frames- Mr. Hammond worries that [ARG0 old age and the flightiness of youth] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel diminish] [ARG1 the ranks of the East Anglian group that *T*-223 keeps the Aslacton bells pealing] .
- The department would be required *-1 to block the buy-out if the acquisition is likely *-2 to financially weaken a carrier so that safety would be impaired *-27 ; [ARG1 its ability * to compete] [ARGM-MOD would] be [ARGM-MNR sharply] [rel diminished] *-3 ; it would be put *-28 into foreign control ; or if the transaction would result in the sale of airline-related assets -- unless * selling such assets had an overriding public benefit .
- Recently , Drexel circulated a private financial statement *ICH*-1 among several securities firms showing that [ARG1 its earnings performance] has [rel diminished] [ARGM-TMP this year] from [ARG3-from previous years] .
- `` But the Filipinos and the Americans , when I talk to them *T*-1 , there 's so much passion about [ARG1 Filipino manhood] being [rel diminished] * [ARGM-CAU as a result of * being squatted upon * by the Americans] and so on .
- In * following several other oil and gas partnerships that *T*-1 have made the conversion to a corporation in the last year , NRM also noted that [ARG1 tax advantages for partnerships] have [rel diminished] [ARGM-LOC under new tax laws] and said 0 it would save $ 2 million *U* a year in administrative costs from the change .
- [ARG1 The 1989 Series] , disrupted * by a devastating earthquake and [rel diminished] * [ARGM-ADV in national interest] [ARGM-CAU because both teams came from the San Francisco Bay area] , is likely *-2 to end up as the lowest-rated Series of this decade and probably since the event has been broadcast *-1 .
- A ministry official said 0 the growth leads to the conclusion 0 [ARG1 the adverse effects of a consumption tax introduced * in April] have [rel diminished] .
- [ARG0 Devastation from Hurricane Hugo , which *T*-1 slammed into the Southeast coast in late September ,] [rel diminished] [ARG1 personal income] by [ARG2-by about $ 4 billion *U*] , the department said 0 *T*-2 , but it called the effect on the roughly $ 5 trillion *U* economy `` negligible . ''
- `` [ARG1 The power of price as an appeal , which *T*-1 was very considerable in * driving traffic in March and April ,] has [rel diminished] , '' says George Rosenbaum , president of Shapiro & Associates .
- Such preferences persist even though many Americans believe 0 [ARG1 differences between imported and domestic cars] are [rel diminishing] .
- `` The problem with this administration , I think 0 *T*-1 , is that [ARGM-ADV by design] [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-EXT greatly] [rel diminished] , [ARGM-ADV both in a physical sense and in a procedural sense] , [ARG1 the role of the NSC] . ''
- Charles Lieberman , managing director of financial markets reasearch at Manufacturers Hanover Securities Corp. , New York , said 0 Hurrican Hugo shaved 0.1 % to 0.2 % *U* from personal-income growth , because of [ARGM-EXT greatly] [rel diminished] [ARG1 rental] income from tourism .
- [ARGM-DIS Second] , [ARG1 the $ 5,760 *U* 0 I 'd get *T*-3 back] would be [ARGM-EXT much] [rel diminished] *-1 [ARGM-ADV in purchasing power] by [ARG0-by 10 years of inflation] ; Amex , not I , would get the benefit of the investment income on my money , income that *T*-2 would have exceeded the inflation rate and thus given the company a real profit .
- The company has begun *-3 offering shots of [ARG0 gamma globulin] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel diminish] [ARG1 the flu-like symptoms of hepatitis A] , [ARGM-LOC in anyone who *T*-2 has contracted the disease] , Mr. Mattausch said 0 *T*-4 .
- [ARGM-TMP After that] , [ARG1 the federal share] [rel diminishes] .
- Says *ICH*-2 Clayt Wilhite , president of the D'Arcy Masius ad agency 's U.S. division , `` [ARGM-TMP Every time 0 24 hours pass without any advertising reinforcement *T*-1] , [ARG1 brand loyalty] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel diminish] [ARG2-EXT ever so slightly] -- [ARGM-ADV even for a powerful brand like Budweiser] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS Rather] , [ARG1 lines] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel diminish] [ARGM-CAU because at higher prices many victims could not afford necessities such as food and medical supplies] .
- At the moment gold traders are n't concerned about inflation , he said *T*-1 , and as for the dollar , `` [ARG1 gold 's association with the currency] has been [rel diminishing] [ARGM-TMP recently] so drops in the currency are n't having much impact on gold . ''
- The board added that McCaw would be able *-2 to control LIN 's operations and could , `` therefore , operate LIN in [ARG0 a manner] which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel diminish] [ARG1 its private market value and attractiveness to a third-party purchaser] [ARGM-TMP in five years] . ''
- He also feels that [ARG0 the rise of such computer-based practices as program trading] has [rel diminished] [ARG1 the stock market 's relevancy to the economic outlook] .
- `` There 's no evidence that [ARG1 the Soviet program 0 *T*-2 to -LRB- illegally -RRB- acquire Western technology] has [rel diminished] , '' said *T*-1 a State Department spokesman .
- [ARG0 A consortium bid] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARGM-MOD would] [rel diminish] [ARG1 GEC 's direct role in Ferranti] and might consequently appease ministry officials .
- Robert D. Cardillo , Avis vice president of marketing , said , 0 `` [ARG0 The proliferation and costs attached * to -LCB- frequent-flier programs -RCB-] have [ARGM-MNR significantly] [rel diminished] [ARG1 their value] . ''
- That was n't the case in 1987 , when the dollar was so weak that some economists and government officials seriously worried that it might collapse , [ARG0 *] producing panic among foreign investors and [rel diminishing] [ARG1 the flow of foreign capital to the U.S.] *T*-1 .
- Thus PASOK heads for the polls not only with [rel diminished] [ARG1 scandal-stench] , but also with `` seals of approval '' from representatives of its harshest accusers .