frames- [ARG0 The National Association of Securities Dealers , the self-regulatory organization for the over-the-counter securities markets ,] [rel disciplined] [ARG1 a number of firms and individuals] for [ARG2-for alleged violations of industry rules] .
- The whole notion of `` creativity '' in education was -LRB- and is -RRB- part and parcel of a romantic rebellion against [rel disciplined] [ARG1 instruction] , which *T*-1 was -LRB- and is -RRB- regarded *-2 as `` authoritarian , '' a repression and frustration of the latent talents and the wonderful , if as yet undefined , potentialities inherent in the souls of all our children .
- `` Progressive education '' -LRB- 0 as it was once called *-1 *T*-2 -RRB- is far more interesting and agreeable to teachers than is *?* [rel disciplined] [ARG1 instruction] .
- Paul Kleinaitis , an analyst at Duff & Phelps , says , `` [ARGM-ADV Even though they have borrowing power] , [ARG1 they] have been [rel disciplined] *-1 about [ARG2-about acquisitions] . ''
- And [ARG0 security authority Robert L. Duston] favors * [rel disciplining] [ARG1 all employees who *T*-1 cheat] .
- He considered himself intellectually superior to his Peruvian peers , many of whom *T*-1 were wayward sons sent * by their well-off families to the [ARGM-EXT highly] [rel disciplined] , French-modeled [ARG1 academy] as a sort of reform school .
- Merc officials said 0 [ARG1 Gary N. Roberts] was [rel disciplined] *-1 [ARGM-TMP following the exchange 's investigation of his trading in several commodities pits from July to November 1988] .
- But many of them can be quite profoundly reoriented *-1 by productive and [rel disciplined] [ARG1 service] .
- At last night 's rally , they called on [ARG1 their followers] * to be firm , yet [rel disciplined] , [ARGM-MNR in their opposition to apartheid] .
- `` We want * to see Nelson Mandela and all our comrades out of prison , and if [ARG1 we] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel disciplined] *-1 we may not see them here with us .