frames- Courtaulds ' restructuring is among the largest thus far in Britain , though [ARG1 it] is [rel dwarfed] *-1 by [ARG0-by B.A.T Industries PLC 's plans * to spin off roughly # 4 billion *U* in assets * to help *-2 fend off a takeover bid from Anglo-French financier Sir James Goldsmith] .
- Trading executives privately say that [ARG0 huge stock-index funds] , which *T*-1 [rel dwarf] [ARG1 Wall Street firms] [ARGM-MNR in terms of the size of their program trades] , will continue *-2 to launch big programs through the stock market .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG0 the list of troubled Drexel bond offerings] [rel dwarfs] [ARG1 that of any firm on Wall Street] , [ARGM-ADV as does its successful offerings] .
- [ARG0 The software conversion costs] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel dwarf] [ARG1 any savings] . ''
- When Denver 's regional economy begins *-1 to grow faster *T*-2 -- such a recovery could occur as early as next year -- business and consumer confidence will return , and [ARG0 the resulting explosion of real-estate activity] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel dwarf] [ARG1 the general economic rebound] .