frames- A soft landing is [ARG0 an economic slowdown] that *T*-49 [rel eases] [ARG1 inflation] [ARGM-ADV without *-1 leading to a recession] .
- Some Asian nations are apprehensive about Washington 's demand that [ARG0 Tokyo] step up its military spending *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 the U.S. security burden in the region] .
- As a result , [ARG0 Fed officials] may be divided *-102 over whether *-102 to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit] .
- `` I think 0 the market had been expecting [ARG1 the Fed] to [rel ease] [ARGM-TMP sooner] and [ARGM-MNR a little more than it has *?* to date] , '' said *T*-1 Robert Johnson , vice president of global markets for Bankers Trust Co .
- But [ARG0 the former U.S. president 's sixth visit to China , during which he spoke at length with Chinese leaders *T*-1 ,] was nowhere near as successful at * [rel easing] [ARG1 strains that *T*-239 have recently afflicted the Sino-U.S. relationship] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel ease] [ARG1 jail overcrowding] [ARGM-ADV while *-1 preserving historic structures] , the company says 0 *T*-2 .
- It said that the `` temptation *ICH*-2 for [ARG0 managements] * to [rel ease] [ARG1 this profit pressure] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 taking greater risks] is an additional rating factor . ''
- [ARG0 Nixon] concluded five days of private talks with Chinese leaders in Beijing , but apparently failed *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 strains in Sino-U.S. ties caused * by China 's crackdown against pro-democracy protesters in June] .
- A SEC proposal [ARG0 *] to [rel ease] [ARG1 reporting requirements for some company executives] would undermine the usefulness of information on insider trades as a stock-picking tool , individual investors and professional money managers contend 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The funds] should help *-1 [rel ease] [ARG1 a cash bind at HealthVest , which *T*-152 has been unable *-2 to pay its debts because Healthcare has n't made complete rent and mortgage payments since July] .
- The Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust said 0 [ARG0 it] is considering several ways 0 * to [rel ease] [ARG1 a liquidity crunch] *T*-1 that *T*-227 could include the sale of Manville Corp. to a third party .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel ease] [ARG1 the proposed penalties for delayed payroll-tax deposits and for faulty Form 1099 and other reports that taxpayers correct voluntarily *T*-282] .
- A number of those polled * predict 0 the dollar will slip as [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [rel eases] [ARG1 interest rates] .
- He contended that [ARG0 the Fed] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel ease] [ARG1 rates] [ARGM-ADV further] , but predicted 0 Bundesbank officials will relax key rates in West Germany .
- Unless [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [rel eases] [ARG1 interest rates] [ARGM-TMP soon] [ARGM-PNC * to stimulate the economy] , profits could remain disappointing .
- [ARG0 The issue 's smooth absorption] [rel eased] [ARG1 fears that supply would overwhelm demand in coming sessions] , traders said 0 *T*-1 .
- On the other hand , so long as [ARG0 Mr. Gorbachev] is [rel easing] [ARG1 his grip on his empire] , everyone 0 we 've heard *T*-1 agrees that the U.S. can benefit by *-2 engaging him .
- It is time-consuming -LRB- the abortion part alone lasts three days , and the clinical part comprises a week 's worth of visits -RRB- , bloody -LRB- one woman in a Swedish trial required a transfusion , although for most it resembles a menstrual period , with bleeding lasting an average of 10 days -RRB- , and painful -LRB- many women require [ARG0 analgesic shots] *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 them] [ARGM-DIR through] -RRB- .
- South Africa 's government said 0 [ARG0 peaceful demonstrations such as the anti-apartheid rally Sunday near Soweto] have helped *-1 [rel ease] [ARG1 tensions] and assisted political changes .
- [ARG0 The government] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel ease] [ARG1 repression] [ARGM-LOC in some areas] , but it still keeps a tight grip in others .
- [ARGM-DIS Nor] did [ARG0 it] [rel ease] [ARG1 restrictions on exports to Poland and Hungary] , [ARGM-ADV according to U.S. officials who *T*-1 attended the talks] .
- [ARG0 The U.S.] had been under pressure *ICH*-2 from several Cocom members , especially France , West Germany and Italy , * to [rel ease] [ARG1 restrictions on some types of machine tools , which those countries argued 0 *T*-1 were now widely available to East Bloc countries from non-Cocom members] .
- [ARG0 *-1] To sweeten the pact further -- and to [rel ease] [ARG1 concerns of institutional investors] -- BellSouth added a provision designed * *-3 to give extra protection to holders if the regional Bell company ever decides *-2 to buy the rest of the new cellular company .
- At a June EC summit , [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] appeared *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 her opposition to full EMS membership] , *-1 saying 0 Britain would join once its inflation rate fell and the EC liberalized capital movements .
- But the researchers found that while [ARG0 children 's household tasks] [rel eased] [ARG1 the mother 's burden] [ARGM-MNR appreciably] , the husband 's helping hand `` appears *-1 to lighten the children 's load almost on a one-for-one basis and to reduce the wife 's responsibility only modestly . ''
- But if [ARG0 the Fed] [rel eases] [ARGM-TMP too soon] , Mr. Greenspan fears 0 *T*-1 , prices may begin *-2 to accelerate again next year .
- [ARG0 The Fed 's] reluctance * to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit] now could be laying the groundwork for a new recession , perhaps starting early next year .
- Theoretically , [ARG0 the brokers] will then be able *-1 to funnel `` leads '' on corporate finance opportunities to Kidder 's investment bankers , *-1 [ARGM-ADV possibly] [rel easing] [ARG1 the longstanding tension between the two camps] .
- [ARG0 Some in Big Oil] are [rel easing] [ARG1 the grip on their wallets] .
- [ARG0 The reduction] [rel eases] [ARG1 the burden on portfolio changes] and frees capital *-1 to seek more productive or more appropriate uses .
- [ARG0 Emergency measures] would be introduced *-1 *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 the country 's financial crisis , notably its $ 200 billion *U* budget deficit] .
- The U.S. argues that [ARG0 its plan] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel ease] [ARG1 the transition to freer agriculture trade] [ARGM-MNR by *-3 converting certain non-tariff barriers into tariffs that *T*-1 , together with existing tariffs , then would be phased *-2 out over 10 years] .
- Analysts viewed the chairman 's comments as an indication that [ARG0 the central bank] is disinclined *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 monetary policy] [ARGM-ADV further] [ARGM-TMP in the near future] .
- THE HOUSE FAILED *-1 to override Bush 's veto of [ARG0 a bill] [rel easing] [ARG1 abortion funding] .
- And although [ARG0 the recent turmoil in the stock and junk-bond markets] , [ARGM-MNR by *-1 making it *EXP*-2 harder * to arrange takeover financing] , has [rel eased] [ARG1 some of the pressure on Mr. Corry] , it does n't end the takeover threat .
- [ARG0 The U.S. plan] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel ease] [ARG1 the transition to freer agriculture trade] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 allowing some countries to convert non-tariff barriers into tariffs that , *-3 together with existing tariffs , *T*-1 then would be phased *-3 out over 10 years] .
- Although analysts do n't expect [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit policy] [ARGM-TMP soon] , reports like those yesterday help *-1 build the case for lower rates .
- As a result , [ARG0 Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's government] is n't currently expected *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 interest rates] [ARGM-TMP before next spring , if then] .
- In a sign of [rel easing] [ARG1 tension] [ARGM-LOC between Beijing and Hong Kong] , China said 0 it will again take back illegal immigrants caught * *-1 crossing into the British colony .
- [ARG0 The Fed] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel eased] [ARG1 credit] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 lowering the bellwether federal funds interest rate to 8 3\/4 % from about 9 %] .
- With economic growth slowing , they say 0 they believe 0 [ARG0 the Fed] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel ease] [ARG1 credit] [ARGM-ADV even further] .
- Mr. Pedroli notes that the GNP deflator , a measure of inflation , is expected *-1 to slow , which *T*-2 would give [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [ARGM-ADV more room] 0 * to [rel ease] [ARG1 key U.S. rates] *T*-3 .
- The White House said 0 [ARG0 Bush] is conferring with leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 differences over guidelines for CIA agents] .
- At a meeting in Malaysia , Australia and Canada also assailed the British prime minister for *-1 criticizing the 49-nation group 's call for [ARG0 Pretoria] to [rel ease] [ARG1 apartheid] .
- [ARG0 Qintex Australia] unveiled plans * to restructure and sell assets *-1 to try *-2 to [rel ease] [ARG1 its financial problems] .
- [ARG0 Qintex Australia Ltd. , a media and resorts concern controlled * by Australian entrepreneur Christopher Skase ,] announced a plan * to restructure and sell assets *-1 to try *-2 to [rel ease] [ARG1 its financial problems] .
- Mr. Bush asked Congress *-3 to raise to $ 6 billion *U* from $ 3 billion *U* the amount of money 0 Defense Secretary Dick Cheney may shift *T*-1 among the Pentagon 's individual programs , projects and activities , * allowing [ARG0 him] to [rel ease] [ARG1 the pain that the Gramm-Rudman budget law was intended * to inflict *T*-2] .
- * Add it all up and it means `` that [ARG0 the Fed] has a little leeway 0 * to [rel ease] [ARG1 its credit policy stance] [ARGM-ADV without the risk of * rekindling inflation] *T*-1 , '' said 0 *T*-2 Norman Robertson , chief economist at Mellon Bank Corp. , Pittsburgh .
- That would be comforting to fixed-income investors , many of whom *T*-1 were badly burned in the third quarter by *-2 incorrectly assuming that [ARG1 the Fed] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel ease] .
- Currency analysts predict that in the coming week the foreign exchange market will shift its focus back to economic fundamentals , *-1 keeping a close eye out for any signs of [ARGM-MNR monetary] [rel easing] by [ARG0-by U.S. Federal Reserve] .
- Commonwealth leaders issued a declaration giving [ARG0 South Africa] six months 0 * to deliver on pledges * to [rel ease] [ARG1 apartheid] *T*-1 or face new reprisals .
- [ARG0 East Germany 's leadership] vowed swift action * to [rel ease] [ARG1 travel to the West] .
- Other changes , including [ARG0 *] [rel easing] [ARG1 restrictions on travel for East Germans] , are expected *-1 .
- [ARG0 Energy costs , which *T*-1 drove wholesale prices up sharply during the month ,] continued *-2 to decline at the retail level , *-2 pulling down transportation and helping *-3 to [rel ease] [ARG1 housing costs] .
- The mild inflation figures renewed investors ' hopes that [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel ease] [ARG1 its interest-rate stance] .
- `` The fact that they did four-day matched sales means 0 [ARG0 they] are not in a mood 0 * to [rel ease] [ARGM-MNR aggressively] *T*-1 .
- One sign of a [ARGM-ADV possible] [rel easing] of [ARG1-of credit policy] was the decision *ICH*-3 this week of People 's Bank of China , the central bank , * to allocate $ 5.4 billion *U* in short-term loans *-1 to pay farmers for the autumn harvest , the official China Daily reported 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Real-estate executives] are lobbying *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 anti-tax-shelter rules] .
- Mr. Bennett declined *-1 to name the area officials who he believes 0 *T*-2 have impeded plans for * building [ARG0 more federal prisons] * to [rel ease] [ARG1 Washington 's problem] .
- That news , plus recent signs of economic sluggishness , greatly increases pressure *ICH*-1 on [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] * to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit] [ARGM-EXT further] , [ARGM-ADV which *T*-2 in turn would be good news for stocks] , investment managers say 0 *T*-3 .
- The September index fueled speculation *ICH*-1 , damaging to the dollar , that [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [ARGM-TMP soon] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel ease] [ARG1 monetary policy] [ARGM-ADV further] .
- And while it 's too soon 0 * to tell how sales will fare *T*-2 in the important 1989 Christmas season *T*-1 , [ARG0 some companies] take steps 0 * to [rel ease] [ARG1 the usual 11th-hour crush] *T*-3 .
- The new reports of sluggishness , which *T*-2 were foreshadowed *-1 by an earlier Labor Department report that manufacturing payrolls dropped by 105,000 in September , give [ARG0 the Fed] another reason * to [ARGM-ADV further] [rel ease] [ARG1 its grip on credit] and lower interest rates .
- [ARG0 Fed officials] appear reluctant * to [rel ease] [ARG1 their credit grip] [ARGM-ADV any further] because a bold move does n't appear necessary , several investment managers said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The Fed] also appears reluctant * to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit conditions] [ARGM-ADV further] .
- Bush met with South Korean President Roh , who *T*-1 indicated that [ARG0 Seoul] plans *-2 to [ARGM-EXT further] [rel ease] [ARG1 trade rules] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to ensure that its economy becomes as open as the other industrialized nations by the mid-1990s] .
- The Bush administration is seeking [ARG0 an understanding] with Congress 0 *T*-2 to [rel ease] [ARG1 restrictions on U.S. involvement in foreign coups that *T*-1 might result in the death of a country 's leader] .
- Massage advocates say that [ARG0 * kneading the head , shoulders , neck and back] can go a long way toward * [rel easing] [ARG1 tension] and improving morale .
- The bond market seemed *-1 to ignore evidence that [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [rel eased] [ARG1 credit conditions] [ARGM-ADV slightly] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 allowing the federal funds rate to drift as low as 8 1\/2 %] .
- [ARG0 The dollar] , after *-1 falling sharply in overnight trading to 139.10 yen , bounced back strongly to 141.8 , * [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel easing] [ARG1 fears that foreigners would unload U.S. stocks] .
- [ARG0 Companies with daily newspapers in the Northeast] will need the stable newsprint prices *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 damage from weak ad linage] .
- The Soviet Union reported that [ARG0 thousands of tons of goods] needed * *-1 to [rel ease] [ARG1 widespread shortages across the nation] were piled *-2 up at ports and rail depots , and food shipments were rotting because of a lack of people and equipment 0 *T*-3 to move the cargo .
- *-2 Further fueling the belief that pressures in the economy were sufficient * to keep [ARG0 the Fed] from *-1 [rel easing] [ARG1 credit] , the Commerce Department reported Friday that retail sales grew 0.5 % in September , to $ 145.21 billion *U* .
- Because despite all the media prattle about comedy and politics not mixing , they are similar in one respect : Both can serve as mechanisms for [ARG0 *] [rel easing] [ARG1 tensions] and facilitating the co-existence of groups in conflict .
- If the dollar stays weak , he says 0 *T*-1 , that will add to inflationary pressures in the U.S. and make it *EXP*-2 hard for [ARG0 the Federal Reserve Board] to [rel ease] [ARG1 interest rates] [ARGM-ADV very much] .
- The Fed , which *T*-1 until Friday had been resisting [ARG0 moves] 0 *T*-2 to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit] , is now poised *-3 to pour money into the economy if * needed *-4 *-5 to soothe the markets .
- It is forcing [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] to [rel ease] [ARG1 its grip on credit] and it took the wind out of a previously irrepressible dollar .
- The aim of the interruption would be [ARG0 *] to [rel ease] [ARG1 the opening of the New York Stock Exchange , which *T*-2 would be hammered *-1 by such a volatile move on the Merc] .
- Nevertheless , the problems of the junk market could prompt [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] to [rel ease] [ARG1 credit] [ARGM-TMP in the months ahead] .