frames- It hopes *-1 to speak to students at theological colleges about the joys of bell ringing and will shortly publish [ARG1 a booklet] for every vicar in the country [rel entitled] , `` [ARG2 The Bells in Your Care] . ''
- [ARG0 Your editorial] [ARGM-MNR mockingly] [rel entitles] [ARG1 this legislation] [ARG2 the `` Lawyers ' Employment Act] . ''
- [ARG1 The conference] was [rel entitled] *-1 [ARG2 `` Economic Mechanisms for Environmental Protection , '' a significant departure from East Bloc usage , which *T*-2 recognizes only one economic mechanism -- central planning -- 0 *T*-3 to direct industrial behavior] .
- In [ARG1 a recent investment letter] [rel entitled] `` [ARG2 Winners of the ` Leverage Wars] , ' '' Edward Kerschner , chairman of PaineWebber 's investment policy committee , suggested that investors buy stocks of companies that *T*-1 have avoided *-2 loading up on debt .
- `` I 'm sure 0 they 'll formulate a reform that *T*-2 will be a recipe for the GDR 's future as a separately identifiable state , '' says *T*-4 Michael Simmons , a British journalist [ARG1 whose book on East Germany] , [rel entitled] * `` [ARG2 The Unloved Country] , '' *T*-3 was published *-1 this month .
- -LRB- [ARG1 A Fortune article on Saul Steinberg] was [rel entitled] *-1 , `` [ARG2 Fear and Loathing in the Corporate Boardrooms] . '' -RRB-