frames- It appears that the only thing 0 [ARG0 Congress] is learning *T*-1 from the HUD story is how * to [rel enlarge] [ARG1 its control of the honey pot going to special interests] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Avondale Industries Inc. , New Orleans ,] received a $ 23 million *U* contract *ICH*-2 from the Navy 0 *T*-1 to [rel enlarge] by [ARG2-by 50 %] [ARG1 the capacity of an auxiliary oiler] .
- Elements of the left are also reflexively opposed *-1 ; they see service as a cover for the draft , or fear the regimentation of youth , or want *-2 to see [ARG1 rights] [rel enlarged] *-3 , not obligations *?* *-4 .