frames- Mrs. Yeargin 's case also casts some light on the dark side of school reform , where pressures on teachers are growing *T*-1 and [ARGM-LOC where] [ARG2 high-stakes testing] has [rel enhanced] [ARG1 the temptation * to cheat] *T*-2 .
- Mr. Lieberman said 0 [ARG2 the diverse showing in yesterday 's reports] `` [ARGM-ADV only] [rel enhances] [ARG1 the importance of the employment data] . ''
- [ARG1 The quarter-to-quarter comparison] was [ARGM-DIS also] [rel enhanced] *-1 by [ARG2-by charges taken * in the year-earlier period , including $ 11 million *U* related to the modernization of a pulp and newsprint mill in Alabama] .
- Special Judge Galloway noted that Givens managed horse-breeding in a businesslike way : [ARG0 He] kept detailed accounts , practiced soil conservation , [rel enhanced] [ARG1 his experience] by [ARG2-by *-1 consulting experts] , spent several hours a day *-1 doing chores , and dropped the sideline when his best brood mare died *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Courtaulds] has been under pressure * to [rel enhance] [ARG1 shareholder value] since takeover speculators -- including Australian financier Kerry Packer -- surfaced *-1 holding small stakes last year .
- IBM just last year started *-3 selling [ARG2 its first machine] that *T*-1 could run in both Japanese and English and that *T*-2 [ARGM-MNR substantially] [rel enhances] [ARG1 compatibility with its American products] .
- Whitman & Ransom managing partner Maged F. Riad said 0 [ARG0 the Golenbock recruits] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel enhance] [ARG1 the firm 's corporate and litigation departments] .
- A Bankers Trust spokesman said that [ARG0 the company 's investment arm] uses [ARG2 stock-index arbitrage] *-1 to [rel enhance] [ARG1 investors ' returns] .
- Separately , Mr. Cayne of Bear Stearns said 0 [ARG0 his firm] is working with regulators *-1 to balance margin requirements *-2 to `` [rel enhance] [ARG1 stabilization] . ''
- `` [ARG2 * Having more than a token presence here] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel enhance] [ARG1 communications and business relationships] , '' Mr. Litvinchuk said *T*-1 . ``
- `` [ARG1 Westinghouse 's earnings] [ARGM-MOD could] be [ARGM-MNR materially] [rel enhanced] *-2 [ARGM-TMP in the mid-1990s or sooner] , '' says *T*-1 Russell L. Leavitt , of Salomon Brothers Inc .
- It is public relations of the highest sophistication , that *T*-2 recognizes that [ARG1 credibility] is [rel enhanced] *-1 by [ARG2-by honesty] -- [ARGM-EXT up to a point] .
- Rather , it 's [ARG2 a device] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] send shock waves through the president 's entire relationship with Democrats and Republicans alike in Congress , [ARGM-MNR fundamentally] [rel enhance] [ARG1 the power of the presidency] and transform the way 0 the government does its business *T*-3 .
- [ARG2 The extra margin for bases in the U.S.] [rel enhances] [ARG1 the power of the appropriations committees] ; meanwhile , lawmakers used their positions *-2 to garner as much as six times what the Pentagon had requested *T*-1 for their individual states .
- Under the plan , [ARG0 the companies] will use Calgene 's patented technology *-1 to encapsulate microbes such as Bacillus subtilis , a bacterium , *-2 to [rel enhance] [ARG1 their biological activity] against plant diseases .
- The Clarksburg , W.Va. , producer of gas and oil , said 0 it wants shareholders to approve the split because [ARG2 it] [ARGM-MOD would] `` [rel enhance] [ARG1 the marketability '' and trading of the stock] .
- [ARG1 The company 's ability * to respond to energy needs world-wide] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel enhanced] *-1 through [ARG2-through a recently announced venture with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries] , Mr. Lego said 0 *T*-2 .
- `` As long as I am borrowing at 9.9 % and each -LCB- bond -RCB- yields over that , [ARG2 it] [rel enhances] [ARG1 the yield] , '' he maintains *T*-1 .
- The cash injection boosted Zeta 's capital more than four-fold , to 8.47 billion pesetas from 1.82 billion pesetas , [ARG0 *] [ARGM-MNR greatly] [rel enhancing] [ARG1 the group 's ability * to make investments] , Zeta officials said 0 *T*-1 .
- In a statement , Arnold B. McKinnon , chairman and chief executive officer , noted that [ARG2 the new repurchase program] `` should serve *-1 to [rel enhance] [ARG1 shareholder value] . ''
- The Charter Revision Commission has made it *EXP*-1 clear that in response to the expectations of the Justice Department and [ARG0 the commission 's] own commitment to * [rel enhancing] [ARG1 minority political leadership] , the new district lines will be drawn *-2 * to maximize the number of solidly minority districts .
- As their name implies , these operations are linked *-1 to [ARG2 far-reaching policy reforms] that *T*-2 aim at * helping borrowing countries get back on the growth path and at * [rel enhancing] [ARG1 their credit-worthiness] .
- They conceded that the odds favored Mr. Kasparov , but they put their hope in D.T. 's [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel enhanced] [ARG1 capacity] for * examining positions -- up to a million per second , from 720,000 .
- The board said 0 it concluded that `` [ARG1 the welfare of the company , its shareholders , its employees and the broader public] ... [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-MNR best] be [rel enhanced] *-1 by [ARG2-by continued development of UAL as a strong , viable , independent company] . ''
- [ARG2 The Vermont American acquisition] is designed *-1 to [rel enhance] [ARG1 their position in the accessories portion of the power-tool industry] .
- Because index-fund managers are no longer satisfied with * merely being average , they have developed `` [rel enhanced] '' [ARG1 indexing] strategies that *T*-1 are intended *-2 to outperform the market as much as three percentage points .
- `` [ARGM-ADV Notwithstanding foreign ownership of Connaught] , [ARG2 this accord] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel enhance] [ARG1 research and development in Canada] , '' said *T*-1 James Keffer , the university 's vice president of research .
- [ARG1 The individual voter 's standing] [ARGM-ADV consequently] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel enhanced] *-1 through [ARG2-through lower taxes] .
- [ARG1 Per-share earnings] were [rel enhanced] *-1 by [ARG2-by the company 's share buy-back program , which *T*-2 reduced the average shares outstanding to 87.5 million in the quarter from 95.8 million in the same quarter of 1988] .
- The company estimated that [ARG2 the transaction] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel enhance] [ARG1 its book value , which *T*-1 stood at $ 28.55 *U* a share on Sept. 30 ,] by [ARG3-by more than $ 100 million *U* , or about $ 4 *U* a share] .
- The new commissioner says that [ARG2 closer scrutiny of how the agency uses its resources] will go a long way toward * [rel enhancing] [ARG1 its ability * to collect more tax revenue] .
- The rating agency said 0 it is focusing especially on [ARG0 the transportation service company 's] efforts * to control costs , improve margins and [rel enhance] [ARG1 its competitive position in its primary business , vehicle leasing and rental] .
- Other long-distance carriers have also begun *-1 marketing [rel enhanced] [ARG1 900] service , and special consultants are springing up *-2 to exploit the new tool .
- Waterford said 0 [ARG2 the appointment of a new management team and the signing of a comprehensive labor agreement] are expected *-1 to [rel enhance] [ARG1 the company 's long-term prospects] .
- Gitano , which *T*-1 makes budget-priced apparel sold * mainly through mass merchandisers like K mart and Wal-Mart , said 0 [ARG2 the Regatta acquisition] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel enhance] [ARG1 its strategy * to expand into department stores] .
- The problem , which the Journal so rightly pointed *T*-1 out in a number of articles , is not the likes of Mr. Lantos , who *T*-2 after all is really a bit player on the stage , but the attempt *ICH*-3 by [ARG0 Congress] * to [rel enhance] [ARG1-REC itself] [ARGM-DIR into a quasi-parliamentary\/judicial body] .
- That 's because their brokers can require them to sell some shares or put up [ARG2 more cash] 0 *T*-2 to [rel enhance] [ARG1 the collateral backing their loans] .