frames- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 these orders] , backlogs declined 0.3 % .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Excluding] [ARG1 one-time additions to profit in each year] , earnings per share were $ 2.47 *U* , up 7.4 % from $ 2.30 *U* in fiscal 1988 .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] [rel excluded] [ARG1 *-1] [ARGM-MOD will] be *T*-2 investments in companies with `` significant '' business stemming from weapons manufacture , alcoholic beverages or tobacco .
- [ARG0 The figure] [rel excludes] [ARG1 a record number employed * by extraordinary government work programs] , the Labor Directorate announced 0 *T*-2 Tuesday .
- [ARG0 Any settlement] is also expected *-1 to [rel exclude] [ARG1 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters] from [ARG2-from any of the projects 0 they were working on *T*-2 at Warner] .
- Overall , net sales of all mutual funds , [rel excluding] [ARG1 money market funds] , fell to $ 1.9 billion *U* in September from $ 4.2 billion *U* in August , the trade group said 0 *T*-1 .
- But if [ARG1 reinvested dividends] are [rel excluded] *-1 , investors put in only $ 340 million *U* more than they pulled out for the month .
- They say 0 insurance companies use [ARG0 policies] aimed * at * [rel excluding] [ARG1 bad risks] because their competitors do *?* .
- Mr. Dorsch says 0 the HIAA is working on a proposal * to establish a privately funded reinsurance mechanism 0 *T*-2 to help *-3 cover [ARG0 small groups] that *T*-1 ca n't get insurance without *-4 [rel excluding] [ARG1 certain employees] .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 those businesses] , earnings before interest , taxes and depreciation for 1988 would have been $ 728.5 million *U* .
- In its report to Congress on international economic policies , the Treasury said that any improvement in the broadest measure of trade , known * as the current account , `` is likely at best *-1 to be very modest , '' and `` [ARG1 the possibility of deterioration in the current account next year] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] be [rel excluded] *-2 . ''
- Mr. Dorfman states that an investor who *T*-1 invested $ 100,000 *U* a year ago in the first four stocks selected * by your pros and then sold those one month later , *-2 purchasing the four new pro picks , and repeated this process for the year would have accumulated $ 166,537 *U* , [rel excluding] [ARG1 account dividends , taxes and commissions] .
- [ARG0 The statistics] [rel exclude] [ARG1 pulp consumed * at the producing mill or shipped * to another mill that *T*-1 is affiliated *-2 with the producing mill] .
- [ARG0 The figures] [rel exclude] [ARG1 lump-sum payments and cost-of-living adjustments] , so the actual wage increases may have been bigger .
- Corporate taxes paid for almost 12 % of federal spending in 1988 -- [rel excluding] [ARG1 Social Security] -- compared with less than 8 % in the first half of the 1980s , the study found *T*-1 .
- Still , the combined profit of Ford , Chrysler Corp. and General Motors Corp. fell 44 % to $ 1.02 billion *U* from $ 1.83 billion *U* a year earlier , [rel excluding] [ARG1 a one-time gain of $ 309 million *U* at Chrysler from the sale of Mitsubishi Motors Corp. stock] .
- [ARG0 *] [ARGM-ADV Even] [rel excluding] [ARG1 the charge] , however , net fell 5 % .
- PWA did n't disclose the expected net cost of the fleet overhaul , but a Toronto-based analyst estimated it at about $ 450 million *U* -LRB- US -RRB- , [rel excluding] [ARG1 replacement costs for the 11 DC10-30 aircraft that PWA plans *-2 to sell *T*-1 , and purchase costs for as many as 17 Airbus 320-200 aircraft that PWA previously ordered *T*-3] .
- The French unit of Ferruzzi Agricola Finanziaria also disclosed a 40 % rise in its consolidated net profit for the first half of 1989 , [rel excluding] [ARG1 nonrecurring items] and after payments to minority interests .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 an increase in the tax rate and the effects of foreign currency translations] , Mr. Millis said 0 the company 's results `` were still a little disappointing *T*-1 . ''
- But analysts noted that [rel excluding] [ARG1 transportation - where what they believe *T*-1 was a temporary surge in auto demand pushed up the figures *T*-2 -] order backlogs have declined for three months in a row .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the gain] , P&G 's earnings were close to analysts ' predictions of about $ 1.40 *U* a share for the quarter .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 Mexico] , reserves equal 95 % of LDC exposure .
- `` However , if [ARG0 you] [rel exclude] [ARG1 defense-related orders] then durable goods were down 3.9 % .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 transportation items] , orders rose 1.8 % .
- Today , Lloyd 's share of the world market , [rel excluding] [ARG1 life insurance] , is about 2 % .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 special gains from tax-loss carry-forwards] , earnings in the latest quarter were $ 117.7 million *U* , or $ 1.12 *U* a share , compared with $ 187.4 million *U* , or $ 1.76 *U* a share .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the increase in loan-loss reserves] , Bankers Trust said 0 third-quarter net income would have increased 11 % to $ 180 million *U* .
- He puts in busy six-day weeks -LRB- [rel excluding] [ARG1 game days] -RRB- , and on one recent afternoon fielded questions *ICH*-1 , in the course of an hour , from a TV producer , his luxury-suite marketing manager , a disgruntled customer and a roomful of Arkansas reporters .
- Estimates of damage in the six-county San Francisco Bay area neared $ 5 billion *U* , [rel excluding] [ARG1 the cost of * repairing the region 's transportation system] .
- [ARG0 All estimates] [rel exclude] [ARG1 highway repair , which *T*-1 could exceed $ 1 billion *U*] .
- The threat to China 's balance of payments is further aggravated *-1 by the plunge in its foreign-exchange reserves , [rel excluding] [ARG1 gold holdings] .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the gain] , the company registered a modest 4.6 % increase for the quarter ended Sept. 29 to $ 113 million *U* , or 87 cents a share , from the year-earlier $ 107.9 million *U* , or 84 cents a share .
- [ARGM-TMP When the IAFP recently assembled other industry groups * to discuss common standards that *T*-3 might be applied *-1 to planners *T*-4] , [ARG1 Mr. Gargan 's group] was [rel excluded] *-2 .
- [ARG0 One simple approach] is * to [rel exclude] [ARG1 S&P 500 companies considered * bankruptcy candidates] ; this can avoid weak sisters , but also can hurt when a company like Chrysler Corp. rebounds *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The figures] [rel exclude] [ARG1 businesses now organized * as American Express Information Services Co] .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the volatile categories of energy and food] -- * leaving what some economists call the core inflation rate -- consumer prices still rose only 0.2 % in September .
- The Packwood plan , as * expected , would allow [ARG0 individuals] to [rel exclude] from [ARG2-from income] [ARG1 5 % of the gain from the sale of a capital asset held * for more than one year] .
- Cost and expenses for the quarter , [rel excluding] [ARG1 interest] , increased 6.1 % to $ 333.3 million *U* from $ 314 million *U* the year before .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the one-time charges] , the company would have posted earnings of $ 298 million *U* , or 73 cents a share .
- For the nine months , Amoco said that net income fell to $ 1.29 billion *U* from $ 1.69 billion *U* but if [ARG1 unusual items] are [rel excluded] *-1 , operations produced essentially flat results .
- [ARG0 Both revenue figures] [rel exclude] [ARG1 excise taxes] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Excluding] [ARG1 earnings from discontinued operations a year earlier] , net fell only 2 % .
- He noted that [ARG0 the `` core inflation rate] , '' which *T*-1 [rel excludes] [ARG1 food and energy] , was also low at 0.2 % .
- Santa Clara County has a running total *ICH*-1 so far of $ 504 million *U* , [rel excluding] [ARG1 the hard-hit city of Los Gatos] .
- But [rel excluding] [ARG1 businesses acquired or sold *] , revenue was flat at about $ 1.24 billion *U* .
- [rel Excluded] [ARG1 *-1] from [ARG2-from the sale] are *T*-2 the interests of the trust and the corporation in two Las Vegas hotel-casinos .
- `` If apartheid means 0 you want cheap black labor and all the comforts that *T*-1 go with it , but [ARG0 you] also want *-3 to [rel exclude] [ARG1 the blacks] from [ARG2-from social and political integration] , then these are two contradictions that *T*-2 ca n't go on forever , '' says *T*-4 Mr. Verwoerd .
- By any measure , third-quarter earnings were still robust , *-1 equivalent to a 0.92 % return on assets [ARG0 *] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel excluding] [ARG1 tax credits] .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 tax credits] , profit was 6 % below the second quarter .
- Dun & Bradstreet said 0 operating earnings rose 8 % , [rel excluding] [ARG1 the sale of Official Airline Guides] .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the provision] , Republic earned $ 44.6 million *U* , up 15 % from a year ago .
- [ARGM-TMP After then] , [ARG0 the House measure] [ARGM-MOD would] boost the tax rate to 28 % and [rel exclude] from [ARG2-from tax] [ARG1 the gain attributable to inflation] .
- [ARGM-ADV For individuals] , [ARG0 the Packwood plan] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel exclude] from [ARG2-from income] [ARG1 5 % of the gain from the sale of a capital asset held * for more than one year] .
- The 200,000 shares are about 23 % of Interferon 's common shares outstanding , [rel excluding] [ARG1 National Patent 's stake] .
- [ARG0 These calculations] [rel exclude] [ARG1 the effect of commissions paid * and dividends received * from the stock] .
- Ethyl said 0 pretax profit from its insurance segment , [rel excluding] [ARG1 investment gains] , rose 28 % in the latest quarter to $ 28.6 million *U* from $ 22.4 million *U* .
- * [rel Excluding] [ARG1 those receipts] , the government deficit would have totaled about # 2.5 billion *U* in the first six months , compared with # 1.3 billion *U* a year earlier , the Treasury said 0 *T*-1 .
- The institute said that , [rel excluding] [ARG1 semifinished steel products] , year-to-date imports represented 15.2 % of consumption , compared with a permitted maximum of 18.5 % .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Excluding] [ARG1 that bottling business] , Coca-Cola Enterprises ' volume , measured * by cases of soda , rose only 1 % .
- Manufacturers Hanover said that [rel excluding] [ARG1 the addition to its reserves , certain tax benefits , and a one-time $ 16 million *U* gain on the sale of an interest in a foreign leasing company] , third-quarter earnings were $ 75 million *U* .
- Hachette S.A. , a European media and publishing group , reported a small rise in its attributable first-half group profit , [rel excluding] [ARG1 exceptional items] , to 133.8 million francs -LRB- $ 21.1 million *U* -RRB- from 130.1 million francs a year earlier .
- TRW Inc. reported a 12 % decline in third-quarter net income , but the company said that [ARG0 *] [rel excluding] [ARG1 unusual gains in both quarters] , operating profit rose 16 % .
- However , [ARG0 *] [rel excluding] [ARG1 the year-earlier charge for recall of steering gear] , operating profit in the latest quarter declined 14 % , * reflecting higher start-up and product development expenses in passenger-restraint systems .
- Also , because UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf and other UAL executives have joined the pilots ' bid , [ARG0 the board] might be forced *-1 to [rel exclude] [ARG1 him] from [ARG2-from its deliberations] [ARGM-PNC in order * to be fair to other bidders] .
- *-3 [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the $ 2 billion *U* provision] and allowing for the taxes 0 Morgan paid *T*-1 , earnings were about 65 cents a share , Mr. Salem said 0 *T*-2 .
- `` The overall 0.9 % increase is serious in itself , but what *T*-1 is even worse is that [rel excluding] [ARG1 food and energy] , the producer price index still increased by 0.7 % , '' said *T*-2 Gordon Richards , an economist at the National Association of Manufacturers .
- [ARGM-ADV Unlike most studies of the affluent market] , [ARG0 this survey] [rel excluded] [ARG1 the super-rich] .
- Stocks , as *-1 measured *-2 by the Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index , have been stellar performers this year , *-1 rising 27.97 % before Friday 's plunge , [rel excluding] [ARG1 dividends] .
- At the very moment that Senate Republicans were negotiating [ARG0 a deal] 0 *T*-1 to [rel exclude] [ARG1 capital gains] from [ARG2-from the deficit-reduction legislation] *T*-2 , White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater told reporters that it *EXP*-3 was the president 's policy * to include it .
- He also says 0 he thinks 0 `` [ARG0 core inflation] , '' which *T*-1 [rel excludes] [ARG1 the volatile food and energy prices] , was strong last month .
- The federal appeals court held that [ARG0 the nominal damages and the failure * to prove all claims] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel exclude] [ARG1 the USFL] from [ARG2-from * being reimbursed *-1] .
- [rel Excluding] [ARG1 the higher tax rate , which *T*-1 rose two percentage points to 38 % , and the negative exchange rate adjustment] , the company would have met analysts ' expectations , said *T*-2 R. Wayne Atwell , an analyst with Goldman , Sachs & Co .