frames- Jamaica , wary of * upsetting its Caribbean Basin allies , has apparently instructed its lobbyist *-2 to abandon [ARG1 the provision] [ARGM-TMP initially] [rel drafted] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Gray] , but the greater question is whether Mr. Inouye , who *T*-10 has strong ties to the sugar industry , is able *-3 to insert a claim by the Philippines .
- China 's parliament ousted two Hong Kong residents from [ARG0 a panel] [rel drafting] [ARG1 a new constitution for the colony] .
- [ARGM-TMP While *-1 flying home from those discussions] , [ARG0 Mr. Bush] [rel drafted] [ARG1 a letter to Mr. Gorbachev suggesting an informal get-together 0 *T*-2 to precede their formal summit next year] .
- [ARGM-CAU Partly in response] , [ARG0 a bipartisan group of senators from the finance and labor committees] is [rel drafting] [ARG1 a plan 0 *T*-1 to attract broader support] .
- The NAM embraces efforts *ICH*-2 , which both the administration and the medical profession have begun *T*-1 , * to measure the effectiveness of medical treatments and then [ARG0 *] to [rel draft] [ARG1 medical-practice guidelines] .
- Now comes word that [ARG1 IRS regulations] being [rel drafted] * could put companies in violation of the tax code if they make loans to retiree shareholders and directors but do n't make them available to other former workers who *T*-1 usually earned less .
- [ARG1 This legislation] was [ARGM-NEG not] [rel drafted] *-1 by [ARG0-by a handful of Democratic `` do-gooders] . ''
- `` There is no violation of the capitalistic principle of private property in what we are doing *T*-2 , '' says *T*-3 Lee Kyu Hwang , director of [ARG0 the government 's Land Bureau] , which *T*-1 [rel drafted] [ARG1 the bills] .
- [ARG0 A congressional staffer] involved * in * [rel drafting] [ARG1 the sanctions] says 0 they are likely *-2 to mirror those 0 Mr. Bush enacted *T*-1 shortly after the massacre .
- [ARG1 Most bills] are [rel drafted] *-1 by [ARG0-by bureaucrats , not politicians] .
- The [ARGM-MNR hastily] [rel drafted] [ARG1 measure] could hurt California by *-2 requiring it to put up more matching funds for emergency highway assistance than * otherwise would be required *-1 .
- `` There was a lot of internal debate about that specific issue , '' said *T*-1 Susan Bryant , Oklahoma 's chief securities regulator and president of [ARG0 the North American Securities Administrators Association] , which *T*-3 [rel drafted] [ARG1 a voluntary settlement plan] for [ARG2-for the states] with [ARG3-with Drexel] .
- [ARG1 The Arab League-sponsored pact] , [rel drafted] * [ARGM-TMP during three weeks of talks at the Saudi Arabian resort of Taif] , includes Syrian proposals for at least a partial troop pullout from Lebanon , and guarantees an equal number of seats for Moslems and Christians in the Parliament .
- That vote made it *EXP*-3 unlikely that a capital-gains tax cut would be included *-1 in [ARG1 the final bill] , [ARGM-TMP now] being [rel drafted] * by [ARG0-by House and Senate negotiators] .
- He added that he expects *-2 to talk to the Democrats who *T*-1 also wanted *-3 to *-4 cut the gains tax about [ARG0 *] [rel drafting] [ARG1 a joint proposal] .