frames- [ARG4 Only 14,505 wells , including 4,900 dry holes ,] were [rel drilled] *-1 for [ARG3-for oil and natural gas] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] [ARGM-TMP in the first nine months of the year] , [ARGM-ADV down 22.4 % from the like 1988 period] .
- [ARG0 Grace Energy] just two weeks ago hauled a rig here 500 miles from Caspar , Wyo. , *-1 to [rel drill] [ARG1 the Bilbrey well , a 15,000-foot , $ 1-million-plus *U* natural gas well] .
- [ARG0 The rig] was built *-1 around 1980 , but has [rel drilled] [ARG1 only two wells , the last in 1982] .
- They pile out of their truck and furiously begin *-1 twisting together steel pipes linking a giant storage tank to the Sharpshooter , a [ARGM-MNR freshly] [rel drilled] [ARG1 oil] well two miles deep .
- Santa Fe Energy Co. , a unit of Santa Fe Southern Pacific Co. , bought from Amoco the rights that *T*-1 allowed [ARG0 it] to [rel drill] [ARG1 the Sharpshooter] .
- `` Talk is that [ARG0 everybody] is going *-1 to [rel drill] [ARG4 more wells] , '' says *T*-2 foreman Tommy Folsom .
- [ARG0 Santa Fe] aims *-1 to [rel drill] [ARG4 about 30 wells] [ARGM-LOC in this area] [ARGM-TMP in 1989] and double that next year .
- [ARG0 Kadane Oil Co. , a small Texas independent ,] is [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel drilling] [ARG4 two wells] [ARGM-REC itself] and putting money into three others .
- This month , Exxon Corp. announced plans for [ARG0 a 400-day project] [rel drilling] for [ARG3-for gas] [ARGM-LOC about five miles underground] [ARGM-LOC in the Anadarko Basin of western Oklahoma] -- the deepest drilling project in the U.S. .
- Amoco Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-2 to install two platforms and [rel drill] [ARG4 as many as 22 wells] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to develop oil reserves 0 it discovered *T*-1 in the Atlantic Ocean about 25 miles off the coast of Congo] .
- The import quotas got only a 2 1\/2-year extension , and USX is laboring under a staggering $ 5.8 billion *U* debt at a time when [ARG0 it] must spend money *-1 to upgrade steel mills and [rel drill] for [ARG3-for oil] *T*-2 .
- The size of the cuts is n't known *-3 , but they 'll be centered *-1 in [ARG0 the exploration and production division] , which *T*-2 is responsible for * locating oil reserves , [rel drilling] [ARG4 wells] and pumping crude oil and natural gas .
- * Owning the Cowboys has bought him entree to a glitzy life that [ARG0 *] [rel drilling] for [ARG3-for oil] [ARGM-LOC in Arkansas] just did n't provide *T*-1 .
- Maxus said 0 it did n't run a production test on [ARG4 the three discovery wells] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel drilled] *T*-2 in [ARG1-in the field , which *T*-1 is about 1.6 miles from the Intan Field ,] because the wells are similar to others drilled * at its Intan and Widuri fields .
- Maxus said 0 it did n't run a production test on the three discovery wells 0 it drilled *T*-2 in the field , which *T*-1 is about 1.6 miles from the Intan Field , because the wells are similar to [ARG1 others] [rel drilled] * [ARGM-LOC at its Intan and Widuri fields] .