frames- Commonwealth Edison now faces an additional court-ordered refund on [ARG1 its summer\/winter rate differential collections] that [ARG0 the Illinois Appellate Court] has [rel estimated] *T*-1 at [ARG2-at $ 140 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 The department] [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that durable-goods orders fell 0.1 % in September] .
- In September , the custom-chip maker said 0 excess capacity and lagging billings would result in an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 2 million to $ 3 million *U*] [ARG1 net] loss for the third quarter .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was [ARG2 a moderate 3.5 million ounces] .
- [ARG0 A spokesman for Temple] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that Sea Containers ' plan -- if all the asset sales materialize -- would result in shareholders receiving only $ 36 to $ 45 *U* a share in cash] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the first three months of 1990] , [ARG0 the Treasury] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that it will have *-1 to raise between $ 45 billion and $ 50 billion *U*] , [ARGM-ADV * assuming that it decides *-2 to aim for a $ 10 billion *U* cash balance at the end of March] .
- University Patents Inc. , based * in Westport , Conn. , said 0 it seeks [ARG1 Johnson & Johnson 's profits from sales of Retin-A] , [rel estimated] * at [ARG2-at $ 50 million *U*] , a similar amount of punitive damages and the right * to license Retin-A elsewhere .
- PaineWebber Inc. , for instance , is forecasting growth in S&P 500 dividends of just under 5 % in 1990 , down from an [rel estimated] [ARG1 11] % [ARGM-TMP this year] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Einhorn of Goldman Sachs] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the stock market will deliver a 12 % to 15 % *U* total return from appreciation and dividends *ICH*-1 over the next 12 months -- vs. a `` cash rate of return '' of perhaps 7 % or 8 % *U* if dividend growth is weak] .
- The funding is attached *-11 to an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 27.1 billion *U*] [ARG1 transportation] bill that *T*-1 goes *ICH*-2 next to the Senate and carries with it a proposed permanent smoking ban on virtually all U.S. domestic airline flights .
- *-1 To accommodate the additional cash assistance , the House Appropriations Committee last week was required *-1 to reallocate an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 140 million] *U* from the Pentagon .
- Despite federal disaster relief , the drought of 1988 was a severe financial setback for an [rel estimated] [ARG1 10,000] to 15,000 farmers , according to the department .
- [ARG0 Oshkosh Truck Corp. , Oshkosh , Wis. ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 earnings for its fourth quarter ended Sept. 30 fell 50 % to 75 % below the year-earlier $ 4.5 million *U* , or 51 cents a share] .
- [ARG1 Volume in the second section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 18 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV up from 14 million Tuesday] .
- [ARG1 Wednesday 's volume on the First Section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 900 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV in line with Tuesday 's 909 million] .
- The rating concern said 0 the textile and clothing company 's interest expense exceeds operating profit `` by a wide margin '' and it noted United 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 after-tax] loss of $ 24 million *U* for the year ended June 30 .
- [ARG0 Travelers] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the California earthquake last month will result in a fourth-quarter pre-tax charge of less than $ 10 million *U*] .
- People close to the utility industry said 0 Mr. Dingell 's proposal appears *-3 to guarantee only an [rel estimated] [ARG2 seven-million-ton] [ARG1 cut] in annual sulfur-dioxide emissions that *T*-2 lead to acid rain , though additional cuts could be ordered *-1 later .
- [ARG0 One analyst , Arthur Stevenson , of Prudential-Bache Securities , New York ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that 65 % or more of Brazil 's newly made automobiles run on alcohol and ca n't use gasoline] .
- [ARG1 * Depending upon how many warrants and options *T*-2 are exercised *-1 prior to completion of the transaction , Heritage would issue between 1.8 million and 2.35 million preferred shares] , [ARG0 a Heritage spokesman] [rel estimated] 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that losses from the Oct. 17 earthquake in California would be no more than $ 6 million *U* , and would be included *-1 in fourth-quarter results] .
- [ARGM-ADV * Possibly offsetting that] , [ARG0 Columbia] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 it has unrealized gains on publicly traded equity investments of more than $ 70 million *U*] .
- Upjohn officials said 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the size of the charge] [ARGM-TMP until they determine which employees , and how many , *T*-1 will participate in the retirement plan] .
- [ARG0 Upjohn] [ARGM-ADV further] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that about 50 % of the employees who *T*-2 leave for early retirement may be replaced *-1] .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- [ARG1 Second Section volume] was [rel estimated] *-52 at [ARG2-at 14 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV *-52 unchanged from Monday] .
- [ARG1 Volume on the First Section] was [rel estimated] *-51 at [ARG2-at 900 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV up from 582 million shares Monday] .
- Analysts hailed the planned transaction as *-1 being beneficial to Armstrong and Shaw , the market leader in the U.S. carpet industry , with an [rel estimated] [ARG2 17 % to 20 %] *U* [ARG1 share] .
- The price was n't disclosed *-1 but [ARG0 one analyst] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that it was $ 150 million *U*] .
- Mitsubishi Estate has n't decided how it will raise the funds for the purchase , which *T*-199 are due in cash next April *T*-1 , but [ARG1 the Marunouchi holdings alone] are [rel estimated] *-2 [ARG2 to have a market value of as much as 10 trillion yen to 11 trillion yen] .
- [ARGM-DIS Likewise] , [ARG0 journalists John Burgess and Michael Isikoff of the Washington Post] have [rel estimated] [ARG1 that at least $ 800 million *U* was transferred *-192 from Japan to the U.S. * to deal with the church 's annual operating losses in this country] .
- Start-up costs for the Washington Times alone were close to $ 50 million *U* , and [ARG1 the total amount lost * in this journalistic black hole] was [rel estimated] *-193 at [ARG2-at $ 150 million *U* by 1984] .
- The tax increase , which *T*-1 will be considered *-238 at a special session of the state legislature that *T*-275 begins tomorrow , would cover only part of the [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 4 billion to $ 6 billion] *U* in [ARG1-in total damage caused * by the Oct. 17 quake] .
- Aside from as much as $ 3.45 billion *U* in recently approved federal aid , the state is expected *-1 to draw from [ARG1 a gubernatorial emergency fund] that *T*-276 currently stands at an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 700 million] *U* .
- But they were stripped *-242 from the Senate bill after [ARG0 staffers] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 penalty revenue would fall by $ 216 million *U* over five years] .
- Since then , at least two commercial versions have been put *-252 on the U.S. market , and an [rel estimated] [ARG2 500] have been sold *-253 .
- [ARG0 Chrysler Corp.] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that health costs add $ 700 *U* *ICH*-1 to the price of each of its cars , about $ 300 to $ 500 *U* more per car than foreign competitors pay for health] .
- [ARG0 HHS Secretary Sullivan] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that as much as 25 % of the medical procedures performed * each year may be inappropriate or unnecessary] .
- [ARG0 A company spokesman] declined *-1 to [rel estimate] [ARG1 the impact of the closures on earnings] .
- [ARG0 GP Express , an independent airline serving much of Nebraska ,] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that nearly 40 % of its revenues come from the subsidies that *T*-1 , in some cases , exceed the cost of a ticket] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV given the few number of users] , [ARG1 the cost to the federal government per passenger] is [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at $ 193 *U*] , according to House and Senate appropriations committees .
- [ARGM-TMP On Monday] , [ARG1 volume on the First Section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 600 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV down from 1.24 billion shares Friday] .
- [ARG1 Second Section volume] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 15 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV down from 24.5 million shares Friday] .
- [ARG1 About $ 70 billion *U*] is [rel estimated] *-2 [ARG2 to be tied up in the short-term money market , which *T*-1 acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government] .
- [ARG0 Judith Elkin , lawyer for the creditors ,] said 0 the creditors group is challenging certain accounting entries on the parent company 's books and [rel estimates] [ARG1 that the receivable owed the steel company * could be as much as $ 40 million *U*] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] it is [rel estimated] [ARG1 that more than 20 % of that , $ 70 billion *U* , goes to `` defensive medicine '' -- those measures taken * by doctors * to protect themselves from the most unlikely possibilities] .
- [ARG0 Some analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 the average PC costs about 50 % more *ICH*-2 in Japan than the U.S.] .
- [ARG0 Authorities] [rel estimate] [ARG1 that revenues from illegal drugs in the U.S. total about $ 110 billion *U* annually] .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was a moderate 3.5 million ounces .
- An [rel estimated] [ARG2 14.7 million] [ARG1 Cray] Computer shares will be distributed *-1 , Cray Research said 0 *T*-2 .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- [ARG0 He] [rel estimated] [ARG1 the breakup value] at [ARG2-at $ 55 *U* a share] .
- [ARGM-TMP Previously] , [ARG1 the July figure] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at a deficit of 613 million francs] .
- [ARG0 Leucadia , New York ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 it had a pre-tax gain on the transaction of $ 57 million *U* , including its part of Brae 's gain] .
- The [rel estimated] [ARG1 gain] for Brae is $ 15 million *U* , including a tax credit of $ 7 million *U* , the sellers said 0 *T*-1 .
- The bank projects 0 Akzo will show per-share earnings of 24 guilders in 1990 , up from an [rel estimated] [ARG2 22.5] guilders [ARGM-TMP for this year] and the 20.9 guilders reported * for 1988 .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel estimates] [ARG1 its total debt] at [ARG2-at about $ 5.2 billion *U*] .
- [ARGM-TMP After the transaction] , [ARG0 Mr. Rey] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the value of his 20 % stake in the new company , 0 *T*-2 to be held *-1 by his Omni Holding AG , will be about 1 billion Swiss francs] .
- Ultimate expects the 3 1\/2-year agreement to generate $ 100 million *U* in sales , but [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel estimate] [ARG1 profit] .
- But while its stock is selling at about half Control Data 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 breakup] value , neither Messrs. Perlman nor Price said 0 he spends much time *-1 considering the possibility of a hostile takeover .
- This would compare with an [rel estimated] [ARG1 loss] of [ARG2-of 3 cents a share] for the comparable 10 months last year , which *T*-1 included restructuring costs .
- [ARGM-ADV Although he expressed confidence that the proposed new company 's cash flow would be sufficient *-1 to cover interest payments on the debt] , [ARG0 he] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the company would n't be profitable until 1994 or later] .
- [ARG0 Analyst] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the value of the BellSouth proposal] at [ARG2-at about $ 115 to $ 125 *U* a share] .
- [ARG1 The debt] , [rel estimated] * at [ARG2-at $ 4.7 billion *U*] , could mortgage the cellular company 's future earning power in order *-1 to placate some LIN holders in the short term .
- [ARG1 First-section volume] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 1.3 billion shares , up from 886 million shares Thursday] .
- Without P&G 's backing , Noxell might not have been able *-1 to spend the [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 5 million to $ 7 million] *U* needed * * to accomplish that without *-2 scrimping on its existing brands .
- Estee Lauder , for example , spends [ARGM-ADV only] an [rel estimated] [ARG1 5] % of sales on advertising in the U.S. , and Mr. Lauder says 0 he has no plans * to change his strategy .
- [ARG0 It] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the time between college graduation and the awarding of a Ph. D. has lengthened by 30 % over the past 20 years , with the average gap now ranging from about 7.4 years in the physical sciences to 16.2 years in education] .
- [ARG0 The property claims service division of the American Insurance Services Group] [rel estimated] [ARG1 insured losses from the earthquake] at [ARG2-at $ 960 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 He] 's [ARGM-TMP now] [rel estimating] [ARG1 that after a period of consolidation , the Dow Jones Industrial Average will once again forge new highs] .
- It is [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the Patterson group controls more than 40 % of Rally 's stock] .
- Pretax profit was estimated *-1 at 23.0 billion yen , down from 25.51 billion yen , while [ARG1 net income] was [rel estimated] *-2 at [ARG2-at 12 billion yen] , [ARGM-ADV up from 11.95 billion yen] .
- [ARG1 Pretax profit] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 23.0 billion yen] , [ARGM-ADV down from 25.51 billion yen] , [ARGM-ADV while net income was estimated *-2 at 12 billion yen , up from 11.95 billion yen] .
- Pretax profit is seen *-1 at 45.00 billion yen , down from 47.17 billion yen , while [ARG1 net income] is [rel estimated] *-2 at [ARG2-at 23.500 billion yen] , [ARGM-ADV up from 23.031 billion yen] .
- A company spokesman said 0 [ARG1 the Veslefrikk field 's gross reserves] were [rel estimated] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1987] at [ARG2-at 229 million barrels] .
- [ARG0 The company] declined *-1 to [rel estimate] [ARG1 the value of the Norwegian holding] .
- For one thing , the size of the affected market is enormous -- the European stock markets account for some 22.5 % of global stock market capitalization , with an [rel estimated] [ARG1 value] of [ARG2-of $ 2.175 trillion] *U* , according to Morgan Stanley Capital International .
- The Continental markets alone contribute about 14.3 % of [rel estimated] [ARG1 world] market capitalization of [ARG2-of $ 9.671 trillion *U*] .
- The vaccine is effective in * preventing a disease that *T*-1 still afflicts about 60 million children a year world-wide , *-2 causing an [rel estimated] [ARG2 one] million [ARG1 deaths] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Lee] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that about 10,000 property speculators are operating in South Korea] .
- Once inside , [ARG0 she] spends nearly four hours *-2 measuring and diagramming each room in the 80-year-old house , *-2 gathering enough information * to [rel estimate] [ARG1 what it *EXP*-3 would cost *T*-1 * to rebuild it] .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was five million ounces .
- At the time *-1 71%-controlled by Oy Waertsilae , a conglomerate , the shipbuilding unit faced [ARG1 potential losses] [rel estimated] * at [ARG2-at one billion markka] and was on the brink of liquidation .
- Analysts say 0 Mr. Suominen had grown increasingly worried about the state 's potential financial exposure as Waertsilae Marine 's losses ballooned to [ARG1 more than double the figure] [rel estimated] * [ARGM-TMP in August] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 company insiders] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the loss could approach the equivalent of $ 10 million *U*] .
- We had intercepted during the year an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 5 billion] *U* [ARG1 street value] of cocaine .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel estimates] [ARG1 the offering price] at [ARG2-at between $ 14 and $ 16 *U* a share] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 analysts] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that GM had a loss of as much as $ 300 million *U* on domestic vehicle operations] .
- Analysts speculated that Marsh & McLennan would spend between 250 million marks -LRB- $ 136.4 million *U* -RRB- and 350 million marks *ICH*-1 for the rest of Gradmann & Holler , or roughly 25 to 30 times the private firm 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 earnings] .
- [ARG0 PWA] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the value of Wardair 's aircraft , which *T*-1 include 12 Airbus A310-300s and three Boeing 747-100s] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 James Ireland , a Miami-based technical analyst with Avmark Inc. , an aircraft evaluation firm ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 the total `` half-life '' value of the 15 planes] at [ARG2-at about $ 650 million or more *U*] .
- PWA did n't disclose the expected net cost of the fleet overhaul , but [ARG0 a Toronto-based analyst] [rel estimated] [ARG1 it] at [ARG2-at about $ 450 million *U* -LRB- US -RRB- , excluding replacement costs for the 11 DC10-30 aircraft that PWA plans *-2 to sell *T*-1 , and purchase costs for as many as 17 Airbus 320-200 aircraft that PWA previously ordered *T*-3] .
- Under Massachusetts tax laws , corporations must pay 9.5 % of [rel estimated] [ARG1 profits] resulting from business transactions in the state if the company conducts a variety of non-sales activities , including warranties , customer complaints and relations with independent dealerships .
- Last year , venture capitalists spent an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $] 600 million *U* *-1 to finance start-up companies in medical and biotechnology businesses , according to the National Venture Capital Association , a trade group .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the Desert Inn remodeling will cost about $ 32 million *U* , and 0 the refurbishment of the three DC-8-62 aircraft , made * by McDonnell Douglas Corp. , will cost around $ 24.5 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the value of the transaction] at [ARG2-at close to $ 100 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 Analysts] are [rel estimating] [ARG1 0 third-quarter earnings will drop between 13 % and 20 % *U* to about 50 to 55 cents per share , compared with 63 cents per share in the year-ago quarter] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 investors] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 the restructuring would cut the company 's annual cash interest bill from about $ 90 million *U* to $ 85 million *U*] .
- `` The few million dollars 0 I could lose *T*-3 today is nothing against what I could lose *T*-2 on the spring line , '' says *T*-4 [ARG0 Mr. Levy] , who *T*-1 [rel estimates] [ARG1 that Campeau stores will sell $ 25 million *U* worth of his clothes this year] .
- Ms. Applebaum had [rel estimated] [ARG1 third-quarter] earnings of [ARG2-of 55 cents a share] , but said 0 the losses for the unusual items were larger than *?* expected .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was a light 1.7 million ounces .
- [ARG1 Volume on the first section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 1 billion shares , up from 914 million Tuesday] .
- Yesterday 's vote dealt with the largest of these bills , an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $] 156.7 billion *U* measure funding the departments of Labor , Education , and Health and Human Services .
- [ARG1 But although Japanese companies increased their U.S. auto output by 42 % from January to September compared with the year-earlier period , their exports to the U.S. will drop only 9 % this year] , [ARG0 Nikko Research Center] [rel estimates] 0 *T*-1 .
- Bloomingdale 's does an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 1.2 billion] *U* in [ARG1-in annual sales] .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- The Communications Workers of America , which *T*-1 opposes such monitoring , says 0 supervisors listen in on an [rel estimated] [ARG2 400 million] [ARG1 calls] [ARGM-TMP each year] .
- IBM 's mainframe sales have held up better than expected this year , with [ARG0 analysts] [rel estimating] [ARG1 0 they have risen 10 % to 12 % *U*] .
- [ARG0 Some analysts] have [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 IBM 's fourth-quarter per-share earnings will fall 10 % to $ 3.57 *U* a share from $ 3.97 *U* a share a year earlier] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although Ryder did n't break out the charge] , [ARG0 analysts] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the majority of the $ 57 million *U* was linked *-1 to workers ' compensation reserves and anticipated losses on the disposal of trucks] .
- Those creditors , [ARG1 whose claims] *T*-2 are [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at about $ 200 million *U*] , include doctors and hospitals .
- [ARG0 The institute] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel estimate] [ARG1 annual price growth] [ARGM-TMP in September] , but a 0.2 % rise by the consumer price index would put growth at either 178.8 or 178.9 , up 3.3 % or 3.4 % from the year-earlier level of 173.1 .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that sales at U.S. stores declined in the quarter , too] .
- [ARG0 The General Accounting Office] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that 50 % of IRS audits do n't spot companies that *T*-1 fail *-2 to file the reports] .
- [ARG0 The U.S. Department of Agriculture] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that this year Americans will eat about 40 % more fresh apples per capita than the Japanese] .
- Last month , the General Accounting Office reported that [ARG1 defaults in Federal Housing Administration guarantees] were five times as high as * [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel estimated] *-1 , and that FHA 's equity fell to minus $ 2.9 billion *U* .
- [ARG1 This figure] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel estimated] *-1 [ARGM-MNR * using techniques employed * by private lenders * to forecast losses] , or determined *-1 by * selling loans to private owners -LRB- without federal guarantees -RRB- .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that losses from Hurricane Hugo reduced net income by 32 cents a share in the most recent quarter] .
- By a lopsided 401-18 margin , the chamber rejected an effort * to waive Gramm-Rudman for purposes of * addressing the two disasters , and [ARG0 budget analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 the increased appropriations will widen the fiscal 1990 deficit by at least $ 1.44 billion *U* unless offsetting spending cuts or new revenues are found *-19 by Congress] .
- But the fund 's size is disputed *-1 by [ARG0 Mr. Brown 's office] , which *T*-2 [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the fund holds from $ 630 million to $ 800 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 About 11,000 shares sold at $ 170 *U* on the bell , *-1 representing about eight to 10 late orders] , [ARG0 the specialists] [rel estimate] 0 *T*-2 .
- A company spokesman said 0 [ARG1 the gain on the sale] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel estimated] *-1 [ARGM-TMP until the `` tax treatment has been determined *-2] .
- [ARG1 First section volume] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 900 million shares , up from 605 million Monday] .
- [ARG0 Mercedes-Benz of North America Inc. , Grosse Pointe Shores , Mich. ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 it will sell about as many cars *ICH*-3 in 1990 as the 75,000 0 it expects *-1 to deliver *T*-2 this year] .
- Domestic demand continues *-2 to grow , but its contribution to higher production was sapped *-1 in September by the [rel estimated] [ARG2 2 %] [ARG1 fall] [ARGM-LOC in imports] , accompanied * by a growing tendency for Japanese manufacturers to build vehicles overseas , according to the association .
- [ARG0 Traders] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that Bear , Stearns bought more than 1 million shares] .
- So , while KKR today has an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 250 million] *U* *ICH*-1 sunk * in now-shaky SCI TV , including equity and debt , the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion *U* ahead on the SCI TV buy-out after * taking cash up front .
- Takeover speculators -- who *T*-1 have already taken [ARG1 a record loss] [rel estimated] * at [ARG2-at more than $ 700 million *U*] on UAL -- started *-2 selling other stocks as well as S&P futures in an attempt * to hedge against a further UAL blood bath .
- [ARG0 A trader at a Japanese firm] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the Japanese purchased no more than 10 % of the two-year notes] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Dempsey] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the issue 's London debut was accompanied *-1 by `` very , very heavy turnover -- between five million and six million shares] . ''
- U.S. takeover-stock speculators now own an [rel estimated] [ARG2 25] % of [ARG1-of Jaguar shares] .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV With many rural districts yet to report ballots] , [ARG0 election officials] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 support for Christian Democrats fell an average five percentage points statewide] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Vinson] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the industry 's total revenues approach $ 200 million *U*] .
- The tip-off came when he opened a recent Merrill Lynch statement and found that the CD 's `` [rel estimated] [ARG1 current] market value '' had plummeted by $ 9,000 *U* in a month *T*-1 .
- Merrill Lynch says 0 it *EXP*-1 's impossible [ARG0 *] to [rel estimate] [ARG1 how many investors *T*-2 are in Dr. Blumenfeld 's situation] , although it says 0 the firm has received only one other complaint about premiums on the secondary market in three years .
- [ARG0 Merrill Lynch] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that fewer than 10 financial institutions currently issue zero-coupon CDs] .
- In [ARGM-LOC an unrelated program] in which [ARG0 the Labor Department] does [rel estimate] [ARG1 output per employee] [ARGM-PNC for more than two-thirds of federal civilian employees] *T*-1 , it found an average annual rate of productivity improvement of 1.7 % during the 1980s .
- [ARG0 I] [rel estimate] [ARG1 that these mismeasurements as * detailed *-1 by Martin N. Baily and Robert J. Gordon add a further 0.12 percentage point to the downward bias in the growth rate of real business product] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that the price of West Texas Intermediate , the U.S. benchmark crude , was $ 4.04 *U* a barrel higher *ICH*-1 during the third quarter of this year than in the same period last year] .
- [ARG0 Gill & Duffus Ltd. , a British cocoa-trading house ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the 1989-90 world cocoa surplus would be 231,000 tons , down from 314,000 tons for the previous year] .
- [ARG1 Volume on the first section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 600 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV down from 1.03 billion shares Friday] .
- [ARG0 A White House budget office analysis] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that $ 500 million *U* -- or half the level in the committee bill -- is needed *-1 for highway assistance 0 *T*-2 to meet California 's needs] , and the administration rejects the notion that new appropriations are needed *-3 * to finance disaster loans by the Small Business Administration .
- [ARG1 Per-share earnings] are [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at more than 40 cents] , [ARGM-ADV up from 22 cents for fiscal 1988] .
- [ARG1 A crowd] [rel estimated] * at [ARG2-at 100,000] held a torch-lit march through Budapest as Acting President Szuros delivered a nationally televised address rejecting communist dominance .
- CMS Enhancements Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that sales and earnings for the fiscal first quarter ended * Sept. 30 fell somewhat from the year-earlier period] .
- [ARG0 U.S. officials] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that gray-market imports total about 2,100 units a year , a small part of the more than three million vehicles exported * to the U.S. each year] .
- [ARG1 Shareholders ' funds] [ARGM-TMP as of July 31] were [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at more than A$ 1 billion *U*] , Mr. Skase said 0 *T*-2 , [ARGM-ADV compared with A$ 725 million *U* a year earlier] .
- Qintex Australia has n't disclosed its borrowings , but [ARG0 analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the company 's debt] at [ARG2-at A$ 1.2 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Consumer spending in Britain rose 0.1 % in the third quarter from the second quarter and was up 3.8 % from a year ago] , [ARG0 the Central Statistical Office] [rel estimated] 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP Friday] .
- Kodak wo n't disclose the cost or when its converter will be on the market *T*-1 , but it 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 the machine may be available within two years] .
- [ARG0 The U.S. electronics industry] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that the HDTV market will total about $ 150 billion *U* over the next two decades , with an additional $ 400 billion *U* expected * to go for related products] .
- [ARG0 Experts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 the first sets of HDTVs wo n't be available for another five to 10 years , and will probably retail for more than $ 3,000 *U* each in today 's dollars] .
- It 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 that just about 250 hours of HD programming is currently available for airing] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-CAU because the pachinko industry is regularly at the top of annual lists for tax evasion] , [ARG0 some observers] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 the real income could be as much as 20 trillion yen] .
- CRI Inc. said 0 it reduced the [rel estimated] [ARG1 cash] distribution for its Capital Housing and Mortgage Partners Inc. trust to between 71 cents and 74 cents a share , from between 75 cents and 80 cents , for the year ending June 9 , 1990 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 he] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that a raider would have been able *-1 to amass no more than 4 % of the shares in recent months] .
- [ARG0 One bond trader] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that more than $ 50 million *U* of New York City general obligation bonds were put *-1 up for sale Friday alone] .
- [ARG0 Ali Khalifa Al-Sabah , Kuwait 's oil minister ,] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel estimated] [ARG1 OPEC capacity at 25 million barrels a day] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] it is [rel estimated] [ARG1 that at least three million barrels a day -- and possibly as much as seven million barrels a day -- of spare capacity still exists within OPEC] .
- Adm. Goupil rejected Dassault 's proposal * to renovate the Crusaders , *-2 saying 0 [ARG1 the cost] was impossible 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel estimate] *T*-1 .
- It charged off an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 200 million] *U* of [ARG1 Arizona loans] , * leaving the unit with a reserve for future losses of $ 255 million *U* , about 61 % of its $ 416 million *U* of troubled loans and repossessed real estate .
- Today , Conner controls an [rel estimated] [ARG2 90] % of [ARG1-of the hard-disk drive market for laptop computers] .
- [ARG1 These new products could account for as much as 35 % of the company 's business in 1990] , [ARG0 Mr. Conner] [rel estimated] 0 *T*-1 .
- In England , Martin Leach , a spokesman for Lloyd 's of London , said 0 [ARG0 the insurance market] has n't yet been able *-1 to [rel estimate] [ARG1 the total potential claims from the disaster] .
- That total was below the $ 140 million *U* 0 [ARG0 the auction house] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 the collection might sell for *T*-2] , but was enough * to ensure that an unprecedented financial arrangement 0 Sotheby 's had made *T*-1 with the Dorrance family proved profitable to the auction house .
- [ARG0 Albert Lee , a veteran trader who *T*-2 specializes in machinery sales ,] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that as many as 70 % of projects that *T*-3 had obtained approval * to proceed have been canceled *-1 in recent months] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Kamm , the China trade expert ,] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that as much as 50 % of Guangdong 's exports is made *-1 up of processed imported raw materials] .
- [ARG0 The Commerce Department] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that Japanese government and industry spending on HDTV research is already over $ 1 billion *U*] .
- Their [ARG2 $ 700 million-plus] *U* in [rel estimated] [ARG1 paper] losses easily tops the $ 400 million *U* in paper losses 0 the takeover traders , known * as arbitragers , suffered *T*-1 in 1982 when Gulf Oil Co. dropped a $ 4.8 billion *U* offer for Cities Service Co *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV *-3 Using the the NWA takeover as a benchmark] , [ARG0 First Boston] [ARGM-TMP on Sept. 14] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that UAL was worth $ 250 to $ 344 *U* a share based on UAL 's results for the 12 months ending last June 30 , but only $ 235 to $ 266 *U* based on a management estimate of results for 1989] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Using estimates of the company 's future earnings under a variety of scenarios] , [ARG0 First Boston] [rel estimated] [ARG1 UAL 's value] at [ARG2-at $ 248 to $ 287 *U* a share if its future labor costs conform to Wall Street projections ; $ 237 to $ 275 *U* if the company reaches a settlement with pilots similar to one at NWA ; $ 98 to $ 121 *U* under an adverse labor settlement , and $ 229 to $ 270 *U* under a pilot contract imposed * by the company following a strike] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-ADV *-1 using liquidation value assuming the sale of all UAL assets] , [ARG0 First Boston] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 the airline is worth $ 253 to $ 303 *U* a share] .
- [ARG0 Wall Street traders and analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 that takeover stock traders own UAL stock and options equal to as many as 6.5 million shares , or about 30 % of the total outstanding] .
- [ARG0 Frank Gallagher , an analyst with Phoenix Capital Corp. in New York ,] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that the arbs paid an average of about $ 280 *U* a share for their UAL positions] .
- That 's based on a multiple of anywhere between 8.5 to 10 times UAL earnings , which *T*-1 are [rel estimated] [ARG1 *-2 to come in somewhere around $ 16 *U* a share [ARGM-TMP this year] ] .
- During the third quarter , it said , 0 it won several significant contracts , including [ARG1 a five-year contract] with the National Institutes of Health valued * at an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 8 million] *U* .
- : American Suzuki Motor Corp. , Brea , Calif. , awarded its [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 10 million to $ 30 million *U*] [ARG1 account] to Asher\/Gould , Los Angeles .
- The administration claims that its Clean Air bill will cost businesses between $ 14 billion and $ 19 billion *U* annually , but [ARG0 economist Michael Evans] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that the costs for firms will actually be in the $ 60 billion *U* a year range] .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was a light 2.4 million ounces .
- [ARG1 Volume in the second section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 30 million shares , up from 28 million Thursday] .
- [ARG1 Friday 's volume on the First Section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at one billion shares , up from 862 million Thursday] .
- At current market prices , the twin public offerings 0 *T*-2 to be completed *-1 next year would add an [rel estimated] [ARG1 2.5 billion] Swedish kronor -LRB- $ 386 million *U* -RRB- to Trelleborg 's coffers , analysts say 0 *T*-3 .
- Signal , which *T*-2 has an [rel estimated] [ARG2 10,000] [ARG1 subscribers] and is profitable , provides stock quotes over an FM radio band that *T*-3 can be received *-1 by specially equipped personal computers .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- [ARG0 They] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the return 0 a person 's current portfolio is likely *-3 to generate *T*-2 over time , along with a standard deviation that *T*-1 suggests how much the return will vary *T*-4 year by year] .
- [ARG0 Nobody] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel estimate] [ARG1 the toll] , but John Gargan , a Tampa , Fla. , planner and head of one trade group , the International Association of Registered Financial Planners , thinks 0 the danger to investors from incompetence is `` humongous , '' far greater than that from crookery .
- An [rel estimated] [ARG2 10 million] [ARG1 Americans] are now using financial planners , and the pool of capital 0 they influence *T*-1 is enormous .
- [ARG0 NASAA] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that nearly 90 % of planners receive some or all of their income from sales commissions on securities , insurance and other financial products 0 they recommend *T*-1] .
- This is reflected *-1 in a built-in mortality cost -- in effect , your share of the company 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 liability] in * paying off beneficiaries of people who *T*-2 had the effrontery * to die while * under its protection .
- [ARGM-ADV In *-1 presenting the study] [ARGM-TMP late last week] , [ARG0 Dr. Warshaw] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 the cost of these types of disorders to business is substantial] .
- [ARGM-ADV In terms of days lost * on the job] , [ARG0 the study] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that each affected employee loses about 16 work days a year because of stress , anxiety or depression] .
- [ARG1 Every dollar 's worth of stock in the Los Angeles money manager 's portfolio is traded *-1 seven or eight times a year] , [ARG0 the firm] [rel estimates] 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Traders] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that more than $ 140 million *U* of high-grade bonds was put *-1 up for sale via bid-wanted lists circulated * by a handful of major brokers] .
- California expects *-1 to rely on federal emergency funds and its $ 1.06 billion *U* in general fund reserves *-2 to meet the [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 500 million to $ 1 billion] *U* in [ARG1-in damages resulting from the quake] , according to a state official .
- [ARG1 The market during the start-up] is [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 25,000 subscribers] .
- The bill does n't include an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 1.9 billion] *U* in [ARG1-in supplemental anti-drug funds for Justice Department and law-enforcement accounts that *T*-1 are still in conference with the House] .
- An [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 321 million] *U* is provided *-2 *-3 to maintain the program , but Mr. Rudman also succeeded in *-4 attaching language seeking * to curb the authority of the current board until new members are confirmed *-1 .
- The action came as Congress sent to President Bush a fiscal 1990 bill providing an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 156.7 billion] *U* for the Departments of Labor , Education , Health and Human Services .
- An [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 1.32 billion] *U* *ICH*-2 is provided *-1 for next year 's census , and negotiators stripped a Senate-passed rider seeking * to block the counting of illegal aliens .
- Business and civic operations lurched back toward normalcy here as [ARG0 congressional officials] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the price tag for emergency assistance to earthquake-ravaged California would total at least $ 2.5 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 Santa Cruz County] [rel estimates] [ARG1 total damage] at [ARG2-at nearly $ 600 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that damages to the city total $ 2 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Revenue] is [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at $ 18.6 million *U*] .
- The board would n't comment on its impending search for a new ad agency 0 *T*-1 to handle its [rel estimated] [ARG1 $] 5 million to $ 6 million *U* account .
- Sunshine Biscuits Inc. , Woodbridge , N.J. , awarded its [rel estimated] [ARG2 $] 5 million *U* [ARG1 account] to Waring & LaRosa , New York .
- [ARG1 Volume on the first section] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 800 million shares] , [ARGM-ADV compared with 841 million Wednesday] .
- Bush is *-1 to visit the area today , and [ARG0 officials in Washington] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that emergency assistance would total at least $ 2.5 billion *U*] .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was three million ounces .
- [ARG1 The base price of the car] is [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 30 million yen -LRB- about $ 213,000 *U* -RRB-] .
- [ARG0 The board] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the cost of * building a pipeline from the Mackenzie delta to Alberta would be about C$ 5.9 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 Industry sources] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 the agency brokers property and casualty premiums worth about $ 25 million *U* annually , and has revenue , based on a standard 10 % commission rate , of about $ 2.5 million *U*] .
- Both can be expected *-1 to go after the market aggressively : [ARG0 Gartner Group Inc. , a research firm ,] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 the Digital gets 30 % of its revenue from the manufacturing market , and Hewlett-Packard gets 50 %] .
- [ARGM-TMP When the company last considered *-2 adding the equipment two years ago *T*-1] , [ARG0 it] [rel estimated] [ARG1 the cost] at [ARG2-at $ 21 million *U* to $ 22 million *U*] , but a task force will have *-3 to prepare a detailed plan before the company can predict the current cost .
- [ARG1 Volume] was [rel estimated] *-1 at [ARG2-at 800 million shares , compared with 678 million Tuesday] .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the transaction would enhance its book value , which *T*-1 stood at $ 28.55 *U* a share on Sept. 30 , by more than $ 100 million *U* , or about $ 4 *U* a share] .
- The provision seeks *-1 to wipe out an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 1.4 million] *U* in [ARG1-in claims made * by the Health Care Finance Administration against HEI , which *T*-1988 owned the hospital in Sullivan , Mo. , during most of the four-year period -- 1983-1987 -- covered * in the amendment] .
- In a separate development , a private meeting *ICH*-1 is scheduled *-2 this morning between House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jamie Whitten -LRB- D. , Miss . -RRB- and Sen. Dale Bumpers -LRB- D. , Ark . -RRB- in an effort * to end a dispute which for two weeks *T*-3 has delayed action on an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $] 44 billion *U* agriculture bill .
- An [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 33 million] *U* was added *-1 for university and science grants , including $ 1.5 million *U* for Smith College .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 that sales of the two businesses could raise roughly $ 2 billion *U*] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 their trading profit] at [ARG2-at # 30 million *U*] .
- IBM has a near-monopoly on mainframes , with an [rel estimated] [ARG1 70] % share of the market .
- [ARG0 Barry F. Willman , an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. ,] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 the 9000 could boost sales by more than $ 1 billion *U* in the fiscal year beginning in July] .
- Already , the 1982 legislation has saved an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 800 million] *U* .
- [ARG0 The electronics maker and retailer] [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel estimated] [ARG1 the sale price *ICH*-1] at [ARG2-at between $ 100 million and $ 200 million *U*] [ARGM-ADV for Datatronic 's Victor microcomputer and Micronic hand-held computer subsidiaries] .
- [ARG1 Typically] , [ARG0 Mr. Willens] [rel estimates] 0 *T*-1 , this type of debt makes up 15 % to 20 % of the financing for LBOs .
- [ARG0 The Senate] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that its version of the provision would yield $ 17 million *U* the first year and a total of $ 409 million *U* over five years] .
- [ARG0 The federal government] is n't even attempting yet *-1 to [rel estimate] [ARG1 how much the earthquake will cost it *T*-2] .
- It 's [rel estimated] [ARG1 that one in six couples experiences infertility] , and in 1987 , Americans spent about $ 1 billion *U* *-1 to fight the problem .
- The harvest arrives in plenty after last year 's drought-ravaged effort : [ARG0 The government] [rel estimates] [ARG1 corn output] at [ARG2-at 7.45 billion bushels , up 51 % from last fall] .
- [ARG0 Blunt Ellis & Loewi] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 direct mail catalog sales rose to $ 12 billion *U* last year] .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] , [ARG0 he] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 unit shipments of 1-2-3 in all its forms were about 315,000 , up 7 % from 1988 's quarterly average] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that 1-2-3 outsold Microsoft 's Excel spreadsheet by four-to-one in the quarter , and held a 70 % or better share of the spreadsheet market] .
- [ARGM-TMP On Oct. 5] , [ARG0 the company] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 after-tax effects on the year 's earnings would be `` at least '' $ 1.3 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 The Association of California Insurance Companies] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 damage to residential property could total $ 500 million *U*] , but only $ 100 million to $ 150 million *U* is insured *-1 , it said 0 *T*-2 .
- Business in the nation 's fourth-largest metropolitan region was nearly paralyzed *-1 ; an [rel estimated] [ARG2 one million] [ARG1 members] of the work force stayed at home .
- [ARG0 Analysts] have [rel estimated] [ARG1 that Pinnacle West may have *-1 to inject between $ 300 million and $ 400 million *U* into the MeraBank unit before *-2 turning the thrift over to federal regulators] .
- He was threatening *-1 to take over the carrier , after *-1 spending an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 167 million] *U* *-2 to build an 8.4 % USAir stake for his investment clients .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 Colgate 's sales of household products in the U.S. were flat for the quarter] , and they estimated operating margins at only 1 % to 3 % *U* .
- Analysts estimate 0 Colgate 's sales of household products in the U.S. were flat for the quarter , and [ARG0 they] [rel estimated] [ARG1 operating margins] at [ARG2-at only 1 % to 3 % *U*] .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 0 Colgate 's world-wide third-quarter sales rose about 8 % to $ 1.29 billion *U*] .
- The [rel estimated] [ARG1 improvement] in Colgate 's U.S. operations took some analysts by surprise .
- A House-Senate conference approved an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 67 billion *U*] [ARG1 fiscal] 1990 spending bill that *T*-1 provides a 28 % increase for space research and development and incorporates far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market .
- An [rel estimated] [ARG1 $] 1.57 billion *U* is separately allocated for the National Science Foundation , and within the Housing and Urban Development Department , more than $ 9.2 billion *U* is provided *-1 for federally assisted housing , including an expanded effort * to modernize public housing units that *T*-2 serve the poorest families .
- The government currently is subsidizing an [rel estimated] [ARG2 23,000] [ARG1 loans] above 11 % under the 235 program , and however disruptive to private investors , the refinancing is expected *-1 to yield at least $ 15 million *U* in savings in fiscal 1990 .
- Before the 1987 crash , an [rel estimated] [ARG1 $ 60 billion] *U* in institutional money was managed *-1 under this hedging technique .
- [rel Estimated] [ARG1 volume] was a moderate 3.5 million ounces .
- FDIC Chairman Seidman said that Lincoln Savings & Loan of California should have been seized *-1 in 1986 * to contain losses 0 [ARG0 he] [rel estimated] [ARG1 0 *T*-2 will cost taxpayers as much as $ 2 billion *U*] .
- [rel Estimated] and actual [ARG1 results] involving losses are omitted *-1 .
- Bulls say 0 the market is an incredible bargain , *-1 priced at only about 12 times [rel estimated] [ARG1 1989] earnings for stocks in the Standard & Poor 's 500 index .
- Domestic soft-drink bottler case sales are [rel estimated] [ARG1 *-2 to have risen only 1 % in the third quarter -- well below the 4 % to 5 % *U* growth of recent years -- but about in line with the rest of the soft-drink industry] .
- But the Makro chain , which *T*-1 operates as a joint venture between K mart and SHV Holdings N.V. of the Netherlands , has only six stores and [ARG1 annual sales] that [ARG0 one analyst] [rel estimated] *T*-2 at [ARG2-at about $ 300 million *U*] .
- Separately , McDonald 's Corp. , Oak Brook , Ill. , named Arnold to handle its [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 4 million *U*] [ARG1 cooperative] ad account for the Hartford , Conn. , area .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel estimate] [ARG1 those gains] at [ARG2-at 12 % to 13 % *U*] , [ARGM-ADV a good part of it coming from large orders placed * by a few of NCR 's major customers] .
- Though smaller in total dollars , the conference agreed *-1 to preserve an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 30.6 million] *U* in [ARG1-in controversial subsidies to carriers serving rural or isolated airports] .
- Sales climbed to an [rel estimated] [ARG2 $ 245 million] *U* in [ARG1-in fiscal 1989 , ended Aug. 31 ,] from $ 99.9 million *U* in fiscal 1985 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Pierce] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that the processors and convenience phones would produce about $ 5 *U* of recurring net earnings for each machine each month] .
- [ARG0 Traditional] declined *-1 to [rel estimate] [ARG1 the amount of the loss] and would n't say if it expects *-2 to show a profit for the year .
- Mr. Atorino at Salomon Brothers said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel estimates] [ARG1 that Times Mirror Co. 's earnings were down for the third quarter , because of soft advertising levels at its Long Island Newsday and Hartford Courant newspapers] .
- Mr. Sweig said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that Lilly 's earnings for the quarter jumped about 20 % , largely because of the performance of its new anti-depressant Prozac] .
- Squibb 's profit , *-2 [rel estimated] by [ARG0-by analysts] [ARG1 *-3 to be about 18 % above the $ 123 million *U* , or $ 1.25 *U* a share , 0 it earned *T*-1 in the third quarter of 1988 ,] was the result of especially strong sales of its Capoten drug for * treating high blood pressure and other heart disease .
- Analysts said 0 profit for the dozen or so big drug makers , as a group , is [rel estimated] [ARG1 *-1 to have climbed between 11 % and 14 % *U*] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sweig] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that Merck 's profit for the quarter rose by about 22 % , *-1 propelled *-2 by sales of its line-up of fast-growing prescription drugs , including its anti-cholesterol drug , Mevacor ; a high blood pressure medicine , Vasotec ; Primaxin , an antibiotic , and Pepcid , an anti-ulcer medication] .
- [ARGM-DIS Accordingly] , [ARG0 CityFed] [rel estimated] [ARG1 that it will provide between $ 85 million and $ 110 million *U* for credit losses in the third quarter] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Brown] [rel estimates] [ARG1 0 Wyse , whose terminals business *T*-1 is strong , will report a loss of 12 cents a share for its quarter ended Sept] .
- His company -LRB- annual sales : about $ 25 million *U* -RRB- may suffer a costly blow -- * losing an [rel estimated] [ARG1 10] % of total sales -- if Sony -LRB- annual sales : about $ 16 billion *U* -RRB- prevails .
- Keystone will have *-1 to consider *-2 expanding its casting operation , at an [rel estimated] [ARG1 cost] of [ARG2-of $ 8 million to $ 10 million *U*] , within the next 18 to 24 months , Mr. Simmons said 0 *T*-3 .
- Manufacturers say 0 there is no immediate substitute for southern China , where an [rel estimated] [ARG1 120,000] people are employed *-1 by the toy industry *T*-2 .