frames- *-1 Observing that [ARG0 the judge] `` has [ARGM-TMP never] [rel exhibited] [ARG1 any bias or prejudice] , '' Mr. Murray concluded that he `` would be impartial in any case involving a homosexual or prostitute '' as a victim .
- The study shows that nearly 40 % of the homeless population is made up *-21 of women and children and that [ARG0 only 25 % of the homeless] [rel exhibits] [ARG1 some combination of drug , alcohol and mental problems] .
- `` We anticipate that [ARG0 steel market conditions] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel exhibit] [ARG1 a further moderate decline] [ARGM-TMP in the fourth quarter] as the automotive sector remains weak and customers continue *-1 to adjust inventories , '' said *T*-2 Bethlehem Chairman Walter F. Williams .