frames- In an interview , Mr. Bernstein said 0 [ARG1 his departure] `` [rel evolved] out of [ARG3-of discussions with Si Newhouse] and that 's the decision 0 I reached *T*-1 . ''
- So if index arbitrage is simply * taking advantage of thin inefficiencies between two markets for the same widget , how did `` [ARG1 program trading] '' [rel evolve] into [ARG2-into the evil creature that *T*-2 is evoking the curses of so many observers] *T*-1 ?
- [ARG1 Philip Morris , which *T*-61 became the U.S. 's largest food company last year with its $ 12.9 billion *U* acquisition of Kraft Inc. ,] seems determined *-1 to [rel evolve] beyond [ARG3-beyond its roots in Marlboro country] .
- But the mega-issues are raising megaquestions about the [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [rel evolving] [ARG1 Indian] capital market .
- When we look closely at our own history *T*-2 , it *EXP*-1 is clear that [ARG1 our constitutionally mandated civil rights] have [rel evolved] [ARGM-MNR not through the goodness of people 's hearts but through legislation and constitutional amendments] .
- But even if [ARG1 no conscious life] had [rel evolved] [ARGM-LOC here] [ARGM-ADV at all] , the universe is a big place , and given the right conditions , sympathetic to *-1 creating some form of life .
- Mr. Eddington acknowledges that [ARG1 the carrier] will have *-1 to [rel evolve] and adapt to local changes , but he feels that the Sino-British agreement is firm ground 0 * to build on *T*-2 for the foreseeable future .
- Pitney Bowes acquired the core of [ARG1 what] *T*-1 [rel evolved] into [ARG2-into Wheeler Group] in 1979 by *-2 buying Dictaphone Corp .
- [ARG1 The product] overcame the bad publicity and kept *-1 [rel evolving] .
- `` We would obviously be upset if [ARG1 those kinds of services] [rel evolved] into [ARG2-into more general-interest , long-format programming] , '' says *T*-2 Robert Stengel , senior vice president , programming , of Continental Cablevision Inc. , which *T*-1 holds a 2 % stake in Turner Broadcasting .