frames- The discussions were disclosed *-93 as the bank holding company said that [ARG0 it] has [rel dropped] [ARG1 its longstanding opposition to full interstate banking bills in Connecticut and in Massachusetts] .
- A bank spokeswoman also declined *-1 to comment on any merger-related matters , but said 0 [ARG0 the company] decided *-2 to [rel drop] [ARG1 its opposition to the interstate banking legislation] [ARGM-CAU because `` prevailing sentiment is in favor of passage] . ''
- [ARG1 Great Northern Nekoosa , which *T*-1 surged 20 1\/8 Tuesday after Georgia-Pacific launched a $ 3.18 billion *U* offer for the company ,] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 61 1\/2] [ARGM-LOC in Big Board composite trading of 5.1 million shares] .
- Mead rose 3\/4 to 39 1\/2 , Federal Paper Board added 1\/2 to 24 3\/8 and Scott Paper gained 1\/2 to 48 3\/8 , while International Paper fell 7\/8 to 48 7\/8 , Champion International lost 3\/8 to 31 1\/2 and [ARG1 Louisiana-Pacific] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 40 1\/4] .
- [ARG1 Santa Fe Pacific] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 17 3\/4] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the steel division] , [ARG1 operating profit] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 11 %] to [ARG4-to $ 85 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Profit per ton of steel shipped *] [rel dropped] to about [ARG4-about $ 33 *U* a ton] from [ARG3-from $ 42 *U* a ton last year and $ 53 *U* a ton in the second quarter] , analysts said 0 *T*-1 .
- More recently , he negotiated `` indemnification '' clauses in which an ad agency in some cases must pay a client if [ARG0 it] [rel drops] [ARG1 the account] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Ocean Drilling & Research] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 21 1\/2] [ARGM-TMP following news of a restructuring plan that *T*-120 calls for the company to reorganize its drilling business into a separate company and offer a 15 % to 20 % stake to the public] .
- [ARG1 USX 's profit] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 23 %] [ARGM-TMP in the third quarter] [ARGM-TMP as improved oil results failed *-1 to offset weakness in the firm 's steel and natural gas operations] .
- Lights flickered on and off ; [ARG1 plaster] [rel dropped] from [ARG3-from the ceiling] , the walls still shook and an evacuation alarm blared outside .
- The Nasdaq bank index fell 5.00 to 432.61 , while the insurance index fell 3.56 to 528.56 , and [ARG1 the `` other finance '' index] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3.27] to [ARG4-to 529.32] .
- Michael Foods has attracted a good many short-sellers , the people who *T*-1 sell borrowed shares in a bet that [ARG1 a stock price] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drop] and allow the return of cheaper shares to the lender .
- [ARGM-TMP When the company this month announced lower-than-forecast sales of Easy Eggs *T*-1] , [ARG1 the stock] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT nearly 19 %] .
- [ARG1 Third-quarter loan originations] [rel dropped] [ARGM-MNR sharply] to [ARG4-to $ 663 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 1 billion *U*] a year ago .
- In such an environment , market makers can suffer huge losses both on trades made * that day at [ARGM-MNR steadily] [rel dropping] [ARG1 prices] and in the value of their inventories of shares .
- [ARGM-TMP For the week] , [ARG1 the index] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3.8 %] .
- [ARG1 McCaw] , which *T*-1 [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 1\/2] to [ARG4-to 37 3\/4] , has offered $ 125 *U* a share for a majority of LIN 's shares .
- [ARGM-LOC Among the other actively traded blue-chip issues] , [ARG1 Imperial Chemical Industries] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 11] to [ARG4-to # 10.86 *U*] , Hanson skidded 9.5 to 200.5 , and British Telecom fell 10 to 250 .
- [ARG1 The DAX] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 19.69 points] [ARGM-TMP Friday] to [ARG4-to 1462.93] .
- Traders said that selling pressure was n't enormous and that [ARG1 the DAX] [rel dropped] [ARGM-TMP Friday] [ARGM-CAU more on a lack of any substantial buying interest] .
- [ARG1 Mobil , which *T*-1 said 0 it plans *-2 to cut its exploration and production work force by about 8 % in a restructuring ,] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 5\/8] to [ARG4-to 56 1\/8] .
- [ARG1 Unisys] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 16 1\/4] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 posting a third-quarter loss of $ 4.25 *U* a share , including restructuring charges] , but other important technology issues were mixed .
- [ARG1 International Business Machines] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 7\/8] to [ARG4-to 99 7\/8] .
- [ARG1 Crane] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 21 1\/8] .
- [ARG1 Comprehensive Care , which *T*-1 terminated its agreement * to merge with First Hospital ,] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 7\/8] to [ARG4-to 3 7\/8] .
- The human-based drug starts [ARG1 the] blood sugar [rel dropping] [ARGM-TMP sooner] and drives it down faster , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- *-2 As Jaguar 's biggest holder and Britain 's biggest car maker , Ford could turn up the heat by * convening a special shareholders ' meeting and urging [ARG0 holders] *-1 to [rel drop] [ARG1 the limits] [ARGM-TMP early] .
- And [ARG1 profit from polymers] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to $ 107 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 122 million *U*] [ARGM-LOC amid what Du Pont called *T*-1 lower demand and selling prices in certain packaging and industrial markets] .
- [ARGM-LOC At GMAC] , [ARG1 net] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3.1 %] to [ARG4-to $ 234.5 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 241.9 million *U*] .
- Armco , hampered * by lower volume in its specialty steel business , said 0 [ARG1 third-quarter net income] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 8 %] to [ARG4-to $ 33 million *U* , or 35 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 36 million *U* , or 39 cents a share in the year-ago quarter] .
- [ARG1 Sales] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to $ 441.1 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 820.4 million *U*] , [ARGM-CAU because the company no longer consolidates its Eastern Steel division , which *T*-1 is now a joint venture with Kawasaki Steel Corp] .
- Along with reduced volume , analysts said 0 the nation 's fifth largest steelmaker was hurt *-1 by *-1 holding higher-cost inventory [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 raw material costs of such key products as nickel] [rel dropped] *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Operating profit] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 46 %] [ARGM-LOC in its specialty flat-rolled steel segment] .
- [ARG1 Third-quarter sales] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 11 %] to [ARG4-to $ 1.27 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 1.43 billion *U* a year ago] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the auto sector] , Bayerische Motoren Werke plunged 14.5 marks to 529 marks -LRB- $ 288 *U* -RRB- , [ARG1 Daimler-Benz] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 10.5] to [ARG4-to 700] , and Volkswagen slumped 9 to 435.5 .
- [ARG1 Continental] gave up some of its recent gains , *-1 [rel dropping] [ARG2-EXT 8] to [ARG4-to 338] , as rumors of an impending takeover attempt for the tiremaker faded , brokers said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV Under the terms of the settlement] , [ARG0 the limited partners] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel drop] [ARG1 their civil suits against Drexel , now pending in federal court in New York] , another individual said 0 *T*-1 .
- Traders said 0 program activity was n't in evidence through most of the session , however , and [ARG1 Big Board volume] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to 155,650,000 shares] from [ARG3-from about 238 million] Tuesday [ARGM-TMP as concerns about the potential for additional sharp swings in the market kept other trading in check] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 General Motors] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 7\/8] to [ARG4-to 44 7\/8] .
- [ARG1 TW Services] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 31 1\/4] [ARGM-TMP following the postponement of a $ 1.4 billion *U* junk-bond offering that *T*-1 would have permitted Coniston Partners to complete its takeover of the company] .
- Procter & Gamble went down 3 1\/2 to 130 , Dow Jones fell 3 1\/2 to 37 1\/2 and [ARG1 Rockwell International] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 25] .
- [ARG1 Kellogg] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 73 1\/4] .
- [ARG1 Standard & Poor 's 500-Stock Index] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1.20] to [ARG4-to 342.50] ; the decline was the equivalent of a nine-point setback in the 30-stock average .
- But [ARGM-ADV although Japanese companies increased their U.S. auto output by 42 % from January to September compared with the year-earlier period] , [ARG1 their exports to the U.S.] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drop] [ARG2-EXT only 9 %] [ARGM-TMP this year] , Nikko Research Center estimates 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Third-quarter net income] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to $ 221 million *U* , or $ 1.55 *U* a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 230 million *U* , or $ 1.60 *U* a share] , in the year-earlier period .
- [ARG1 Ohio Casualty] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 49 1\/2] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the rules adopted * by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange] , [ARG1 the futures contract] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel drop] below [ARG4-below the limit] , but buyers can purchase futures .
- AMR , the parent of American Airlines , fell 1 3\/4 to 68 7\/8 on 2.3 million shares ; Delta Air Lines lost 1 1\/2 to 66 , Southwest Airlines slid 3\/4 to 24 1\/4 and [ARG1 Midway Airlines] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 14 7\/8] .
- Aluminum Co. of America dropped 1 1\/2 to 70 1\/4 , Phelps Dodge fell 4 to 59 7\/8 , Asarco lost 1 3\/8 to 31 3\/4 , Reynolds Metals slid 1 3\/8 to 50 3\/8 , [ARG1 Amax] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 21 5\/8] and Cyprus Minerals skidded 2 to 26 3\/4 .
- [ARG1 Aluminum Co. of America] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/2] to [ARG4-to 70 1\/4] , Phelps Dodge fell 4 to 59 7\/8 , Asarco lost 1 3\/8 to 31 3\/4 , Reynolds Metals slid 1 3\/8 to 50 3\/8 , Amax dropped 1 1\/8 to 21 5\/8 and Cyprus Minerals skidded 2 to 26 3\/4 .
- Other stocks in the Dow industrials that *T*-1 failed *-4 to benefit from the market 's rebound included [ARG1 United Technologies] , which *T*-2 [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1] to [ARG4-to 53 5\/8] , and Bethle hem Steel , which *T*-3 fell 1 to 16 7\/8 .
- [ARG1 BankAmerica] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 29 1\/2] [ARGM-LOC on 2.3 million shares] [ARGM-LOC amid rumors that the earthquake last week in the San Francisco area had caused structural damage to its headquarters building] .
- Great Western Financial lost 1 1\/8 to 20 1\/2 on 1.6 million shares , [ARG1 Golden West Financial] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 28 1\/2] and H.F. Ahmanson dipped 5\/8 to 21 1\/4 .
- But with its stake in Jaguar , which it raised *T*-1 yesterday to 11.95 % , Ford could convene a special Jaguar shareholders ' meeting and urge [ARG0 holders] *-2 to vote *-3 to [rel drop] [ARG1 the restriction] [ARGM-TMP sooner] .
- [ARG1 Rainbow 's stock] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2] to [ARG4-to 14 1\/4] .
- [ARG1 LIN 's suitor , McCaw Cellular Communications ,] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1] to [ARG4-to 40] [ARGM-LOC on almost 350,000 shares] .
- [ARGM-CAU Mostly because of the sell-off in technology stocks] , [ARG1 the Nasdaq 100 Index of the OTC 's largest non-financial issues] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 4.58] to [ARG4-to 457.52] .
- Elsewhere , [ARG1 Valley National] continued its slide , *-1 [rel dropping] [ARG2-EXT 2 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 15] [ARGM-LOC on 1.7 million shares] .
- Harken Energy Corp. of Dallas said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drop] [ARG1 its $ 11.75-a-share , or $ 190 million *U* , offer for Tesoro Petroleum Corp.] [ARGM-ADV if the two companies do n't have an agreement * to merge by Dec. 15] .
- [ARG1 Sales] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 %] , to [ARG4-to $ 4.8 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 4.9 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Exxon 's net income] [ARGM-TMP during the third quarter] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to $ 1.11 billion *U* , or 87 cents a share] , from [ARG3-from $ 1.22 billion *U* , or 93 cents a share] , a year earlier .
- Union Carbide , [ARG1 whose third-quarter earnings] *T*-1 [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT about 35 %] from [ARG3-from a year earlier] and fell short of analysts ' expectations , declined 1\/2 to 24 1\/2 .
- [ARG1 Motorola , another major semiconductor producer ,] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 57 1\/2] .
- [ARG1 Hercules] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 5\/8] to [ARG4-to 41 3\/4] [ARGM-LOC on one million shares -- about six times its average daily trading volume --] [ARGM-TMP after a disappointing third-quarter earnings report] .
- Other stocks hurt * by earnings-related selling included [ARG1 Tandy] , which *T*-1 [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 44] , and Eaton , which *T*-2 retreated 2 1\/2 to 57 1\/2 .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , Delta Air Lines fell 1 1\/2 to 67 1\/2 and [ARG1 USAir Group] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 42 1\/2] .
- [ARG1 Sales] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 4 %] to [ARG4-to $ 1.12 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 1.17 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Nine-month net income] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 47 %] to [ARG4-to $ 26.3 million *U* , or 54 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 49.7 million *U* , or $ 1.02 *U* a share] .
- Property Capital Trust said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel dropped] [ARG1 its plan * to liquidate] [ARGM-CAU because it was n't able *-2 to realize the value 0 it had expected *T*-1] .
- As a result of [ARG0 *] [rel dropping] [ARG1 the liquidation plan] , shareholders will have *-1 to treat dividends received * this year as ordinary income or capital gains rather than as tax free returns of capital , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- Tandy Corp. , *-1 citing sluggish sales of consumer-electronics goods , said 0 [ARG1 net income] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3.3 %] [ARGM-TMP for the first quarter ended * Sept. 30] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To try *-2 to draw more fans] , [ARG0 he] has [rel dropped] [ARG1 end-zone ticket prices] from [ARG3-from $ 25 *U*] to [ARG4-to $ 19 *U*] .
- [ARG1 Banco Popular] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 21 1\/2] .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 results for its second quarter ended * Oct. 28] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel drop] [ARG2-EXT as much as 20 % below the 30 cents a share reported * in the year-earlier quarter] .
- [ARG1 Qintex Entertainment] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 5\/8] to [ARG4-to 1 1\/2] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 seeking protection from creditor lawsuits under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code for itself and its two operating subsidiaries , Hal Roach Studios and Qintex Productions] .
- [ARGM-TMP Following the release of the company 's fourth-quarter earnings] , [ARG1 Apple Computer] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 48] [ARGM-LOC on volume of more than 2.3 million shares] .
- USA Today reported that [ARG0 Mr. Davis] , who *T*-1 had pursued UAL before *-2 [rel dropping] [ARG1 his bid] [ARGM-TMP Wednesday] , has acquired a stake of about 3 % in USAir .
- [ARG1 International Paper] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 5\/8] to [ARG4-to 51] , Georgia-Pacific fell 1 3\/4 to 56 1\/4 , Stone Container tumbled 1 1\/2 to 26 5\/8 , Great Northern Nekoosa went down 5\/8 to 38 3\/8 and Weyerhaeuser lost 7\/8 to 28 1\/8 .
- [ARG1 Dun & Bradstreet] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 51 1\/8] [ARGM-LOC on 1.9 million shares] [ARGM-CAU on uncertainty about the company 's earnings prospects] .
- Their $ 700 million-plus *U* in estimated paper losses easily tops the $ 400 million *U* in paper losses 0 the takeover traders , known * as arbitragers , suffered *T*-1 in [ARGM-TMP 1982] when [ARG0 Gulf Oil Co.] [rel dropped] [ARG1 a $ 4.8 billion *U* offer for Cities Service Co] *T*-2 .
- * Reflecting the impact of lower semiconductor prices and cuts in defense spending , Texas Instruments Inc. said 0 third-quarter net income fell 31 % and [ARG1 sales] [rel dropped] [ARGM-MNR slightly] from [ARG3-from a year earlier] .
- [ARGM-DIS On the other hand] , [ARG1 Symbol Technologies] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 18 1\/2] [ARGM-TMP after Shearson Lehman Hutton lowered its short-term investment rating on the stock and its 1989 earnings estimate] , and Commodore International fell 7\/8 to 8 after the company said 0 it expects *-1 to post a loss for the September quarter .
- [ARG1 TRC Cos. , the target of an investigation by the U.S. inspector general ,] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2] to [ARG4-to 10 3\/4] .
- [ARG0 Marc Schulman , with UBS Securities in New York ,] [rel dropped] [ARG1 his estimate of DEC 's full-year net] to [ARG4-to $ 6.80 *U* a share] from [ARG3-from $ 8 *U*] .
- In fact , Manufacturers Hanover said in its third-quarter earnings report that [ARG1 fees from * syndicating loans to other banks] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 48 %] , to [ARG4-to $ 21 million *U*] .
- Meanwhile , the company 's service center segment , which *T*-1 saw [ARG1 operating profit] [rel drop] to [ARG4-to $ 11.5 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 30.7 million *U*] a year ago , experienced much of the same demand and cost problems , as well as start-up costs associated * with a coil processing facility in Chicago and an upgraded computer information system .
- [ARG1 UAL stock] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT $ 1.625 *U*] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] to [ARG4-to $ 190.125 *U*] [ARGM-LOC on volume of 923,500 shares] [ARGM-LOC in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange] .
- [ARG1 Dell Computer] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 7\/8] to [ARG4-to 6] .
- [ARG1 Expenses in the quarter] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 11.2 %] to [ARG4-to $ 664.3 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 747.7 million *U*] a year ago .
- Denver-based U S West said 0 [ARG1 net income] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 8.9 %] , *-1 noting that the year-ago quarter included the sale of a building by its BetaWest Properties unit .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 4.3 %] to [ARG4-to $ 2.3 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 2.4 billion *U*] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting declines in its consumer-telephone sector , long-distance carrier business and diversified division] .
- It said 0 [ARG1 net income] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to $ 15.1 million *U* , or 98 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 35.2 million *U* , or $ 2.66 *U* a share] .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1.6 %] to [ARG4-to $ 1.21 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 1.23 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Sales] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 6 %] to [ARG4-to $ 2.58 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 2.74 billion *U*] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting eight fewer business days in the latest quarter] .
- Hasbro said 0 it had net income of $ 31.3 million *U* , or 53 cents a share , up from $ 18.1 million *U* , or 31 cents a share , a year earlier , when [ARG0 it] took a pretax charge of $ 10 million *U* after *-2 [rel dropping] [ARG1 development of an interactive video entertainment system] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Earnings from Union Pacific Realty] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 50 %] to [ARG4-to $ 3 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 5.4 %] to [ARG4-to $ 3.48 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 3.68 billion *U*] .
- Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. posted a sharp third-quarter turnaround from a year earlier , but [ARG1 net income] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel dropped] from [ARG3-from the second quarter] [ARGM-ADV without a $ 37 million *U* after-tax gain] .
- [ARG1 Champion International Corp. 's third-quarter profit] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 17 %] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting price declines for certain paper products , operating problems at certain mills , and other factors] .
- He said 0 Jaguar started *-1 negotiating with GM and several other car makers over a year ago , but [ARG1 the rest] `` [rel dropped] by [ARG4-by the wayside] [ARGM-TMP ever since the share price went above # 4 *U* -LRB- $ 6.30 *U* -RRB- a share] . ''
- But with its 10.4 % stake , Ford can convene a special Jaguar shareholders ' meeting and urge [ARG0 them] *-1 to [rel drop] [ARG1 the restrictions] [ARGM-TMP prematurely] .
- But network access revenue dropped 4 % and [ARG1 toll revenue] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1.4 %] .
- But [ARG1 network access revenue] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 4 %] and toll revenue dropped 1.4 % .
- [ARG1 BellSouth Corp. 's third-quarter earnings] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3.8 %] [ARGM-CAU as a result of debt refinancing , the recent acquisition of a cellular and paging property and rate reductions in its Southeast territory] .
- Commodore has seemed *-1 to be setting the stage recently for progress in the U.S. , where its personal-computer sales have been so dismal *ICH*-2 for years that [ARG1 Commodore] is close to *-4 [rel dropping] off [ARG3-off research firms ' market-share charts] *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC Among California savings-and-loan stocks] , H.F. Ahmanson eased 3\/8 to 22 1\/4 , CalFed slid 3\/4 to 24 1\/8 , [ARG1 Great Western Financial] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1\/2] to [ARG4-to 21 1\/4] and Golden West Financial fell 5\/8 to 29 1\/4 .
- [ARG1 Springs Industries] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 36] .
- [ARG1 The average] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 6.40] to [ARG4-to 1247.87] and has now lost 21.7 % of its value since the losing streak began Oct. 10 .
- [ARG1 Big Board volume] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to 166,900,000 shares] , [ARGM-MNR in line with the level of trading over the past few weeks] , from [ARG3-from 224.1 million] Tuesday .
- Bass ended up 3 higher at 966 , Guinness closed at 589 , down 7 , and [ARG1 Scottish & Newcastle] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 11] to [ARG4-to 359] , but Whitbread Class A shares rose 17 to 363 .
- The bank holding company also reported that [ARG1 third-quarter profit] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 41 %] , to [ARG4-to $ 42.7 million *U* , or 61 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from the year-earlier $ 72.3 million *U* , or $ 1.04 *U* a share] .
- Southwestern Bell Corp. said 0 [ARG1 net] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 8.7 %] , [ARGM-CAU mainly the result of four extraordinary items : a franchise tax refund that its Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. unit received *T*-1 last year ; a production shift of several Yellow Pages directories to the fourth quarter from the third ; a rate refund in Missouri and a one-time adjustment to phone company revenues] .
- The company said that [ARG1 the number of access lines] [rel dropped] [ARG2-MNR slightly] [ARGM-TMP in the quarter] , [ARGM-ADV a decline attributed * to seasonal fluctuations] .
- [ARG1 Capital Associates] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1] to [ARG4-to 5 3\/8] .
- The idea was * to `` insure '' the value of a portfolio by * selling futures [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 stock prices] [rel dropped] *T*-1 -- * eliminating the need * to sell the stocks themselves .
- Delta Air Lines fell 1 7\/8 to 67 7\/8 , [ARG1 USAir Group] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 40 1\/4] , Southwest Airlines dipped 1\/2 to 25 and Alaska Air Group slid 3\/8 to 24 1\/4 .
- [ARG1 B.F. Goodrich] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 49 1\/8] .
- [ARG1 Carnival Cruise Lines Class A] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 1] to [ARG4-to 21 1\/8] [ARGM-LOC on 331,400 shares] .
- B.F. Goodrich Co. said 0 [ARG1 third-quarter profits] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 34 %] [ARGM-CAU because of lower prices for polyvinyl chloride materials , the company 's largest product group] .
- [ARG1 Prices for general-purpose PVC resin] have [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT more than 15 %] [ARGM-TMP since last December] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- Ford might challenge the proposal by *-2 offering a full bid if [ARG0 holders and the U.K. government] agreed *-1 to [rel drop] [ARG1 the anti-takeover barrier] [ARGM-TMP early] .
- Meanwhile , investor Marvin Davis said 0 he remains interested in UAL , but [ARG0 he] [rel dropped] [ARG1 his earlier $ 300-a-share *U* back-up bid] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 he] [rel dropped] [ARG1 his earlier $ 300-a-share *U* back-up bid] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying 0 he must first explore bank financing] .
- Reynolds Metals Co. said 0 [ARG1 third-quarter net income] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT nearly 10 %] to [ARG4-to $ 123.7 million *U* , or $ 2.10 *U* a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 137.2 million *U* , or $ 2.56 *U* a share ,] a year earlier .
- [ARG1 The base metal price] has [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 30.3 %] from [ARG3-from a year earlier] to [ARG4-to 78 cents a pound] .
- As [ARG1 the market] [rel dropped] [ARGM-TMP Friday] , Robertson Stephens slashed the value of the offering by 7 % .
- `` The implication of an unsettled situation is that [ARG1 the thing] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel drop] [ARGM-MNR dramatically] , '' says *T*-2 Henry Linsert Jr. , chairman of Martek Corp. , a four-year-old biotechnology company that *T*-1 is planning a private placement of stock .
- Mr. Trump , who *T*-1 vowed Wednesday *-2 to `` go forward '' with the bid , said 0 [ARG0 he] was [rel dropping] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-CAU `` in light of the recent change in market conditions] . ''
- But [ARG1 per-share profit] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT only 2 %] to [ARG4-to $ 1.23 *U* a share] from [ARG3-from $ 1.26 *U* a share] , [ARGM-TMP as the company continued its stock buy-back plan] .
- [ARG1 Average shares outstanding] [rel dropped] to [ARG4-to 75.8 million] from [ARG3-from 82.1 million] .
- [ARGM-DIS By comparison] , [ARGM-TMP two years ago] [ARGM-TMP on Black Monday] , [ARG1 the new index] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 9.4 %] , [ARGM-ADV according to a projection by the exchange] .
- The Frankfurt Stock Exchange , which *T*-1 closed before the New York exchanges opened , was the hardest hit of the major European markets , with [ARG1 the DAX Index] [rel dropping] [ARG2-EXT 12.8 %] .
- [ARG1 Merrill Lynch & Co. 's net income] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 37 %] , [ARGM-ADV while Bear Stearns Cos. posted a 7.5 % gain in net , and PaineWebber Group Inc. 's profit fell , but would have risen without a special gain a year ago] .
- [ARG1 Profit from trading for its own account] [rel dropped] , the securities firm said 0 *T*-1 .
- The Watertown , Mass. , company 's sales have been dormant and [ARG1 its profits] have [rel dropped] .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARG1 the price of ethylene , the chemical building block of polyethylene] , has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel dropped] [ARGM-MNR nearly so fast] .
- For instance , Gannett Co. posted an 11 % gain in net income , as [ARG1 total ad pages] [rel dropped] [ARGM-LOC at USA Today] , but advertising revenue rose because of a higher circulation rate base and increased rates .
- Amid a crowd of crashing stocks , [ARG1 Relational Technology Inc. 's stock] fell particularly hard Friday , *-2 [rel dropping] [ARG2-EXT 23 %] [ARGM-CAU because its problems were compounded *-1 by disclosure of an unexpected loss for its fiscal first quarter] .
- `` This is a reaction to artificial LBO valuations , rather than to any fundamentals , '' said *T*-2 John Young , chairman of Hewlett-Packard Co. , [ARG1 whose shares] *T*-1 [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT $ 3.125 *U*] to [ARG4-to $ 48.125 *U*] .
- `` People wish 0 the government would do something about leveraged buy-outs , do something about takeovers , do something about Donald Trump , '' said *T*-2 Rand Araskog , chairman of ITT Corp. , [ARG1 whose stock] *T*-1 [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT $ 3.375 *U*] .
- Inland Steel Industries Inc. expects *-1 to report that [ARG1 third-quarter earnings] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT more than 50 %] from [ARG3-from the previous quarter] [ARGM-CAU as a result of reduced sales volume and increased costs] .
- Mr. Tarantino of Hambrecht & Quist said 0 some prices fell without trades taking place , as [ARG0 market makers] kept *-1 [rel dropping] [ARG1 the prices at which they would buy shares *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 The Nasdaq Financial Index of giant insurance and banking stocks] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 % , or 9.31 ,] to [ARG4-to 462.98] .
- [ARG1 LIN Broadcasting] , [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 5 1\/2 , or 5 % ,] to [ARG4-to 107 1\/2] .
- [ARGM-LOC Among other OTC issues] , Intel , dropped 2 1\/8 to 33 7\/8 ; Laidlaw Transportation lost 1 1\/8 to 19 1\/2 ; the American depositary receipts of Jaguar were off 1\/4 to 10 1\/4 ; MCI Communications slipped 2 1\/4 to 43 1\/2 ; Apple Computer fell 3 to 45 3\/4 and [ARG1 Nike] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 66 3\/4] .
- [ARGM-LOC Among other OTC issues] , [ARG1 Intel] , [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 2 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 33 7\/8] ; Laidlaw Transportation lost 1 1\/8 to 19 1\/2 ; the American depositary receipts of Jaguar were off 1\/4 to 10 1\/4 ; MCI Communications slipped 2 1\/4 to 43 1\/2 ; Apple Computer fell 3 to 45 3\/4 and Nike dropped 2 1\/4 to 66 3\/4 .
- He has four stocks *ICH*-3 in mind 0 * to buy *T*-2 if [ARG1 the prices] [rel drop] to [ARG4-to the level 0 he wants *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 Consumer spending] did [rel drop] [ARGM-TMP in the months following Black Monday 1987] -- `` but [ARG2-MNR only slightly] and [ARGM-TMP for a short period of time] , '' recalls 0 *T*-1 Mr. Zarnowitz , a longtime student of business cycles .
- For example , the premium as a percentage of the stock price for certain puts on Eli Lilly & Co. moved up from 3 % at Thursday 's close to only 3.3 % at Friday 's close , even though [ARG1 the shares] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT more than $ 5.50 *U*] .
- [ARGM-DIS Similarly] , [ARG1 Delta Air Lines and USAir Group] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 10.1 % and 8.5 %] , [ARGM-MNR respectively] , [ARGM-TMP on Friday] and could weaken further .
- [ARGM-TMP On Friday] , [ARG1 LIN shares] were among the few takeover issues that *T*-1 did n't fall much , *-2 [rel dropping] [ARG2-EXT 5 1\/2 , or 4.9 % ,] [ARG4 *-3 to close at 107 1\/2] .
- Aluminum Co. of America , hit hard by the strength of the dollar overseas , said 0 [ARG1 net income for the third quarter] [rel dropped] [ARG2-EXT 3.2 %] to [ARG4-to $ 219 million *U* , or $ 2.46 *U* a share] .