frames- [ARGM-ADV In * quoting from our research] [ARG0 you] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 the high prevalance of mental illness and alcoholism] .
- [ARG0 The statement] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree *-1 to lift the takeover restrictions] .
- [ARG0 Exchange officials] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that the Big Board is considering a variety of actions 0 * to deal with program trading *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS Nevertheless] , [ARG0 Mr. Stovall] [rel emphasizes] [ARG1 that `` you do n't buy -LCB- gold stocks -RCB- based on powerful fundamentals] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Hoping *-1 to stay ahead of the pack] , [ARG0 the company] is [rel emphasizing] [ARG1 innovation] .
- [ARG0 He and Mr. Bologna] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that both companies would gain technological knowledge through the sale of Gen-Probe , which *T*-1 will expand `` significantly '' as a result of the acquisition] .
- But [ARG0 he] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that new accounts , new sales , inquiries and subsequent sales of stock funds are all up this month from September 's level] .
- [ARGM-MOD Perhaps] [ARG0 Mr. Gates] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel emphasize] [ARGM-EXT more than Mr. Baker] [ARG1 the many hurdles 0 the Soviet leader must leap *T*-1 if he is going *-2 to succeed] .
- If it promotes fashion too much , the shop risks *-1 alienating its old-line customers ; by [ARG0 *-2] [rel emphasizing] `` [ARG1 value] , '' it risks *-2 watering down its high-minded mystique .
- [ARG0 The ANC leaders] speak in tones of moderation , *-1 [rel emphasizing] [ARG1 discipline] , *-1 hoping 0 the government will be encouraged *-2 to take further steps , such as *-3 freeing Nelson Mandela , the most prominent ANC figure , and unbanning the organization .
- [ARG0 The most important governments] have ignored the role of low tax rates in * attracting real capital investment , [ARGM-ADV instead] *-1 [rel emphasizing] [ARG1 financial flows] [ARGM-MNR in response to high interest rates] .
- [ARG0 International Paper] [rel emphasizes] [ARG1 that it is better positioned than most companies for the coming overcapacity because its individual mills can make more than one grade of paper] .
- [ARG0 The Justice Department] has [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that the government 's fee-forfeiture power is *-2 to be used *-1 sparingly] .
- The ad campaign , created * by Saatchi & Saatchi 's Backer Spielvogel Bates agency , is an extension of [ARG0 the auto company 's `` Cars That *T*-1 Make Sense '' campaign] , which *T*-2 [rel emphasized] [ARG1 affordability] .
- [ARG0 The thrift] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that it has a large portfolio of equity securities issued * in connection with corporate restructurings and leveraged buy-outs , which *T*-1 has a book value of $ 90 million *U*] .
- And eventually , they contend 0 *T*-1 , domestic demand will weaken , * forcing [ARG0 companies] to [rel emphasize] [ARG1 exports] [ARGM-TMP again] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Pilson] [rel emphasizes] [ARG1 the ancillary benefits of positive press , contented affiliate stations , enthusiastic advertisers and huge audiences that *T*-1 might stick around *-2 to watch other CBS programs when the game is over *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel emphasized] [ARG1 that the car maker only would bid for all of Jaguar under the right circumstances] , and said `` those circumstances are n't right or possible at the moment . ''
- [ARG0 Time Warner] [rel emphasized] [ARGM-LOC in a news release] [ARG1 that it should be evaluated *-1 based on its cash flow , which the company defined *T*-2 as earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization] .
- [ARG0 This film] did [rel emphasize] [ARG1 how long the Israeli\/Palestinian stalemate has existed *T*-3] [ARGM-MNR by *-7 tracing the conflict to the days of World War I when the British tried *-4 to guarantee both a Jewish state and a Palestinian state without *-6 specifying how it was * to be done *-1 *T*-5 *T*-2] .
- But [ARG0 he] [rel emphasizes] [ARG1 that Cathay has n't any interest in * swapping equity stakes with the U.S. carrier or with Lufthansa , the West German airline with which it has cooperated for about a decade *T*-1] .
- Often [ARG0 con artists] will try *-1 to disarm their victims by *-2 [rel emphasizing] [ARG1 similarities between them] .
- [ARG0 Secretary of State Baker] [rel emphasized] [ARGM-TMP Friday] [ARG1 that the new policy would n't be invoked *-1 by the Bush administration without full consideration of foreign-policy implications] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel emphasize] [ARG1 discipline] [ARGM-CAU because we know that the government is very , very sensitive] , '' said *T*-2 Andrew Mlangeni , another early Umkhonto leader who *T*-1 is now 63 .