frames- Several moves were taken *-1 following the October 1987 crash [ARG0 *] to coordinate -- and [ARGM-TMP sometimes] [ARGM-MNR deliberately] [rel disconnect] [ARG1 *PPA*-2] -- the stock and futures markets in times of heightened volatility .
- With other anxious calls pouring in , he recalls *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 I] 'd either have *-2 to [rel disconnect] [ARG1 the New York Stock Exchange] or go out to the secretary 's desk . ''
- [ARG1 The telephone number for the charity in Shelton , Conn. ,] has been [rel disconnected] *-1 , and the former officials could n't be located *-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS As usual] [ARG1 the green lobby 's proposal] is [rel disconnected] *-1 from [ARG2-from scientific reality] .
- In its severest test , the $ 60 billion *U* of portfolio insurance in effect in the 1987 crash did n't work , as stock buyers disappeared and [ARG1 stock and futures prices] became [rel disconnected] .