frames- Courts have ruled that taxpayers must submit to TCMP audits , but [ARG0 the IRS] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel excuse] from [ARG2-from the fullscale rigors] [ARG1 anyone who *T*-1 was audited *-241 without change for either 1986 or 1987] .
- A GOP Senate fund-raising letter from Sen. Burns of Montana is made *-1 to appear personally written , and its opening line is , `` Please [ARG0 *] [rel excuse] [ARG2 my handwriting] . ''
- [ARGM-LOC In other earthquake-related news] , [ARG1 Hambrecht & Quist 's OTC market makers] were [rel excused] *-1 from [ARG2-from trading] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] and its positions were frozen *-2 for the day by the National Association of Securities Dealers .