frames- `` Dollar-yen -LCB- trade -RCB- is the [rel driving] [ARG0 force] [ARGM-LOC in the market] , '' said *T*-1 Tom Trettien , a vice president with Banque Paribas in New York , `` but I 'm not convinced *-2 0 it will continue .
- `` [ARG0 Strategic objectives , not financial return ,] [rel drive] [ARG1 many of the deals] , '' says *T*-1 a Venture Economics spokesman .
- They have n't forgotten the leap in share prices [ARGM-TMP last Dec. 7] , when [ARG0 the first bout of foreign-led index arbitrage] [rel drove] [ARG1 stocks] [ARG2-DIR skyward] [ARGM-TMP in the last half-hour of trading] *T*-1 , [ARGM-ADV * startling regulators who *T*-254 thought 0 they had written enough rules 0 *T*-2 to prevent such a swing] .
- But is n't the desire for profit the [rel driving] [ARG0 force] behind [ARG1 those who *T*-16 subscribe to *RNR*-1 , and advertise in *RNR*-1 , your paper] ?
- Net cash income -- the amount left * in farmers ' pockets after * deducting expenses from gross cash income -- increased in 33 states in 1988 , as [ARG0 the drought] cut into crop yields and [rel drove] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 commodity prices] , the department 's Economic Research Service reported 0 *T*-1 yesterday .
- Program trading itself , according to many academics who *T*-64 have studied it , is merely caught *-1 in the middle of this battle , *-1 unfairly labeled *-2 as the evil [rel driving] [ARG0 force] of the marketplace .
- [ARG0 The nagging memory of one afternoon fourteen years ago] [rel drove] [ARG1 Jim Gideon , a lean 36-year-old righthander] [ARG2 to take a four-month leave from * selling insurance in Texas *-1 to try out for Mr. Weaver 's team] .
- Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford defended [ARG0 the Treasury 's] efforts *ICH*-1 this fall * to [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 the value of the dollar] , *-2 saying 0 it helped *-3 minimize damage from the 190-point drop in the stock market Oct. 13 .
- The Berkeley police do n't have any leads but doubt 0 [ARG1 the crime] was [rel driven] *-114 by [ARG0-by a passion for sweets] .
- Ultimately , he says 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 strong demand] could help *-2 to [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 interest rates on mortgage securities] .
- But predictions that central banks of the Group of Seven -LRB- G-7 -RRB- major industrial nations would continue their massive dollar sales went astray , as [ARG0 the market] [rel drove] [ARG1 the dollar] [ARG2-DIR downward] [ARGM-MNR on its own] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 reacting to Wall Street 's plunge and subsequent price volatility , lower U.S. interest rates and signs of a slowing U.S. economy] .
- The securities-turnover tax has been long criticized *-1 by the West German financial community because [ARG0 it] tends *-2 to [rel drive] [ARG1 securities trading and other banking activities] out of [ARG2-of Frankfurt] [ARGM-DIR into rival financial centers , especially London , where trading transactions is n't taxed *-4 *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 The pocketbook impact of health benefits] has [rel driven] [ARG1 business and labor] to [ARG2-to a surprising consensus] .
- [ARG0 Georgia-Pacific 's $ 3.18 billion *U* bid for Great Northern Nekoosa] helped *-1 [rel drive] [ARG1 the Dow Jones Industrial Average] [ARG2-DIR up 41.60 points] , [ARGM-DIR to 2645.08] , in active trading .
- The result is that all sides resort to sleight of hand * to make room for competing housing and environmental programs , and [ARG0 the commitments] [ARGM-TMP now] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drive] [ARG1 excess spending] [ARGM-TMP into fiscal 1991] .
- It *EXP*-2 never ceases *-1 to amaze me how the business world continues *-3 to trivialize the world 's environmental problems -LRB- `` Is [ARG0 Science , or Private Gain ,] [rel Driving] [ARG1 Ozone Policy] ? '' by George Melloan , Business World , Oct. 24 -RRB- .
- [ARG1 The MOB spread , or difference between the municipal and T-bond futures contracts ,] has been near all-time lows in recent trading , *-1 [rel driven] *-2 [ARGM-ADV basically] by [ARG0-by concerns that new-issue supply would overwhelm demand] .
- She contends that [ARG0 similar mandates] have [rel driven] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 insurance costs] [ARGM-EXT 20 %] [ARGM-LOC in Maryland] and 30 % in California .
- While *-1 claiming that [ARG0 penalties , legal fees and interest] have [rel driven] [ARG1 the value of its claim] to [ARG2-to more than $ 250 million *U*] , Minpeco has agreed *-1 to settle for an allowed claim of as much as $ 65.7 million *U* .
- When a country cuts tax rates *T*-1 , [ARG0 it] makes itself more attractive to investors and [rel drives] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 the value of its currency] .
- The British press , *-2 making a mountain out of a molehill , precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis by *-2 portraying Mrs. Thatcher as [ARG0 an autocrat] who *T*-1 had thrown economic policy into confusion by *-3 [rel driving] [ARG1 a respected figure] from [ARG2-from her government] .
- First comes *ICH*-4 [ARG0 monetary expansion] *-2 to [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 the currency 's value that *T*-3 was pushed *-1 up by tax-rate reduction] .
- That 's led industry executives to speculate that [ARG1 future product development] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel driven] *-1 more by [ARG0-by technological innovation] than by fashion whims -- [ARGM-LOC especially among mass-market brands] .
- [ARG0 What] *T*-1 is [rel driving] [ARG1 Dentsu 's international expansion] largely is the need * to keep up with its Japanese clients as they grow in the U.S. and Europe .
- [ARG0 Individuals eager for tax-free income] [rel drove] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 bond prices] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 making state and local government debt one of the best-performing types of fixed-income investments during the period] .
- `` There is just so much *ICH*-4 going on that it *EXP*-2 's difficult * to pick [ARG0 just one factor] that *T*-1 's [rel driving] [ARG1 the market] , '' said *T*-3 Ronald Ian Heller , vice president at First Chicago Capital Markets Inc. , a subsidiary of First Chicago Corp .
- `` We do know 0 there are slight differences in [ARGM-MNR the way] 0 [ARG0 human and animal insulins] [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 blood sugar] *T*-2 , '' Dr. Sobel said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The human-based drug] starts the blood sugar dropping sooner and [rel drives] [ARG1 it] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARGM-MNR faster] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- This can be thought of *-1 as [ARG1 a pessimistic prediction] , [ARGM-ADV perhaps] [rel driven] * by [ARG0-by the sequestering effects of the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction law or possibly a relaxation of tensions with the Soviet Union] .
- But ZBB did not involve the strategic planners in the Joint Chiefs of Staff , and therefore degenerated into [ARG1 a bean-counting drill] [rel driven] * by [ARG0-by budget politics] .
- [ARG0 The weaknesses of Continental exchanges] are [rel driving] [ARG1 some fund managers to switch business to stocks traded * on London 's stock exchange , which *T*-1 quotes firm trading prices for about 350 blue-chip issues from 12 major countries] .
- [ARGM-MNR With an untrained local labor pool] , many experts believe 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 that policy] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel drive] [ARG1 businesses] from [ARG2-from the city] .
- During that time , [ARG0 a buyer with the clout of a Renaissance] could end up *-3 [rel driving] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 the price of stocks 0 it was trying *-2 to buy *T*-1] [ARGM-ADV if it tipped its hand] .
- [ARG0 The ferocious competition] [ARGM-ADV probably] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drive] [ARG1 some poorly managed properties] into [ARG2-into bankruptcy or new ownership] .
- [ARGM-TMP By midmorning] , the DJIA had plunged 80 points and [ARG0 foreign-exchange dealers] [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel drove] [ARG1 the dollar] [ARG2-DIR down] .
- They added that the DJIA 's swift drop proved an easy excuse 0 for [ARG0 the market] to [rel drive] [ARG1 the U.S. currency] in [ARG2-in the direction 0 it was already headed *-2 *T*-1] *T*-3 .
- `` [ARG0 The power] of price as an appeal , which *T*-1 was very considerable in * [rel driving] [ARG1 traffic] [ARGM-TMP in March and April] , has diminished , '' says George Rosenbaum , president of Shapiro & Associates .
- The Peasants can make a credible case *ICH*-1 , against Solidarity , that [ARG0 hell-bent reform] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drive] [ARG1 millions] from [ARG2-from the land] .
- In [ARG0 an invention] that *T*-1 [rel drives] [ARG1 Verdi purists] [ARG2 bananas] , Violetta lies *-2 dying in bed during the prelude , *-2 rising deliriously when then she remembers the great parties 0 she used *-4 to throw *T*-3 *T*-5 .
- Each of them contributed a section at the behest of [ARG1 Verdi] , who *T*-1 was [ARGM-ADV nearly] [rel driven] *-2 to [ARG2-to his own early grave] by [ARG0-by the troublesome arrangements] .
- Johnson & Johnson reported a 10 % rise in third-quarter net income on a 12 % sales increase - [ARG1 results] that *T*-2 were [rel driven] *-1 [ARGM-DIS particularly] by [ARG0-by new products including pharmaceuticals and the company 's professional operations] .
- [ARG0 Takeover stock speculation and futures-related program trading] [rel drove] [ARG1 the industrial average] through [ARG2-through wide ranges] .
- `` The system , '' says *T*-2 Nicholas Samengo-Turner , a Lloyd 's broker who *T*-1 left the exchange in 1985 , `` is so ludicrously unprofessional 0 [ARG0 it] [rel drives] [ARG1 you] [ARG2 mad] . ''
- Activity quieted in [ARGM-LOC the New York City bond market] , where [ARG0 heavy investor selling] [ARGM-TMP last week] [rel drove] [ARG1 yields on the issuer 's full faith and credit backed bonds] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARGM-EXT as much as 0.50 percentage point] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 She] adopted 12 of assorted races , *-1 naming them the Rainbow Tribe , and [rel driving] [ARG1 her husband] [ARGM-DIS first] to [ARG2-to despair] and then to Argentina .
- [ARG0 She] adopted 12 of assorted races , *-1 naming them the Rainbow Tribe , and [rel driving] [ARG1 her husband] first to despair and [ARGM-DIS then] to [ARG2-to Argentina] .
- [ARG1 Federal 's stock price] , however , has held up well , *-1 [rel driven] *-2 [ARGM-DIS in part] by [ARG0-by the general run-up of airline stocks] , analysts say 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Investors] bailed out of New York City bonds in droves last week , * [rel driving] [ARG1 prices] [ARG2-DIR lower] and boosting yields .
- `` The market can adjust to good news or bad news , but [ARG0 uncertainty] [rel drives] [ARG1 people] [ARG2 wild] , '' said *T*-2 Bernard B. Beal , chief executive of M.R. Beal & Co. , a securities firm that *T*-1 specializes in the municipal market .
- [ARGM-LOC Among declining issues] , [ARG0 a weak earnings outlook] [rel drove] [ARG1 Groundwater Technology] [ARG2 down 6 1\/4] [ARGM-DIR to 24] .
- But the promotion is n't likely *-2 to alter a management style 0 Mr. Andersson describes *T*-1 as `` * being the [rel driving] [ARG0 force] leading the troops , not managing by *-3 sitting back with a cigar *-4 waiting for people to bring me ideas . ''
- [ARG0 The fight] is putting a tight squeeze on profits of many , *-1 threatening *-2 to [rel drive] [ARG1 the smallest ones] out of [ARG2-of business] and straining relations between the national fast-food chains and their franchisees .
- [ARG0 The prolonged price pressures] are [rel driving] [ARG1 a wedge] between [ARG2-between some franchisers and their franchisees] .
- In addition , [ARG0 competition] has glutted the market with both skins and coats , * [rel driving] [ARG1 prices] [ARG2-DIR down] .
- [ARG0 Energy costs] , which *T*-1 [rel drove] [ARG1 wholesale prices] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARGM-MNR sharply] [ARGM-TMP during the month] , continued *-2 to decline at the retail level , *-2 pulling down transportation and helping *-3 to ease housing costs .
- [ARG0 Fed officials] [ARGM-ADV probably] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 rates] [ARGM-TMP immediately] , Mr. Keith said 0 *T*-1 .
- London shares also closed *-1 firmer in [ARG1 thin trading] [rel driven] * [ARGM-ADV largely] by [ARG0-by technical factors and support from a new Wall Street rally] .
- And Southwest lawmakers were a [rel driving] [ARG0 force] behind [ARG1-behind $ 54.6 million *U* for U.S.-Mexico border facilities , or more than double the administration 's request] .
- The provisions , in deficit-reduction bills recently passed * by the House and Senate , could further cool the takeover boom that *T*-1 has been the [rel driving] [ARG0 force] behind [ARG1-behind the bull market in stocks] for much of the 1980s , some tax experts and investment bankers argue 0 *T*-2 .
- Jaguar shares stood at 405 pence before Ford 's initial announcement , but [ARG0 the subsequent takeover frenzy] has [rel driven] [ARG1 them] [ARG2-DIR up] .
- [ARGM-ADV Given enough of these] , [ARG0 this] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drive] [ARG1 everyone *ICH*-1] [ARG2-DIR out] except the most hardy , '' he adds *T*-2 .
- `` Capital spending and exports , which *T*-1 have been the [rel driving] [ARG0 force] in [ARG1-in this expansion] , are showing clear signs of * having the steam taken out of them , '' said *T*-2 Robert Dederick , economist for Northern Trust Co. in Chicago .
- They have even sent helicopters in pursuit of bikers after hikers and equestrians complained 0 [ARG1 they] were being [rel driven] *-1 from [ARG2-from trails] .
- Nikko 's Mr. Conlon fears 0 [ARG0 a huge wave of Treasury borrowing early next month] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 Treasury bond prices] .
- `` [ARG0 The institutions] have [rel driven] [ARG1 -LRB- commission -RRB- rates] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARGM-DIR to the point where it *EXP*-1 makes no sense * to commit capital *T*-2] , '' says *T*-3 Tom Gallagher , senior executive vice president in charge of institutional trading at Oppenheimer & Co .
- [ARG0 The trend] [rel drove] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 the aftertax margin -- net income as a percentage of revenues --] [ARGM-DIR to 21.1 %] [ARGM-TMP in the quarter] , [ARGM-ADV compared with 20.7 % a year earlier] .
- `` It 's called [ARG0 bad money] [rel driving] [ARG2-DIR out] [ARG1 good money] , '' said *T*-1 one retailing observer .
- [ARG0 The combination of so many chains available for sale , the recent failures of such retailing LBO 's as Miller & Rhoads Inc. and declining investor confidence] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel drive] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 prices] , retailing observers said 0 *T*-1 .
- `` The more variables that *T*-1 indicate risk , the more 0 [ARG0 the investor] is going *-2 to [rel drive] [ARG1 a hard bargain] . ''
- But [ARG0 several traders] quickly stepped up and bid for contracts , * [rel driving] [ARG1 prices] [ARG2-DIR sharply higher] .
- `` We 're saying 0 the worst thing that anyone can do *T*-2 is * to see the market go down and dump everything , [ARG0 which] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV just] [rel drives] [ARG1 the prices] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARGM-EXT further] , '' says *T*-3 John Lampe , PaineWebber 's director of advertising .
- [ARG1 Trading] was [rel driven] *-1 [ARGM-MNR primarily] by [ARG0-by small investors and speculators] , [ARGM-MNR with large institutions waiting on the sidelines until late in the day] .
- [ARG0 Rebounding stocks and weaker Treasury prices] [rel drove] [ARG1 municipal bonds] [ARG2-DIR 1\/4 to 3\/4 point lower] [ARGM-TMP in late dealings] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Keating] is currently the subject of a $ 1.1 billion *U* federal anti-racketeering lawsuit accusing him of * bleeding off assets of a California thrift 0 he controlled *T*-1 , Lincoln Savings & Loan Association , and [rel driving] [ARG1 it] into [ARG2-into insolvency] .