frames- [ARGM-TMP Midmorning] , [ARG0 he] [rel dons] [ARG1 an orange-and-blue uniform] and , for fun , may field a bunt from Dave Kingman .
- [ARGM-TMP Every workday] [ARGM-TMP at 11 a.m.] , [ARG0 40-year-old Mike Sinyard] [rel dons] [ARG1 cycling clothes] , hops on a bike 0 he keeps *T*-1 at his Morgan Hill , Calif. , office and sets out * to cover a distance 0 most people would travel *T*-2 only by car .
- But as [ARG0 Judge Thomas M. Jenkins] [rel donned] [ARG1 his robes] [ARGM-PNC so he could give final approval] , the major earthquake struck , its epicenter not far from his courtroom in Redwood City , Calif .
- By *-1 advertising disaster relief , [ARG0 these companies] are hoping *-1 to [rel don] [ARG1 a white hat] and come out a hero .