frames- [ARG0 CORPORATE DOWNSIZING] [rel digs] [ARGM-MNR deeper] .
- `` If you can use data *-4 to reconstruct what *T*-2 happened in the past , you have much more confidence in predictions for the future , '' said *T*-5 [ARG0 Lonnie Thompson] , a research scientist at Ohio State who *T*-3 [rel dug] for [ARG1-for *RNR*-1] and analyzed *RNR*-1 the ice samples .
- `` [ARG0 He] [rel digs] [ARGM-LOC in the sand] [ARGM-ADV instead of *-1 hitting the ball] , [ARGM-MNR like a farmer] , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Yoneyama .
- [ARG0 They] just keep *-1 [rel digging] [ARG1 me] [ARGM-DIR in] [ARGM-ADV deeper] [ARGM-TMP until I reach the point where I give up and go away] . ''