getting into the business with their own competing media-buying groups -- and [ARG1 Carat] wants *-1 to [rel expand] to [ARG4-to the rest of Europe] .
- After [ARG1 *-2] [rel expanding] [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [ARGM-TMP during the bull-market years up to the 1987 crash] , retail brokerage operations these days are getting barely enough business * to pay the overhead .
- The Packwood plan would also include [ARG0 a proposal] , designed * by Sen. William Roth -LRB- R. , Del. -RRB- , that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel expand] and alter [ARG1 the deduction for individual retirement accounts] .
- There are no firm plans [ARG0 *] to [rel expand] [ARG1 the experimental program] beyond [ARG4-beyond the University of Pittsburgh , whose hospital *T*-1 performs the most transplants in the world] .
- [ARG0 FEDERAL JUDGE] [rel EXPANDS] [ARG1 role of U.S. courts in extradition decisions] .
- [ARGM-TMP During the Reagan years] [ARG0 he] [rel expanded] [ARG1 his business and intelligence contacts with the Cubans and the Sandinistas] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Noriega , by now a lieutenant colonel ,] [rel expanded] [ARG1 his contacts] [ARGM-PNC to include the Cubans -- not to mention the Israelis , the Taiwanese and any other intelligence service that *T*-1 came knocking] .
- The Federal Reserve Board said 0 [ARG1 output of the nation 's factories , mines and utilities] [rel expanded] at [ARG2-at an annual rate of 1.3 % in the third quarter , substantially slower than the 3.3 % annual rate in the second quarter] .
- Mr. Seidman , who *T*-2 has been the nation 's top bank regulator , inherited the problems of Lincoln , based * in Irvine , Calif. , after [ARG1 his regulatory role] was [rel expanded] *-1 by [ARG0-by the new savings-and-loan bailout law] .
- A `` concerning '' item 0 the analyst cited *T*-2 was the 10 % jump in expenses , which [ARG0 the bank] attributes *T*-1 to costs of * [rel expanding] [ARG1 both its consumer credit-card operations and its overseas branch business] .
- The release of several economic reports *ICH*-1 had little impact on the market , including a report that [ARG1 the U.S. trade deficit] [rel expanded] to [ARG4-to a surprisingly wide $ 10.77 billion *U*] in August , [ARG2-MNR up] from [ARG3-from a revised $ 8.24 billion *U*] in July .
- [ARG1 The August gap] was expected *-1 to have [rel expanded] to [ARG4-to $ 9.1 billion *U*] .
- An estimated $ 1.57 billion *U* is separately allocated for the National Science Foundation , and within the Housing and Urban Development Department , more than $ 9.2 billion *U* is provided *-1 for federally assisted housing , including an [rel expanded] [ARG1 effort] * to modernize public housing units that *T*-2 serve the poorest families .
- Small-business groups also will fight [ARG0 the medical-leave provision] of legislation that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel expand] [ARG1 parental leaves] .
- When a court decides that a particular actor 's conduct was culpable and so extends the definition of insider trading * to reach this conduct *T*-3 , it does not see the potentially enormous number of other cases that *T*-2 will be covered *-1 by the [rel expanded] [ARG1 rule] .
- Thus , a court is poorly positioned * to make judgments about the social utility of the [rel expanded] [ARG1 rule] .
- The federal government should make free , voluntary testing for the AIDS virus the cornerstone of an [rel expanded] [ARG1 campaign] * to stop the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome , the Hudson Institute recommended 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Procter & Gamble Co. , Cincinnati ,] * [rel expanding] [ARG1 its presence in the food service market] , said 0 it acquired Maryland Club Foods , a coffee supplier , from an investor group led * by F. Philip Handy of Winter Park , Fla .
- *-1 Formed *-2 in August , the venture weds AT&T 's [ARGM-TMP newly] [rel expanded] [ARG1 900] service with 200 voice-activated computers in American Express 's Omaha , Neb. , service center .
- [ARG1 The use of 900 toll numbers] has been [rel expanding] [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [ARGM-TMP in recent years] .
- One of the leaders behind the [rel expanded] [ARG1 use] of 900 numbers is Call Interactive , a joint venture of giants American Express Co. and American Telephone & Telegraph Co .
- According to the Middle East Economic Survey , the North African nation is holding talks with Italy for * adding a fourth pipe to a section of the Trans-Mediterranean pipeline , [ARG0 *] [rel expanding] [ARG1 capacity] by [ARG2-by up to six billion cubic meters a year] from [ARG3-from 12.5 billion] .
- [ARG0 The company] plans *-1 to [rel expand] [ARG1 plant capacity] [ARG2-EXT 50 %] [ARGM-TMP by 1991] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 Daewoo] is [rel expanding] [ARGM-DIS too] .
- The transaction is part of [ARG0 UGI 's] continuing program * to shed AmeriGas 's industrial gas interests and [rel expand] [ARG1 the subsidiary 's propane business] .
- [ARG0 K mart Corp.] agreed *-1 to acquire Pace Membership Warehouse Inc. for $ 23 *U* a share , or $ 322 million *U* , in a move * to [rel expand] [ARG1 its presence in the rapidly growing warehouse-club business] .
- [ARG1 U.S. companies] wanting * to [rel expand] [ARGM-LOC in Europe] face `` tough pressure '' from unions in nations such as West Germany , which *T*-1 play a big consulting role in management decisions , he says 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 It] would like *-2 to peg the ceiling on Federal Housing Administration mortgage guarantees to 95 % of the median price in a particular market , instead of *-3 limiting it to $ 101,250 *U* ; reduce *RNR*-1 -LRB- or even eliminate *RNR*-1 -RRB- FHA down-payment requirements and increase the availability of variable-rate mortgages ; [rel expand] [ARG1 the Veterans Affairs Department loan guarantee program] ; provide `` adequate '' funding for the Farmers Home Administration -LRB- FmHA -RRB- ; increase federal funding and tax incentives for the construction of low-income and rental housing , including $ 4 billion *U* in block grants to states and localities ; and `` fully fund '' the McKinney Act , a $ 656 million *U* potpourri for the homeless .
- Though Mr. Colton says 0 [ARG0 *] [rel expanding] [ARG1 FHA lending] would result in `` no cost to the government , '' the mere diversion of funds from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low-income -RRB- to the single-family home market would result in a major expense .
- Kent Colton , NAHB executive vice president , argues that the U.S. faces a multifaceted housing crisis -- reduced affordability of homes for first-time buyers , increased homelessness , and lower apartment construction rates -- that *T*-1 will be `` very difficult '' * to solve `` without [rel expanded] [ARG1 federal] resources . ''
- [ARG1 Gitano , which *T*-1 makes budget-priced apparel sold * mainly through mass merchandisers like K mart and Wal-Mart ,] said 0 the Regatta acquisition will enhance its strategy * to [rel expand] into [ARG4-into department stores] .
- [ARG0 K mart] agreed *-1 to acquire Pace Membership Warehouse for $ 322 million *U* , *-1 [rel expanding] [ARG1 its presence in the growing wholesale-store business] .
- [ARG0 Omnicare Inc.] , which *T*-1 intends *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its position in the medical and dental markets] , said 0 it acquired a cotton and gauze products division from closely held Sterile Products Corp. for $ 8.2 million *U* .
- He argues that efforts * to firm up prices will be undermined *-1 by [ARG0 producers '] plans * to [rel expand] [ARG1 production capacity] .
- The name surfacing in rumors is [ARG0 British Petroleum Co.] , which *T*-1 is looking *-2 to [rel expand] [ARG1 its polyethylene business in the U.S.] .
- The company may have chosen *-1 to market the product under the Cheer name since [ARG0 it] 's [ARGM-TMP already] [rel expanded] [ARG1 its best-selling Tide] into [ARG4-into 16 different varieties , including this year 's big hit , Tide with Bleach] .
- She said 0 [ARG1 the company] will study results from this market before *-1 [rel expanding] to [ARG4-to others] .
- [ARG0 I] feel committed to the program of * opening markets and [rel expanding] [ARG1 trade] . ''
- In these locations , Mr. Friedman says 0 *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 Retailers] are increasingly cautious about *-2 [rel expanding] and rents have remained steady or in some cases have declined . ''
- Two of the four big thrifts were sold *-1 to [ARG0 NCNB Corp.] , Charlotte , N.C. , which *T*-2 has [ARGM-MNR aggressively] [rel expanded] [ARG1 its markets] , [ARGM-LOC particularly in Texas and Florida] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To distinguish itself] , [ARG0 CNN] is [ARGM-DIS also] [rel expanding] [ARG1 international coverage] and adding a second global-news program .
- British Aerospace PLC and France 's Thomson-CSF S.A. said 0 [ARG0 they] are nearing an agreement * to merge their guided-missile divisions , *-1 [ARGM-MNR greatly] [rel expanding] [ARG1 collaboration between the two defense contractors] .
- One high-profile provision that *T*-1 was originally in the Senate bill but was cut *-3 out because it lost money was the proposal *ICH*-2 by Chairman Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- of the Senate Finance Committee [ARG0 *] to [rel expand] [ARG1 the deduction for individual retirement accounts] .
- Why not [ARG0 *] keep *RNR*-1 and [ARGM-ADV even] [rel expand] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] the loans and grants , the advocates reasoned *T*-2 , but * require some form of service from each recipient ?
- A quarter of a century ago [ARG0 national service] was promoted *-1 as a way of * curing the manifest inequities of the draft -- by , of all things , * [rel expanding] [ARG1 the draft] .
- If [ARG1 the economy] continues *-1 to [rel expand] by [ARG2-by 0.8 % a quarter] [ARGM-TMP for the rest of the year] , it would leave GDP growth for all of 1989 at 3 % , the institute said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Keystone] will have *-1 to consider *-2 [rel expanding] [ARG1 its casting operation] , [ARGM-ADV at an estimated cost of $ 8 million to $ 10 million *U*] , [ARGM-TMP within the next 18 to 24 months] , Mr. Simmons said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC Under Robert W. Singer , who *T*-2 was named *-1 president and chief operating officer last year] , [ARG0 Keystone] has [rel expanded] [ARG1 its sales force] to [ARG4-to about 20 people] from [ARG3-from about 15] and hopes *-3 * to expand its sales from the middle portion of the country toward the East and West coasts .
- Under Robert W. Singer , who *T*-2 was named *-1 president and chief operating officer last year , [ARG0 Keystone] has expanded its sales force to about 20 people from about 15 and hopes *-3 * to [rel expand] [ARG1 its sales] from [ARG3-from the middle portion of the country] toward [ARG4-toward the East and West coasts] .