frames- The offer , which *T*-2 was due *-3 to expire yesterday , is conditional on 50.1 % of Dunkin' common shares , on a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 basis] , being tendered *-1 and on the withdrawal of the company 's poison pill rights plan .
- Note : [ARG1 All per-share figures] are [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] .
- Mr. Hahn said 0 Georgia-Pacific has accounted in its strategy for a `` significant downturn '' in the pulp and paper industry , [ARG0 an event] that he said 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-TMP temporarily] [rel dilute] [ARG1 earnings] .
- Chugai agreed *-1 to pay $ 6.25 *U* a share for Gen-Probe 's 17.6 million common shares outstanding on a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 basis] .
- Some had predicted earnings of more than $ 4 *U* a share for this year , up from [ARGM-TMP last year 's] [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 $] 3.27 *U* a share on earnings of $ 680.6 million *U* .
- But the company said Friday that it had losses of $ 673.3 million *U* through the first nine months , compared with earnings a year earlier of $ 382.2 million *U* , or [ARG1 $ 2.22 *U*] a share [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] , as revenue inched up 1.4 % to $ 7.13 billion *U* from $ 7.03 billion *U* .
- William O. McCoy , president of the company 's BellSouth Enterprises Inc. unit , said 0 [ARG0 the revised agreement with LIN] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel dilute] [ARG1 BellSouth earnings] by [ARG2-by about 9 %] [ARGM-TMP in both 1990 and 1991] and by significantly less thereafter .
- What *T*-1 miffed many USX executives and shareholders was that [ARG0 the acquisition , for $ 3 billion *U* of stock ,] doubled the USX shares outstanding and [ARGM-EXT considerably] [rel diluted] [ARG1 them] .
- HomeFed Corp. said 0 third-quarter net income slid 14 % to $ 23.9 million *U* , or $ 1.10 *U* per [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 share] , from $ 27.9 million *U* , or $ 1.21 *U* a fully diluted share , because of increased bad assets and unexpected trouble in * unloading foreclosed property .
- HomeFed Corp. said 0 third-quarter net income slid 14 % to $ 23.9 million *U* , or $ 1.10 *U* per fully diluted share , from $ 27.9 million *U* , or $ 1.21 *U* a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 share] , because of increased bad assets and unexpected trouble in * unloading foreclosed property .
- For the nine months , HomeFed earned $ 82.5 million *U* , or $ 3.52 *U* a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 share] , a 4.3 % increase from year-earlier net income of $ 79.1 million *U* , or $ 3.43 *U* a fully diluted share .
- For the nine months , HomeFed earned $ 82.5 million *U* , or $ 3.52 *U* a fully diluted share , a 4.3 % increase from year-earlier net income of $ 79.1 million *U* , or $ 3.43 *U* a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 share] .
- Analysts had been projecting [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 earnings] in the third quarter in the range of about $ 1.30 *U* a share .
- [ARG1 A majority stake in Paxus currently held * by NZI Corp.] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel diluted] *-1 to [ARG4-to slightly less than 50 %] [ARGM-TMP after IBM acquires its interest] .
- Color Systems Technology Inc. , Los Angeles , said 0 its major creditor , General Electric Pension Trust , agreed *-1 to convert $ 11.8 million *U* of debt owed * into 25 % of Color System 's [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 common] stock .
- The agreement also calls for General Electric Pension , a unit of General Electric Co. , to receive as much as 10 % of Color Systems ' [ARGM-MNR fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 common] stock , depending on the proceeds from the sale of the AEI Film Library and its receivables .
- Mr. Williams said 0 the exercise price is $ 125 *U* , *-1 meaning 0 holders would have the right * to buy $ 250 *U* of Rubbermaid stock for half price , [ARG0 *] [rel diluting] [ARG1 the investor 's 25 % stake] .
- The trust , which *T*-1 owns 80 % of Manville 's stock on a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 basis] , is a separate legal entity that *T*-2 is settling claims with asbestos victims .
- That possibility had crept closer as [ARG0 repeated new share offerings 0 *T*-1 to finance Trelleborg 's rapid growth] [ARGM-MNR steadily] [rel diluted] [ARG1 the foundation 's holding] .
- UAL currently has [ARG1 22.6 million shares] , [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] * .
- The company previously said that [ARG0 the recent acquisition of Mobile Communications Corp. of America] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel dilute] [ARG1 1989 earnings] by [ARG2-by about 3 %] .
- Profit after taxes and minority interests but before extraordinary items increased 22 % to # 92.6 million *U* from # 75.6 million *U* a year earlier , while [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 earnings] per share rose to 29.90 pence -LRB- 47 cents -RRB- from 24.68 pence -LRB- 39 cents -RRB- .
- [ARG0 That acquisition] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-ADV further] [rel dilute] [ARG1 earnings per share] [ARGM-TMP this year] , the company spokeswoman said 0 *T*-1 .
- U.S. Banknote said that as of Oct. 13 , 16.1 million shares , or about 84.3 % of the [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 shares] outstanding , had been tendered *-1 .
- Including the stake 0 DIG already held *T*-1 , DIG holds a total of about 25 % of Di Giorgio 's shares on a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel diluted] [ARG1 basis] .
- The eventual court decision could become a landmark in Dutch corporate law because the lawsuit 0 ASKO plans *-1 to file *T*-2 would be the first 0 *T*-3 to challenge the entire principle and practice of [ARG0 companies] issuing voting preferred shares to management-controlled trusts *-4 to [rel dilute] [ARG1 voting power of common stockholders] .
- ASKO says 0 [ARG0 the Dutch-based international food retailer] had n't reasonable grounds 0 * to issue preferred stock to a friendly trust *T*-1 and [ARGM-ADV thus] [rel dilute] [ARG1 the worth and voting power of ASKO and other shareholders] .