frames- William C. Ballard Jr. , 48 years old , was elected *-1 a director of this [rel distilled] [ARG2 beverages] concern , * expanding the board to 11 members .
- So , *-3 following both the style 0 he pursued *T*-2 as President Ford 's national security adviser and the recommendations of the Tower Commission , Gen. Scowcroft has pruned the NSC staff and tried *-3 to ensure that [ARG0 it] sticks to its assigned tasks -- namely , * gathering the views of the State Department , Pentagon and intelligence community ; serving as an honest broker in * [rel distilling] [ARG2 that information] [ARGM-PNC for the president] and then making sure 0 presidential decisions are carried *-1 out .
- American Brands Inc. said 0 third-quarter net income rose 13 % , *-1 reflecting strong gains in its tobacco and [rel distilled] [ARG2 spirits] businesses .
- For [rel distilled] [ARG2 spirits] , operating profit rose 36 % , to $ 24.8 million *U* .