frames- In happier news , [ARG0 South Korea] , in *-1 [rel establishing] [ARG1 diplomatic ties with Poland] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , announced $ 450 million *U* in loans to the financially strapped Warsaw government .
- When [ARG0 Bell] [rel established] [ARG1 that the Berliner patent caveat was registered *-145 10 days before Edison 's application *T*-1] , Western Union dropped the lawsuit and agreed *-2 never to enter the telephone business -- the basis for the company 's current plight .
- If Congress takes the dispute to the Supreme Court -LRB- *-2 assuming 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel establish] [ARG1 standing 0 * to sue *T*-1] -RRB- , President Bush might win .
- Bush unveiled a package of [ARG0 trade initiatives] 0 *T*-1 to help *-2 [rel establish] `` [ARG1 economic alternatives to drug trafficking] '' [ARGM-LOC in the Andean nations of South America] .
- The department also said 0 it *EXP*-1 takes four months [ARG0 *] to [rel establish] [ARG1 a trend] .
- The machine is part of an effort *ICH*-1 by [ARG0 Mips] * to [rel establish] [ARG1-REC itself] as [ARG2-as a supplier of computers , not just of integrated-circuit technology] .
- [ARG0 The South Korean government] is signing a protocol today *-1 [rel establishing] [ARG1 formal diplomatic relations] with [ARG3-with Poland] .
- Poland is the second Communist nation 0 *T*-1 to recognize the Seoul government ; [ARG0 South Korea] [rel established] [ARG1 diplomatic relations] with [ARG3-with Hungary] [ARGM-TMP in February 1989] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To help *-2 close the gap] , [ARG0 Nissan] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel established] [ARG1 a top-level cost-cutting committee] .
- He promises that [ARG0 Nissan] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP soon] [rel establish] [ARG1 a holding company overseeing all U.S. operations] , [ARGM-ADV just as it 's doing in Europe] .
- The group 's Mark Cahoon says 0 its efforts begun * in 1989 have led to the introduction of bills *ICH*-3 *PPA*-1 in Massachusetts , Minnesota and Colorado 0 [ARG0 *T*-2] to [rel establish] [ARG1 evenhanded procedures affecting all kinds of taxpayers] .
- [ARG1 A bipartisan commission] [rel established] * by [ARG0-by Congress] and headed * by Sen. John Rockefeller -LRB- D. , W.Va . -RRB- is scheduled *-1 to present new plans for * dealing with the uninsured and long-term care for the elderly by next March 1 .
- [ARGM-TMP During the third quarter] , [ARG0 the company] charged about $ 46 million *U* against earnings in * reducing goodwill , added $ 20 million *U* to its general loan loss reserves and [rel established] [ARG1 a $ 30 million *U* reserve] for [ARG3-for its high-yield bond portfolio] .
- [ARG0 House and Senate appropriators] sought *-1 to [rel establish] [ARG1 a Nov. 30 deadline after which their bill would become the last word on how funds are distributed *T*-3 *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 Their laboratory credentials] [rel established] * , Boyer and Swanson headed for Wall Street in 1980 .
- [ARG0 Schwinn Bicycle Co. , Chicago ,] [rel established] [ARG1 joint ventures with bike companies in mainland China and Hungary] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to sell bikes] .
- Sanwa Shutter Corp. said 0 [ARG1 its affiliated company in Malaysia] , [rel established] * [ARGM-TMP this April] , will begin *-1 manufacturing steel doors Wednesday .
- [ARG0 The Thurmond bill] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel establish] [ARG1 a federally administered death sentence for 23 crimes , most of which *T*-1 were formerly punishable by death under federal statutes that the Supreme Court invalidated *T*-2] .
- And because general retail centers such as ComputerLand have little presence in Japan , sales remain in the iron grip of [rel established] [ARG1 computer] makers .
- [ARG0 Dozens of small companies] did , *-1 [ARGM-MNR swiftly] [rel establishing] [ARG1 a standard operating system] .
- [ARG0 IBM] [rel established] [ARG1 its standard] [ARGM-PNC *-4 to try *-1 to stop *-3 falling behind upstart Apple Computer] , but NEC was ahead from the start and did n't need *-2 to invite in competitive allies .
- The bank also said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel establish] [ARG1 a loan-loss reserve of $ 2.5 million to $ 4 million *U*] [ARGM-ADV against a construction loan that *T*-1 is in default] .
- The offering , Series 1989-3 , is by [ARG1 a company] [rel established] * by [ARG0-by First Boston] [ARGM-PNC for * issuing Remics and other derivative mortgage securities] .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel established] [ARG1 an office 0 *T*-1 to control government and party finances] .
- Mr. Dorsch says 0 [ARG0 the HIAA] is working on a proposal * to [rel establish] [ARG1 a privately funded reinsurance mechanism 0 *T*-2 to help *-3 cover small groups that *T*-1 ca n't get insurance without *-4 excluding certain employees] .
- Obviously , it *EXP*-1 's harder [ARG0 *] to [rel establish] [ARG1 a sense of place] [ARGM-LOC in a one-shot TV movie] .
- Fashion industry consultants also question whether the company can make significant strides in its women 's business , given that [ARG1 its customer base] is [ARGM-EXT less] [rel established] and that conservative business dress for women is on the decline .
- I think 0 [ARG0 we] owe it *EXP*-1 to the American people *-2 to [rel establish] [ARG1 credibility regarding UFOs] and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on the subject . ''
- He achieved this in part with an uncanny talent for *-1 getting his foot peacefully in the door of [rel established] [ARG1 European] companies .
- West Germany 's Quelle said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel establish] [ARG1 a mail-order operation] with [ARG3-with two local partners] [ARGM-LOC in the Soviet Union] [ARGM-TMP next year] .
- *-1 Saying 0 this is a first for a Western company , West Germany 's largest mail-order group said 0 the [ARGM-MNR newly] [rel established] [ARG1 Moscow-based] Intermoda company is scheduled *-2 to begin operations in February 1990 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Pearce] has shaken up GM 's legal staff by *-2 eliminating all titles and [rel establishing] [ARG1 several new functions , including a special-projects group that *T*-1 has made films on safety and drunk driving] .
- The GAO has recommended the creation of a system 0 * to record trade data *T*-2 so that [ARG1 an independent , verifiable audit trail] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-PNC * to prevent customer fraud] .
- Like [ARG0 other foreign banks] [rel establishing] [ARG1 a presence] [ARGM-LOC here] , the family describes its move as a calculated decision * to set up a financial services outlet in Europe 's largest economy ahead of the integration of European Community markets after 1992 .
- [ARG0 One] has *-1 to [rel establish] [ARG1 one 's own identity] [ARGM-LOC away from athletics] and make athletics only a part , not a whole , of the student-athlete 's life '' .
- [ARG0 The Knight Foundation , of Akron , Ohio ,] has [rel established] [ARG1 a national commission 0 *T*-1 to look into college-sports reform] , and the NCAA Presidents Commission earlier this month recommended * cutting spring football practice in half , moving the start of basketball practice back by a month and reducing maximum schedules in that sport to 25 games from 28 .
- In papers filed * with the federal district court in Pittsburgh , the Justice Department alleged that the ordinance , by * limiting the number of [ARG1 group homes] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in the township] , makes housing unavailable on account of handicap .
- Mr. Foley of Lloyds noted that [ARG0 Mr. Lawson 's replacement , John Major , the British foreign minister ,] will take time 0 * to [rel establish] [ARG1 his credibility] *T*-1 and , in the meantime , sterling could trend downward in volatile trade .
- [ARGM-LOC Under terms of the agreement] , [ARG0 Usinor 's Chavanne-Ketin unit and Bethlehem] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel establish] [ARG1 a modernized facility 0 *T*-1 to make cast-iron mill rolls] [ARGM-LOC at the company 's cast-iron shop here] .
- These include the extension of liability into areas beyond [ARG1 those] [rel established] * by [ARG0-by judicial precedent] and the expansion of liability 0 *T*-1 to include punitive damages .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to use the proceeds *-2 to repay certain bank debt and for general corporate purposes , including * [rel establishing] [ARG1 new operating centers] and possible acquisitions .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] , [ARGM-ADV as former Reagan antitrust chief Charles Rule has noted 0 *?*] , [ARG0 this] [ARGM-MOD would] `` [rel establish] [ARG1 the precedent that the government may charge parties for the privilege of * being sued *-1 regardless of whether the government prevails] . ''
- Earlier this year , [ARG0 New York Life Insurance Co.] agreed *-1 to acquire Windsor Group Ltd. , a first step toward * [rel establishing] [ARG1 a presence] [ARGM-LOC in the European market] [ARGM-TMP ahead of 1992] .
- [ARG1 Howell , a Port Washington , N.Y. , construction concern ,] was [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1891] .
- U.S. Trust , a 136-year-old institution that *T*-2 is one of the earliest high-net worth banks in the U.S. , has faced intensifying competition from [ARG0 other firms] that *T*-3 have [rel established] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] , and heavily promoted *RNR*-1 , private-banking businesses of their own .
- `` [ARG1 All] 0 [ARG0 this] has [ARGM-ADV really] [rel established] *T*-2 is that MCA and the Bronfmans have agreed on a price at which they can be bought *-1 out *T*-3 , '' said *T*-4 Jeffery Logsdon , an analyst with Crowell , Weedon in Los Angeles .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel establish] [ARG1 procedures 0 *T*-1 to prevent countries from *-2 using health and sanitation rules *-3 to impede trade arbitrarily] .
- And when responsible scholars gain legitimate access to unpublished materials *T*-2 , copyright should not be permitted *-3 to deny them use of [ARG0 quotations] that *T*-1 help *-4 to [rel establish] [ARG1 historical points] .
- Mr. Angell is incorrect when he states that the Soviet Union 's large gold reserves would give [ARG0 it] `` great power * to [rel establish] [ARG1 credibility] *T*-1 . ''
- The most likely reason for this disparity is that the Bank of England was a private bank with substantial earning assets , and [ARG1 the common-law rights *ICH*-1 of creditors * to collect claims against the bank] were [ARGM-MNR well] [rel established] [ARGM-LOC in Britain] .
- The Soviet Union should keep these lessons in mind as [ARG0 it] seeks *-1 to [rel establish] [ARG1 the ruble] as [ARG2-as an international currency] .
- [ARG0 RESIDENTIAL builders] , *-1 faced *-2 with a more competitive market , are turning to a traditional consumer marketing technique *-1 to [rel establish] [ARG1 brand-name identity] .
- `` It 'll never be like what Bristol-Myers does *T*-1 , '' he adds *T*-3 , `` but it helps [ARG0 *-2] [rel establish] [ARG1 recognition] [ARGM-ADV with the public -- and with banks] . ''
- [ARG1 The lower boundary] was [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-TMP just after the opening] [ARGM-LOC in a brief round of selling] ; the upper boundary was set *-2 at midday as scattered bargain-hunting pushed prices higher .
- [ARG0 The action] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel establish] [ARG1 a two-tier exchange rate] .
- [ARG1 The $ 2.38 billion *U* Dalkon Shield Claimants Trust] was [rel established] *-1 as [ARG2-as part of A.H. Robins ' bankruptcy-reorganization plan] [ARGM-PNC * to resolve injury claims arising from use of the shield] .
- `` He 's in a vulnerable position because [ARG0 he] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel established] [ARG1 much credibility] [ARGM-MNR on his own] , '' says *T*-1 Bryan Jacoboski , a securities analyst at PaineWebber Inc .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 the extensive program] [ARGM-ADV in effect] [rel establishes] [ARG1 a floor for the stock price] , said 0 *T*-1 Joel Price , analyst for Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Establishing] [ARG1 these practices] would permit earlier identification of emerging financial crises , provide better information for loan sales and budgeting decisions , and reduce fraud .
- [ARG0 The new U.S. plan] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel establish] [ARG1 procedures 0 * to prevent countries from * using health and sanitation rules *-1 to impede trade arbitrarily *T*-2] .
- Jay Freedman , analyst with Kidder , Peabody & Co. , said 0 [ARG0 P&G 's Always sanitary napkin , sold under the Whisper name in Japan ,] has [ARGM-MNR firmly] [rel established] [ARG1-REC itself] as [ARG2-as a leading brand] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARGM-TMP after all the prosecutorial hoopla] [ARG0 no one] has [rel established] [ARG1 what , if anything , Drexel did *T*-1 wrong] .
- Murata Mfg. Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel establishing] [ARG1 a subsidiary *ICH*-2] [ARGM-LOC in Britain] [ARGM-PNC 0 *T*-1 to produce electric parts , including ceramic condensers] .
- Brian Hemming , a spokesman for [ARG0 the company 's committee] of independent directors , [rel established] [ARGM-TMP in May] [ARGM-PNC * to solicit and evaluate offers for the company] , said 0 it was expected *-1 to make an announcement early this morning .
- Because of the interest connected * with the issue , the London exchange took the unusual step of *-1 letting [ARG0 traders] [rel establish] [ARG1 an officially sanctioned when-issued market] .
- Detrex Corp. said 0 [ARG1 a reserve] 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel establishing] *T*-1 [ARGM-PNC *-2 to cover expected pollution cleanup costs at an Ohio plant] reduced its third-quarter net income by $ 1.9 million *U* .
- [ARG0 Ed Voyles Olds] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel established] [ARG1 a special section in the service department for owners whose cars *T*-1 are less than a year old] , [ARGM-PNC so they get quicker service] .
- [ARG1 The National Security Council itself] was [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1947] [ARGM-CAU because policy makers sensed a need , in an increasingly complex world , for a formal system within the White House 0 *T*-2 to make sure that communications flowed smoothly between the president and the State Department , Pentagon and intelligence agencies] .
- [ARG0 He and a Dartmouth roommate] [rel established] [ARG1 a company that *T*-1 restored three hydroelectric power plants in Vermont] .
- Scientists need *-1 to understand that while they tend *-2 to believe 0 their work is primarly about [ARG0 *] [rel establishing] [ARG1 new knowledge] or doing good , today it is also about power .
- What must [ARG0 your management team] do *T*-1 *-2 to [rel establish] [ARG1 corporate due process] ?
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-DIS instead of a minimum price] , [ARG1 only a target price] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel established] *-1 .
- USX and Kobe Steel hope *-1 to reach [ARG0 a definitive agreement] [rel establishing] [ARG1 the 50-50 partnership] by the end of the year , with construction tentatively slated * for the spring of 1990 and production by 1992 .
- And the feature is so new , he adds 0 *T*-1 , that [ARG0 no insurer] has [ARGM-TMP yet] [rel established] [ARG1 a track record for * actually making such payments] .
- The Maynard , Mass. , company is in a transition in which [ARG0 it] is trying *-1 to reduce its reliance on mid-range machines and [rel establish] [ARG1 a presence in workstations and mainframes] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 She] charged ahead of the government and the law *-1 to [rel establish] [ARG1 Hochiminh City Food Co.] as [ARG2-as the biggest rice dealer in the country] .
- In recent years , Mrs. Thi has started *-2 to diversify the company , *-2 taking a 20 % stake in [ARGM-MNR newly] [rel established] , [ARG1 partly private] Industrial and Commercial Bank , and setting up Saigon Petro , which *T*-1 owns and operates Vietnam 's first oil refinery .
- [ARG1 The purchase price] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-TMP after Banc One has an opportunity * to study the quality of the assets] , Banc One said 0 *T*-2 .
- The Philanthropic Advisory Service of the BBB reviews hundreds of new charities every year , *-2 measuring them against minimum standards for accountability ; for accuracy and honesty in solicitation ; and for percentage of funds actually going to work for which [ARG1 the charity] was [ARGM-ADV supposedly] [rel established] *-1 *T*-3 .
- The charity admits *-1 spending a lot on fund raising , but says 0 that was necessary [ARG0 *] to [rel establish] [ARG1 a donor base 0 it can tap *T*-2 at much lower cost in years 0 *T*-3 to come] .
- The [rel established] [ARG1 charities] are bothered *-1 by this but say 0 they can do little about it .
- The charge will be added *-1 to $ 20 million *U* in [ARG1 reserves] [rel established] * [ARGM-TMP a year ago] [ARGM-PNC * to cover the cost overruns] .
- In 1984 , [ARG0 the Costa Rican government] requested help * to [rel establish] [ARG1 a radio station] [ARGM-LOC in the northern part of the country , flooded * by airwaves of Sandinista propaganda] .
- [ARG0 The legislation , approved * 345-47 and sent * to the Senate ,] [rel establishes] [ARG1 two enterprise funds , 0 *T*-1 to be governed *-48 by independent nonprofit boards , which *T*-49 will make loans and investments in new business ventures in Hungary and Poland] .
- Mr. Seidman is chairman of [ARG1 the Resolution Trust Corp.] , [rel established] * [ARGM-PNC 0 *T*-1 to sell or merge the nation 's hundreds of insolvent savings-and-loan associations] .
- He also noted that [ARG0 the federal Drug Enforcement Administration] has [rel established] [ARG1 a federal-local task force responsible since April for 106 arrests and more than $ 2 million *U* in seizures of drug dealers ' assets] .
- `` [ARG0 It] does [rel establish] [ARG1 a very clear precedent for * suing the FHLBB] [ARGM-LOC where there was none before *T*-1] . ''
- The company said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Franco] developed a plan * to [rel establish] [ARG1 a business that *T*-1 might be competitive with Capital Holding Corp. 's Accumulation and Investment Group , which Mr. Franco headed *T*-2] .
- Mr. Dalton also recommends that [ARG0 the chief executive] [rel establish] [ARG1 a rumor control center] and move swiftly *-1 to bolster morale .
- As a result , GOP state Rep. Stephen Freind of Delaware County , the legislature 's leading foe of abortion , has been given *-1 all but free rein 0 * to press a strict seven-point plan * to restrict abortion *T*-3 and , he hopes 0 *T*-4 , * to force the Supreme Court directly to reassess [ARG0 its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision] that *T*-2 [rel established] [ARG1 the right of abortion] [ARGM-TMP in the first place] *T*-3 .
- Mr. Freind calculates that the provision , which *T*-1 attacks [ARG1 the trimester standards] that [ARG0 Roe] [rel established] *T*-2 , will `` make it *EXP*-3 necessary '' for the Supreme Court to review Roe and , perhaps , to overturn it .
- [ARGM-ADV Besides *-2 sacking other senior Politburo officials who *T*-1 allied themselves with Mr. Honecker] , [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] [ARGM-MOD could] loosen controls on the news media , free up travel restrictions , and [rel establish] [ARG1 a dialogue with various dissident groups] .
- Up to now , that recipe has consisted of a dogged effort *ICH*-1 by [ARG0 former leader Walter Ulbricht] * to [rel establish] [ARG1 the country 's international legitimacy] , followed * by Mr. Honecker 's campaign * to build the East bloc 's only successful Stalinist economy into a consumer paradise .
- [ARG0 The early move] [ARGM-ADV essentially] [rel established] [ARG1 the day 's trading range] , and traders said 0 they saw little of the program activity that *T*-1 has battered the market recently .
- [ARG0 Dayton Hudson 's repurchase offer , representing about 9 % of its common shares outstanding ,] had [rel established] [ARG1 a range of between $ 60 and $ 65 *U* for the buy-back] .
- Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley used the opportunity *-2 to push the City Council harder *-1 to pass [ARG0 a measure] [rel establishing] [ARG1 a loss-recovery reserve of $ 100 million *U*] .
- At a nationally televised legislative session in Budapest , the Parliament overwhelmingly approved [ARG0 changes] formally ending one-party domination in the country , regulating free elections by next summer and [rel establishing] [ARG1 the office of state president 0 *T*-1 to replace a 21-member council] .
- [ARG0 The put] [rel establishes] [ARG1 a minimum selling price for the stock during its life] .
- Intense competition , however , led to unit sales declines for a group of Merck 's [rel established] [ARG1 human] and animal-health products , including Aldomet and Indocin .
- `` [ARG1 Non-smoking] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel established] *-1 as [ARG2-as the norm of social behavior '' around the world] , the editorial says 0 *T*-3 , [ARGM-MNR through the enactment of laws that *T*-2 limit advertising , boost tobacco prices and promote anti-smoking education] .
- These research protocols offer to the patient not only [ARG1 the very best therapy] which [ARG0 we] have [rel established] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP today] but also the hope of something still better .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 the regime] has [rel established] [ARG1 well-paid paramilitary forces totaling more than 100,000 , including 35,000 Soviet-trained troops of the Interior Ministry -LRB- KHAD\/WAD -RRB- , which *T*-2 still is directed *-1 by 1,500 Soviet KGB officers] .
- Beginning in the early 19th century , with U.S. v. Hudson and Goodwin , the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that [ARG1 a judicial power * to declare conduct * to be against the public interest and hence criminal] , while *-1 [ARGM-MNR well] [rel established] [ARGM-LOC in British law] , would usurp legislative authority under the doctrine of separation of powers .
- Traders said 0 many of the sell programs are [ARG1 positions] being [rel established] [ARGM-TMP ahead of this Friday 's expiration] .
- They note that the U.S. unit is trading at the upper end of [ARG1 the presumed target zones] [rel established] * by [ARG0-by the Group of Seven trading partners] .
- In an excursus of little relevance to his central point about private enforcement suits by environmental groups , Michael S. Greve informs your readers , `` ... the Clean Water Act is written *-1 upon the presumption -- the pretense , rather -- that nothing but zero risk will do ; [ARG0 it] [rel establishes] [ARG1 a legal standard of zero discharge] '' -LRB- `` Congress's Environmental Buccaneers , '' Sept. 18 -RRB- .
- `` [ARG0 The last six months] has [rel established] [ARG1 the quality of the collection] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel established] [ARG1 his reputation as a freespender] [ARGM-TMP in January last year] [ARGM-LOC at Sotheby 's auction of the Linda and Gerald Guterman collection in New York] .
- [ARG0 General Dynamics Services Co. , a unit of General Dynamics Corp. ,] won a $ 48.2 million *U* Army contract * to [rel establish] [ARG1 maintenance facilities for tracked vehicles] [ARGM-LOC in Pakistan] .
- The latest quarter included a gain of 11 cents a share as a partial reversal of the recall charge , because [ARG1 the reserve] [rel established] * [ARGM-TMP last year] exceeded the actual recall costs .
- Currently , the transportation secretary does n't have [ARGM-MNR clearly] [rel established] [ARG1 authority] to block mergers , but can take the drastic step of * revoking the operating certificate of any carrier 0 the official considers *T*-1 unfit .
- [ARG1 The rules] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel established] *-3 by [ARG0-by agreement of the officials of all affected exchanges acting under the oversight *RNR*-2 and with the approval *RNR*-2 of the government regulatory agencies] .
- The facilities account includes $ 40 million *U* for Denver 's ambitious new airport , and the competition for these funds created shifting alliances between urban lawmakers representing [rel established] [ARG1 airports] [ARGM-LOC in Philadelphia and Michigan] and the major carriers to Denver , United and Continental .
- Under an agreement *ICH*-1 filed * in federal court in August * to settle FTC objections to some Traditional sales practices , Traditional said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel establish] [ARG1 a $ 250,000 *U* trust fund 0 *T*-2 to provide refunds to certain customers] .
- [ARG0 The Samsung Group and Bozell Inc.] agreed *-1 to [rel establish] [ARG1 a joint venture advertising agency] [ARGM-LOC in South Korea] .
- [ARG1 The exchange ratio] was [ARGM-TMP never] [rel established] *-1 .
- `` [ARG1 The trend] is [ARGM-MNR pretty well] [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-TMP now that local programs are the most popular , with American programs second] , '' says *T*-2 Brian Wenham , a former director of programs for the British Broadcasting Corp .
- `` [ARG0 Wyse] has done well *-3 [rel establishing] [ARG1 a distribution business] , but they have n't delivered products that *T*-1 sell , '' said *T*-2 Kimball Brown , an analyst at Prudential-Bache Securities .
- -- Raising an additional $ 43 million *U* by [ARG0 *] increasing existing Federal Communications Commission fees and penalties and [rel establishing] [ARG1 new fees for amateur radio operators , ship stations and mobile radio facilities] .
- A third model , *-1 marketed *-2 in Japan , may hit the U.S. by the end of the first quarter of 1990 , but [ARGM-TMP by then] , analysts say 0 *T*-3 , [ARG0 Compaq] [ARGM-MOD will] have [rel established] [ARG1-REC itself] as [ARG2-as one of three major players] .
- After a decade in which [ARG0 more than 50 localities] [rel established] [ARG1 their own service or conservation corps] and dozens of school systems made community service a prerequisite to high-school graduation *T*-1 , the focus has shifted to Washington .
- The three men worked together on [ARG1 the so-called Brady Commission] , headed * by Mr. Brady , which *T*-2 was [rel established] *-1 [ARGM-TMP after the 1987 crash] [ARGM-PNC * to examine the market 's collapse] .
- Employees have the right * to trade stock among themselves , and [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel establish] [ARG1 an internal clearing house for these transactions] .
- The most controversial of the Brady recommendations involved [ARG0 *] [rel establishing] [ARG1 a single overarching regulator] [ARGM-PNC * to handle crucial cross-market questions , such as * setting consistent margin requirements for the stock and futures markets] .
- * Arguing that the separate financial marketplaces acted as one , and concluding that the crash had `` raised the possibility of a full-scale financial system breakdown , '' the presidential task force called for [ARG0 *] [rel establishing] [ARG1 a super-regulator] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to oversee the markets , *-1 to make margins consistent across markets , *-1 to unify clearing systems and *-1 to install circuit breakers] .
- -- [ARG0 *] [rel Establish] [ARG1 an overarching regulator for financial markets]
- [ARGM-ADV Despite convincing arguments] , it was [ARGM-TMP never] [rel established] *-1 [ARG1 that Mr. Papandreou personally ordered or directed the wiretaps] .
- They wrote : `` [ARG0 The opinion] [rel establishes] [ARG1 a new rule of immunity -- that if a wide variety of opinions on a company 's business are publicly reported *-1 , the company can say anything without fear of securities liability] . ''
- [ARG0 Several big companies] have [rel established] [ARG1 manufacturing joint ventures in Thailand , including Matchbox , Wah Shing and Kader Industrial Co. , the toy manufacturer headed * by Mr. Ting] .