frames- Quant -- [ARGM-ADV Generally] , [ARG0 any Wall Street analyst] who *T*-1 [rel employs] [ARG1 quantitive research techniques] .
- [ARG0 The machine] [rel employs] [ARG1 reduced instruction-set computing , or RISC , technology] .
- [ARG0 The probe , which *T*-308 is painless , non-invasive and apparently harmless ,] [rel employs] [ARG1 strong magnetic fields] [ARG2 *-1 to induce small whirlwinds of electricity within the brain] .
- And Georgia-Pacific could save money in * selling pulp , because the company uses its own sales organization while [ARG0 Nekoosa] [rel employs] [ARG1 higher-cost agents] .
- Mr. Phelan has had difficulty * convincing the public that the Big Board is serious about * curbing volatility , especially as the exchange clearly relishes its role as the home for $ 200 billion *U* in [ARG0 stock-index funds] , which *T*-145 buy huge baskets of stocks * to mimic popular stock-market indexes like the Standard & Poor 's 500 , and which [ARGM-TMP sometimes] *T*-146 [rel employ] [ARG1 program trading] .
- But [ARG0 *] [rel employing] [ARG1 this kind of gut-wrenching plea to black consciousness] makes it even more unusual .
- These include provisions relating to [ARG1 the technology and systems] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel employed] *-1 by [ARG0-by exchanges] , oversight and disciplinary procedures for exchange trading practices , the relationship between commodity brokerage firms and floor traders , and exchange governance .
- And he had n't used [ARG1 hormones] , which [ARG0 many growers] [rel employ] *T*-1 *-2 [ARG2 to elongate their Delicious apples for greater eye appeal] .
- This figure could be estimated *-1 * using [ARG1 techniques] [rel employed] * by [ARG0-by private lenders] * [ARG2 to forecast losses] , or determined *-1 by * selling loans to private owners -LRB- without federal guarantees -RRB- .
- But [ARG0 any lawyer] will select the facts and [ARG1 the strategy] 0 * to [rel employ] *T*-1 .
- Supporters acknowledge that the process aims *-1 to manipulate , but they insist that [ARG0 the best trial lawyers] have [ARGM-TMP always] [rel employed] [ARG1 similar tactics] .
- Prices are moving up and down so fast because [ARG0 investors] are [rel employing] [ARG1 ways 0 * to turn over shares at ever-faster rates *T*-1] and increasingly acting in concert .
- TCI said 0 it may bring in other cable operators as investors , [ARG1 a practice] 0 [ARG0 it] has [rel employed] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in the past] [ARGM-ADV with investments in other cable networks , such as The Discovery Channel] .
- The West German retailer ASKO Deutsche Kaufhaus AG plans *-2 to challenge the legality of a [ARGM-MNR widely] [rel employed] [ARG1 anti-takeover] defense of companies in the Netherlands .