frames- [ARG1 Mr. Mayor 's hope that references to `` press freedom '' would survive *-1 unamended] seems [rel doomed] to [ARG2-to failure] ; the current phrasing is `` * educating the public and media *-2 to avoid manipulation . ''
- [ARG0 All three major creditors -- the IRS , Minpeco and Manufacturers Hanover --] voted against *RNR*-1 and [ARGM-MNR effectively] [rel doomed] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] a reorganization plan proposed * by Mr. Hunt .
- [ARG0 A minor bureaucrat] dies suddenly , *-1 [rel dooming] [ARG1 his family] to [ARG2-to poverty and eventual disgrace] .
- The three urban horticulture experts with Cornell Cooperative Extension weighed in with a letter to the BPCA that *T*-1 began : `` We feel that [ARG1 the garden] is [ARGM-MNR horticulturally] [rel doomed] *-2 . ''
- Conversely , there are the majority of unsuccessful schools , and we know [ARG1 which efforts at educational reform] *T*-2 are [rel doomed] *-1 beforehand .
- [ARG1 That heavily politicized event] learned nothing from the horrifying experience , and seems [rel doomed] [ARG2 *-1 to repeat it] .
- [ARG0 Choice of the volunteer military in the 1970s] seemed *-1 to [rel doom] [ARG1 national service] [ARGM-MNR as much as the draft] .