frames- Mrs. Ward says that [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 the cheating] was [rel discovered] *-4 *T*-1 , she wanted *-2 to avoid the morale-damaging public disclosure that a trial would bring *T*-3 .
- `` She did a lot of harm , '' says *T*-1 [ARG0 Cathryn Rice] , who *T*-100 had [rel discovered] [ARG1 the crib notes] .
- Your comments implied 0 [ARG0 we] had [rel discovered] [ARG1 that the `` principal cause '' of homelessness is *-1 to be found *-18 in the large numbers of mentally ill and substance-abusing people in the homeless population] .
- The AT&T team also is trying *-1 to combine their latest superconductor process with `` melt-textured growth , '' [ARG1 a process] [rel discovered] * [ARGM-TMP earlier] [ARGM-LOC at Bell Laboratories] .
- A family of [ARG1 ceramic superconductors] [rel discovered] * [ARGM-TMP during the past three years] promise new technologies such as cheaper electrical generation -- but only if their current-carrying capacity can be raised *-1 .
- Although *-1 started in 1965 , Wedtech did n't really get *-1 rolling until 1975 , when [ARG0 Mr. Neuberger] [rel discovered] [ARG1 the federal government 's Section 8 -LRB- A -RRB- minority business program] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The computer spy] had [rel discovered] [ARG1 that a popular editing\/electronic mail program called * Gnu-Emacs could do tricks with the widely used Unix operating system created * by AT&T] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel discovered] [ARG1 a 75-cent discrepancy in the charges made * to various departments for computer time] and traced it to a user named * `` Hunter , '' who *T*-133 had no valid billing address .
- After [ARG0 *-3] [rel discovering] [ARG1 that the hacker had taken over the dormant account of a legitimate user named * Joe Sventek] , he rigged up an alarm system , including a portable beeper , 0 *T*-1 to alert him when Sventek came on the line *T*-2 .
- But there is [ARG1 a risk] , which [ARG0 the Japanese] [rel discovered] *T*-182 [ARGM-TMP when they first dipped their toes into the market nearly five years ago *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 The materials] , [rel discovered] * [ARGM-TMP during the past three years] , conduct electricity without resistance and promise smaller , faster computers and other new technologies .
- -- Lee Wakeman , [ARG0 vice president] in charge of options research who *T*-10 [rel discovered] [ARG1 the valuation errors] and was asked by senior management *-1 to straighten out the mess , resigned *-2 to take a position in asset and liability management at Continental Bank in Chicago .
- `` [ARG1 No magic bullet] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel discovered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next year , an election year] , '' says *T*-2 Rep. Fortney Stark -LRB- D. , Calif . -RRB-
- Mr. Meek said 0 his suspicions were aroused *-1 by several foreign investments by Lincoln , including $ 22 million *U* paid * to Credit Suisse of Switzerland , an $ 18 million *U* interest in Saudi European Bank in Paris , a $ 17.5 million *U* investment in a Bahamas trading company , and a [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel discovered] [ARG1 holding] in a Panama-based company , Southbrook Holdings .
- When a Louisville woman complained that a ghost was haunting her attic *T*-1 , [ARG0 Mr. Baker] [rel discovered] [ARG1 a rat dragging a trap across the rafters] .
- The air-waybill number was changed *-1 en route , and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced *-2 , so it was a week before three of the four crates could be located *-3 in a bonded warehouse and [ARG1 the Gauguin] [rel discovered] [ARG3 *-5 missing] .
- [ARG1 The theft] was [rel discovered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP early this year] , soon after Ms. Hammond took her post .
- The newly identified genes differ from a family of [ARG1 genes] [rel discovered] * [ARGM-TMP in the early 1980s] called * oncogenes .
- But some time ago , [ARG0 researchers] [rel discovered] [ARG1 that soluble fibers also lower cholesterol levels in the blood] .
- [ARG1 SEPARATED and divorced men and women are far more likely *-1 to be smokers than married persons] , [ARG0 the Centers for Disease Control] [rel discovers] 0 *T*-3 ... .
- The Merc received considerable criticism in [ARGM-TMP 1987] when it was [rel discovered] [ARG1 that its compliance director , Kevin P. Conway , who *T*-4 then was responsible for * policing the exchange 's busy oil and metal pits , `` was engaged *-3 in other personal business activities *ICH*-1 on Exchange time , '' including out-of-state trips , according to a New York Merc report prepared * last year] *T*-6 .
- [ARG1 The strain] was [rel discovered] *-1 by [ARG0-by Morinaga & Co.] and licensed *-1 to Gustafson , a unit of Uniroyal Chemical Co .
- [ARG0 Mr. Boren himself] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel discover] [ARG1 the warn-your-enemy nuance] [ARGM-TMP until Mr. Bush told him privately at the White House last week] .
- Intel said that [ARGM-TMP last week] [ARG0 a customer] [rel discovered] [ARG1 two flaws in its 80486 microprocessor chip 's `` floating-point unit '' , a set of circuits that *T*-1 do certain calculations] .
- Compaq , which *T*-1 said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel discovered] [ARG1 the bugs] , still plans *-2 to announce new 486 products on Nov. 6 .
- [ARG1 The 40 pet projects] were [rel discovered] [ARG3 *-1 buried *-5 in the appropriations bill for HUD and some other agencies] [ARGM-TMP after it returned from a conference committee that *T*-2 was called *-4 * to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Glazier] [rel discovered] [ARG1 that the Founders had worried that Congress might take the President out of the loop] .
- Amoco Corp. said 0 it plans *-2 to install two platforms and drill as many as 22 wells *-3 to develop [ARG1 oil reserves] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel discovered] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC in the Atlantic Ocean] [ARGM-LOC about 25 miles off the coast of Congo] .
- [ARG1 The papers] , which Israel says 0 *T*-3 were [rel discovered] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in Israeli-occupied Gaza] , refer to terrorist acts 0 *T*-4 to be carried *-2 out in the name of a group called * `` the Revolutionary Eagles . ''
- Boston Co. officials declined *-1 to comment on Moody 's action or on the unit 's financial performance this year -- except *-1 to deny a published report that [ARG0 outside accountants] had [rel discovered] [ARG1 evidence of significant accounting errors in the first three quarters ' results] .
- As [ARG0 the Met] [rel discovered] [ARGM-TMP years ago] [ARGM-TMP following a belated December opening] , it *EXP*-2 is nearly impossible * to recapture subscribers once they have had time 0 * to ponder their entertainment choices *T*-1 .
- Such an embarrassment of riches was inconceivable to [ARG0 the man] who *T*-1 [rel discovered] [ARG1 the Burgess Shale] , one Charles Doolittle Walcott .
- When GE finally disclosed the problems *T*-1 , prosecutors contend that Mr. Orr `` was erroneously informed *-2 that [ARG1 the -LCB- suspected -RCB- practices] had [ARGM-TMP only just] been [rel discovered] '' *-3 by [ARG0-by GE management] .
- As for junk-holders , [ARG0 they] 're [rel discovering] [ARG1 0 it *EXP*-2 can be a mistake * to take the other side of a trade by KKR] .
- Two Japanese scientists said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel discovered] [ARG1 an antibody that , in laboratory test-tube experiments , *T*-1 kills AIDS-infected cells while *-2 preserving healthy cells] .
- Shin Yonehara , a research scientist at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science , said 0 [ARG1 the antibody] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel discovered] *T*-2 works by * recognizing an antigen called * a Fas-antigen , which *T*-1 is characteristic of an infected cell .
- Since [ARG1 the first fraud] was [rel discovered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in July 1986] [ARGM-LOC at an office of the People 's Bank of China in Shenzhen] , 15 major cases have been found *-2 , the paper said 0 *T*-3 ; the biggest was the theft of $ 235,000 *U* from a bank in Chengdu in March 1988 .
- [ARG0 The researchers] [rel discovered] [ARG1 that Episcopalians , Presbyterians , Methodists and fundamantalist Protestants were nearly always against the defendants] ; the lawyers resolved *-1 to try *-2 to keep them off the jury .
- [ARG0 Small businesses in suburban Chicago] are [rel discovering] [ARG1 that an area-code switch Nov. 11 -- to 708 from the familiar 312 -- wo n't be without some costs] [ARGM-ADV as they alter stationery , among other things , and notify customers] .
- It was also at Juilliard that [ARG0 Mr. McDuffie] [rel discovered] [ARG1 his predilection for conservative , 20th-century American composers such as David Diamond and Samuel Barber] *T*-1 .
- What *T*-2 makes the veteran FBI man so endearing is [ARG1 his hard-bitten cynicism] -- earned * , [ARG0 we] [rel discover] , when he was assigned *-1 to the civil rights movement back in the 1960s *T*-3 .
- But when foreign traders tried *-2 to do business *T*-1 , [ARG0 they] [rel discovered] [ARG1 that the eagerness of Chinese trade officials was just a smokescreen] .
- But , as [ARG0 he and his skilled team] [ARGM-TMP soon] [rel discover] , they 're up against two factors 0 they had n't counted on *T*-1 : first , a business climate in which a failing company with few assets and many debts can borrow against the assets of the successful company 0 it hopes *-4 to acquire *T*-3 in order *-5 to finance the takeover *T*-2 ; second , that standing behind AIW is *T*-6 a sinister consortium of much bigger , shadier and shrewder foreign interests secretly providing the money and muscle for the deal .
- [ARG0 An investor who *T*-2 may have placed a stop-loss order at $ 90 *U* under a stock that *T*-3 was trading at $ 100 *U* a share on the Friday before the crash] was stunned *-4 to [rel discover] [ARG1 that the order was filled *-1 at $ 75 *U* when the stock opened at that price on Monday *T*-5] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] [ARG0 you] [rel discover] [ARG1 that you never learned the most important lesson : How * to send your kids to college *T*-1] .
- In * appealing to those with a bit of larceny in their hearts , the fraud artist can insist that a person keep an investment secret -- *-2 insulating [ARG1 himself] from *-3 being [rel discovered] *-1 and keeping his victim from * consulting with others .
- [ARG0 Merchants] [rel discovered] [ARG1 a consumer largely ignored * by higher-priced furriers : the younger woman -- even in her late 20s -- who *T*-1 never thought 0 she could buy a mink] .
- [ARGM-TMP As the music swells] , [ARG0 viewers] [rel discover] [ARG1 0 they 're watching a commercial for Lone Star Beer , the pride of Texas , a product of G. Heileman Brewing Co. , a La Crosse , Wis. , unit of Bond Corp] .
- [ARGM-ADV In their quest * to perfect apartheid] , [ARG0 the Orange Workers] have [rel discovered] [ARG1 a truth that most of privileged white South Africa tries mightily *-3 to deny *T*-1 : The master ca n't become dependent on the slave and expect *-2 to remain master forever] .
- That includes the CDBG funds and [ARG1 the Federal Housing Administration] , which *T*-1 loans out money for private home mortgages and has [ARGM-TMP just] been [rel discovered] [ARG3 *-1 to be $ 4 billion *U* in the hole] .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 she] [rel discovered] [ARG1 that Quotron Systems Inc. 's Sacramento lines were down , because they are normally tied *-2 in through a system that *T*-1 goes through San Francisco] .
- He suspects 0 [ARG0 some insurers who *T*-2 had purchased reinsurance *-3 to limit their exposure to catastrophes] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel discover] [ARG1 0 that reinsurance was used *-1 up by Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel discover] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-LOC in Alexander Bickel , a subtle constitutional scholar , Mr. Bork 's closest friend at Yale , whose influence on the judge *T*-1 goes well beyond Mr. Bronner 's reporting] .
- [ARG1 The drug] , [rel discovered] * [ARGM-TMP in 1984] , is metabolized *-1 from soil fungus found * in Japan .
- [ARG1 The young John Gutfreund] had been [rel discovered] *-2 by [ARG0-by Billy Salomon of Salomon Bros.] [ARGM-TMP when he was still a bearded liberal *T*-1] , and put *-2 to work as a trader , and then as a rough-and-tumble syndicator .
- [ARG0 The U.S.] [rel discovered] [ARG1 the young Tony Noriega] [ARGM-TMP in late 1959] , [ARGM-TMP when he was in his second year at the Chorrillos Military Academy in Lima *T*-1] , [ARGM-ADV according to former U.S. intelligence officials] .
- Mr. Noriega became an even greater threat in 1976 , when [ARG0 U.S. intelligence services] [rel discovered] [ARG1 that he had been buying recordings of electronically monitored conversations from three sergeants working for the U.S. Army 's 470th Military Intelligence Group *T*-1] .
- But when [ARG0 they] [rel discover] [ARG1 that markets are n't always as liquid as they supposed *T*-1] -- markets jump .
- Charles Redmond , a NASA spokesman , said 0 [ARG0 the agency] [rel discovered] [ARG1 the virus] [ARGM-TMP on Monday] [ARGM-LOC on the collection of computer networks collectively called * Internet] and expected 100 university centers to be infected *-1 by today .
- Moscow , which *T*-4 left the group in 1983 *-5 to avoid explusion over allegations that political dissidents were being certified *-2 as insane , could be suspended *-1 if [ARG1 the misuse of psychiatry against dissenters] is [rel discovered] *-3 [ARGM-TMP during a review within a year] .
- The ghost of [ARG1 the Soviet brigade] [rel discovered] * [ARGM-LOC in Cuba] [ARGM-TMP back in the '70s] costs just a few hundred million : the price of the Caribbean Command in Key West that President Carter created *T*-1 in 1980 .
- Maxus Energy Corp. , Dallas , said 0 it discovered a new oil field northeast of its [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel discovered] [ARG1 Intan] Field in the southeast Sumatra area of Indonesia .
- Maxus Energy Corp. , Dallas , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel discovered] [ARG1 a new oil field] [ARGM-LOC northeast of its previously discovered Intan Field in the southeast Sumatra area of Indonesia] .
- Environmental Systems Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] is restating its results *-2 to reduce its reported net income for the first nine months of its fiscal year after *-2 [rel discovering] [ARG1 0 it took tax credits that *T*-1 already had been taken *-3 last year] .
- Diamond Shamrock Offshore Partners said 0 [ARG0 it] had [rel discovered] [ARG1 gas] [ARGM-LOC offshore Louisiana] .
- [ARG1 But 70 % of the cable-television-equipped households that *T*-1 watch news do so between 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.] , [ARG0 the network] [rel discovered] 0 *T*-2 , so CNN wants in .
- As [ARG0 other repressive governments , particularly Poland and the Soviet Union ,] have [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel discovered] , [ARG1 initial steps * to open up society] can create a momentum for radical change that *T*-1 becomes difficult *RNR*-2 , if not impossible *RNR*-2 , * to control .