frames- The Los Angeles County district attorney 's office filed seven felony and five misdemeanor counts charging that [ARGM-TMP late last year and early this year] [ARG0 the Irvine , Calif.-based circuit-board manufacturer] [ARGM-MNR illegally] [rel disposed] of [ARG1-of acid , caustic and heavy metals] [ARGM-DIR into the sewer system] , and stored hazardous materials in leaky , unlabeled or open-top containers .
- [ARG0 Armstrong , which *T*-127 has faced a takeover threat from the Belzberg family of Canada since July ,] said that * [rel disposing] of [ARG1-of the carpet business] would improve `` total financial performance . ''
- I really do not understand how it is that Filipinos feel so passionately involved in [ARG1-of this father figure] that [ARG0 they] want *-4 to [rel dispose] of *T*-1 and yet they need *T*-1 *T*-2 .
- Maxwell 's sale of its U.S. printing unit *ICH*-4 was expected *-1 , [ARG1-of the last major business] 0 *T*-2 to be [rel disposed] of *-3 [ARGM-ADV in a major reshuffling of assets] .
- Control Data 's semiconductor business , VTC Inc. , continues *-1 to lose money , the executives acknowledged 0 *T*-2 , but they said 0 [ARG0 they] consider some of the technology vital to national defense and so are reluctant *-3 to [rel dispose] of [ARG1-of it] .
- Mr. Cole said 0 the sale of the 77-year Financial Times , which Southam has owned *T*-1 since 1961 , is consistent with [ARG0 Southam 's] strategy of * cutting costs *-2 to obtain maximum profits from its operations while *-3 [rel disposing] of [ARG1-of `` chronically under-performing '' assets] .
- Columbia officials said 0 they do n't know [ARGM-MNR how quickly] [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel dispose] of [ARG1-of the thrift 's junk bonds] *T*-3 , because federal regulations , such as those that *T*-2 would allow thrifts to continue *-4 holding the bonds in separately capitalized subsidiaries , have n't yet been completed *-1 .
- The plan may include [ARG0 *] selling branches , consolidating or eliminating departments , and winding down *RNR*-1 or [rel disposing] of [ARG1-of *RNR*-1] unprofitable units [ARGM-TMP within 18 months] .
- Conference attendees are expected *-1 to be buzzing about the workings of the recently formed Resolution Trust Corp. , [ARG0 a federal agency] charged * with * [rel disposing] of [ARG1-of an estimated $ 200 billion *U* of real estate dumped * in government hands by insolvent savings and loans] .
- Analysts believe 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-TMP ultimately] [rel dispose] of [ARG1-of some of the non-advertising businesses] .
- We 've all got money 0 * to spend *T*-1 , some of it clearly disposable since [ARG0 we] keep [rel disposing] of [ARG1-of it] .
- Under the proposal , a President would have a chance *ICH*-1 twice each year * to return a package of `` rescissions '' to the Hill -- once when he proposes his budget *T*-2 and again after [ARG0 Congress] [rel disposes] .
- B.A.T Industries surged in afternoon dealings after [ARG0 its shareholders] approved a plan * to [rel dispose] of [ARG1-of its U.S. and U.K. retailing operations] *-1 to fend off Hoylake Investment 's # 13.4 billion *U* -LRB- $ 21.33 billion *U* -RRB- hostile bid .
- But he knows that [ARG2 as many as 20 of his fellow Democrats] are [rel disposed] [ARG1 *-1 to vote for the cut , popular among their constituents] .