frames- A majority of an NIH-appointed panel recommended late last year that the research continue under carefully controlled conditions , but [ARG1 the issue] became [rel embroiled] *-2 in [ARG2-in politics] [ARGM-TMP as anti-abortion groups continued *-3 to oppose federal funding] .
- [ARG0 The subsequent drive * to reform Hong Kong 's markets] [ARGM-DIS also] has [rel embroiled] [ARG1 the interest-rate futures contract] .
- [ARG1 Wedtech] , which *T*-1 became [rel embroiled] in [ARG2-in political-corruption cases that eventually *T*-2 led to its demise] , formerly was a minority-owned South Bronx , N.Y. , defense contractor .
- Genetics Institute disclosed recently that [ARG1 it] is [rel embroiled] *-1 in [ARG2-in a dispute with Boehringer Mannheim , which *T*-2 distributes the drug , regarding the usability of some batches] .